Virtua Fighter 5 vs Dead or Alive 4

Discussion in 'General' started by Griever, May 8, 2007.

  1. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    There is a versus battle on which features two games. Virtua Fighter 5 and Dead or Alive 4.

    After the movie begins, wait for a category to show on the screen, and then click on a logo of a game, that you think is the winner in that category.
    The categories are:
    Characters, Fighting, Stages, Modes, Graphics, Presentation, Overall.

    Have Fun, and may the better game win (<u>HELP</u> the better one win please :))
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I feel kinda bad that I voted for one without playing the other.

    But the test is missing a major factor that is needed: Community, which VF wins over every other 3D fighting game. It isn't a matter of size, but rather, how helpful the veterans are (thinks about the Tekken fans I played recently). For a game so "hard," VF vets sure make it more accessible.
  3. CaliJared

    CaliJared Well-Known Member

    I voted as non-baised as possible, voting pro VF in the categories of Fighting, Graphics, and Overall.
  4. FaisonI

    FaisonI Well-Known Member

    I have both and I tried to be as un-bias as I could. Characters~VF5, Fighting~VF5, Stages~DOA4 (surprisingly this is not 100% for DOA4 when it should be), Modes~DOA4 (I know the story modes can be cheezy, but I still want them in there with the hope that they will get better, Kumite, Timed, etc..., all good, Graphics~VF5 (DOA4 is nothing to sneeze at, but I believe VF5 with its characters flexing their muscles edges DOA4 out. Have you guys noticed when some of the guys [Kage, Lei, etc...,)] have their shirts off and they do a move in some instances their muscles flex and twist, Wow!!!), Presentation~DOA4 and Overall~VF5.

    It would be nice to see the comparisons broken down further. For example: DOA4_Druken Style vs VF5_Druken Style, Ninja vs Ninja, Wrestling vs Wrestling, etc... Not necessarily who would win, but which looks better or which one do you prefer to use.
  5. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    I do like DOA4 though and respect it for taking risks.
  6. SaiJin

    SaiJin Well-Known Member

    If it's an American website, I'm pretty sure no matter what, DoA will win.

    If it's Japanese, it's the other way around.
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    DOA stages are pretty to look at, annoying to play in.
  8. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    You don't like getting hit by pterodactyls mid-string?
  9. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the tip, Griever /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ! I went there and fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but... Wow. Even after such a presentation (Kasumi and Aoi's entries played at the same time were priceless... Kinda makes you really appreciate Sega's character designers /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif ), DoA's actually WINNING that competition.

    Sorry for what I'm going to say, but there's only one word that can describe what's going on: roflcopters. I guess Saijin was right, and some ancient curse of the pharaohs looms upon VF, no matter how utterly amazing their game is /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif .

    (That, or bigger and more exposed DoA's "certain body parts" and doll-childey faces...)
  10. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    This is kind of a stupid poll, any casual gamer who looks at those two will choose which one is more interesting and cool looking.

    A trailer kind of screws VF5 over cause it's all about the gameplay. VF5 is better in the graphics department but overall the system makes the game look jerky unless it's played by pros.

    DoA is actually not a bad game, just the creator is an ass.
  11. doaxshinobi

    doaxshinobi Member

    I'll just post what I posted on DOAC, with a few edits based on the fact that when it was posted there it was posted knowing that all of them have played DOA4 so they would know exactly what I meant on stuff that would seem vague on here.

    Fighting System: I'm gonna go with VF5 on this area. You lose to someone because they were better than you almost all of the time. Whereas in DOA, lets just say some bullshit can go down in some matches that can win and lose battles. The moments every DOA player has where someone says "well thats dumb" and you say "that's DOA4!" Also VF5 has sidestepping, its actually 3d, whereas DOA4 is more like 2.5d where everything tracks. Never cared until I sidestepped something in VF and was like wish I could do that in DOA. I also prefer how you have to have actual timing to the moves whereas in DOA you can mash out as fast as you as can and the string will come. I just like the fact that VF5 is a fighting game where skill is the only factor that determines a winner and I don't know how I wouldn't be able to pick it considering how much DOA's characters have ripped moves straight off of VF characters.

    As for stages, I like Virtua Fighter 5's stage locations alot better than DOA4's for the most part, yeah everything is square/one tier. But DOA4 has some of the worst stages for a DOA game. Now if it was DOA3's stages than I'd lean towards DOA3. But the stage music/stage environments are much better in VF5.

    Characters, I picked DOA4, they're all stereotypes and ridicoulous, but they're better. Just utilized better I suppose. DOA4 character's are basically divided in two ways for me. Cool and Boring. VF5's characters are divided like this for me. Cool and Fucking Retarded. Edge to DOA4 cuz of the retarded thing.

    Graphics, they're different styles, but I have to go with VF5, the backgrounds are alot better, there isn't the messed up hair clipping that you find in DOA4 and I found it neat for the fact that their clothes actually get wet if they fall in water. Sounds like a dumb reason, but I appreciated it considering DOA4 has nothing like that.

    Modes, I picked VF5 for that. DOA4 has Tag Battle and Team Battle but they are so underutilized. Also has online play, but most good DOA players will say it is unbearable to play online sometimes. I love VF5's Quest Mode it actually makes the game playable under a single player mode and the customizing is probably my favorite thing about the game. The character customizing is a huge draw to me.

