VF5REVO Akira Combos

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Myke, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VF5REVO Akira Combos
    Akira Content Managers: @Feck, @BlackGeneral

    Please use this thread to share, test and discuss VF5REVO Akira Combos. The Content Managers have to ability to add these to the VFDC Combos database.
    Tha_FeauchA likes this.
  2. Yam

    Yam Member

    Homestay Akira uploaded a video showcasing his new 666P CH combos. He also uses the new float property of the 2_3 P+K in these combos. A bunch of input techniques are shown as well to for inputting 1F kills and buffering 2_3P in combos.

    I've been using the VF5FS lightweight class combos on Jacky, and that seems to be working. I've read that he's gotten lighter, but not to the lightweight category (SA, SH, LI, PA, VA).
    Feck and Tha_FeauchA like this.
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Shoulder ram floating like that is strange.

    I'll test those combos as soon as I can
  4. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Incomplete list of some REVO combos I found from a mixture of labbing and watching some Homestay Akira etc.

    [6][6][6][P] Combos:

    Everyone except taka: [2][P][3][K][+][G][P][4][6][6][P][+][K]

    Jacky/Jean/Brad/Lau/Lei/Pai/Shun/Blaze/Aoi: [2][P][4][3][P][6][6][2][P][2][6][P][P]

    Note: against shun di, the [2][P] has to be delayed a little bit more than the other characters for the combo to work. It's hard to explain the timing. but you just have to get a feel for it. Alternate combo against shun after [6][6][6][P] is [2][K][+][G][P][6][6][K][K]

    Wolf/Jacky/Brad/Goh/Kage/Vanessa/Lion/Eileen: [2][P][4][3][P][2][K][+][G][P][P]
    Jacky/Jean/Sarah/Lion/Shun/Pai/Blaze: [2][P][4][3][P][2][P][2][6][P][P]
    Jeff/Wolf/Akira/Jacky/Jean: [2][K][+][G][P][3][3][6][P][P]
    Vanessa: [2][P][4][3][P][4][P][P][3][3][4][6][P]
    Sarah/Blaze/Aoi: [2][P][3][3][P][+][K][P][3][3][6][P][P]
    Wolf: [2][P][4][3][P][P][3][3][6][P][P]
    Taka: [2][1][4][P][3][3][P][+][K][6][6][K][K]

    [4][6][P] combos:

    Ak/Ja/Br/Go/Ka/La/Le: [P][3][3][P][+][K][2][P][4][6][P]
    Jean: [P][3][3][P][+][K][1][1][P][+][K][+][G][4][6][P]
    Jean/Shun/Blaze(closed stance): [4][P][P][K][G] cancel ► [2][K][+][G][P][P]
    Shun/Blaze(either stance): [4][P][2][P][6][6][2][K][+][G][P][P]
    Va/Sa/Li/Pa/Bl/Ei/Aoi: [P][3][3][P][+][K][3][3][4][6][P]
    Brad: [4][P][2][P][2][K][+][G][P][P]
    Wolf/Jeff any stance: [P][3][3][6][P][P] (open stance: [P][2][K][+][G][P][P])
    all light and mid weights and wolf any stance: [P][3][K][+][G][P][4][6][6][P][+][K]
    taka: evade [P][+][K][+][G][3][K][+][G][P][4][6][6][P][+][K]

    [2][1][4][P][+][G] combos:

    Taka/all: [2][K][+][G][P][P] (54dmg)
    Wolf/Jeff: [K][G] cancel ► [2][K][+][G][P][2][P][K][+][G][P] (72dmg)
    Wolf/Jeff: [2][K][+][G][P][K][+][G][P] (66dmg)
    Ak/Br/Go/Ka/La/Le: full dash, [2][K][+][G][P][6][6][K][K] (68dmg)
    Ja/Sh/Sa/Va/Pai/Li/Bl/Ei/Aoi: [2][K][+][G][P][P] > [K][+][G][P] (73dmg)
    Sa/Li/Pa/Ao: [2][K][+][G][P][P][K][G] cancel ► [1][1][P][+][K][+][G][4][6][P] (74dmg)
    Vanessa/Eileen: [2][K][+][G][P][P] > [3][3][6][P][P] (77dmg)
    Jean/Jacky/Shun/Pai: [2][K][+][G][P][3][3][6][P][P] (70dmg)
    Jacky: [2][K][+][G][P][P][K][G] cancel ► [2][P][4][6][P] (74dmg)

    evade dash cancel towards akira's back ► [2][K][+][G][P][1][1][P][+][K][+][G][6][6][K][+][G][P] (72dmg)

