Discussion in 'General' started by MrMister, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. MrMister

    MrMister New Member

    I don't understand why SEGA and many other companies, like NAMCO don't release their martial arts games for PC! <u>is frustrating</u>, because in PC you can find a lot of games, but never martial arts games.

    Why not a VIRTUA FIGHTER 5 for PC? Why not?

    Many people have a Playstation and the PC too, and want to play in both platforms. I don't understand SEGA ^^

    I have a Nvidia 7950 GT with 512MB, and a Pentium IV 64 bits, 3.6 Ghz with 540 GB of harddisk... so I don't think PC's cannot resist those games.

    If someone here knows how to send a complain to SEGA... or is possible to do some actions to let them hear the users who want a release for PC, please, let me know[/size]

    Thanks in advance
  2. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Good to hear this opinion.

    Not gonna happen :p
  3. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    <span style='font-family: Arial Black'><span style='font-size: 26pt'>YOU SHOULD WRITE LIKE THIS SO SEGA SEES YOUR POST[/size]</span></span>
  4. XBJX

    XBJX Well-Known Member

    They have a pc game that is 3D and have few martial art styles. It's suppose to be similar to the vf system from particular sources from those who played it. Not sure if you heard of it, but I'm not sure when the next release is. Check it out here:
  5. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Didn't VF2 come out for PC?
  6. MrMister

    MrMister New Member


    Thanks. But Kwonho is from SEGA? I'm not very sure.

    I've seen the game and seems to be cool, but is in Beta stage and I don't know very well if it will be a webgame? or something you can install in your PC is not very very clear.

    What do you know about it?[/size]

    And Virtua Fighter should have a PC version. Many videogames, are having PC versions, who run as well as the console version. For example, Need for Speed carbon. I have it on my PC and is like a Playstation ^^

    So yes, IT SHOULD happen.

    This shows Bill Gates is getting older looooool, because the reasoning is very simple:

    If I have a PC and I find many popular games like Virtua Fighter, then the Balance is two over one. Microsoft XBOX, Microsoft Windows ---- versus ---> Sony Playstation. You play double, you win double.
  7. XBJX

    XBJX Well-Known Member

    If you want to know more about the game, Gal explains it better than I can here:

    The beta closed version stopped in December for construction on the game, but another release is coming soon. They will link it so you can download and install it for the next release. Yes, it's an online fighting game.

    No, it isn't from Sega. You mentioned in your post:

    I linked kwonho for you since you mentioned this. I linked it just to be nice.

    As for your request on vf5 for pc, I don't think it would meet the game requirements, but it's clear that you still want it on pc.
  8. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    Wow, we have to call Microsoft up right now... your reasoning is infallible!
  9. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

  10. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    Whatever Sega's reason for not wanting to put Virtua Fighter online, making a PC version is just asking for that can of worms to be reopened.

    So I doubt they'll do it. (yay)
  11. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    guess what guys:

    sega made virtua fighter 1 and 2 for PC, and VF2 was online too!

    so what you saying? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  12. MrMister

    MrMister New Member

    You will not be more exclusive because you have your VF in your console, next time buy a personality /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Yes I knew we had a VF2, but is very very old, I mean a decent update of this game, running with a Nvidia 7950, taking advantage of the last cards, you kow...

    I've heard rumors, but not sure, about a version for the new Windows Vista... but is just a rumor
  13. MrMister

    MrMister New Member

    Do you know if it is for free? cos I've registered an account and said something about billing information, that scares me looooooooool anyway they don't asked about VISA or stuff so don't think it could be serious... anyway I'll appreciate any information in advance

    The game seems to be cool ^^
  14. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Because apparently the PC is used soley for dating and hentai games in Japan. :p

    Alongside VF1 and VF2 (and yep, it really did have online), Last Bronx was released on PC as well.

    I think they're just too concerned with frames. Even on a high-powered PC, it's unlikely that the framerate will be a perfect 60FPS like the arcade and console versions.

    Still, a skippy PC version is better than no PC version. Just like how laggy on-line is better than no on-line.
  15. SenseiSD

    SenseiSD Active Member

    Yup. VF1 and VF2 were released on PC in Germany too.
    As well as Last BronX, which was the last 3D fighting game on PC, afaik.
    This was at leat 10 years ago...R.I.P.
    As we can see neither one was a ca$h cow, sadly.

    It isn`t enough if U, me and a few others buy this games...
  16. azrael

    azrael Active Member

    because bemus sucks on pc and i think its because of the gfxcard. on console its better optimised.
  17. XBJX

    XBJX Well-Known Member

    It's for free. I registered for it, installed it and didn't pay a dime. That billing information isn't really anything significant if you happen to win a kwonho tournament. The prize can be mailed to you from your address information. You want to know more about that game. It seems like you doesn't come across my edited post but here you go by GalzPanic:

    However, the beta closed has ended. Another one is suppose to start soon according to them, but unlike that American version, the korean version of kwonho is playable and running but you'll need a username from another kwonho site. Only a few has manage to get the korean version.
  18. azrael

    azrael Active Member

    you wont have fun with laggy online.
  19. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    you know those germans...if you don't agree with them they'll come get you!

  20. azrael

    azrael Active Member

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