VF5US What happened to the Fighting Styles and Stages

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Aug 6, 2021.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    All the other official Sega Virtua Fighter web pages for Virtua Fighter(VF4, VF4EVO, VF5) included each character's bio, detailed discussion of martial art fighting styles and stages. The new official VF5US is missing everything except just the bare move mechanics:oops:


    So not only is VF5US just one big online mode, missing the entire Single Player Mode, and no real offline VS features. The official Sega VF5US website is the most bare bone presentation of Virtua Fighter in the history of the game:mad:

    There is absolutely no excuse for a piss poor web page like that. Hell Sega & RGG could have just subbed it out to Fiverr


    • Trimmed Down Game (Online Mode Only)
    • Trimmed Down Webpage

    What's Next for The Future for VF5US
    • Trimmed Down Movelist
    • New Character DLC Seasons (Soon VF will have as many characters as Tekken)
    • e-sports DLC, Microtransactions
    • More Dramatic Hit Sparks, Rage Drive, Comeback Mechanics, etc

    What a shame:oops: I hope the big summer update turns things around:whistle:
  2. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    masterpo likes this.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter


    OMG . Sega can't possibly believe after all of this time that Fans outside of Japan don't care about this kind of stuff. Wow., you would think that the character's basic story, and particular fighting styles would go with the Website where the game is named Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown, and not on the website where the game is
    named Virtua Fighter e sports. :confused:

    Is it the case that the branch of Sega that is doing the English version not have the budget to do the Virtua Fighter web page justice.:eek: Or did they leave out the story, bio, fighting styles and stages on purpose:( Whatever the case its just sad.

    I can only hope that things get better as these big updates are released:unsure:
  4. shad

    shad Well-Known Member

    Everybody has a opinion.

    I wish personally we could have some new moves and characters so badly.
    Time flies, 11 years without any characters. A kid who has picked the last character from vf Jean at the time of his release is now a proper adult...

    Beside, I agree on that, more flavor and details make for a better game.
  5. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    The two Chinese and Korean version of the game website is called Ultimate Showdown and those respective website have the background of the characters included.
    masterpo likes this.
  6. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    So its not the association with the title Ultimate Showdown than caused the missing details, but rather the English versiono_O

    Amazing.,.,:confused: If its some kind of oversight , that shows how much care and concern and quality control went into the English version of the site. If it was left out on purpose that's telling another story altogether.:cautious:

    @shad I'm not against more characters, but I am against using DLC character seasons as a way to charge hundreds of dollars for a fighting game.

    If the publisher will release all of the characters & customizations on day 1 and charge $79.99 or $89.99 for the game that's one thing. But to develop all the characters a head of time. Ship the game with 2/3 of the roster and charge $69.99-$99.99 up front and then charge between $14.99 and $29.99 for each new season of DLC (Customizations + new Characters) for about 3 to 4 seasons. All for content that was available originally on day 1. is Bull$h#t:mad: or to charge me on day 1 for a game that is not finished and then to make me pay for the games competition using seasons and live service is Bull$h#t:mad:

    Add up the final price for Tekken 7 with all the DLCs + Characters, or DOA5LR, or DOA6. There were no real game play features added to these games after day 1. Only new characters and customizations that had already been developed at the time of the game's initial release. At least that's what I'm told by a few folks that I personally know who work in the industry:cool:

    Its the monetization and microtransactions that I detest.

    For IP, and Licensing reasons games may be more expensive to make. But because of the Advanced Game Engines and nice Tools available ( I Know this for a fact) games have never been more easy to make. And keep in mind that VF, Tekken, DOA have pretty much the same mechanics, designs, basic stage designs that they've had for 20 years. Each version is barely just a graphic update. There are not enough new features in the games to justify selling them for hundreds of dollars using the payment plan, boil the frog slow approach.

    @shad I welcome new characters, I just don't want the hustle. If the game publishers want to charge $150 for the game, just charge me the $150 on day 1 up front. Don't go through the song and dance about we'll see if the fans are supporting the game as a pretense for DLC Seasons ,live services and pay-as-u-go model. I'm not interested in being put on a payment plan that will result in me paying possibly hundreds of dollars for a game that uses seasons to add new characters and customizations that were already done at the game's initial release.

