VF5FS Brad: Now With More Shoo Shoo!

Discussion in 'Brad' started by Libertine, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I've decided that there's been enough footage of Brad in Final Showdown for a thread about his changes. Let's look into what Sega has done with our pugilistic Lothario.


    Brad opens up with what appears to be his former Ducking [K][+][G]. It is performed without entering into a stance, and did 37 damage on CH.

    After that, Brad performs a roundhouse kick from a leap back which whiffs.

    Brad ends the round with what appeared to be Phasing Turn [P][+][K], only he didn't enter a stance to do it.

    Later on, Brad performs a double jab attack similar to Tekken Steve's 1,1, only he was able to enter into a stance from it.

    Next he performs a dual uppercut launcher similar to his old [3][3][P][P]. Only the second hit connected in this video, and on a CH. Later it was guarded and was -16.

    Brad has gained a pushkick from Ducking. It is -4 on guard and +5 on what might have been a mC.

    Brad's special high kick was -5 on guard. It may be because it connected at a distance.

    His Smash Hook might be an elbow now, but slower.

    It looks like [3][P][P][+][K] strings together more quicky now.

    Brad performs a two punch series that looks like Tekken Steve's Weaving Left 1,1. The second hit launches, producing a flop. It seemed delayable.

    I'm not sure, but his sidekick might be -15 now.

    EDIT: That's the full circular mid guarded. Full circulars have a different animation on guard.

    I'll add more information when this text box decides to stop scrolling up on me. :p
  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I'll put some more information that I've gathered from vids without linking them, and worry about frame data later.

    Brad's Ducking elbow that avoided lows and launched has been nerfed. The launch is similar to that of Pai's kick where she can string her Swallow Kicks with. I've seen Brad get his double knee attack after it on Akira. I haven't seen evidence that he can do it from Ducking in FS. It wasn't performed from a stance. It's -2 on guard.

    I haven't seen Long Ducking or Phasing Turn.

    He seems to have a new stance entrance that's a knee to a jab.

    Brad seems like he's gained a four-hit string from Ducking. It hits h,h,m,sp.h. You can transition into a stance after the second and fourth punches.

    It looks like his old Sway Back [P][P][K]Hit or Guard[K] is performed from Slipping Left in FS, with the third hit being delayable.

    Brad's [4][P][+][G] does 50 damage.

    Rising Upper is -6 on guard.

    He might have a throw or catch throw from Ducking.

    More updates later.
  3. MuayThaiFighter

    MuayThaiFighter Well-Known Member

    I can't watch it?
  4. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    I've gathered info from a bunch of vids. Check out Reno's video thread stickied at the top for videos.
  5. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    If anybody wants to search for Brad vids on web sites, try using his name in katakana at the following link:


    In the meantime, there are some interesting things in this video:


    Namely, a new 55 damage throw which the opponent might not be able to tech, a new 50 damage throw which might have a guaranteed follow-up with a light down attack, and his clinch throw from Ducking. He had his Position Change move back which threw the opponent backwards, which allowed Brad to connect with [4][6][P][+][K] [9][K] for 47 damage.
  6. MuayThaiFighter

    MuayThaiFighter Well-Known Member

    Wish they had some VF5FS Brad video's where he wins =/
  7. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator


    Brad seems to circle his waist when moving into Slipping, so it's hard to tell which stance his Rajadamnan Combination was performed from. I said earlier that it was from Slipping Left, but I'm not completely sure. It's interesting to note that while all four hits landed, the combo counter read the last two kicks as a two-hit combo. This means that this four string is not a natural combo. The last hit when guarded later was -6.

    What I think might be Brad's Piercing Knee (Slipping Right [K]) was -7 on guard. I've seen it connect before, and it may have caused some sort of crumple or collapse on normal hit.

    The [1][P] from R remains intact, and does 69 damage in this video.

    Brad performed his clinch and threw his opponent behind him near a wall. He performed [4][6][K][+][G] which produced a wall stun. The throw leaves Brad at +12, but it might take 6 frames for the opponent to turn around and defend. That's why it may have connected.
  8. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Have Phasing Turn and Long Ducking been taken away?
  9. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I thought phasing turn is still there but he doesnt actually spin anymore... or something. Maybe these movements were made faster, like Sarahs stance transitions. I havent actually compared, it just looked like it.
  10. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Thanks for making this thread, Libertine. Awesome stuff [​IMG]
  11. 124

    124 Well-Known Member

    Of Course! Libertine is always doing it!! [​IMG] haha!
  12. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Here's a Brad vs Brad clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxNOQod0FLE

    0:26 = Brad can now perform what was Long Ducking: [K]+[G] from Ducking stance.

    0:33/2:00/2:34/2:39 = I think Ducking: [P][P] has been reanimated and now flops the opponent on the second hit.

    0:45 = Brad still has his [4][P]+[K] high elbow from R.

    0:46/1:34/2:24 = Brad has a 4 part punch combo from Ducking which looks like he can re-enter Ducking from afterwards (at least the second and forth hits) for a seemingly infinite string. It hits high (cross), high (jab), mid (short uppercut), special high (cross).

