VF5REVO Wolf Combos

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Myke, Jan 30, 2025.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VF5REVO Wolf Combos
    Wolf Content Managers: @Mister, @Unicorn

    Please use this thread to share, test and discuss VF5REVO Wolf Combos. The Content Managers have to ability to add these to the VFDC Combos database.
  2. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    Couple things I've found so far that need updating:

    [4][P] Elbow Butt:
    • [P][6][2][4][P][P] should be 56 damage

    Deadly Move [P][+][G]
    • [9][P][+][K][4][6][P][+][K][4][K][+][G][K] Does not seem to work on Vanessa (last kick wiffs), I even tried open vs closed stance
    • As pointed out below, it does work with a 1fk on [4][K][+][G][K], so a note to point this would on the combo would be great to have
    • Should probably add back some of the older combos as I did find they do work on her:
      • [9][P][+][K][4][6][P][+][K][2_][3][6][P] 83 damage
      • [9][P][+][K][3][3][P][+][K][6][P][P] 89 damage
    [6][K] Knee Lift:
    • Need to be updated to show these are CH combos

    [4][6][P][+][K] Short Shoulder:
    • From initial testing, both combos can be ended with [6][6][P][+][K] or [6][6][K][+][G] and they'll do the same damage based on the ender. So maybe drop the one with [9][P][+][K] before the [P] and just have the [P][9][P][+][K][2_][3][6][P] ► combo twice, once ending with [6][6][P][+][K] for 86 damage and the second ending with [6][6][K][+][G] for 93 damage.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2025
  3. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    If you 1fk the 4K+GK it still works (44K+GK). Throws don't care about stances btw, they always end up in predetermined ones.
    NecromancyBlack likes this.
  4. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    Cheers Combolammas, it's tight but it does indeed work. So need that note added to the combo instead.

    Also yeah, I realized shortly after I posted that throws obviously always set both characters to a certain stance!
  5. TheEsquire

    TheEsquire New Member

    Practicing some of the combos currently listed to get a feel for the game. Small thing I caught.

    Under the Heavy Middle Kick [3][K][+][G] combos. The current first one listed -


    It's listed as doing 87 damage. It actually does 84. Guessing it just got mixed up with the combo below it, which is listed as (and actually does) 87 damage :)
  6. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Thanks for the feedback guys. Still working on moving combos that work from FS/US 1.0 to US 2.0/Revo.
  7. Flowtaro

    Flowtaro New Member

    Has anyone found use for 6P+K's increased air combo potential? I haven't found any routes where you can't just already use 9P+K so it's a little confusing.

    Also with the loss of Push, is the only way to combo into wall throws a very specifically spaced K+G? I will really miss those opportunities but maybe I'm mistaken
  8. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    Not really, no. Like I said, anytime [6][P][+][K] lands so does [9][P][+][K].

    There might be some situations where [6][P][+][K] gives some more air time to juggle Taka now, but I don't think that lets you land the [2_][3][6][P] small bound anyways, so it's hardly making use of the new properties.
  9. Flowtaro

    Flowtaro New Member

  10. Flowtaro

    Flowtaro New Member

    Sorry for double post, but with the reference in mind, I found some uses against Light weights and lower (SA, SH, PA, LI, VA, AO, EI, EL). In open stance you can do:

    [4][6][P][+][K], [6][P][+][K], [P], [9][P][+][K], [2_][3][6][P], [6][6], [6][6][K][+][G] (106)

    In closed stance, the [9][P][+][K] doesn't hit, so maybe there's some more manipulation you can do to make it hit?

    Of course you can use a few different enders, that one just seems to be the most damaging. I will try to experiment with this more, especially since the Jean combo is a surprise with his weight.
    Mister likes this.
  11. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Thanks for that combo @Flowtaro I'm going to test it to add it to the combo list.

    RIght now the [6][P][+][K] is used mostly against taka and in few other cases. Like the new deadly move combo that finally gives us a decent damage output vs the sumoka. That alone makes the changes to grasp palm knee really nice.


    This combo is really cool and actually increase the combo output from behind quite a lot. I'm gonna test it vs the whole roster. As of right now, vs Jean, it seems it works only in a specific stance (which is the one we are after push from BG).
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025
  12. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    FYI, those new [4][6][P][+][K] combos with the [6][P][+][K] are incorrectly listed as being for closed stance when they should be open stance.
  13. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    After [4][6][P][+][K] Wolf switches stance and that's when the stance check is supposed to happen according to the guide rules of VFDC. So it's as intended
  14. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    Ok, just to make sure I understand that, [4][6][P][+][K] changes Wolf's stance meaning that after the hit lands he would now be in closed stance, and therefore that's how the combos are to be noted?
  15. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    That's correct.
  16. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    So testing
    Deadly Move [P][+][G][9][P][+][K][4][6][P][+][K][4][K][+][G][K] and seems that just like in the previous version this doesn't work on Shun Di or El Blaze. El Blaze can quickrise before the [4][K][+][G] and it just seems to plain wiff Shun Di.

    Instead this old combo from the last version still seems to work on them:
    Deadly Move [P][+][G][9][P][+][K][3][3][P][+][K][6][P][P]
    Mister likes this.
  17. deliciousjay

    deliciousjay New Member

    kind of a silly question, but i can't find it in the command list, how do you do the hit throw followups to hcb p+k and another k+g move that is an ex high kick (not sure of command)
  18. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    [6][3][2][1][4][P][+][K] on hit you input [P]+[G] for the followup. It's just a timing thing, gotta input the [P]+[G] when the move hits, not before.

    [1][K][+][G] and [4][3][P] go into a stun type where you can throw them afterwards with the giant swing input of [4][1][2][3][6][P][+][G]. This doesn't need to be done on hit, can be done afterwards, but you get a higher damage version of the throw for inputting from [4] through the [2] to [6][P][+][G] within 4 frames.

    The perfect throw after [1][K][+][G] is I think the best damage you can get off it. I think it's easier though after [4][3][P] on most characters to just then combo with the same combos you get as [3][K][+][G].
    Mister likes this.
  19. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    Just a quick addition to what @NecromancyBlack already said. There's also 6p+k+g from the wall that will cause the head collapse needed for the throw follow up
    NecromancyBlack likes this.
  20. NecromancyBlack

    NecromancyBlack Active Member

    I had forgotten about the wall move, so rare to see it lol

    Makes me wonder now, what kind of combo can you get that that? A full one like [4][3][P] or a smaller one like [1][K][+][G]?

    EDIT:: Test it on Goh at random. After the wall [4][P][+][K][+][G] hit you can land a [9][P][+][K] for the restand stun, just like after a [4][3][P].
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2025

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