    Ak/Br/Go/Ka/La/Le: [2][K][+][G][P][6][6][K][+][G][P] (66dmg)

    [2][1][4][P] combos:

    Taka: [2][1][4][P][2][K][+][G][P][K][+][G][P]
    Akira: [2][1][4][P][3][3][P][+][K][3][3][6][P][P]
    Wolf/Jeff/Ak/Ka/La/Le/Sh/Bl: [2][1][4][P][3][3][P][6][6][K][K]
    Wo/Jn/Ja/Br/Va/Sa/Li: [2][1][4][P][P][4][3][P][3][3][6][P][P]
    Goh: [2][1][4][P][6][K][P][3][3][6][P][P]
    Lion: [2][1][4][P][3][3][P][2][K][+][G][P][P]
    Sa/Pa/Ei/Ao: [2][1][4][P][3][3][P][+][K][P] > [3][3][6][P][P]

    [6][K][P] combos:

    Ak/Jn/Ja/Br/Go/Ka/La/Le/Sh/Li/Pa/Ao: [3][3][P][+][K][6][6][K][K]
    Ak/Jn/Ja/Br/Go/Ka/La/Le: [6][6][P][2][P][4][6][P]
    Sa/Ei: [3][3][P][+][K][2][P][4][6][P]
    Va/Bl/Ei: [P][4][3][P][3][3][6][P][P]
    Jeff: [P][6][6][K][K]
    Wolf: [P][3][3][6][P][P]

    [9][K] combos:

    taka: [3][3][6][P][P]
    everyone else: [2][K][+][G][P][6][6][K][K]

    Wall splat with [6][P][+][K][+][G] or [2][P][+][K][+][G] cancelled into [2][4][6][P]:

    taka: [2][1][4][P][3][K][+][G][P][4][6][6][P][+][K][3][3][6][P][P]
    everyone else: [3][3][P][+][K][2][1][4][P][3][K][+][G][P][4][6][6][P][+][K][3][3][6][P][P]
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2025
    enr, Tha_FeauchA and Feck like this.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Homestay Akira posted a [2][1][4][P][+][G] combo video:

    It also includes notes at the beginning on how to perform various 1-frame delays with different attacks.
  6. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Keep the links and combos coming, I will test them all as soon as I can.
  7. enr

    enr Member

    Some [2][1][4][P] combos

    [2][1][4][P][K]+[G]; [G][2][P][2][3][6][P][P] (94dmg)

    [2][1][4][P][K]+[G]; [G][P][1][1][4][6][P] (88dmg)

    [2][1][4][P][6][6][K]+[G]; [G] > [2][P] > [2][4][6][P] (87dmg)
    Feck and Yam like this.
  8. Yam

    Yam Member

    Just building upon this:

    The first combo does work on the other lightweights (sa, li , ei, va).
    A 1f kill for the [2][P] makes the 94dmg possible.

    What's new in REVO is that combos works on Ja and La. Thanks for finding that out!
    enr and Feck like this.
  9. enr

    enr Member

    You are right! It may be a me thing , but the 94dmg combo on Vanessa(100% it does work) is a lot LOT harder to connect than on Sarah , Lion or Eileen.
    If is not a me thing , do you have a tip or something to get it more consistently on Vanessa?
    Feck likes this.
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I can't test to found out atm but sounds like you just need to one frame kill the [2][P] for Vanessa.

    Buffer [2][P] as [1][1][P][+][K][+][G] or [6][6][2][P]

    If it's a legit timing issue then I have no clue.
  11. enr

    enr Member

    Im doing it as [1][1][P][+][K][+][G] but it seems to fully connect if I delay the [2]p even furter(If I buffer it I miss the final hit) , at that point the combo just fully connect with are regular [2][P] very delayed (and very precise). It still could be a me thing but Im getting it quite consistently on Sarah(using [1][1][P][+][K][+][G] as [2][P]).
    Feck likes this.
  12. Yam

    Yam Member

    Ok I can't get the combo on VA anymore. I wish I was recording to know what I was doing. I was using [1][1][P][+][K][+][G] to buffer the 1f kill before, but that didn't work when I was testing just now. It was working before, but I only briefly tested it and I must have gotten the magic timing a few times in a row.

