Virtua Fighter 3 Easter Eggs

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Tumbling Dice, Aug 4, 2014.

  1. Tumbling Dice

    Tumbling Dice Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone! It's been a while since I've posted here, but I've been lurking as always. Anyway, I have a new video I'd like to share. The Easter Eggs in the early VF games always intrigued me, especially those of VF3. I'm going to try to post videos of as many as I can, including:

    Jeffry's Train in Wolf's stage after the Toe Kick of Doom
    Taka tipping the Boat and Rafts in Shun's stage
    Playing as/against the Alphabet Man
    The Falling Pan and Pai's Alternate Win Pose in Akira's stage (if my memory serves, I couldn't get that first one to work, but I've definitely seen it in an old Beat Tribe)
    And, my personal pick for the weirdest, the one where Lau's face in the character select screen is replaced with a photorealistic look-a-like. It's wierd, and I found it from a NicoNico video which I have to find because I think the original author deserves credit.

    Speaking of which, I found a lot of these on IGN Cheats and for those who'd like to do some hunting. There's truly something special about these cheats from that era of gaming (Panzer Dragoon springs to mind). You never know when they're actually gonna work.

    But enough talk, here's the first video: Shun's Snowman in Wolf's Stage. Enjoy and let me know what you think!

    (...I know what I think. I think I freakin' love VF3)
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2014
    charleypk222, oneida and Riskbreak like this.
  2. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hey man! good stuff there. I always wanted to make an Easter egg video on all VF's ( the ones that have some). I actually did an Easter egg FAQ long ago which covered pretty much all of the Dreamcast version's bugs/ easter eggs:

    I wanted for so long to update that FAQ with one more bug i found myself (pretty proud of that one back in the day lol ). It was Dural's reversal reversal JAM. I need to remind myself again how was it that i did it.

    update: found it!
    "...pick dural VS dural, make dural reverse (b+pk) the other dural's standing kick or the D,neutral,kick then the dural been reversed should press PG, this should get you pai's move (k,pg). the dural that reversed the kick is gonna get stuck unable to move until you hit her again! "
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
    Tumbling Dice likes this.
  3. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Still no petition or real movement on this forum to get this classic game properly ported, with FS style netcode?

    From chat still on screen as I type:

    "Yesterday at 15:52 - oneida: this guy has been trying to sell his VF3 cab for YEARS, it's down to $200 because no one's buying. maybe i can offer him like $150 for all the guts and let him keep the cab"

    ...if I lived in America I would buy this tonight!! Damn.
    Tumbling Dice likes this.
  4. Tumbling Dice

    Tumbling Dice Well-Known Member

    Wow, perfect, thank you so much! That compilation FAQ is perfect and has the Lau one I was looking for. It also goes more in depth than most of those older cheat lists. I really appreciate it. :)

    And I would definitely buy any VF arcade machine any day of the week, but I've always particularly wanted a VF3 machine, because it was the first VF I ever played! An arcade near me, used to have it, but sadly it has been gone for a few years now. Huge congrats on your purchase, Oneida!! I'm not sure if you'll read this here, but maybe you could hit us up with some info as to whether these secrets are in the Model 3 original? I know that the Falling Pan one is. Thanks for the responses, everyone!
    oneida and Riskbreak like this.
  5. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    Kage's secret win pose:

    Playing as the Alphabet Man:
    beanboy and Uncle_Kitchener like this.
  6. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, this game has alot of weird but cool secrets. I saw a vid last year, showing off alot of them.

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