[VFDC CHOICE] Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

Discussion in 'Console' started by Chanchai, Mar 7, 2002.

  1. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    I hope a PS2 equivalent of the "Double Power" comes out. So to speak, it's like an EMS "Dex Drive" so to speak. Also capable of duplicating "non-copyable" files. It certainly saved me the hassle of hooking up my DC near the PC when I wanted to store my DC files. Having two slots was also nice.

  2. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    Feixaq, thanks for the info. You don't mention it, so I just wanted to confirm that you'll be able to download someone elses .psu file and upload it into your own memory card, right? That is the whole point of this exercise... passing around ~50K replay files instead of 10meg movies. Hopefully the bit tweaking needed to exchange files between Japanese and US PS2's won't be too complicated...
  3. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    You don't mention it, so I just wanted to confirm that you'll be able to download someone elses .psu file and upload it into your own memory card, right?

    Yes. Genie sent me 50 replays from the recently concluded SG tournament, and it took awhile to transfer them all to my memory card, but they work.
  4. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    Thanks a lot man /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    By the way where can i download replays??
  5. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    Not yet up. I'll put up a Dural-enabled system file and a Grand Emperor Lei Fei file with 7 spheres (so you can challenge in VS mode and grab all the spheres) this weekend.
  6. sontawila

    sontawila Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    Let me help on that /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    i well post all Character in emperror rank with a lot of item for each /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  7. Darknight

    Darknight Active Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    Chan: There is an adaptor out there that is a standalone device but it costs $50. That's a significant hike for a standalone device compared to the $20 price of the EMS adaptor. So for those that don't want to or have the option of moving your PS2, then there is this alternative. Both of these adaptors will let you copy copy-protected files.

    Feixa: Really, it's slow? I never had an issue about small files being slow.

    To everyone else: The SharkPort is a crappy device. Don't waste your money on it. I know several people who picked it up and then returned it after seeing the EMS adaptor. There were a ton of annoying quirks with the SharkPort that just made it a pain in the ass. On top of that, the EMS adaptor is significantly cheaper. So I don't see why you should pay for an inferior product. Another thing to think of is that for at least this board, there is a file format difference between the SharkPort and other devices so it's best that everyone here gets the same device so that everyone can share the data.
    On top of that the SharkPort only works with US systems and you need the disc in the system in order to use it where as the EMS adaptor can be used on any system and you can use it at any time, even during the middle of a game.

    As for file conversion, I at least know how to do it with this file format and can confirm that it works. It's a simple process, but I would rather wait until I have the US version, which should be tomorrow, before I put up instructions on how to do it. If I have time, I'll even try to write a simple utility that will convert it for you.
  8. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    OK! Stupid question time.

    If you convert a Japanese version character file with the ring name written in Japanese characters, does it still display in Japanese on the US version, or does it show up as gibberish? If they deleted the Japanese font entirely from the game it would display as junk characters... but I doubt they would do that.

    I know the majority of people here wouldn't care at all but I love my katakana character names.
  9. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    Several people have asked me this already, so I thought I'd post it so those of you who are getting EMS adapters or are thinking about it.

    Firstly, the EMS website is http://www.hkems.com . From here you can download the software necessary to effect the data transfers. Direct link: http://www.hkems.com/files/ps2linker(v2.006).exe

    Now, to use the adapter, you have to jump through hoops to get this done:

    1. Power down PS2 and PC
    2. Plug PS2 memory card into EMS adapter
    3. Move switch on EMS adapter to the left ("PS2")
    4. Plug card+adapter into memory slot on PS2
    5. Connect parallel cable, one end into EMS adapter, other end into PC's parallel port
    6. Power up PS2 and PC
    7. Load PS2 Linker software

    Once this is done, you can upload and download what you want. Note that saved files are downloaded to your PC individually as .psu files (you cannot download the entire memory card into one huge file). Also, the English used in the PS2 Linker software is pretty bad (but it's a HK outfit, so you can't really blame them).

    "saver" = saved file
    "append" = upload

    The rest should be pretty easy to figure out. Note that it takes pretty darned long to transfer files even if they're 50KB in size, for some reason.

