VF5FS Version A System Notes

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Reno, Apr 21, 2011.

  1. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    First, sorry if the grammar or sentence structure is way off, I didn't have a lot of time to translate this and I wanted to do it before my weekend started because I have stuff to do. If I had waited until after the weekend I probably would have lost interest...

    Also, I can't guarantee the translation is 100% accurate because I didn't really go and check everything. I basically just read and translated so I would appreciate it if anyone who had a good understanding of Japanese went to DK's blog entry and made sure things were okay.

    Finally, Myke, please make this a news post on the front page. [​IMG]

    This is the original source, DK's latest blog entry: http://www.virtuafighter.jp/dk_87.html

    Here is the translation!

    VF5FS VERSION A System Notes

    About Command Input

    • [4][6] and [6][4] commands have been revised.
    • Half circle back and half circle forward commands have been reverted back to VF5R style.
    • Low side throws have had their throw escape commands normalized to [1] or [3][P][+][G].

    The command inputs have fundamentally been the same as before, but there were large spots of dissatisfaction that we fixed.

    In regards to the [4][6] and [6][4] commands, if you happened to do an [3] or [9] input, you wouldn't get anything. Also, with some characters if you tried to do a mid kick from backdash, you would sometimes get a random [4][6][K] move, which was a problem we took care of. In regards to the Half circle back and forward motions, we simply shortened the allowable input time for those moves which took care of the problem.

    With the low side throws, it was slightly different. In the previous version, side and low side throws for characters with them were just a back or forward motion. But that became really difficult to understand, so to make it easier to understand, we changed the escape motion of low side throws to [1] or [3] and made it common across the board.

    About Combos

    • A Bound cannot be performed in the same combo with the same move twice.
    • The damage for attacks that are used as down attacks has been modified. (i.e. Jeffry's Raiden Drop, [8][K][+][G] when the opponent is down)
    • Down attacks have been removed from the Bound combo number limit.
    • For combo attacks, moves that hit the enemy into the wall more than twice were fixed.
    • A problem with throws that hit on the last frame of a move that interrupted the combo count was fixed.

    There were several important changes that were made, with the first being about Bound.

    If you try to hit a floating character with a bound-equipped move, it will only happen the first time. If you try to do it again with the same move, they won't bounce up. However if you hit them with a different attack with the same bound property, the bound effect will still occur.

    This was to handle damaging combos using the same move while retaining the combo damage through the promotion of different kinds of attacks. This will change many wall combos in the game.

    One other thing that will affect game balance is how wall hits are handled. In Final Showdown, during a combo hit, if a wall hit occurs, it will only happen once. However, due to circumstances relating to the previous version, that didn’t happen as planned. But it’s been fixed and now wall hits are strictly monitored. Now no matter how many hits you perform, you won’t get a wall splat before the second hit.

    Finally, this fix does not affect the balance of the game, but it’s related to the combo counter. If you were to grab someone on the last frame on block, the grab wouldn’t count as part of the combo counter, but now they’re included just like any striking attack.

    About Stuns

    • For a number of attacks, the float status of follow up attacks has been changed.
    • Many stun motions had their hitboxes revised
    • With many hit stun motions, the amount of time given to tech roll has been revised. (i.e. Lau’s [2][K][+][G])
    • Backdash counter priority rate has been changed
    • The stun from achieving a backdash counter from the opponent’s side has been correctly fixed.
    • The hit stun caused from a striking attack on the opponent’s side has been fixed for some attacks. (i.e. everyone’s low punch)
    • During a spinning stun, if it overlaps with a striking attack, the duration that you’re in a side turn state is reduced.
    • The hitbox during a failed evade has been changed.
    • During a footstomp stun, the opponent will not go into a normal front facing stance. (i.e. Jeffry’s Drop Anchor [2][K][+][G], etc.)

    The primary thing we wanted to address with these changes was to make difficult to hit situations easier, and as a link to the balances made to the game system, work on tweaking the various distances that were related to the attacks.

