VF5R new design element maybe

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by THE_WALL, Jun 5, 2009.


    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    I saw something over at D.K.@VF5R that seems to indicate that you can enlarge or thin your characters. I don't know if this is true so if anyone knows anything on this this let me know. The changes aren't drastic but it seems like a cool idea. The above mentioned site is a side website of virtuafighter.jp . I wonder if it would affect gameplay or if it would just be a cosmettic change.
  2. InstantOverhead

    InstantOverhead Well-Known Member

    It would change gameplay because hitboxes in VF (like almost all fighting games) are invisible. So you judge range and distance and the like by what you see a character do. Changing the size of a character changes how they overlay on top of their hitboxes.

    Unreal Tournament vanilla had a mutator that was called 'fatboy' where if you were getting killed a lot in a match your character model AND hitboxes would become smaller. If you were dominating a match then your character AND hixboxes would become larger (or fatter hence 'fatboy'). I believe Sirlin mentioned this mutator once on his blog.

    Nevertheless customizations are cool but really distracting or visually significant changes to characters are not desired at least by me. Cosmetic stuff and color changes are fine but a 'fatboy' change for VF even without hitboxes being altered is too extreme.
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I think the images you are talking about is how hit/collision detection has changed in VF5R version B:

    Left image: Display Akira as we see him

    Middle image: Display Akira with a red outline (appears to be his "body" minus his outfit. Previous version of VF use that red outline for hit/collision detection.

    Right image: Display Akira with a red outline taking into consideration his outfit. VF5R version B use this red outline for hit/collision detection.


    Edit: In that article it mentions something about defensive move and tracking being changed...I think. When I figure what it is (or someone who can actually read Japanese translate /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif ). I will post up.


    Edit #2: It appears in version B, they fixed (or tried to fixed) some of the defenseive move and strike tracking errors.
  4. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Are you saying if we hit the clothes, then we get a hit? That seems wrong to me.

    What about Aoi's long sleaves, or other flowing bits of clothing like loin clothes, then?
  5. kevinrafale

    kevinrafale Well-Known Member

    That seems abit stupid :s
    God, as you said above, imagine characters with costumes that have a dangling implement such as Aoi mentioned
    Imagine getting a back-crumple against El Blaze with his costume E on (you know, the one with the cape?) or Lion's costume E, that floring gowny thingy that makes him bull fighter-esque
    or how eileen has those cloth-bracelets that hang a few inches off her wrist.
    Lol, the thought is funny though
    "Stop attacking my clothes, it hurts!"

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