    In case you're wondering if the SharkPort is any easier... I doubt it is. I read through the FAQ, and you need to connect the PC, PS2 and adapter in a similar manner, plus load up a special SharkPort disc in the PS2, which makes it even more cumbersome. (Probably due to some form of encryption on the saved files that can only be decrypted when the PS2 is on... hence we don't have a simple solution like a standard USB CompactFlash Card Reader).

    The SharkPort also doesn't allow you to use a regular SmartMedia card like the EMS adapter does, and I believe the SharkPort also doesn't have EMS' hex editor functionality (which is supposed to allow you to tweak the saved files to convert between JP and US formats *if* you know which bytes to tweak... I haven't tried this yet).
  10. Darknight

    Darknight Active Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    Japanese characters show up just fine.
  11. PreyTaker

    PreyTaker New Member

    Ok, really, really stupid question time

    I am new to this, completely new, like I just ordered my PS2 and VF4 on Sunday. This all sounds cool, but what exactly am I looking for?
  12. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    REQUEST: can someone PLEASE figure out how to convert vf4 jap files into US files using the EMS adapter!! . i'd like to take my character and play it on my friend's usa ps2.

    five bucks who ever figure this out!!!!
  13. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    ok, I know some people know how to make this happen, cause some dude private messaged me telling to send him some ps2 files so he could convert it, i told him why not share the info and tell VFDC how to do it.....I never heard from him again (marty chinn! aka darknight on vfdc)

    so i resort to this: if anyone can make a nice detailed faq on how to convert japanese ps2 files to usa files using the EMS adapter I would send you ANY choice of 2 COPIES virtua fighter videos (any video from vf1, 2, 3 and 4). you know, those videos that teach you combos and strategys and shit like that and tournaments, just name 2 videos and i'll make you a copy IF you can do a faq on converting EMS ps2 files to usa files for evryone to see.

    so there start cracking. there's a "prize" for it

    if anyone says "lame prize"....just....shit the fuck up :>
  14. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    "As for file conversion, I at least know how to do it with this file format and can confirm that it works. It's a simple process, but I would rather wait until I have the US version, which should be tomorrow, before I put up instructions on how to do it. If I have time, I'll even try to write a simple utility that will convert it for you. "

    dude, we're still waiting for you to make this utility, please do it.
  15. Darknight

    Darknight Active Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    Sorry, I haven't been here in awhile. Been quite busy ever since E3 took place. At anyrate, here's how to do it.

    Take a hex editor and load up the file. Find the product ID code which can be found on the bottom of the spine of the case. It should look something like SCPS-15009. I don't have my Japanese VF4 case handy so that's the product ID code for Gran Turismo 3. Find the location of that ID code in the file with the hex editor. Once you have found it, now get the product ID code for the US version of Virtua Fighter 4. Replace the ID code in the file with the US ID code. Save the file and you're done.
  16. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    Darknight, thanks for that!

    Can the same process be used to convert saved replays between JP and US formats? If so, then I'll be stoked.
  17. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    holy cow!!! finally!!! thanks sooo much man!!! i almost gave up on this, again , much kudos to you !

    ps. the USA product number is SLUS-20323

    fuck yeeeeaaaaaahhhh!!! /versus/images/icons/cool.gif
  18. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Using the EMS adapter to transfer PS2 VF4 replays

    mike, yes replays do in fact work. i'll post a detalied way of doing it as there are some small little details that some people might make a mistake (like i did).
  19. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    VF4 region change instructional video...

    sure i got lazy, but here it is. /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif

    download the zip and run the codec included so you can play this type of AVI movie file, then just play the movie and listen/see/learn....

    VF4 region change

    some facts

    1)make your japanese vf4 character, replay, system files work on an american ps2.

    2)make your japanese vf4 character, replay, system files work on a japanese ps2.

    3)japanese letters and characters for the character's ring names that are NOT availabe on the usa version of vf4 will appear just fine on an american ps2.

    4)once you make the files they can only be used for one type of region only (jap/usa), they're not universal.

    thats it, play your shit!
  20. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF4 region change instructional video...

    LMAO! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    Thanks piccolo! Never knew learning could be so much fun!

    Just an extra note: when looking for the codes to change in the hex editor, to ensure you don't miss any, you can use the Find option under the Edit menu, rather than manually looking up and down the ascii column.

    PLAY YOUR SHIT! haha /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

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