Virtua Fighter IRC Channel?

Discussion in 'General' started by Alternate275, Mar 5, 2008.

  1. Alternate275

    Alternate275 Member

    Do we have one? =O?
  2. MotorCityJacky

    MotorCityJacky Well-Known Member

    Yeah, what happened to #vfhome on gamesnet?
  3. Alternate275

    Alternate275 Member

    You tell me =P
  4. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    efnet, #vfhome
  5. Alternate275

    Alternate275 Member

    Thank you ^^
  6. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Remember this is not the official VFDC irc channel :p.
    What goes on there is no ones concern... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/thumbs_up.gif
  7. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Yeah. d1ld0s speaks the truth /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Bun that! It's as official as it gets!

    Maybe you should have just quoted the Vegas rule:

    What happens in IRC, stays in IRC*

    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>*until someone posts a log! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif[/size]</span>
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Awww... no link? jk :p

    Some will say IRC is the truth... Some will say IRC is a cold, cold place... Some will say IRC is idle...

    But #vfhome is definitely part of the western VF experience if you ask me ^_^ But whatever preconceived notion one might have had about the "maturity of vf players..." Well... VFDC and #vfhome are fun challenges to those old notions :p

    But I love this community!

  10. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Find out stuff you never imagined possible about your favorite western VF players (or even non western) at #vfhome!!
  11. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    <tonyfam> war obama? what does that mean?
    <tonyfam> we're going to war if obama gets elected?
    <tonyfam> or we need to wage war on obama?
    <tonyfam> or is obama the cure for war?
    <tonyfam> or is war obama your real name?
    <tonyfam> hi, my name is war
    <tonyfam> and i'm here to kick your ass
    <adamYUKI> buwhahaah
    <tonyfam> get mad anytime somebody sang "war, what is it good for"
    <tonyfam> "absolutely nothing!"
    <jjcha> war, war never changes...
    <tonyfam> you'd be at the bar getting drunk and then that song would come on
    *** WAR-0BAMA [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
    <tonyfam> and you'd be all like "hey! my name's war!"
    <tonyfam> "and i am good for something!"
    <tonyfam> "just ask your mother"
    *** WAR-0BAMA [] has joined #vfhome
    *** Sudden_De [] has joined #vfhome
    *** mode/#vfhome [+o Sudden_De] by Larsy
    <WAR-0BAMA> no
    <WAR-0BAMA> war-0bama as in world war hulk
    <tonyfam> what's world war hulk? is that a new movie coming out?
    <WAR-0BAMA> na its a comic series
    <WAR-0BAMA> when hulk comes back to earth
    <WAR-0BAMA> and basically shits on everyone
    <tonyfam> nice
    <tonyfam> hulk shit
    <WAR-0BAMA> that summarizes it
    <tonyfam> i've always wondered if superhero shit had superpowers
    <tonyfam> you know, like superman can't piss in a regual pisser or he'll put a hole through it or something
    <tonyfam> i bet when the hulk takes a shit, it's huge
    <tonyfam> i bet it's green too
    <tonyfam> probably glows in the dark
    <tonyfam> the hulk should just throw some of his super feces on his enemies
    <tonyfam> be like "take that, evildoer!"
    <tonyfam> he could have some catchy phrases like "here's the scoop, eat my poop!"
    <tonyfam> "what you did was wrong! taste the justice of my dung!"
    <tonyfam> "CACA CRUSH!"

    This is what happens when plans fall through and I'm home alone, bored out of my mind.
  12. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    (in dramatic soap opera announcer voice)
    Today... on irc... vfhome:

    *** tonyfam [d03e12e9@] has joined #vfhome

    *** Topic is: welcome to #scrubhome, Fuck Morals on this channel just Go Abare. (viagra = dm+pk = cheating))

    *** Topic set by sudden_wk! [Thu Jun 19 19:22:22 2008]

    *** Channel created on Thu Jul 12 13:30:15 2001

    <DarkGift> lol

    <POWERPRIC> what's UP?!

    <tonyfam> stfu

    <POWERPRIC> wtf is flash when u need him. he has to see hyun's awesome car!!

    <tonyfam> shang sucks fag wang

    <POWERPRIC> still crying for attention I see Tony.. too bad no one cares about you.

    <tonyfam> you... don't care... about me? ... ;_;

    <POWERPRIC> are you expect an real answer from that?

