VF5REVO El Blaze Combos

Discussion in 'El Blaze' started by Myke, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VF5REVO El Blaze Combos
    El Blaze Content Managers: @Seidon, @001, @supergolden

    Please use this thread to share, test and discuss VF5REVO El Blaze Combos. The Content Managers have to ability to add these to the VFDC Combos database.
    supergolden and 40i4 like this.
  2. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Stagger > RD K, P, KKK now works on Taka. 62 damage. The jab need to be delayed.

    Stagger > RD K, 2P, P, 4KPP seems like it might be the best you can get on another Blaze now. 65 damage.
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2025
    40i4 likes this.
  3. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    2P+G, OM, 2KPP works on Taka for 50
    OM towards Taka's front which after the throw is also Blazes front.
  4. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Blaze combos have changed a little because of the new weight system. It seems like a decent amount of the old FS/US stuff works, but some other stuff changed and it feels weird. It's a new game so let's just adapt. I'll just post everything I found from labbing and watching different streams etc. so we can have sort of a combo guide here in the thread. Just take whatever you need and add to the combo table. There's definitely more than this, but let's not get too far into the obscure stuff. This is good enough for now.

    [6][K][+][G] combos:

    In these combos if you launch them starting from closed stance, they're far away after the [2][P][+][K] so always hold forward a little bit after you bounce them and the 3 kicks at the end will connect.

    everyone except taka/wolf/jeff:
    [P][2][P][+][K] ► hold forward a half second then [K][K][K]

    counterhit on everyone except taka/wolf/jeff:
    [6][P][+][K][P][P][2][P][+][K] ► hold forward a half second then [K][K][K]
    this also works on non-counterhit hit vs lightweights (Va/Sa/Bl/Pa/Li/Ei/Ao/Sh) as long as they aren't crouching.

    wolf/jeff: [6][P][+][K][P][K][K][K]

    counterhit vs wolf/jeff: [P][2][P][+][K] ► hold forward a half second then [K][K][K]

    counterhit vs lightweights (Va/Sa/Bl/Pa/Li/Ei/Ao/Sh):
    [3][P][P][P][2][P][+][K] ► hold forward a half second then [K][K][K]

    [4][P][+][K] combos:

    Everyone except Jeff/Wolf/Taka:
    [2][P](from backturned) ► [P][G]cancel ► [K][K][K]

    Jeffry/Wolf: [2][P](from backturned) ► [K][K][K]

    Taka: [8][K](from backturned) ► [4][K][P][G]cancel ► [6][P][K]

    [2_][6][P][+][K] combos:

    everyone except wolf/jeff/taka: [2][P][+][K][P][G]cancel ► [K][K][K]

    [6][K][+][G][P][G]cancel ► [K][K][K]
    Note: this combo works against Aoi/Akira if you hit the [2_][6][P][+][K] starting from closed stance. If you don't want to check stance, just do the "everyone" combo I listed first

    Wolf/Jeff: [2][P][+][K][4][K][P][P]

    taka: [3][P][P][P][P][K]

    [8][P][+][K] combos:

    taka: [P][3][K][+][G]
    everyone except taka: [P][G]cancel ► [4][K][P][P]

    shun: [P][6][K][+][G][2][P][6][P][K]

    wolf/jeff: pkg cancel > 66p+k > 662p > kkk(71dmg)
    (open stance only)

    closed stance(ei/bl/ao/sa/pa/li/va/la/br):

    open stance against Lau/Lei/Brad:
    [4][6][P][G]cancel ► [P][K][G]cancel ► [K][K][K]

    rocket discharge [K] combos:

    everyone except taka:
    [2][P][P][G]cancel ► [K][K][K] (slightly delay the second hit)
    Note: the last part of this combo will whiff against characters like shun/pai/blaze unless you delay the first kick and input the last 2 full speed. I just do it against all characters (except) taka like this.

    wolf: [P][2][P][+][K][K][K][K]

    brad/jean: [3][3]neutral [P][2][P][+][K][K][K][K]

    Pai/Aoi/Lion/Eileen: [2][P][2][P][+][K][K][K][K]

    Vanessa/Sarah/Lion: [2][P][P][2][P][+][K][K][K][K]
    Against lion hold forward a half second before doing the 3 kicks at the end. Basically in rocket discharge [K] combos you should just always do this.

    rocket discharge [9][K][+][G][P] combos:

    everyone except wolf/jeff/taka: [P][G]cancel ► [4][K][P][P]

    Wolf/Jeff: [6][P][+][K][P][6][P][K]

    Taka: [P][3][K][+][G]

    last hit of [4][K][P][P] combos:

    everyone except taka: dash ► [P][K][K][K]

    taka: forward dash ► [P][G]cancel ► [6][P][K]

    backturned [K][+][G] combos:

    everyone except wolf/jeff/taka: [2][P][+][K][P][G]cancel ► [K][K][K]

    [2][P][+][K][K][K][K] always hold forward a half second before you do the [K][K][K] in this so you don't have to worry about missing it.