    Also notice that each version of these fighting games are costing more and more and have fewer and fewer Single Player or Two Player content. Only lots of Characters and Customization which themselves are not new features:whistle:

    I wonder what the final price of VF5US will be:eek: and how much Single Player or Two Player content we'll get for that final price. New Characters + Customizations ain't enough.:meh:

    But then I guess for some players it is enough.:notworthy:

    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
  7. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Trimmed Down moveslist?
    Dude, that comment alone is scary, and might give an extra heart attack to any VF player.:eek:

    Well hopefully that does not happen. I mean VF5 US is based on VF5 FS, a game that was notorious, for having a ton of moves and throws, and other stuff removed. Hopefully, an update will bring back, all of those moves and throws that are missing. And then all of the VF players who hate VF5 FS and left will finally return, so we can have lots more players, and many cool online matches together. Hopefully....
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2021
    masterpo likes this.
  8. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I truly hope I'm wrong:(
    beanboy likes this.
  9. @masterpo: fighting games' system of microtransactions and seasonal DLC is the current business model and game design.
    That's IMO from what I see &/or read about.

    I haven't played VF5US yet, I only have up to the PS3. Would be great if VF5US had offline quest mode... the online only setup is unfortunate.
    But I'm only a consumer of the product- so who cares about my opinion.
    I can be an A-hole online opponent- but welcome matches if I'm playing Ranked. PSN ID same as on this forum.
    beanboy and masterpo like this.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    You are correct this micro-transactions, season DLC model is definitely ONE of the current business models for selling games. However, its not the only one, and not necessarily the best one.:cautious:

    The micro-transactions, season DLC approach is Publisher/Vendor friendly and advantageous to the Publisher/Vendor while the customer tends to see fewer and fewer real features and Total Cost of Game Ownership higher and higher. So the Game Publisher wins and the customer loses in this business model. :oops:

    The Publisher/Developers put in considerable less effort, less investment, less resources, while charging the consumer more for fewer features. Additionally the players typically have to wait about 1 to 3 years to finally get the complete game , after paying (on average) between $200 - $300 for the same game that in the PS3/XBox , or earlier generations would have cost between $29.99 - $69.99 and the player would have received the entire game on day one, with 2, 3, sometimes even 4 times more features than their microtransaction season DLC counterparts have today.

    Players born after 2002 tend to believe that this micro-transaction, season DLC approach is not only normal but the best way for buying video games. Players born before 2002, tend to recognize the micro-transaction, season DLC approach as complete Bull$#it:mad: and hostile to the cust

    This is why game companies are now moving away from the older players and focusing on the younger more naive players, who don't understand just how much they're being ripped off
  11. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I see alot of people saying this same thing, especially in alot of comments on youtube vids, talking about EA, Activision and Epic Games, microtransactions = gambling type vids. And something called loot boxes that are in alot of games, especially in a game called Fortnite. Hopefully sega doesn't go that route at all. Because with the fanbase sega has, it might back fire on them almost 100%.:confused:

    Good thing I come from a generation, that knows when they are being ripped off, and know when to cut ties with game companies, when they are doing silly crap.:)
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2021
  12. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Why is the English version of the Virtua Fighter Ultimate Showdown game missing the Story information and the Fighting Styles. The story for each character and the official fighting styles for each character are clearly on the web pages in other countries:


    Was someone on VFDC involved with producing the "watered down" content for the English version of the VF5US:confused:


    I hope on December 4th RGG/Sega is going to announce Single Player content and a fix for this "watered down" English version of the VF5US website:rolleyes:
  13. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

  14. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    In the minds of Japanese companies and game companies, foreigners are not so important. Heck, even nintendo does too.:meh:
    masterpo likes this.
  15. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Maybe its not the fault of the Japanese, but is the fault of whoever is in charge of the English website. Maybe its a marketing mistake:confused: Maybe someone in marketing believes that the Japanese market cares more character back stories, and fighting styles than other markets:unsure:

    I dunno. But from now on, I'll go straight to the Japanese site and use Google Translate:rolleyes:
    beanboy likes this.

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