VF5 Jeffry Thread

Discussion in 'Jeffry' started by ice-9, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    My source is the awesome VF5memo and VFBBS. Even though I don't know Japanese, my knowledge of Babelfish, VF experience, and VF5 location test clips could be enough to come up with a decent translation.

    So far my feelings for VF5 Jeffry are a little mixed. I like that he looks big and like a brute, and while he overall looks more stylish he somehow seems more generic as a package with his new punching strings. But maybe I'll change my mind when I play him--he'll definitely be in my regular rotation.


    The second punch is a high attack and the third punch is a middle attack. If the third punch counters you can go for a combo. Note that VF4's [P][P] (where the second hit is a middle blow that can go into Threat stance) is now accessed by [P][6][P].

    [P][6][P] is similar as VF4's [P][P] and I assume Jeffry can still go into threat stance. However now he has a third that knocks down on normal hit and is similar to the second hit in [4][K][P]. The hook is guaranteed if the body blow connects.

    No longer the bottle cut attack in VF4 (noooooooooooooo!!!). A middle attack and turns opponent to side on hit. At least half-circular but not clear if full circular.

    [6][4][P], [K]
    A kick cancels the [6][4][P] animation. The kick is extremely long range, hits middle, and will stagger crouching opponents (?).

    A jump kick that staggers opponents on block? High attack?

    [2][P]+[K] is similar as it was in VF4, and the follow-up [K] is a knee middle attack. Delay is possible. This move looks like Marduk's elbow knee.

    All four attacks are middle. The first two hits are jabs, the third an uppercut, and fourth is a two-handed attack that looks similar to the second hit in [4][3][P][P]. The third and fourth will knock down on normal hit, so if the third hit connects the fourth is guaranteed. All hits can be delayed.

    High attack that causes the opponent to turn to his back. Is this Jeffry's replacement for the bottle cut? VF5memo asks whether this move is half-circular.

    Two handed overhead attack similar to Akira's [2][1][4][P]+[K]. It knocks down on hit, but will crumple if opponents are in a wall stun. It causes guard stagger but has very short range. It can be used in a combo: [4][6][P] > [6][4][P]+[K] > [P][P][P].

    High sweep kick that causes the opponent to his side. May or may not be full/half-circular.

    A new throw where Jeffry lifts up the opponent and then knees/kicks him in the face. Takes about 60 points damage.


    Punch counterable on guard.

    Gone, replaced by a new skill.


    Reanimated; the second [K] looks like a knee and presumably TKOD is not available any more. Also seems to take less damage than in VF4.

    [2][K] (counter) [2][3][6][P]+[G]
    Reanimated. Instead of a splash mountain animation you get the backbreaker.

    Reanimated, and now with less range.

    Gone, replaced by a new skill.

    Reanimated. Jeffry lifts his opponent on the side and while doing a short turn slams the opponent into the ground. Takes similar damage as before.

    VF4 FT's 270f [P]+[G]
    Command changed to [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G]. Still basically the same throw but reanimated.

    Side throw
    Reanimated. The throw you saw in early promo clips and pictures.

    While opponent in air [9][P]+[G]
    Reanimated to a power bomb when the opponent is facing up.

    From Threat Stance, [P]+[G]
    The distance of Jeffry's catch throw from threat stance has increased substantially to the point it works based on the distance at the start of the round.


    [6][P]+[K] (close distance) > [2][P] > [6][6][P][P]

    [6][P]+[K] (close distance) > [2][P] > [4][3][P]+[K] > air throw; seems to be closed stance only.

    [3][3][P] or knee or [4][6][6][P]+[K] > [P] > [P] > [4][3][P]+[K] > air throw

    [4][6][P] > [6][4][P]+[K] > [P][P][P]

    SE (wall hit) > [4][3][P]+[K] (wall splat) > [6][4][P]+[K] > [P][P][P] > pounce

    [4][P]+[G] (wall hit) > air throw
  2. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:

    VF4's 270f [P]+[G]
    Command changed to [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G].

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What? Maybe this is his new throw after all (which was believed to be of 4). That doesn't make sense anyways (what 3/4 throw??).