    taka: [P][G]cancel ► [K][K][K]

    backturned [8][K] combos:

    Everyone except taka: [P][G]cancel ► [4][K][P][P]

    taka: [P][3][K][+][G]

    [9][P] combos:

    everyone except jeff/wolf/taka:

    Jeff/Wolf: [6][P][+][K][P][K][K][K]

    taka[9][P] only launches him on counter hit or whiff punish:

    descending jump [P] combos:

    everyone except wolf/jeff/taka: dash ► [2][P][P][G]cancel ► [K][K][K]

    wolf/jeff: dash ► [2][P][K][K][K] (only works on wolf starting from closed stance)

    against wolf in open stance: dash ► [2][P][P][6][P][K]

    taka: [6][P][K]

    descending [K] combos:

    everyone except taka: [2][P][3][K][+][G]

    taka: [3][K][+][G] or [3][P][+][K]

    [3][P][+][G] low throw combos:

    Ak/ka/go/Le: [8][P][+][K][P][6][K][+][G][2][P][6][P][K](73dmg)

    Jean/Jacky: [6][K][+][G][4][K][P][P][6][P][K](79dmg)

    lau/brad: [6][K][+][G][P][K][G]cancel ► [6][P][+][K][P][K][K][K](77dmg)

    va/sa/bl/ei/ao: [8][P][+][K][P][6][K][+][G][6][P][K](69dmg)

    shun: [6][K][+][G][P][4][K][P][P](65dmg)

    lion: [8][P][+][K][P][6][K][+][G][K][K][K](78dmg)

    pai/lion: [6][K][+][G][4][K][P][P][6][P](69dmg)

    jeff/wolf: [8][P][+][K][P][2][P][K][K][K](67dmg)

    taka: [6][K][+][G][2][P][+][K][6][P][K](62dmg)

    [2][P][+][G] throw combos:

    taka: [6][P][K](43dmg)

    everyone else: [P][G]cancel ► [K][K][K](61dmg)

    [4][6][P][+][G] throw combos(opponent back to wall):

    sh/ao/ei/bl: hold forward ► [2][P][K][K][K][3][K][+][G](97dmg)
    ak/ja/jn/br/la/ka/le/go/sa/pa/li/va/: [2][K][P][K][3][K][+][G](95dmg)
    everyone except taka: [2][P][K][K][K]
    taka: [6][P][K]
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025
  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Been running through my character notes and here's the takeaway from what I see vs Taka

    Both PK, 6PK and 2P+K, P, 6P+K still work for same damage.
    First one has become easier since no need to hold 6_ anymore but the latter still offers better carry while requiring a couple of tricks to land it reliably.

    8P+K and RD 9K+GP
    P, 6PK
    Before the exe was P, 1fk 6PK but now you need to do about a half dash of delay on P into 6PK with no 1fk

    2P+G, OM 2KPP new combo mentioned above

    46P+K CH now allows for 9P+KK high bound for combos posted before

    stagger > RD K
    P, KKK works but the window to hit it is very small
    in FS 6P+KP, 3K+G was hard but now it's piss easy. Does 6 damage less than the above combo though. Microdash into 6P+K for timing.

    Everything else works the same as before.
    Having said that I see the 3P+G combo on Taka is way below optimal on the FS combo list
    Here's the good one
    3P+G, 6K+G, 2P+K, dash P, 6PK
    Unlike a front hit of 6K+G you do not want to 1fk your 6P

    EDIT: Tested 2_6P+K, 3PP, PPK from DRE's message above. More damage than 2P+K, P, 6PK and easier to perform due to not needing any delays but it does leave you less options for oki. Very nice find though, gonna be a useful add to the arsenal.
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2025
  6. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    A couple of notes on the combos currently on the list

    If you delay the jab a little longer, getting the jab in
    2_6P+K, 2P+K, P, KKK
    on Wolf and Jeffry is no longer stance specific. You can also add the jab vs them after CH 4P+K, BT 2P

    These 2 combos
    CH 46P+K, 9P+KK, [RD K], 6PK
    CH 4P+K, BT 8K, [P+KP], 6PK
    The part in brackets can be replaced with 4KP on both and it does more damage. Is there some oki timing reason not to do that?

    Also, you don't need to mark advancing jabs anymore :D They're all advancing now.
  7. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I believe I've found what the 4K float change did.

    Before I had a different combo on almost all characters listed as max damage after 3P+G in my own spreadsheet but now it looks like you can land either 6K+G or 8P+K into 4KPP, 6PK on a lot of non-heavies.
    I haven't gone through them all but I just started doing it against random dummies while waiting in ranked queue and it works on a lot of people it definitely did not work on before.

    Sometimes the 6P needs to be 1fk. Against Vanessa the combo is 3P+G, 6K+G, 1fk 4KPP, 1fk 6PK but I think that was also the case in FS.
  8. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

  9. 40i4

    40i4 Well-Known Member

  10. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    This vid missed that you can also land the 79 damage 3P+G, 6K+G, 4KPP, 6PK on Vanessa, Sarah and Blaze by doing 1fk on both 4K and 6P.

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