    My bad for the wild goose chase.
    Feck and enr like this.
  13. enr

    enr Member

    No worries , no joystick were harmed during the process.
    The 94 dmg does work on Vanessa but it does have some really weird timing. Oddly enough , [2][1][4][P][K]+[G]; [G][P][2][P][2] [4] [6] [P] for 91 dmg does work on her but I couldnt get it to connect on Sa , Ei or Li. Its a little less dmg but its a lot easier too.
    Feck and Yam like this.
  14. enr

    enr Member

    [2][1][4][P] combos:
    I was optimizing(thanks for 1f kill [2][P] trick!) the combos and learn one almost universal with really nice damage from this video:

    So this would be the most dmg optimized plus some more easy but still very damaging [2][1][4][P] combos , for now:

    [2][1][4][P][K]+[G]; [G][2][P][2][3][6][P][P] (94dmg)

    Sa/Ei/Li/Va: [2][1][4][P][K]+[G]; [G][1][1][G][P][K][2][3][6][P][P] (94dmg)
    On Vanessa you cant buffer the 1f kill punch , the timing is REALLY weird, but it does connect.

    Jea: [2][1][4][P][3][3]*►[K]+[G]; [G][2][P][2][3][6][P][P] (94 dmg)

    All -Ta/Wo/Je: [2][1][4][P][K]+[G]; [G] ► DLC (92 dmg)

    Va: [2][1][4][P][K]+[G]; [G][P][2][P][2] [4] [6] [P] (91 dmg)

    Wo/Br: [2][1][4][P][K]+[G]; [G][3][3][6][P][P] (90 dmg)

    Je: [2][1][4][P][6][6]** ► [K]+[G]; [G][3][3][6][P][P] (90 dmg)

    Ka/Go: [2][1][4][P][3][3]* ► [K]+[G]; [G][3][3][6][P][P] (90 dmg)

    All -Ta: [2][1][4][P][3][3][P][6][6][K][K] (86 dmg)

    Ta: [2][1][4][P][3][3]* ► [K]+[G]; [G][1][1][4][6][P] (81 dmg)

    * the [3][3](or [6][6]) is VERY short
    ** the [6][6] is short and VERY precise

    Edit- 94 dmg to 95 dmg and corrected the dashing knee order , sorry:

    [2][1][4][P][K]+[G]; [G][P] > [3][3][6][P][P] (95dmg)

    [2][1][4][P][6][6][K]+[G]; [G][P] > [3][3][6][P][P] (95dmg)
    Cant buffer the [K]+[G]; [G] , for Pai you need to barely see Akira dashing
    and for Jean you need to see Akira dashing a very little longer than Pai

    [2][1][4][P][3][3][K]+[G]; [G][P] > [3][3][6][P][P] (95dmg)
    For Vanessa you cant buffer the [K]+[G]; [G] , you need to let Akira move a little

    Couldnt make it work on Goh
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2025
    Feck likes this.
  15. enr

    enr Member

    Just saw HSA doing this against Jean:
    [2][1][4][P][2][1][4][P][G][K] fully charged [P][3][3][6][P][P] for 100 dmg.
    Only works on him but super easy and impressive damage.

    Edit: you can add a [2][P] before the [3][3][6][P][P] (and [2][3][6][P][P] is easier than [3][3][6][P][P] in this case?).
    It seems to work if you delay a little the [2][P] but if you buffer the 1f kill it doesnt connect.
    You can add a little dash before the [2][P] and still works.
    It's just 1 extra dmg and sounds complicated but it still really easy to do.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2025
    Feck likes this.
  16. TSF

    TSF Active Member

    [4][6][P][P][K][+][G]; [G][2][P][2][4][6][P] (77 dmg)
    Needs a 1fk [2][P] on Jacky and Jean
    More damage than the shoulder variant but slightly harder to execute.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2025
    enr likes this.

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