    The big thing that will affect things is how backdash counters are handled in terms of priority. In the previous version, if you happened to get a backdash counter, regular counter and evade counter to hit all at once, this is what the priority looked like:

    Regular Counter > Evade Counter > Backdash Counter

    So, if you were to do a backdash into an attack and but you were countered by a middle kick, the game would choose the Regular Counter situation and you wouldn’t be put on your ass as a result.

    In practice, backdashes are often coupled with something else, like a “backdash > attack” or “backdash > evade”, so there were various combinations that could spring up. This made it difficult for us to fully establish that backdashing was a risk, which was what we wanted to do in the first place.

    So now the priority has changed to this:

    Backdash Counter > Regular Counter > Evade Counter

    So now if you were planning on utilizing the “backdash > attack” or “backdash > evade” tactic, it’ll be easier to get hit with a backdash counter.

    About Movement

    • Certain situations where you have to turn around have been changed. (i.e. after Shun’s [P][+][G] throw is escaped, etc.)
    • During a back turned situation, if you turn around by tapping down or up, you will not get hit with an evade counter stun.
    • The angle at which an offensive move travels during a side turned situation has been changed.
    • Specific commands inputted during jumps that resulted in unexpected motions have been fixed.
    • After a successful defensive move, the 1 frame where you are unable to guard has been fixed.

    The biggest change that was made here has to do with offensive move. The so-called “Super OM” (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsX5-VY4iRg) was performed when you performed an offensive move to your character’s stomach side while in a side turned situation, and resulted in you moving away from your opponent. This was resulted in you moving really far away from the opponent.

    This was not the original intent of offensive move, nor was it something we wanted to have in that situation, so we took steps to change it. This time, if you are in the same situation and try to do an offensive move, you will not get anything.

    About Attacks

    • Rising attacks have been revised to fix up their speed and data on block
    • When shifting from a block to an attack, after the attack you have blocked, you can press Guard to cancel.
    • For some counterattacks, bugs where you would not get the desired result from a counter has been fixed (i.e. El Blaze’s "Space Rolling Elbow" (during Rocket Discharge) [9][K][+][G][P], etc.)
    • When a down attack hits, situations where you would not get the correct motion have been fixed.
    • The target hitbox and evade hitbox of attacks that hit twice have been modified.
    • Moves that would take away from Shun’s drink counter, despite Shun blocking the move have been fixed (i.e Akira’s fully charged [4][6][P][+][K], etc)

    With regards to attacks, there are a lot of revisions that have been made, but we’ll focus on the ones that affect the entire cast and some other special cases.

    We've revised the wake up attacks in general. So how fast they come out, their execution time and the frames on block have been looked at and changed. For example, if you were to block a rising kick that occurred after a roll back, you would essentially be at +15, but if you were to guard only during the attacking phase of the move, you would be at +13. This time we’ve gone back and made sure to fix all of these situations.


    • Various motions have been changed.
    • During special movements, a bug that allowed you to clear the time a character was invulnerable to throws has been fixed. (i.e. Offensive Move, etc.)

    The change in the animation is a general thing across the board, but this doesn’t mean the game system has changed. As for the second point, there were times where we planned for a player not to be throwable, but they were actually able to be thrown. For example, after your opponent’s tech roll, there is a fixed period of time where you couldn’t be thrown, but if your opponent was to do an offensive move during this state, they actually could be thrown. So in Version A if you were to do an offensive move in the same situation, you would not be able to connect with a throw.
  2. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    In regards to the f, b and b, f commands, if you happened to do an up-forward or down-forward input, you wouldn't get anything. Also, with some characters if you tried to do a mid kick a backdash, you would often get a random b, f+K move, which was a problem we took care of. In regards to the Half circle back and forward motions, we simply shortened the allowable input time for those moves which took care of the problem.</div></div>

    Does this mean Wolf can do his elbow 3P right after back dash, instead of 43P comes out?? I'm glad AM2 finally fix this blind spot and I think this restriction since VF4.
  3. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    Does this mean Wolf can do his elbow 3P right after back dash, instead of 43P comes out?? I'm glad AM2 finally fix this blind spot and I think this restriction since VF4.</div></div>
    Couldn't you just buffer in a G-clear before? 44~G~3+P
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I don't think that's what it means, Dennis. I think there must have been an issue with [4][6] or [6][4] commands that were immediately followed by a diagonal.

