VF5FS Arcade parts - what are they exactly?

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by KIYOSHO, Jun 12, 2012.


    KIYOSHO Member

    Hi all. I've been enjoying VF5 FS a lot over the last three days, playing nearly 4+ hours each time [​IMG]. Anyway, I am using a Madcatz TE stick with it which is great but as I would like to main VF now, I was thinking of changing the parts in the stick to the ones used in the actual VF5 FS arcade cabinet. Primarily, I want a stick that has shorter travel. I main Akira and trying to pull off the True Dragon Lance consistently seems to be an issue with me. I have to consciously think while doing it to move the stick all the way left and a double right for the final part of the combo. Its not so bad but when playing competitively, it can get annoying when I just get the basic dragon lance.
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    They use the same parts in the TE stick, Sanwa parts. The layout of the buttons are a tad different though.
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, Lindenberg cabinets use Sanwa sticks and buttons. The same parts that are inside TE sticks.

    Of course Sanwa make different sticks types, I don't know the specific models for either but they wouldn't be far off.

    To perfect Akira's true DLC you will just have to practice more. [​IMG]
  4. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    I'm told by several sources they actually use Seimitsu sticks. LS-32. Which makes sense - Seimitsus in general are better suited to the quick taps VF motions require.

    I highly recommend Seimitsu LS-56-01 and LS-58. Their throw distances are among the shortest out there, making quick tapping motions a breeze - a boon for VF. My next custom is getting a LS-58.
  5. Yuki-sensei

    Yuki-sensei Well-Known Member

    Even Sega's own VSHG uses that,or the modern equivalent to it. so those are generally preferable over the Sanwa's.
  6. ajs_

    ajs_ Well-Known Member

    Hmm, that's pretty different from what I've read and experienced. When the arcades I went to used Seimitsu sticks it was always for 2D games like SF3:3S and Super Turbo and they were always LS-32's. I thought Sanwa's are/were generally used for 3D games because the angles feel wider? Though, I've only played VF and Tekken in smaller JP arcades that tended to use Sanwas for most all of their machines.

    Random tangent but BTW, sick Vanessa at Wed. Night Fights a couple weeks back.

    If by that you mean Seimitsu sticks, then no, the VSHG uses all Sanwa parts. I've owned/worked on 3 different ones including one each from the first two revisions and they're always stocked with Sanwa parts. Here's a link to MarkMan's site where he first reviewed the VSHG for confirmation. If you don't know MarkMan, he's the guy who helped design the TE for MadCatz and is the reason they're so well known for their arcade sticks.

  7. dkn29

    dkn29 Member

    When I played on the cabs at PAX, it definitely felt like a Sanwa JLF stick with the regular Sanwa buttons (the same stuff on the TE). However, I have not been to Japan and could not confirm what type of stick is used in their cabs. Of course any arcade operator could essentially put in any stick that would fit in the Lindbergh cab.
  8. Kikimaru

    Kikimaru Well-Known Member

    Over time, any player will get used to fighting on any type of stick.

    Yes, even Happ/iL.
  9. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    The difference between the feel of a sanwa and seimitsu stick is stated about everywhere, but could you elaborate a bit on the difference between the different Seimitsu sticks for VF?

    What makes you pick the LS-58 over the -32 & -56-01?
  10. Kikimaru

    Kikimaru Well-Known Member

    LS-32 is a good stick, PROVIDED you can get used to the annoying design issues of its pivot (if you push too far, it "pops" up) and it doesn't come with a shaft cover.

    LS-58 is a revision of LS-56, and comes with cool metal or clear shaft cover & bubble top as standard. LS-56/58 also have the best octo-gate around (beats Sanwa JLF octo easy)
  11. Player_1

    Player_1 Well-Known Member

    and the LS-58 has a slightly lighter spring apparently, even more choice in the margins [​IMG]

    thx for the insight between the LS-32 & 56/58, gonna give the 56or58 a go since the loose feel of a JLF doesn't exactly always matches my -AHUM- precise input ;/....& then there's the new hayabusa as well :p curious to hear how that one feels in comparison to seimitsu for VF specifically
  12. FuryofFrog

    FuryofFrog Member

    My personally preference is my LS-33 with an LS-55 spring. The tension is absolutely beautiful. I do have 1 stick with a 58 in it. Its a nice stick but it requires you to be very meticulous about your inputs. For some reason its difficult for me to backdash with the 58.
  13. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Only happens when I put LS-32 in a Madcatz or a stick with similar mounting plates. In my custom stick, my old Hori RAP and my modded VSHG that never happens.

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