VF5FS CLASS System, Ranks, Battle Points How to Make Them Work!

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    SEGA/AM2 if you're watching... :) I think I have an approach that would discourage Disconnecting, Boosting and at the same time encourage more matches all the way around and improve the quality of the matches overall.

    1) Make W/L ratios private. Only the player can see his own W/L profile. Please DO keep track of the statistic, in single player, two player, and online, but only make it available to player when he/she looks at his/her own profile and only for the player's benefit.

    2) Make ranking up much harder. You must beat (15-20) different players in the same rank (different IP addresses and accounts LOL) or higher in order to rank up. Also Tie Ranks and License Classes together. For example you can't get to Dan ranks if you are still Eclass. You must get it least D5 Class to get to DAN, You Must be at least C4 to be allowed to even be considered for the Hunter Ranking group etc.

    3) Demotions if and only if A players last 5 losses( were to different players with lower Rank and lower License Class)

    4) Change the formula for Battle points so that it doesn't just give points for wins and losses, but instead you gain fewer points from (winning or losing) against the same players over and over. For example once you've played the same player five times in the same ranking group, you don't get any battle points. If you meet the player again in a higher ranking group then you can gain battle points for the next five times you fight them and then none again until you meet in a higher ranking group.

    5) In Ranked Matches, Player Matches, and Room Matches, display LIcense Class, Rank, and Battle Points (do not display W/L ratios) for all players involved. For example my display would show
    lastmonk class A3, Defender BP 7599

    6) Tie License Classes to Difficulty modes, and make it a little harder to get the next License. For example ECLASS and D-Class challenges might be connected to normal mode. C- and B class to hard mode, and all the A class challenges would have to be met on very hard mode.

    7) Reserve Special Ranks/Licenses, DLC(items) and Titles that are visible in any online mode for players that have distinguished themselves in game play, contribution in time/service/resources to the VF community, or involvement with and promotion of VF and the VF community and that have helped to significantly advance the tournament scene offline or online.

    Think About IT!

    If Licenses are shown during two player and all online matches then players will work harder at learning all of the games fundamentals (which improves game play for everyone).

    W/L ratios will be private and only to be used by the player for self assessment. It will be much harder to get a rank that you don't deserve and much harder to lose a rank that you do deserve.

    There will be less of an incentive to pull or boost with the above changes in place.

    Because Licenses would be tied to ranks and ranks tied to licenses Both will be more important, meaningful, etc. and it would add to the game play.

    Promotions and Battle points would be rewarded for defeating a larger number of ppl making boosting a bit harder.

    The quality of a room will truly be available by seeing the License Class, Rank, and BP of each player in the room. The same will go for Videos. It will be clear what quality of player you're looking at, and whether you should take note or not. It would make thinks a lot more clear for offline and online tournaments.

    These changes would de-emphasize winning and losing and would emphasize quality of game play and contribution to the community.

    Maybe all this should be included as a patch to VF5FS :confused: if not then definitely VF6 and beyond LOL
  2. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    What happens when someone new comes and everyone is at least Defender class? You won't level at all...

    Your system wouldn't discourage people abusing the ranking system, all you got to do is post on a website/forum and other people will trade win/loss and since its not necessarily the same people who will respond each time, they will be classed as genuine matches. Whereas everyone on this site playing legitimately will rank slower cause they're playing each other more often.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    In my scheme you can rank up against higher ranks. Yes it will take longer, for every one to rank up, that's a good thing. It adds value to the ranking system and it removes a lot of the criticism. It also keeps ppl playing rank longer:D As long as your license class is high enough a 10 kyu can challenge a Defender.

    Posting to a web site will not likely work in the case of VF. Maybe 4 other games. You would have to find 15-20 different ppl maybe in some far stretch you could get that for maybe one rank, but you couldn't make it far. That's just to much cooperation between too many ppl. And if its the same 15-20 ppl over and over again you would get stopped by battle points.

    And sadly, not everyone on this site is playing legitimately, and since so many of the vocal ppl on this site don't make a lot of hay about ranks anyway, there won't be a problem with slow walking the whole thing.
  4. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Yes, make ranking up take longer, it only now takes 10 or so years to even leave the dan ranks because there isn't any players in the first place and those that are dodge you because you're a lower rank than them. Genius.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    YOMI I understand your pain LOL, But let me pass on a secret, just in case you don't already know this....

    Most ppl get their ranks within the first 2 to 4 weeks (some cases 6 to 8 weeks) of when a game is first released. This not only goes for VF but most games where there are leader boards and ranks. Sadly, this is when there is the highest number of ppl playing the game and every body playing is still learning it, and there are intermediate and noob players. Ranking goes a lot faster and is a lot easier in the first month or two of a games release.

    Now, once 4 months or longer has gone by and you want to rank up. You have two problems. First, the hype and newness of the game has died down, which means there are usually considerably less ppl regularly playing the game after 4 months. Second, the ppl who are regularly playing the game after 4 months are either veterans of the game, or have learned it fairly well.

    What does all this mean? Well., After 4 months of the release of a game, you will be facing fewer and fewer ppl in rank mode, and those ppl will tend to be better and better as time goes on, which at the end of the day makes it considerably harder to rank up. Of course you can still do it, but it will be a long haul from 10th KYU to MagmaLord LOL.

