VFdiary.com article archive -Ohsu's diary-

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by maddy, Jul 8, 2005.

  1. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member


    The following is Ohsu's web diary (AKA blog thesedays) translated by a Korean Akira player Morigan. This diary is not dated specifically, but I speculate that it was written a while ago. Nonetheless, I thought it's a great read so I wanted to share with my fellow VFers on this website. Hope you enjoy this.

    Ohsu Akira's diary -Inotchi Akira-

    So, earlier of the day, I was thinking of either playing VF at home on PS2 to practice some combos, but I wound up was going out again. I like my Life being simple as it is. The weather's been really nice thesedays.A rainy day just blows.

    By the time I got to the arcade(Nishi Sportscenter), most importantly, there was nobody there playing VF. That meant I finally had my chance to renew my cards. I will probably go shopping with Kofumegane tomorrow, and then we will probably come back to NishiSpo, but who knows what's going to happen.

    Now, here comes my random issue of player evaluation.

    At first, I was wondering if I deserve to write such an article about other player, but this is all in good fun, and I'd like to keep thing interesting, so here comes my first article.

    Player: Inotchi (Character: Akira)


    Scouting report

    Command input accuracy: @@@@

    Killing ability: @@@@@+@

    Speed: @@@@

    Morality: @@

    Defense: @@@@

    Randomness: @@

    Man Power:(Strength in tourneys): @@@@@@

    Tendency of breaking his own card in frustration: @@@@

    Frequency of ECDG(evade crouch dash cancle): @ X 10000

    Will you play me in the universe this time? : @@@@@ (persistency?)

    For my first player evaluation, the lethal weapon of Akira- Inotchi- has been chosen. Accurately, he started playing VF in the VF4 Ver.C days, but when he really started showing his skills at the NishiSpo was around the time when VF4 Evo came out. At first, people hesitated to give him a respect , but his endless practice and persistent playing opened up his VF eyes, increasing skill tremendously up to his present level.

    You can easily get the picture from the fact that Homestay, Tsuchikumo, and Mukki Akira have all been demoted by him one by one in his recent ranking battles.

    It's safe to say that Inotch is the one who plays the most ideal style of VF4, "attacking VF", the best. In addition to that, he defenses very well, and he escapes throws exceptionally.

    His best asset would probably be his ability in stepping up under a big pressure. He often does about a 3-4 players' role in tournaments.

    As a side note, he rarely plays with a sub character, and his skill is pretty stable in any day. You usually don't see him having one of those off days. Inotchi is clearly one of the players who are on a role thesedays.

    As a downside of him, for his personality, when anyone asks him to be on their team before a team tournament, he almost never hesitate to abandon his former teammates and follow the person. With this tendency of betrayal and his strength, he's often called "Liubu" by people. *Liubu is a historical figure in ancient China represents ridiculous strength and disloyalty*

    Mask and I have already been victims of that, so we are planning on getting a treat from Inotchi with BBQ. Anyway, he's definately one of the strong cotenders in any tournament nowadays.

    Source: VFdiary.com
  2. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    So, earlier of the day, I was thinking of either playing VF at home on PS2 to practice some combos

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fun to know that even top players break out the ps2.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Killing ability: @@@@@+@

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [ QUOTE ]
    Man Power:(Strength in tourneys): @@@@@@

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I love those two stats.

    and finally...

    [ QUOTE ]
    With this tendency of betrayal and his strength, he's often called "Liubu" by people. *Liubu is a historical figure in ancient China represents ridiculous strength and disloyalty*

    [/ QUOTE ]

  3. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Inotchi is My favorite akira player & Ohsu statements surprise me since I consider him to have most stylish & creative akira then anyone else except for maybe Ohsu himself who tends to fuck around the most out of all the tier akira players.

