VF5US v2.0 Kage Changes

Discussion in 'Kage' started by VolcanoShed, Dec 13, 2024.

  1. VolcanoShed

    VolcanoShed Well-Known Member

    [UPDATE]: for completeness sake, I'll list all the other changes Kage got from the patch notes
    • Old PP4P command changed to PP1P (Kage has a new PP4P now)
    • Old PP4PK command changed to PP1PK (Kage has a new PP4PK now)
    • PKP+K+G to Shippujin is now a faster transition, now +7 on hit, up from +5 in FS. Also +1 on block, up from -1 on block in FS.
      • This means PKP+K+G > SH 6P (frame 19) now frame traps 2P
    • 6P crouch hit now has the same advantage (+7) as 6P CH
      • This means 6P(hold) > Jumonji PK is guaranteed on side crouch hit as well as side CH
    • 4PP+K+G to Shippujin is now +2 on block, +5 on NH
      • Also +7 on CH
    • 2_3P got 2 more total recovery frames, up to 45 total frames from 43 total frames in FS (46 total frames vs 44 total frames if the attack was done from standing)
      • This now makes it more punishable on evade, for example if the opponent is hit by CH 6P (they're -7) then Kage does 2_3P and they evade that, the opponent is 46 - 7 - 23 = +16 after evade
    • 1PKP+K+G to Shippujin is now a faster transition, now +7 on hit, up from +5 in FS. Also +1 on block, up from -1 on block in FS.
    • 623P+K from 41236P or 63214P: buffed from 30 dmg to 35 dmg
    • 4K and 4K(hold) to Backturned Jumonji got 2 more recovery frames (46 total frames and 43 total frames respectively, up from 44 and 41 in FS) and gained 2 frames of disadvantage on block (4K is now -7 on block, 4K(hold) is now -5 on block)
      • 4K is now more punishable on evade and it's easier for the opponent to take their turn if Kage stops at the first hit of the 4K string
      • The frame data is still the same on hit or CH
    • 44K now starts a combo on counterhit, you can follow up with BT 7K for a bound
    • 3K "Less likely to create distance on counter hit in order for the second hit to connect more frequently.", now 3KK and 3KP will combo reliably even if the first hit 3K counterhits.
      • 3KPP is now a reliable CH string against Taka
    • P+K damage buffed from 20 to 21
      • This means you can beat rising kicks with P+K now. If they're near the wall this can be worth going for, since you can push them into the wall and wall stagger them then get a wallsplat if you successfully beat their rising kick with P+K
    • 623P+K damage buffed from 30 to 35
    • 623P+KP hitbox expanded
      • 623P+KPKK now seems to connect more reliably in some combos, like against Taka
    • 623P+KPKK damage buffed to 30 from 25, also the input window was made easier
      • Easier to punish -16 or more with the full DP now
    • 46P+KP+K+G to Shippujin is now a faster transition, now +0 on block, +2 on NH, +7 on CH
    • Old 44P+K command changed to 214P+K
    • 2P+K now staggers on crouch hit or counterhit, also 2P+KP+K+G to Shippujin is now a faster transition (-3 on block)
    • 2P+KK now starts a combo on grounded hit, but it seems like you can only really follow up with BT 2K
    • 1P+K is now +13 on hit
      • This means 1P+K > 4PK is guaranteed, which is a nice buff to Kage's -15 standing punishment game
      • Also means Side hit 1P+K > 1P+K > 4PK is guaranteed, and Side 6P+G > 1P+K > 1P+K > 4PK is also guaranteed for 69 dmg and a knockdown
    • 6K+G start-up changed from 21 to 20 frames, also is now a real launcher: before in FS, if you got hit by the first hit, you could tech roll to avoid getting combo'd, but now a full combo is guaranteed on hit
      • This gives Kage a very strong NH launcher, since he can get over 90 damage on basically everyone as well as a ton of ring carry.
      • Also, 6K+G beats Aoi's tenchi (P+K+G) and starts a combo on Taka even on NH, which gives him another useful tool in both matchups
    • 46K+GKK: eased the input window
    • 3K+G: now starts a combo on hit instead of knocking down. Similar to 2P+KK, it seems like you can only really follow up with BT 2K
    • 44P+K+G: now transitions to stance earlier
    • PP4P: new PP4P, similar to 4P: +1 on block, +3 on NH, +7 on CH, has a mid kick follow-up PP4PK
      • Can also go into Jumonji with 4P(hold) (+1 on block, +3 on NH, +7 on CH)
      • Or Shippujin with 4PP+K+G (+2 on block, +4 on NH, +8 on CH)
    • PP4PK: similar to 4PK, except PP4PK is -15 on block instead of -13
    • Jumonji 6P: damage buffed from 15 to 17, also changed the effect on hit: now puts the opponent in a spinning state similar to Lau 46P+K or Wolf 4P+K, and leaves Kage +16 on CH. It's also now +6 on crouch hit (no more crouch stagger) but still puts the opponent in the spinning state, and is now -6 on block (up from -4 in FS)
      • CH JU 6P > 1P+K > 4PK is guaranteed
      • If the opponent hits the wall after getting NH, crouch hit, or CH by JU 6P, they'll be wall staggered and you can wallsplat them with 2K+G
      • On side CH, JU 6P is +19, making Kage's 6K+G (20F mid) unblockable and unevadable, giving Kage a huge combo
    • 4P+K+G from Jumonji to Shippujin: now transitions to stance earlier
    • Backturned Jumonji K now combos on hit, also changed animation on block
      • A basic combo you can get is BT JU K > 46K+GKK or 2P+KK
    • 4P+K+G to Shippujin: now transitions to stance earlier
    • Shippujin K: changed from a mid attack to an EX high attack, also combos on hit (same combo start as Backturned Jumonji K), and is now +3 on block (up from -3 in FS)
      • A basic combo you can get is SH K > 46K+GKK or 2P+KK
    • Backturned Shippujin 7K: now causes a large bound while hitting mid-air
    • Backturned Shippujin P+KK: changed the effect on hit, allowing it to more easily be implemented in mid-air combos.
    • Backturned P: Changed the effect on hit, allowing it to more easily be implemented in mid-air combos.
    • Backturned 2P: now +2 on NH, up from +1 on NH in FS, meaning you can now frame trap 2P with Kage's 6P after BT 2P lands a NH. Also, you can now get a side wall stagger with
    • Backturned 2P, similar to Backturned Jumonji 2P
    • Backturned 7K: Now causes a large bound while hitting mid-air.
      • Useful after CH 44K to get a bigger combo
    • Backturned P+KK: Changed the effect on hit, allowing it to more easily be implemented in mid-air combos.
    • Wall Behind Opponent 66P+G: buffed from 70 dmg to 75 dmg
    • Wall Behind Kage 64P+G: buffed from 70 dmg to 75 dmg