    0:47/1:30 = Brad also seemingly has a new 4 hit punch string that starts with a double jab followed by the short uppercut from his [6][6][P]+[K] and finishes with the uppercut from his Slipping [P]+[K][P] that he had in R. Brad can also end this string with a retreating hook which in 5 was [4][P]+[K]/Sway Back: [4][P]+[K] and later became just Sway Back: [4][P]+[K] in R.

    0:54 = Brad can still perform the "Rajadamnern Combination" (Sway Back: [P][P][K] (guard/hit) [K]) from Sway Back as well as the new variant from Slipping.

    0:58 = Clinch can be entered from Ducking, has been reanimated and seemingly allows for a multitude of combinations (I've seen double knee followed by a push kick, double knee followed by right side [P]+[G] as well as the [1][P]+[G] Position Change throw).

    1:04/1:05 = Brad's [1][K]+[G] low kick is still in.

    1:11 = Brad's new 3 hit throw. Does 50pts of dmg.

    Still no sign of Phasing Turn or Long Ducking, the change noticed at 0:26 doesn't bode well for the latter. Personally, I'm just buzzing to see that the clinch has finally received the facelift I've always wanted.
  13. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Brad vs Sarah: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Luc_-zVyM-4

    1:58 = Brad's new throw seemingly guarantees a down attack like his [3][P]+[G] does.

    2:00 = A mid kick parry! Grants a 15 frame advantage. Whether this replaces his mid kick reversal is not known - I hope not.

    2:03 = The double knee > Pap Sawk Kao clinch combo I mentioned in my last post. Altogether it hits for 40pts and can be followed with a down attack.

    2:10/2:32 = It doesn't look like Brad's jumping elbow (Ducking: [P]+[K] in R) is performed from Ducking any more.

    2:27 = Double knee clinch combo that ends with the push kick for 55pts of dmg, knocks the opponent back a bit so it should be good for ringouts and possibly wall combos.

    2:34 = Seems like Slipping Left: [K] his been reanimated.

    3:00 = Brad can enter Ducking stance from the second hit of his new standing four punch string.

    3:02 = While clinching Brad strikes with one knee for 15pts of dmg followed by a position change while the identical attack only did 5pts in the previous clinch combos. I'm guessing that issuing attacks in a certain order may alter the damage you can inflict; much like the old "Right/Left/Back Through" variables from the old clinch system.
  14. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Brad vs Jacky: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03uL20P3HWU

    0:46/1:05/1:12 = [6][K] (Knee Upper) can be follow with a high elbow which Brad can Slip/Duck from.

    1:07 = Brad had a new high elbow from Slipping that inflicts a head crumble.

    2:22 = A new elbow - can't tell if it hits mid or high but it leaves Brad with his back turned.
  15. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

  16. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Brad vs El Blaze: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11274772

    0:50 = Brad performs his Phasing Turn: [P]+[K] outside of the stance, more proof that it's been phased out perhaps? It hit for 30pts of dmg, 12pts more than the Phasing Turn variant, but the exact same damage as [4][6][K], could this move be its replacement?
  17. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Something to keep in mind about seeing moves outside of stance is that Brad perhaps has gained the ability to buffer a stance input in order to instantly perform the stance attack -- much in the same way as Lei is able to buffer his stances (e.g. [2][P][+][K][+][G]~[P][P][+][K]).
  18. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Sure, possibly. I admit I'm not very familiar with the ins and outs of Lei-Fei, but in the instances where Brad had performed a move that would've been from say Phasing Turn (Phasing Turn: [P]+[K] for example) wouldn't he have had to have buffered two stance inputs on top of the actual attack? Is it even possible to buffer multiple stance inputs?

    I've seen moves which were originally from Ducking seemingly performed instantly like [K]+[G] and especially [P]+[K], but I'll differ to your wisdom on this. Personally I'm getting a vibe that AM2 are trying to further streamline Brad by compacting/refining his repertoire, rather than embellishing on all the distinct (somewhat superfluous in my opinion) stances he had before.

    I wouldn't even be surprised if Slipping was no longer side specific; I've found it incredibly hard to determine which direction he's slipped to while watching these latest clips.
  19. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Brad vs Sarah: http://zoome.jp/kartika/diary/185

    0:21 = New intro.

    0:33 = An example of the infinite potential of Brad's new punch string from Ducking. Note that he's able to re-enter Ducking after the second punch (0:34/0:35/0:37) and the fourth (0:36).

    0:44/2:23 = An example of what was Ducking: [K]+[G] being stuffed on guard.

    2:19 = [4][6][P]+[K] triggers the new "dynamic/dramatic angle" feature on a hit.

    Brad vs Jacky: http://zoome.jp/rairaiken/diary/170

    1:09/1:28 = Nothing new here, but this shows that Brad still has his [P][P][P][K] string.
  20. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Brad vs Vanessa: http://www.woopie.jp/video/watch/541da08fcb5bef4f?kw

    1:01 = Position Change via the Clinch does not inflict damage if an opponent strikes a wall.

    1:09 = Brad's [1][K] crouching low kick from R is still in.

    2:08 = Brad can vary his new alternate "Rajadamnern Combination" from Slipping with a low kick after the first two hits for 20pts of dmg! Whether this low kick is a string finisher or can be followed up with other attacks is currently unknown.

    2:48 = An example of [2][K]+[G] being stuffed on guard.

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