VF5 Vanessa Thread

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by noodalls, Aug 10, 2006.

  1. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Article - VF5 Vanessa Combo List Tougeki Tamashi
    Author - Kurita
    Source -Myke
    Translation - Noodalls

    Vanessa with the many combo starters. Start with the basic combos, and then add variety.

    1. Defensive style (D) [1][K]+[G] [P] [3][K]
    2. D Counter hit [P][3][P] [6][P][K][K]
    3. D Minor counter or above [G]([8]or[2][P]) [2][P] [2_][3][P][P]+[K]+[G]
    4. D Minor counter or above [G]([8]or[2][P]) [P]+[K][P]+[K]+[G]
    5. D [3][P]+[K] [P]+[K][P] [P][P][P]+[K]+[G]
    6. D [2][K][P] [6][P][K][K]
    7. D [4][P]+[K][P] [2][P] [2_][3][P][P]+[K]+[G]
    8. D Side crumple (minor counter or above offensive move [K] etc.) [6][P][K][K]
    9. O Counter hit [3][P] [P] [6][P][K][K]
    10. O Counter hit [3][P] [6][P][P]+[K]+[G] [3][K]
    11. O 1st hit crouch guarded [6][6][K][P] [2][P] [6][P][P][K]
    12. Offensive style (O) Counter hit [P][3][P] [2][P] [3][K][P][P][P][P]+[K]+[G]
    13. O Counter hit [6_][K] [4][3][P]+[K] [6][P][P][K]
    14. O Counter hit [4][1][2][3][6][P]charge [2] [2][K][P][P]+[K]+[G]
    15. O [6][P]+[K] [2][P] [3][K][K]
    16. O [6][P]+[K] [2][P] [P]+[K][P]
    17. O [6][P]+[K] [4][6][P][P][P][K]
    18. O [6][P]+[K] [2][P] [6][6][K][P]
    19. O Intruder step [P] [4][6][P]+[K][P]
    20. O Counter hit While standing [K] [3][K][P]+[K]+[G]
    21. O Counter hit While standing [K] [4][K]+[G]hit[P]+[G]
    22. O Side crumple (Minor counter or above offensive move [K] etc.) [4][3][P]+[K] [6][P][P][K]

    Combo 1 will work irrespective of foot stance. If you can hit confirm it, in closed stance [P][P][P][K] and in open stance [6][P][K][K] will work on light and middle weights. On light weights [6][P][K][K] will work on light weights in either stance. Combo 2 works on all characters. Combo 3 uses the new moves. The [2][P] should be a little delayed to relaunch. If you do [2][P] [3][K] it will work on all characters. Combo 4 works on heavy weights and hte heavy middle weights.
    Combo 5 is the biggest damage combo from head crumple. Combo 6 works on light and middle weights in open stance. In closed stance switch to [6][P][3][K]. Combo 7 works on light weights in any stance. Against middle weights it will work in closed stance, but you can do [2][P] [3][K] to be sure. Combo 8 is the basic combo that works from side crumple.
    Combo 9 in open stance will work on most characters. In open stance use combo 10, and against characters that it won't work on use [3][K][K]. Combo 11 works when the first hit staggers the opponents.
    Combo 12 is from stomach crumple. Combo 13 works on all but Jeffrey. Against Jeffrey switch to [P][P][P][K]. Combo 13 uses the new move to give a foot crumple and combo from there.
    Combo 14-18 start with the [6][P]+[K] move. Against light weights in closed stance use 15, in open stance 16 is guaranteed. In open stance combo 17 works on most characters. At this tage combo 18 works in closed stance against only Vanessa and Blaze. If they fail to ukemi the slam hit, it is big damage.
    Combo 19 and 20 work on all characters. Combo 21 works against heavy weights in open stance only, so the conditions are strict, but the damage is very high.
    In combo 22 delay the execution of the [4][3][P]+[K]. Also, the hit is fairly unreliable, so you can go directly to [6][P][P][K] instead.
  2. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    Thanks so much!
  3. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    No [9][K], [9][P] or roll uppercut combos? /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  4. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    2006-8-24_21_59_SHUN_vs_VANESSA.wmv on HK-VF.tv

