VideoGames for Blind people

Discussion in 'General' started by Mister, May 25, 2017.

  1. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    So I haven't had the chance to talk about this with the vf guys I've met but in the past I've been helping blind people as a job. Basically i was just a driver and a supporter but for this reason I notice things about the environment that can be an issue for people with visual problems. Tthen when I was wandering in youtube I found a very interesting video:

    You may also find other videos like that about guys that plays mkx with just the audio clues (there's one about a guy that plays with erron black:

    Does this relate to VF in any way? Watch the video to find out.
    jimi Claymore likes this.
  2. jm571

    jm571 Member

    Very cool video. Thanks for posting. I remember seeing this at some point as well. I too work with client's who are visually impaired and it always amazes me what is possible for them. I have one client in particular who does not want any help doing anything. She is very independent and that is very important to her.
    Mister likes this.

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