    To take the example of the "backdash into midkick", the ideal input would look like this:


    but if you accidentally input this:


    then instead of the midkick ([3][K]), you would end up with [4][6][K]. I think this is the problem that is now fixed in Ver.A.

    You could, but it wouldn't come out as fast, so probably wouldn't be as effective to punish a whiff (main purpose behind backdash~attack). The reason being is that [G]-cancelling a backdash isn't instantaneous, and it incurs a small frame penalty. However, an attack will cancel a backdash instantly.
  5. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for the news and translation. I only hope I grow enough as a player to make use of everything covered on a regular basis.

    VF5:FS on console.

    Do want.
  6. franman

    franman Member

    now awaiting for console release.
  7. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Love how they're always patching the game. They seem to really care about VF and want it to be right. Gotta admire that.

    I'll take a carefully crafted VF released later vs a quick 'here's a new VF game to play now with f'd up shit goin on' any day. I still believe this is why there's no console release yet. Well see though, but as much as they are constantly doing stuff to the game (even though they still do stuff after console releases ie.VF5 Ver.D), just makes me think they want to release the game as balanced as possible and not have abusable glitches n what not before giving it out to the world. My opinion.

    Edit: Oh, and thanks Reno!
  8. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I don't understand actually. Were you trying to say there is nothing come out after [4][4][6][K] because they take care of [4][6] commends? So how about Jacky does a back dash and then [4][6][K]?

    Even the inputs like [4][4][6][3][K], the result is still a mid kick, right? Why does AM2 need to worry about this influence? I have no idea:)
  9. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    Thanks a lot for the translation.

    I also really like the fact that they continue to update/refine the game. E3 announcement? [​IMG]
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Good expectation as long as Ver.A is the final version:)
    I don't know how hard to release a patch in order to fix this game but SEGA always wait until the last moment to release console version indeed.
  11. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    No, that's what they were planning, but sometimes it didn't happen like that. Sometimes the [3] input was not being read correctly by the game for whatever reason, so you got [4][4][6][K] instead, so they went back and corrected that.
  12. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the clear up, but I still feel weird about this decision AM2 made.

    Btw, thanks for the translation and it keeps people loving VF but never have a chance to play:)
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Dennis, why do you feel weird about them fixing a bug? [​IMG]
  14. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    For me I don't think it's a bug, and it's more like a personal input issue instead. How many people have this kind of problem here? If AM2 wants to fix inputs issue, why not just make Akira's DP become [2][1][4][6][P]? It's much easier and accurate for everyone:)

    I was hoping AM2 can fix the conflict between [4][4],[4][3], and [3] like the example I mention before, but to be honest, I have no idea how they can fix this cuz VF requires dash so much. (I miss E button now)
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    OK, so let's pretend you're playing FS right now and you input [4][4][6][3][K]. The result you see is [4][6][K], and not [3][K]. You don't think that's a bug????

    Nobody here has this problem because this bug does not exist in VF5 vanilla. Seems like it was introduced in FS.
  16. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I see, I thought it happened since vanilla and that's why I'm curious how come I never been bothered by that.
  17. nobody

    nobody Well-Known Member

    So what ended up being the deal with Dural from the trailer?
  18. Titan

    Titan Member

    ^Yeah, I was wondering this too, as it seemed to suggest she would be made playable...was this not the case in the end?
  19. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I guess she had a meltdown.

  20. Reno

    Reno Well-Known Member

    according to someone on the official VF twitter it was just a joke or something... I'll try to find that response sometime later.

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