    Sega finally made [4][K]+[G] usable by making it into a beautiful hit throw /versus/images/graemlins/tear.gif /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Edit: please do not directly link to files on another site
  5. Tekkendero

    Tekkendero Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    Yes i am new here my quest in VF start in VF 4 & Evolution and my main char is Vanessa Lewis i want to know the new changes on her here is my questions

    1.The automatic counter with punches still there??

    2.[3][K]+[G] [6][P]+[K] have the sleeper hold???

    3[6]+[K] [6][P]+[K] have the sleeper hold??
  6. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    I saw them in the clips but they changed the animation
  7. Tekkendero

    Tekkendero Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    [ QUOTE ]
    Mister said:

    I saw them in the clips but they changed the animation

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeap her moves change it and the animation too i saw a lot of matches on youtube.com but i want to know the new updates on her
  8. scorpion

    scorpion Active Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    thank you!!!
  9. Tekkendero

    Tekkendero Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    Vanessa players?? anyone there??
  10. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    After about 600+ matches of VF5 Vanessa under my belt, I thought I'd take the liberty of writing some of my impressions. This might just end up being rambling or obvious stuff, but I have withdrawals from not being able to play the game so this is the closest I get :p

    Defensive stance is on the surface largely the same, but a few minor move additions and changes ave actually made it much stronger. The redesigned front sleeper hold, which was more or less useless in all versions of VF4 is now actually a really great and damaging move that ups Vanessa's nitaku in DS immensely. It's now a multi hitthrow, the command is [6][P]+[G][K] after [6][K] or [6][K]+[G] connects. If you don't do the [K] she will pull the opponent towards her leg and crack their neck. If you do the [K] right before she's about to snap their neck (strict timing) she will instead knee them in the stomach and net more hefty damage. I think both [6][K] and [6][K]+[G] requires counter hit now though for the hitthrow, although I'm not 100% on that one.

    Her new [6][P]+[K][P] is also a major blessing. It sabakis midpunches and elbows, has fantastic range and nets Van a slam combo regardless of hit type. [2][P] [2_][2][P][P]+[K][G] is the standard combo finisher. This move can also be used to punish sweeps on block and whiff punish from long range. It's counterable on block though.

    The evasive properties of [G][2] / [8][P] have been greatly lessened, even elbows and low punches can beat it now /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif it's also P counterable in both directions (in Evo/FT it was actually only lightweight P counterable when you did the version towards Van's front).

    [4][2][P]+[G] is a neat looking new throw that guarantees a light down attack afterwards, it seems do to about the same damage as [6][2][P]+[G] though, so I don't really get why they put this throw in there for other reasons then aesthetic ones. But as I said, it looks really neat compared to the goofy looking [6][2][P]+[G], so all hail!

    Her neutral stance punch inashi is completely redesigned and now requires quite fast reaction in order to capitalize (even faster then Jacky's), it doesn't have the same damage potential it had either right off the bat, but in turn you get some neat sidehit situations to work with.

    The bulk of Vanessa's changes and upgrades can be found in her Offensive Stance, which is now just packed with delicious moves.

    First off, her nitaku has great options. [6_][K] is at first glance back to it it's Evo glory, giving head collapse on all forms of counter hit again and even being more damaging before since you can use [4][3][P]+[K] to rebounce the opponent before adding [6][P][P][K], all in all it adds up to somewhere around 75 in damage. BUT! It has much larger recovery on block now (-5 at least) and it's riskier to use in situations less then +7 situations since at those situations a lot of players might try to fuzzy throws and if they duck this move they can do a 0f frame in return, so you have to react extremely quickly in that case. (BTW, this move still has G cancel, despite what you might have heard)

    [3][P] is her A2 move from FT (permanently replacing the 10 frame punch she had) which floats on counterhit, doesn't have as good damage potential as [6_][K], but it's pure mid and the exe time is the same as [6_][K] so it's a good option.