    Ranking up on the first two or three days of a game's release is usually the easiest, many, many of the high ranked players in VF would not have gotten their ranks if they didn't do it with the first 2 to 4 weeks of the VF5FS's release.

    But at least the scheme that I am suggesting would prevent you from getting demoted by high ranking players, (because that's usually all that is left after 6 months of a games release) So whatever rank you did manage to get, you would at least keep.
  6. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    So you're saying that it's harder to rank up for new players the longer the game is out, and you're proposing a system that makes it even harder for new players to rank up? The main reason games die out online is lack of new players and disinterest in the series. Sure, for VF (and most fighters) there's more likely to be a core group that will keep the game running longer than one of the hundred faceless FPS games, but it still seems counter-productive to make things harder for new players and thus discourage them from bothering.
    masterpo likes this.
  7. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    I personally don't see anything wrong with the current ranking system. It's just that there's too few players to make it work as intended... the game did come out a few years ago.
    Genzen likes this.
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    good point, but all I can say here is

    the good of the many out weigh the good of the few or the one....

    reducing boosters, pullers, etc, in my mind has a higher value than discouraging one or two new comers.:oops:

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Sega is not going to do all that because it takes up time and money but I have another system which could work for future vfs. have players rank only if they beat the same rank or above so that they dont get any point by beating someone ranked lower then them..The second if you lose to a lower rank then you will lose lots of xp and points and if anyone dc they still lose their xp and points so dc would not even be worth it cause you will not keep your xp and points. if that is how it was for vf5fs then I would not have to post this here and all the warfare that happened here on vfdc lol would not have happened, but then everything happens for a reason and I mean that in a good way.
  10. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm definitely in favour of anything that punishes and discourages boosting and pulling and all that crap - I'd just like it not to come at the expense of newcomers.

    A half-baked idea I just came up with would be something like this:

    Every rank is worth a certain amount of points if you beat it.

    10 Kyu = 1 point
    9 Kyu = 2 point
    1 Dan = 11 point
    10 Dan = 20 point
    Hunter = 21 point
    Stormlord = 50 point

    Now, the exact amount of points could be discussed and issues could be raised about whether you'd want an exponential increase (meaning the higher ranks would be worth a lot more) or whether the increase would be a flat rate, but basically, lower ranks (who, in theory, are easier opponents) are worth less points, and taking down a higher rank would net you more points.

    To earn a rank, your points-to-games ratio would need to be of a certain level. for example, 10 Kyu could have a ratio of 0. 9 Kyu could require at least a 1% points-to-games ratio. As the ranks get higher, you'd need to maintain a higher and higher points-to-games ratio to get ranks. When you lose a fight, you gain no points, but another game will obviously be added to your ratio, lowering it. This means that, from a 'losers perspective', it doesn't matter whether you lose to a low rank or a high rank, and that, from a winners perspective, you gain more points for beating higher ranks (which should theoretically be harder to do) and less points for beating the easier ranks - it becomes kind of a risk/reward thing, where you have to judge (assuming you care about ranks) whether you think you're good enough to take down a person of a particular rank - kind of like head-hunting them.

    This would hopefully mean the lower-ranked people would get games even against the higher ranked players, since they'd be seen as easy points rather than just a pointless waste of time; it'd mean that a lower-ranked person that did manage to beat a higher-ranked person would quickly raise their rank (since their points-to-games ratio would shoot up) rather than have to grind out game after game; and it'd mean that those high-rank vs high-rank matches would be fun and intense because both players stand to gain a lot of points from their win, and losing isn't the end of the world since it just lowers your ratio a bit, but it still has it's draw-backs.

    It'd mean that players would move up and down the ranks quickly and more often when they start out (better than becoming an obvious grind-fest from the get-go), and having a good session where you win a lot of games or beat a few strong players will give you a nice boost in points to work on your next rank, whilst losses against certain players won't destroy your rank like they do now, where you eat like a loss of like 20% of your rank if you lose to someone of the same level.

    Probably has flaws and stuff - just kinda came up with it as I typed it.
  11. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member

    Problem is, you can't tell which side dc'd so both parties would be penalised....

    I'd rather more newbies start playing than having a system that inflates peoples ego. Without new comers, the player base is not growing. No business wants to invest time and money into a project that has declining interest and low returns.

    The current system already takes into account the rank difference when reducing exp. I'm pretty sure I lose a little chip in my bar when I lose to a Destroyer rank whereas if its a raider/hunter its a big dent.
  12. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Leave the ranking system as it is.

    Penalise disconnects with a loss (and exp loss).

    That's all.
    VFnumbers likes this.
  13. Ben_Lord_Dur

    Ben_Lord_Dur Well-Known Member

    Ben Lord Dur
    Where can we see the rules behind the current one please?
  14. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    In comparing VF5FS ranking /titles to SC5

    SC5 might have something. You can unlock tons of titles for your character by meeting certain conditions in the game, and ranking puts ppl in to classes just like the VF5FS licenses
    challenges do. So a SC5 player can choose a title that they like after they've opened up it up and then they have a class. From all the players I've talked to the SC5 titles/ranks are more fun, all the way around.. And since you can pick your own title....
  15. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    I say get rid of the kyu and dan ranks all together they're meaningless. Ranked mode should be locked until you complete some sort of tutorial mode. Either that, or have a different "zone" where new players can spar together with other new players and different zones for different levels of players.
    And please if nothing else, add a Blacklist function to ranked mode based on particular players, connection types, and/or ranking titles.

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