    Let's try to compile all the Kage changes in VF5US 2.0 that we can find, at least so it can be easier for the VFDC staff to update the command list

    Here's what I found so far:
    • Old PP4P/PP4PK became PP1P/PP1PK

    • Old 44P+K became 214P+K

    • New PP4P (similar to regular 4P, +1 on block, can go into jumonji or shippujin), whole string also connects consecutively on side hit

    • New PP4PK (similar to 4PK, -15 on block)

    • 1P+K is +13 on NH (4PK GUARANTEED!!)

    • 6K+G is a real combo starter now (before you could tech roll after the first hit to avoid getting combo'd)!! And it's only -16 on block.

    • BT 2P IS +2 on NH, +5 on CH, and -4 on block, also it can side wall stagger just like BT JU 2P!

    • PKP+K+G/1PKP+K+G (TO SHIPPUJIN) is +7 on NH (SH 6P frame traps 2P), +1 on block, and +4 on side block (SH 3P frame traps 2P)

    • JU 6P is now -6 on block but now puts the opponent in a spinning state (similar to Lau 46P+K), Kage becomes +6 on NH or crouch hit (no more stagger on crouch hit), +16 on CH (1P+K to 4PK is guaranteed at least, may be more), and if the opponent is knocked into a wall they'll get wall staggered
    • On side CH JU 6P is +19 so Kage's 6K+G is unblockable/unevadable!!