    [6][6][K] from Evo/FT is now [4][6][K], thus eliminating the 1f delay that it used to have, is also a great counter hit tool in some situations with the Takedown hit throw.

    [9][K] is a big meaty knee with a large hit area and executes at around 20 frames. It gives Vanessa a float combo on all forms of hit and is probably her most damaging move. I've seen it avoid lows in some instances as well, but I'm not too sure if it does this consistently. Common followup is [P],[6][P][P][K] but I'm not sure if that's the max damage option. You can rebounce with [4][3][P]+[K] but due to large recovery I didn't find any way to capitalize on it afterwards.

    The new [6][6][K] knee move causes stagger on crouchers and is a really fun addition to Vanessa's arsenal. [6][6][K][8] or [2][K] are half circular special high kicks that put your opponent sideturned in a heavy disadvantage. I saw Kurita forcing a lot of guessing games between throw and [6][K][K][P][P] here (if the first hit lands in the opponents side the entire string is guaranteed), and the damage potential here is huge. the slam hit from [6][K][K][P][P] is now TRable, so a heavy down is not guaranteed, but you can hit scan if the opponent succeeds with the TR or not. [6][6][K][P] nets you a combo opportunity if the first hit crouch staggers, however it puts you in disadvantage on normal hit and very small (if any advantage) on counterhit. You can also do [6][6][K][6][P]+[K] to cancel into Takedown rush. All in all, this is just a great new staple move in Offensive Stance since it's supersafe due to it's long followups, and there's a ton of flowcharts to be built around it with extreme damage potential.

    Now to the addition that really puts that extra touch of flash that really makes VF5 Vanessa shine: The Intruder Step (I'll call it IS from now on). You might have seen this in videos, it can be described somewhat as a forward advancing version of Jackys shuffle step. You can enter IS through different midkicks by pressing [6]

    There are four ways to enter it that I'm aware of:

    [1][P]+[K][K][6] (this move is basically the same as the last two in the [K][P][K] string)

    Doing the [6] will cancel the midkick into IS, from where you can initiate four different moves:

    [P] will knock the opponent down head over heels and you can combo with [4][6][P]+[K][P]

    [P][P]+[K]+[G] adds the familiar stance switch high punch that Vanessa got in FT, this move will keep them in the air for a float combo. It also gives you a +1 advantage if the move is blocked. The damage potential in just doing IS [P] seems better, but doing this one is obviously safer and it also has better for wall combos.

    [P]+[K] is basically the same as her new OS [9][P], a jump punch that avoids and crushes lows, I think it's special high

    [K] is animated as a roll, but is actually a kick attack that gives a pretty good crouch stagger, if you hit with [6][P][P]+[K]+[G] into the staggered opponent you can actually score a float combo if they don't struggle fast enough. This move is a great tool for pressuring tech rolling opponents and can also be used for weird urawamari stuff on downed opponents. It's also safe on guard as far as I can tell.

    [P]+[G] is a really cool catch throw that leads to Takedown. A lot of style points in this one.

    If you don't do anything Vanessa will just stop in her advance with surprisngly little recovery time, so just doing IS and canceling into a regular throw/attack is not a bad idea.

    Let's see....more....her [4][K]+[G] has been changed. It no longer puts her backturned and is now a hitthrow ([P]+[G] with strict timing) which seems to work on all kinds of hits, the damage is somewhere between 60 and 70.

    Her [P][K] is redesigned, it's now [P][K][P] string, which is high punch, mid knee, high (special?) punch. The first two are a natural combo, but the last one is never guaranteed to hit as far as I can tell. If it does counterhit you get a massive advantage. A really nice flowchart Kurita (namedrop) taught me was to do [P][K] and then OM [P] or [K] to the side. It worked remarkably well and often even on high level opponents.

