VF5FS - High Damage Wall Combos

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by akai, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    The combo vids and listed combo information (not all are guaranteed - Wolf, for example) are from mamurubonbon's blog.

    Version A Video - The emphasis placed in this video is after the last wall hit: all the characters follow up with a [P] that leads to additional hits and damage.

    Akira 2_6P→2_46P→K+G(1 frame G release)→214P→1P→P→43P→4PP+K 133 damage

    Pai (bokutai)P+K→66P→2_5K→2_3P+K→46K+G→466P+K→P→P+K→2_5P+KP 142 damage

    Lau 4K→4K→4P+KP→46K+G→P+K→P→2P+K→2_3PP+K 129 damage

    Wolf P+K(maximum charge)→6K→(opponent down)2P+G→46P→2_3P→9P+K→3P+K→P→1P+K→P→66K+G 179 damage

    Jeffry 6K+G→66K+G→41236P+K→43P+K→P→214P+K→3K→P→46P+K→66PP 174 damage

    Kage P+K→1P+K→46P+G→9K+G→P→K+G→3K→P→66P+K→46K+GK(hit)K→3K+G 134 damage

    Sarah Forward Slide K→1K→8K→F3K+G→P→4K+G→66K→P→6K+G→PKG→7K 131 damage

    Jacky 66K+G→66K→6_KG→4K+G→6K→P→2P+K→6_KG→7K 138 damage

    Shun (8 drinks) 3P+K→66K→K+G4K+G→43P+K→P→6K+G→43P+KP 119 damage

    Lion 2_6P+K→44P+K→46K→9P→46P+K→46K+G→2_6P+K→P→43P+K→66P+KP→8P+K 145 damage

    Aoi 66P→43P+K→2KP→6K+G→66P+K→P→P+K→66P+KP 114 damage

    Lei (hai shiki)PP+K(2nd hit CH)→66P→466P+K→1P+K→4P+K→66P→P→46P→466P+K 147 damage

    Vanessa Defensive Style 4P→66K+G→4P+K→2P+K→6P+K+G→P→2P+K→3P+KK 125 damage
    Offensive Style 66P→66K+G→1K+G→4P+K→P→2P+K→3P+KK 118 damage

    Goh 6K→6P+K→1P+K→4P+K(maximum charge)→9P+K→6P+K→P→66P+K→3PP→2_3P+K 156 damage

    Brad Ducking K→46K+G→2_3P→9P+K→46P+K→P→1P+K→2P+K6P 127 damage

    Blaze 6K→6K+G→9P+K→6K+G→P→2P+K→KKK 112 damage

    Eileen 236K+G→46K+G→4P+K→236P+KK→9K→P→43P+K→4P+K→214K+G 117 damage

    Taka 3P+K→46P→43P→3P+K→P→46P 107 damage

    Jean 33PK→66P+K→1P+K→9KP(maximum charge)→P→3K+G→66K→P→2P+K→46PK 148 damage

    This video (I think it was posted before in VF5FS video thread) was made before version A. You will notice that each combo is using the same bounce move within the combo (Version A removed the ability to use the same bounce move within a combo)
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    thanks for the video akai. Do you know if the first clip was taken from Ver A rev 1? or is it just Ver A?
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Version A - but I don't think there were any changes in revision A1 that would affect those shown in the first video.
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Even though the same bounce move is not able to use for combo, the damage is still unbelievable. According to the result, can I say there is nothing changed??
  5. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I guess its a good idea to not get hit by wolf full-charge P+K.
  6. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    It sure looks like it. I guess it looks nicer to have combos with different moves than with the same moves [​IMG].
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Not sure if these are an indication of the highest damage for each character but it's nice to see that Akira's seems pretty average damage wise, considering he's apparently broken and all.
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    He also gets 80+ damage from 46P!! And he has a 13f elbow. He's ridiculous.
  9. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Pffttt, other characters have worse stuff than that. Check out Brad for instance.

    I didn't want to derail the thread though.

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