    Presentation, They both have pretty simple presentations, but DOA's main menu style has always been awesome. Not to mention I actually kinda like the avatar system for online play. That is when I torture myself by allowing myself to play online.

    Overall, I've been playing VF for about 2 months (and only a few times, don't own a PS3) and have been playing DOA for 4 or 5 years now. But I have to say that Virtua Fighter 5 is the better game. Its a damn fighting game, and the most important thing about a damn fighting game is the fighting engine, and it's accepted, even by most DOA fanboys that VF has a better system.
  12. Caj

    Caj Well-Known Member

  13. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    That's the Inner Chi system.
  14. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    this is the dumbest argument we all know VF5 is the better game. any of you that have been playing fighting games since SF2 like me know that any fighting game that is tournament worthy is a good fighting game. DOA is not tournament worthy. DOA4 is online i give it that but theres a reason why it is and thats because its graphics before gameplay. dont get me wrong DOA is a fun series and most of my friends like DOA because its so simple to pick up and start playing and winning. a fighting game that kills you in a couple counters does not have great gameplay. also if you press the same button for some of the characters and you get hit by the first attack you could lose almost all your life bar. yeah ryu hayabusa is a cool character but so what if the gameplay blows compares to VF5. oh by the way doesnt DOA4 look just like DOA ultimate except the hair is actually worse on DOA4. i like DOA4 but it doesnts compare to VF5.
  15. Garbage

    Garbage Well-Known Member

    If it's not tournament worthy how come the results are consistent?

    Think the reason it's not back at Evo has more to do with the turn out it got and the number of offline players.

    Think having more than one fighting game is pretty important, and one that includes some pretty 'out there' ideas even more so, because you never know wether it will spark a lightbulb with AM2.

    My opinion on why VF is better? I think a big part is to do with movement. In VF it's almost an art, in DOA many attacks carry your fighter forward so you don't need to think about spacing when you make the initial exchange, obviously you can do, just that you don't have to, which you generally do in VF. and also what the guy who wrote the long post said, latteral movement is a big part of VF, and isn't in DOA.

    Think when you watch a top VF player a lot of the players personality comes out in how he moves.
  16. NGKrush

    NGKrush Well-Known Member

    de kroet
    to extend on the movement argument: in doa if you dash you get punished because you get hit at high-counter (highest launch, or stun for other moves) because attacks move forward if your move gets blocked your very close to your opponant, backdashing is nearly ever an option because your opponants attacks move forwards too and you recover very late (if the move is safe, because it's not too many) for it to work. so even at a defensive level, where movement in vf is like you said almost an art, in doa(4 at least) it is very basic.

    no further comment on doa, it's pretty enjoyable at times but i just wanted to mention one of the imho larger faults of doa gameplay.
  17. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    ive been playing VF since it came out same with DOA. why well because i love fighting games. theres so many reasons why VF5 is better than DOA4 you can go on and on but why would you. ill put it simple VF5 has always been known for its deep gameplay and balance. DOA4 has always been known for its graphics. when you think of VF the first thing you think of is great gameplay. first thing you think of when you play DOA is great graphics. i have to say though with DOA4 tecmo lost big time. this game looks like it couldve been done on original xbox and the hair in the game looks worse than previous DOA games. the VF series has always had next gen gameplay now it has the graphics to match. sorry but DOA4s graphics disappointed me and alot of other people. the game did not look gen at all it looks like an xbox game. even my friends that are DOA fans said DOA4 sucks. DOA4 was suppose to be a launch title and was delayed for what? this game really disappointed me and alot of other people. when i saw VF5 playing in front of me for the first time i was like wow this game looks great. so know VF5 has better graphics and gameplay. i sure hope they do something to improve DOA5 graphics and gameplay because DOA4 got boring real quick. oh and by the way some people think the characters in the DOA series are at least cooler. yea right. i dont like any of the female characters in the DOA series. the female characters all look like blow up dolls. the characters i do like in DOA are brad wong, jann lee, bayman, Ryu hayabusa (my favorite), hayate, Ein, gen fu, Leon, and spartan-458. this isnt just cause im a VF fan but i like every character in VF5 because you can win with them all. well i guess because the games so much more balanced than DOA4.
  18. 420Gamer4Life

    420Gamer4Life Well-Known Member

    sorry sebo and anyone else for the mess. after all it isnt a term paper is it but if any of you are having that much of hard time reading it well then dont read it i guess.
  19. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    HI! I'm glad to see you still care.

    Sure this isn't a term paper, but it is decent to use paragraphs.

    You know, use the skills from the 6th grade!



    DOA counters= VF reversals?

    If so, why "counters?"

    Are they a problem because, I'm guessing here, do big damage and/or have big windows?
  20. NinjaCW

    NinjaCW Well-Known Member

    Yea the window is probably a problem but not "that" bad and I am a DoA player. It's the same in VF, no? You can easily lose half your life in "one messup" right? It's not DoA exclusive. I love both games though, they are fun to play "offline". When good players are playing DoA and someone is using Ryu, Ryu is not guaranteed the win cause of his Izuna's like most people think. I do wish the window was like VF's though for reversals/counters, that would be the greatest.

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