    • SH K is EX High, +3 on block, and starts a combo on hit

    • BT JU K is +4 on block and starts a combo on hit

    • 3KP range increased, 3KP now connects even when 3K is a CH, also making 3KPP a reliable CH string against Taka
    Please feel free to post if you find more!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2024
    Myke, Koenraku, Oioron and 1 other person like this.
  2. VolcanoShed

    VolcanoShed Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Dec 13, 2024
  3. cobratron

    cobratron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Santa's delivering!
    $ir JDE and VolcanoShed like this.
  4. VolcanoShed

    VolcanoShed Well-Known Member

  5. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    Does he feel more buffed than he did before? I haven’t been able to lab the changes yet.
  6. VolcanoShed

    VolcanoShed Well-Known Member

    Yes he feels a lot better, they gave him a lot of fun things
  7. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    Now all his just frame are way more easier.

    The shoryu is automatic now (not kidding).
    The dragon kicks are automatic too.
    The hit throw now even from max range (round start) is the same timing as from point blank
    VolcanoShed likes this.
  8. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    I was trying to see if anything was new off of his launch grab. Haven't found any new links that I probably would use yet outside of the Myke vids he posted on X.

    Edit: The new stance transitions are hella fun!
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2024
  9. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    Pls link Mike's tweet
  10. VolcanoShed

    VolcanoShed Well-Known Member

    G0d3L likes this.
  11. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    Now 3PP is a reliable meaty after all of his knockdowns.

    They have expanded its hitbox greatly. No special effort required to make it connect as a meaty.

    It's a nice addition to his oki because now we have something with hands and not just feet (K+G, 44K+G, 4K+G!P+G).

    On top of that being semicircular it can be used to beat the evade-guard wake up OS making it connect just one frame later.

    It's not plus as K+G but being hit confirmable it's second best case for a launcher.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
    $ir JDE, Oioron and VolcanoShed like this.
  12. G0d3L

    G0d3L Well-Known Member

    6K+G wall combo.

    From round start position on taco stage

    6K+G > soft wall hit (after second hit of 6k+g) > 9K+G (done quite before the wall hit) > 2_3P > K+G > 623P+K (now does more damage than the knee) > 46K+GK!K > 3K+G
    $ir JDE and VolcanoShed like this.
  13. VolcanoShed

    VolcanoShed Well-Known Member

    Another way to potentially make use of the 44K CH combo starter:

    44K backturns you and normally it's +1, but if you space it so it hits near the tip it will become +2, and you can do this from a backdash by doing 44 > K.

    If they blocked then Kage will be +2 and his BT 2P will frame trap the opponent, if their back is to the wall and BT 2P CHs then they'll get wall staggered and you can wallsplat them with 2K+G.

    Another advantage is that backdashing and doing a delayed 44K naturally delays the attack, so if you had plus frames and the opponent tried to evade, your 44 > K will bait out their failed evade and if they tried to hit a button (evade into button) then they may get CH by the 44K and you can get a combo.

    Maybe there's a better combo midscreen, but here's a basic one: CH 44K > BT 7K > PP1PK
  14. VolcanoShed

    VolcanoShed Well-Known Member

    For completeness sake I updated the post to list all the changes listed in the official patch notes as well as some extra clarifications/implications or frame data
    Combolammas likes this.
  15. VolcanoShed

    VolcanoShed Well-Known Member

    Wow I can't believe I didn't notice this until now

    P+K being buffed to 21 damage means it now wall staggers on normal hit

    This means it's strong against people that try to crouch block against Kage near the wall, but also...

    1P+K on CH was buffed to +17 in REVO, and also Shippujin P+K guard break is also +17. So after CH 1P+K or SH P+K Kage can get huge damage at the wall. 1P+K, SH P+K, and P+K all have a lot of pushback too so you could get these from a good distance away from the wall

    A video example:
    Chill, Myke and Oioron like this.
  16. $ir JDE

    $ir JDE Well-Known Member

    I wish that there was a "Winners" & "Losers" patch video or list. Just to see what others think.

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