  3. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I've seen the [2]+[P]+[K][K] in a couple of clips, and it looks just like Marduk's drop elbow -> knee. I've wondering if this'll be a good combo ender? perhaps they'd be able to TR the [K] if the fist hit slams?

    Alex was saying at E3 that the Toe Kick -> Splash Mountain's animation has changed to Toe Kick -> Backbreaker.

    Jeffry definately seems stronger atm.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    I should have clarified...in VF4 and Evo, the command was [4][6][6][P]+[G] but in FT it was changed to 270f [P]+[G]. Now it's simply [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[G]. That said I notice the new throw (lift, kick in the face) looks like it takes 60-65 points, so maybe it is the replacement for his VF4 throw. That would be sad if that was the case.

    The "270f" is my notation for 270 degree forward, or [8][7][4][1][2][3][6] and [2][1][4][7][8][9][6]. Phew, that was a lot to type!
  5. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    What I will wrote here is based on my VF5 expirience I made on E3. Jeff is my main and I play like 30 matches with him there. On other hand I cannto test a lot of things there simply because my opponents where trying to win and they where not so cooperative because of this /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    About f,b+P. I use this move few times and I am nearly sure it is minimally half-circle; but about full-circle I am more that sceptical.

    From P,P,P string (last hit as MC) I cannot connect even d+K+G there, if my opponent TR. I cannot imagine any combo possibilities there in other case that AM2 re-design this move from that time.

    b+P+G is still the same in terms of usage - minimally in E3 version it does takes no damage during initial phase; it takes damage only if opponent faild to TR it

    I am sure that Jeffry have one mid-hitting move made through P+K plus something. i do it once accidentally. It is linear, both-hand attack, probably MID, where he strike with his both hands from up to opponents head. Leads to same crumple as b,f+P.

    And I am sure that Jeff have another 4-hits string besides P,P,b+P,P. I am not sure about input, but it loos like more sweeping f,f+P,P (but made about 0,5 meter higher that real f,f+P,P) followed by b,df+P,P. I am nearly sure it is df+P+K,P,P,P (really, even VF5memo say it is 4-hit string, not3-hit as you postet above).

    And his threat stance throw have about 2-times longer reach that it's VF4FT version.

    About my Jeffry feeling. I like him - he looks like more complex character that he was. I anjoy to play him. And his df,df+P+G animation is about half-time quicker - hurray!

    Edit - I just found new 3-hit punch string in one Jeff clip. I post it + all that new strings and moves pics her elately

    Edit2 - it looks like Jeff have his FT P,f+P, but he can continue with one more P there.

    Edit3 - the new throw definitelly IS NOT a string from b+P+G.
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    I take pictures of all new and reanimated Jeff's moves I can find and I put them online in the similar way like VF5memo have them. You can find them here.

    You can easily see the diffrence already in initial phase of b+P+G throw and that new one. I still hope it will be something like HCB+P+G or 270-b+P+G, but... We will see.
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Unicorn thanks for your edits, additions, and pictures!! Very helpful and I've updated the first page with them, uber thanks.

    I agree with you that Jeffry looks more interesting now, but in a way that's bad for me because I had liked Jeffry before for his simplicity. I.e. when Goh's learning curve gets in the way or if the opponent starts whining about Kage or if the joystick isn't very good...that's when I pick Jeffry. Now he seems more difficult to play, but potentially more powerful.
  8. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    By the way, from the clips I just watch is clear that f,b+P,K is MID and staggers heavily standing opponent if blocekd
  9. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Nice effort Unicorn. Thumbs up \o/

  10. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    In one of today's new vids (Akira vs Jeffry - up0056.wmv) you can see slightly re-animated Jeffs old F-throw (EVO b,f,f / FT 270-f throw). It means that new lift-up-throw-down-knee-into-face throw definitelly is NOT just re-animated version of this throw. This let me still hope it can be something with B escape...
  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member


    This is a pretty decent Jeffry clip, check it out.