    [ QUOTE ]
    For my first player evaluation, the lethal weapon of Akira- Inotchi- has been chosen. Accurately, he started playing VF in the VF4 Ver.C days, but when he really started showing his skills at the NishiSpo was around the time when VF4 Evo came out. At first, people hesitated to give him a respect , but his endless practice and persistent playing opened up his VF eyes, increasing skill tremendously up to his present level.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This I couldn't agree more since I'd notice his potential back when I'd first say vids of him. I'd knew he was going to play unlike any other Akira tier before him & be able make his game work even though it's not conventional.

    I hope one day my style will be refine to a point where my true level in using Akira will show. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  4. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Well, I think you guys should know that this was posted on his blog like when Evo first came out. Which is like... few years ago?

    Anyways, I remember reading this blog a long time ago, if people are interested in something like this, I can translate a few of the ones that are of interest.
  5. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    That would be much appreciated if you could. It's always interesting to know what goes on in the minds of vf'ers all over the world.
  6. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

  7. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Srider said:

    Well, I think you guys should know that this was posted on his blog like when Evo first came out. Which is like... few years ago?

    Anyways, I remember reading this blog a long time ago, if people are interested in something like this, I can translate a few of the ones that are of interest.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So... When is your first translation coming up, Srider?
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Ok, these are from a long time ago.... specifically 01/29/04

    Itoshun (Main character Brad)

    Command Input - @@@
    Combo Precision - @@@
    Moral - @@@@@
    Defense - @@@
    Damage Potential - @@@@
    Calmness - @@@
    Man Power - @@@+@
    Speed - @@@
    Improvisation Ability - @@
    Masturbation Level (Level of Conceit) - @
    "What about Brad?" Level - For Life
    Self Proclaimed Brad Master Level - @ x 100
    Weakness Level - @@@@
    Self Proclaimed Intoshun Special Level - negative @@@@@

    Debuted during the Evo era, and boasted as South Tokyo's genuine Brad player, the following is an introduction of Itoshun Brad.

    In the beginning, there was nothing special about Itoshun. He was an average Brad player doing average stuff, but after his teach and coach Tokyo Megane opened his eyes, he grew to become the undisputed number 1 Brad player among his peers.

    Itoshun Brad have demoted high percentage players such as Ashura, Mukki, and Tsuchikumo. At the Daioh cup, he single handedly took out all 5 members of the Ϋ•¤Ž– team. (Harakuro Kaichou(LA), Choufu K*K Sara(LA), Inotchi(AK), Joe(JA), Fuudo(LI)) Furthurmore, Itoshun is one of the few players who is able to bring out the full potential of attacking steadily with Brad.

    However, since Itoshun tends to learn towards the Moralist side, he is not able to take advantage of Brad's mesmerizing style of play. Furthermore, since Itoshun is kind of simple and stupid person, many of us often tease him. (Irrelavant.)

    I hope he will build up his experience as before, and keep on growing more and more.
  9. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "Masturbation Level (Level of Conceit) - @"


  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    That's the real term that people use there. The same stat was also in the Inotchi ratings, but since people in Japan often take out one of the letters as to censor it, guess the Koreans didn't know what that means or thought it really meant the amount they masturbate....

    On a side note, the only other interesting player that Ohsu talks about on his blog is Choufu KK Sara. That should be fun and it'll be the last one that I do. Since the two other players I'm guessing no one cares. They are Sasaki and MaaBou. In case someone cares, I'll do those only if asked, but there are really not that interesting.
  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    I think anybody would be interesting as it's not really just about "learning" about a player, but learning about Oshu out of the way he writes these things ^___^

    Keep up the good work Srider.
  12. DragonCop

    DragonCop Well-Known Member

    I like them quotes you got there Akira_Ph
    How about this quote: "Its the journey that Matters, not
    the destination"
  13. DragonCop

    DragonCop Well-Known Member

    Skip Akira, wait 'til I harness the true fighting style of Lau Chan. I would wipe out each and every Akira player in Japan let alone America. /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif

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