VF5 R.E.V.O Changes

Discussion in 'Brad' started by JKTwice, Dec 13, 2024.

  1. JKTwice

    JKTwice Well-Known Member

    Brad didn't get many immediately noticeable changes... that being said he did get some.

    Move List
    • Long Ducking: It's back. Seems mostly unchanged from VF5 Vanilla in terms of function.
    • Long Ducking K+G: Knee-class float. -10 on block.
    • Long Ducking P+K: Similar to Sway Back P+K. +15 on block. Knock back on hit and CH.
    • Long Ducking PPP: A 3-hit string all high string that knocks down on the last hit into a small float. -3 -6 -6 for each hit on block.
    • Long Ducking KK: A 2-hit mid mid string that knee-class floats on the last hit. -6 -16 for each hit on block.
    • New throw: 44P+G - Change returns from VF5 Vanilla! Brad now has access to a ring out throw without needing ducking! Works SIMILARLY to ducking clinch 4P+G, but provides more advantage in non-wall situations (+12 advantage vs +11 for ducking 4P+G).
    Balance Changes
    • 6P+G no longer guarantees down attack on hit. Does 50 damage now (from 35).
    • P+KP now does 12 damage (from 17).
    • P+KPP has "the hit effect of the attack has been changed, allowing for follow-up attacks." (?)
    • P+KP4P has its hit box extended. (finally)
    • 6KP now +4 on hit (from +1). +6 on counter hit (key change!)
    • Ducking P+KP is now -16 from -13 on guard.
    • 2P+KPP is now -8 from -9 on guard.
    • 2P+K6P is now -10 from -9 on guard (key change!). If opponent is hit when staggered they will be knocked down now guaranteed. (key change! Make sure you confirm this!)
    • 46P+G (Wall) does 60 damage (from 55)
    • 4P+G does 55 damage (from 50)
    • 46P+G damage increased to 50 (from 45). Remaining ground hit is now 5 damage (from 10) (?).
    • Ducking P+G animation is now shorter, making it easier to duck attacks.
    • Jumping P (both versions) are now -10 (from -6)
    • More to come
    New Tech
    • 6PK is now +4 on hit which means it will stuff mashing using any of Brad's ducking follow ups, slipping P and slipping K. (Credit to Bastian/polymoore on VF Discord)
    • Some combos will work on Taka whereas before they only worked on the heavyweights (6K~6P+K~KPK).
    • Side turn Brad game has been strengthened due to the 6PK buff. It is +7 on hit which will guarantee slipping K on normal hit in that situation. This is currently (as of 1/2/2025) the best option for Brad on Side Turn (Credit to Razinoff).

    Brad barely got nerfed. His striking abilities have decreased in certain areas, but he now has better access to wackier and niche options than before. His throw game has benefitted the most by having a back throw that has the potential to ring out and guarantees some oki (as 3P+KP is guaranteed). Due to the Slipping P+K P nerf you are also more incentivized to hit check this move which I personally like. 2P+K6P received a similar change, making it throw punishable but now it is more hit checkable on stagger, incentivizing players to use it to beat crouching opponents.

    The 6PK buff is turning out to be very strong for Brad. It has the frame data of 4K whilst being up close so opponent will not get pushed out of some options. It's even better on Side Turn.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2025 at 3:41 PM
    Chanchai, b4k4 and Adio like this.
  2. fence

    fence New Member Silver Supporter

    44p+g is actually plus 12 and leaves them in a slightly different position, it doesn't work exactly like the catch throw version. One thing I've found is that after catch throw 6p+k gives a face down feet towards bound, while 44p+g 6p+k gives a face up head towards bound which lets you get more consistent combos.

    Also if you throw them to the wall, you can get 4k stagger guaranteed because of the extra frame.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2024
    Chanchai, Allstarj804 and DrVoltage like this.
  3. Razinoff

    Razinoff Active Member Content Manager Brad

    regarding 44P+G
    Unlike clinch 4P+G , which gives +11, 44P+G gives +12.
    This means unguardable 17f moves are available, provided they reach.

    This is important because if you bring them close to the wall (without a wall hit) with 44P+G you can now do a 4K wall stagger into a full damage wall combo.
    (Depending on the distances, 6K+G also works but 4K is better overall, consistency and damage wise)
    Chanchai and DrVoltage like this.
  4. JKTwice

    JKTwice Well-Known Member

    I've edited the post to reflect this, thank you. I saw some tech fence was doing and wondered why that could be.
  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Messing around in dojo a little with Brad vs Taka

    6K+G, 6P+K, KPK works from now and it's stance free.
  6. Razinoff

    Razinoff Active Member Content Manager Brad

    So does 6P+K, KPK , which used to be a Wolf/Jeffry combo.
  7. Razinoff

    Razinoff Active Member Content Manager Brad

    The buff to 6KP now makes it so 6KPslipK (slipping toward opponent’s back) is a combo on Side Normal Hit, leading to at least 106 damage using the 3PP 9K ender.
    Could be the highest damage normal hit combo opportunity from the side.

    Edit: thus making it optimal mid stage after 3k backdash stun into OM? (140dmg universal combo except Taka)
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2024
    fence likes this.
  8. JKTwice

    JKTwice Well-Known Member

    Made further edits to incorporate y'all's recent findings + some VF Discord stuff.

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