VF5R & FS Combined 3rd Best Income 2010

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jan 9, 2011.

By Myke on Jan 9, 2011 at 1:11 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [​IMG]VF5R & FS Combined 3rd Best Income 2010
    From noodalls' post:

    Harada (Tekken producer) recently uploaded a scan from amusement journal's current issue, showing that (unsurprisingly) Tekken 6BR has again topped the arcade income awards.

    What was a little more surprising is that VF5R is in 5th place, and VF5FS is in 14th place, however if you combine them (as they are effectively competing against themselves) it adds up to 6084, which would be third place.

    Refer to noodalls' post for more information and a full translation of the chart.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jan 9, 2011.

    1. ShinobiFist
      I remember what Gutti told me over XBL. People are not feeling FS at all over there. In one tournament, one of the organizers had to beg people to stay. The word is, they're calling FS a broken VF4, whatever that means. Gutti has good friends over there and travels and plays the game in Japan. So, I'll take his word. But also like to know from others that live there as well and play(Reno)

      What do the vets out there really want in this game to make it appealing to them again. And remember, the above paragraph is based of a comment by ONE person, so therefore, is not 100% fact.
    2. Shoju
      This guy also commented on his youtube page that he liked VF5R more.

      He's using a translator so couldn't go into specifics but said R was more interesting. That's also what Udon said isn't it?
    3. EmpNovA

      Here's some thoughts from Reno from his twitter account (in reverse order) on why he found 5FS disappointing:

      "They really need to change how the game looks and sounds over how it plays IMO. That's what's really holding the series back."

      "I don't think making it easy helps tho. People will play complex games if they are appealing (see American football)."

      "I don't particularly enjoy it, sadly. Also I feel grapplers got hit too hard with the new version too. They really stink now."

      "Too many "easy" option selects makes it kind of blah to me. It needs to be more "binary", more "black and white" to be real VF".

      "I think the balance is really out of wack this time. More due to the changes in the game system than character changes tho."

      "My Games of 2010: Nier, Bayonetta, Red Dead, in that order. Disappointments? Mass Effect 2, Lost Planet 2, VF5 Final Showdown :/"
    4. Reno
      Why the hell would you post MY thoughts on this forum when I am more than capable of doing it myself?
    5. KrsJin

      But, to speak on those thoughts. I was with you on all of it except for ME2. It didn't have the same atmosphere and newness as 1 for me, but I still loved it. Nier really is surprisingly great.

      I'm really happy for the VF team and maybe even SEGA seeing the results, but they continue to not matter to me unless they mean future titles Western players may get to play. FS, though I do wish we got it, does look a little crazy in some aspects and the craziness doesn't seem evenly spread amongst the cast this time.
    6. SDS_Overfiend1
      I felt R was better all along in maintain the Raw feel of VF. FS is good game but i see many flaws the system creates for certain fighters from the beggining . The system makes the Gimmick-style fighter the ideal choice for newbs kind of. I could be wrong though. I would love to get a package of both games in one CD for 70 bucks lol!!! shit i'd even pay 80 for it. My only gripe is i'd hate to play FS before R.
    7. Plague
      'Cause you're famous and Cat-Sandwich-the-No-Wolf-in-Football-Helmet wants to give you props (or something). It is so OBVIOUS! HAH! YES! The word NONSENSE in all caps. More words. Continued typing for less reason or meaning than before. I'm going home now. Wait. I changed my mind. More typing. Over use of the sp ac e bar. Infinite SHIFT key press and release goes here:" " That was cool (especially if you counted all those key presses first). Feck wrote this:

      Beligerent_Feck: "sheeyikyikyikyikyikyik piddipoom pa"
      Beligerent_Feck: i'd say it was, Shya chk chk chk chk chk purrum p-pa
      Beligerent_Feck: or i'd write it in hieroglyphics

      Remove from rails.

      The number twelve.

      A negative bird.

      My soda can howls.
    8. Feck
      I don't think one persons opinion has much affect on the topic at hand, probably why Reno didn't post it himself.
    9. jinxhand
      Why should we have to combine income even to sound amazing??? It's like trying to make up for the fact that it didn't really make 3rd, by saying "technically it did"...

      Anyway, it is impressive that it made the list for only being out for such a short time; however, VF5R placed higher... While I'm still itching to play FS, it seemed like they tried to dumb the game down a la SF4, and make it more accessible without really getting input from the players themselves, hoping to make good profit, and it backfired... Unlike Sega though, Capcom at least tries to listen and accommodate their fans... Hopefully this makes Sega take the wax out their ears, and turn their heads to where their source of income is coming from: the players/fans... But maybe they were listening and still screwed up somehow, idk...
    10. Dennis0201
      It makes sense to combine R and FS together to become one category. Check out the income bewteen last Sep and Oct and you will see the reason.
    11. Feck
      Well R and FS are from the same franchise, I guess not combining them would mean you'd have to lop a great chunk off BR's numbers seeing as it's been out as long as both games.

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