    Few things to note:

    [6][4][P] (or is it [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[K]? I think it's the former). On hit, Aoi is turned to her side and Jeffry gets a nitaku situation. In the clip he chose to go for a side throw. Honestly though I don't see how this move is going to be that useful, unless it's full circular and/or it heavily staggers opponents on block and is middle. Jeffry also does [6][4][P], [K] which is a huge long-range knock-down kick. Not sure how useful this is though unless it's to discourage opponents from dashing backwards once they see the initial [6][4][P] animation. Here's hoping [6][4][P] is actually full/half circular. I'll update the first post once I get more confirmed info.

    Also, check out that massive combo that Jeffry inflicts on poor old Aoi. [4][6][6][P]+[K] (counter, Aoi) > [P] > [P] > [4][3][P]+[K] > [9][P]+[G] = at leat half life.

    One last interesting thing about the clip is the contrast in Aoi and Jeffry. Look at Aoi...clean, pretty, traditional, dressed in fine, expensive clothes, goody two shoes...and then Jeffry...dirty, ugly, distinctive dress to put it kindly, cheap ass, crass looking. Awesome.
  12. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:

    One last interesting thing about the clip is the contrast in Aoi and Jeffry. Look at Aoi...clean, pretty, traditional, dressed in fine, expensive clothes, goody two shoes...and then Jeffry...dirty, ugly, distinctive dress to put it kindly, cheap ass, crass looking. Awesome.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    thats because he is - *muted by myke before another one of those kind of threads starts up*
  13. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    I'd like to post a complaint about somebody else complaining that somebody else complains too much. I'd also like to say racist to the guy calling somebody a racist but maybe that guy was kidding and then made a racist remark himself but then maybe he was kidding... but maybe I'm racist, I'm 1/3 black, 1/3 white and 1/3 hispanic, I hate myself! I'm so confused...
    um, I thought that would be funny... /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
    Good night.
  14. Vith_Dos

    Vith_Dos Well-Known Member

    totally a referrence to an earlier thread and has nothing to do with a negative connotation associated with his skin. More a negative connotation on AM2's choice on making ethnic characters a certain way. Tho thats another conversation for another locked thread.

    Meanwhile back at the batcave. Holy whopping combo damage, over half dmg on aoi? I wonder how high up the weight classes that combo goes. I may have to play Jeff in VF5 rather than Akira, His moves look even more brutal than before .
  15. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Yeah this is MY Jeffry thread that I painstakingly translated, so would appreciate it if you guys focus the discussion on gameplay. Use the General forum or Versus City if you want to extend the racism/stereotyping discussion. /versus/images/graemlins/mad.gif
  16. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    [ QUOTE ]
    ice-9 said:


    Also, check out that massive combo that Jeffry inflicts on poor old Aoi. [4][6][6][P]+[K] (counter, Aoi) > [P] > [P] > [4][3][P]+[K] > [9][P]+[G] = at leat half life.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I just wish to comment this juggle a little. Against Aoi, Jeffry can take 94 dmg from [3][3]+[P] or [4][6][6]+[P]+[K] starters on MC in Evo.

    I think they mybe made [4][6][6]+[P]+[K] a little stronger in terms of damage in VF5, so this can be because of this - or he just can do some more damage from this starter now. But...

    Jeffry newer have a problem do deal a awesome large damage to small characters. With large characters it is harder. But superb damaging combos are really nothing new for him (like 108 damage from [1]+[P]+[G] into wall from distance or 143 in the same situation if you use LOW throw properly). AFAIK he ever was one of most damaging characters in VF...
  17. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    Are we even certain the combo is guaranteed? AM2 made things like head-over-heels knockdowns techable in VF5, and slams have been techable since Evo. Bouncing slams like [4][3][P]+[K] may well be the same.
  18. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    HK-VF.net presents 9 Jeffrys vids today, check them out /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif

    0:39 - that is some HITthrow from 2nd punch of [P]+[K][P]? Newer saw it before.
    1:17 - [1]+[P]+[G] into wall - and into (looks like guaranteed from some distance?) [4][3]+[P]+[K]
  19. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    0:39 - that is some HITthrow from 2nd punch of +? Newer saw it before.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  20. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    HItthrow of P+K, P (MC) is from FT.


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