    Well, all in all VF5 Vanessa seems almost complete, few things lacking (although this can be said about many characters now). She's a lot more fun to play now that DS actually has workable nitaku and Offensive Stance now has a ton of options and things to play with. I also liked that almost all of Vanessa's max damage combos seemed to involve stance switch moves, which will encourage play in both stances.
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    Nice, shame G4_8P doesn't evade too well, but now that 4K+G no longer goes to BT, what other ways does she have (other than jumping over a down opponent)? Not that I use BT that much in Evo...

    So I'm guessing her DS hit-throw isn't shakeable... ??? If so awesome.

    Is DS 43P+K unchanged?
    Also what is an A1/A2 move? Like Goh's FT 4P has two different stats.
    And least importantly:

    Why do so few people use her 2p costume? And does she have the tanner-skin item to make her skin darker again?

    Thanks for the info... lucky. I wish I could meet Kurita.
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sebo said:

    I wish I could meet Kurita.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He came to SoCal in 2004 for Evo2k4. Hopefully he'll come to Evo2k7 (which I'm guessing is going to be in Vegas) for VF5.
  13. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    [ QUOTE ]
    Plague said:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Sebo said:

    I wish I could meet Kurita.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    He came to SoCal in 2004 for Evo2k4. Hopefully he'll come to Evo2k7 (which I'm guessing is going to be in Vegas) for VF5.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Kurita is one cool cat.

    Evo2k7...I can smell the fresh blood already for vf5..and so it begins.:p
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    Oh god, I can't wait for next evo.
  15. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    Kinda off-topic:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Jeneric said:

    After about 600+ matches of VF5 Vanessa under my belt...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What's your winning % and rank? Just curious. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  16. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    [ QUOTE ]
    Nice, shame G4_8P doesn't evade too well, but now that 4K+G no longer goes to BT, what other ways does she have (other than jumping over a down opponent)? Not that I use BT that much in Evo...

    [/ QUOTE ]DS [4][K]+[G] is unchanged and puts her BT. Other then that she doesn't really have any.

    [ QUOTE ]
    So I'm guessing her DS hit-throw isn't shakeable... ??? If so awesome.

    [/ QUOTE ]Yup, it seems it's non escapable.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Is DS 43P+K unchanged?

    [/ QUOTE ]It has much larger recovery on both whiff and succesful sabaki. The opponent also get pushed back more so you have to dash before doing the [3][P]+[K] (which you had to do in Evo anyway to land it 100%)

    [ QUOTE ]
    Also what is an A1/A2 move? Like Goh's FT 4P has two different stats.

    [/ QUOTE ]In FT you could switch between two similar moves in the movelist through your VF.net account. This feature is gone in VF5.

    [ QUOTE ]
    And least importantly:

    Why do so few people use her 2p costume? And does she have the tanner-skin item to make her skin darker again?

    [/ QUOTE ]Don't know and yes.

    [ QUOTE ]
    What's your winning % and rank? Just curious. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]4th dan, 43%
  17. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    Awesome impressions!

    Vanessa lost her DS [4][K] right?
  18. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    [ QUOTE ]
    KTallguy said:

    Awesome impressions!

    Vanessa lost her DS [4][K] right?

    [/ QUOTE ]Yeah, it's just a basic midkick with not much to it now.
  19. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    [ QUOTE ]
    KTallguy said:

    Awesome impressions!

    Vanessa lost her DS [4][K] right?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Forgive my ignorance, but how does one use that move? It steps back a bit (negates block frames?), so it has some evasive props, it causes stumble... but the speed.

    How do you guys use it? Throw in her 8K (MDK) too.
  20. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 Vanessa

    8K is pretty useless as far as I can tell. I never use it.

    4K is very safe and useful for opening the round against an aggressive opponent. It has really nice range and priority and the stagger lets you force basic nitaku.

    Too bad it's gone.

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