    <tonyfam> shang, please care about me ;_;

    <tonyfam> you are vf shang

    *** Hydra632 [] has joined #vfhome

    <POWERPRIC> keep on crying tony

    <tonyfam> hey shang, i dare you to meet gernburgs and talk the way that you do online to his face /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif

    <POWERPRIC> someday the vf gods will hear you.

    <tonyfam> vf gods? i thought there was only one

    <POWERPRIC> he said many times he doesn't want to meet me tony, nor do I have the interests to meet 'another' white trash in my life.

    <POWERPRIC> i'm going to ignore you now tony... keep on screaming though.

    <tonyfam> ignore me?! nooooooo! ;_;

    <tonyfam> please, shang, care

    <POWERPRIC> wtf is flash sleeping at 11am?

    <tonyfam> shang, i have a wang too you know

    <tonyfam> it's not just myke and flash that have wangs

    <tonyfam> i'm just saying /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    <tonyfam> grade a dominican sausage

    <tonyfam> that you can sucky sucky long time /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    <tonyfam> shang, you wanna sucky sucky my wang?

    *** KtotheG [] has joined #vfhome

    <tonyfam> long time, me no likey short time /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    <tonyfam> come on shang, suck on my wang

    <DarkGift> loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooololol

    <POWERPRIC> dg: u play wc3 or ur bro do?

    <DarkGift> i do

    <DarkGift> used to... i havent played in a long time

    <tonyfam> <POWERPRIC> are you expect an real answer from that?

    <tonyfam> shang, you should get hooked on phonics

    <tonyfam> instead of being hooked on myke's penis

    <DarkGift> i dont understand why they had to use the word "hooked"

    <DarkGift> like it was a drug

    <DarkGift> an addictive form of learning

    <tonyfam> lol
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    Shame you didn't catch the Viagra coversation Tony /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  14. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    Feck banned me from vfhome so someone should un-ban please... I will back you in all future flame wars if you do.

    Fuck you Feck. You're not even good. Not sure why you even think you are...

    Shang: I will meet you any time anywhere, I've tried before already... You let me know and I'll be there...
  15. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    I unbanned you burgs.
  16. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    Thanks Jide... I appreciate it.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    Good at banning people? Doesn't take much man... and wtf does Shang have to do with this?
  18. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    Griever requested I post this...

    Kage's father revealed!

    [4:06pm] Plague-CA: Dural is sending me IRC messages
    [4:06pm] Plague-CA: WTF is that?
    [4:07pm] BURNGHMMR: IDK
    [4:07pm] suddenWrk: LOL
    [4:07pm] You kicked Dural from the chat room. (Dural)
    [4:07pm] Dural joined the chat room.
    [4:07pm] GrieverPL: Dural's a bitch
    [4:07pm] Plague-CA: Dural got autojoin
    [4:08pm] GrieverPL: she licks myke's pussy
    [4:08pm] BURNGHMMR: LOLWTF
    [4:08pm] suddenWrk:
    [4:08pm] suddenWrk: lol
    [4:08pm] Plague-CA:
    [4:08pm] BURNGHMMR: LOL
    [4:08pm] GrieverPL: yeah, that's Dural's fault
    [4:08pm] GrieverPL: she did that
    [4:08pm] GrieverPL: fuckin' whore
    [4:08pm] GrieverPL: it's because she has a DDS
    [4:09pm] Leonard: Wow - two chans - same words
    [4:09pm] GrieverPL: Dick Deficiency Syndrome
    [4:09pm] Plague-CA: That sounds like a fucking problem, man
    [4:10pm] BURNGHMMR: IT WONT!
    [4:10pm] • GrieverPL kicks Dural in the balls
    [4:10pm] Dural was granted voice by you.
    [4:10pm] Dural had voice removed by you.
    [4:10pm] GrieverPL: take that you filthy tranny!
    [4:10pm] BURNGHMMR: she has steel groin
    [4:10pm] You kicked Dural from the chat room. (Dural)
    [4:10pm] Dural joined the chat room.
    [4:10pm] BURNGHMMR: i wonder if dural can shape shift
    [4:10pm] You kicked Dural from the chat room. (Dural)
    [4:10pm] Dural joined the chat room.
    [4:10pm] You kicked Dural from the chat room. (Dural)
    [4:10pm] Dural joined the chat room.
    [4:10pm] BURNGHMMR: lol P
    [4:11pm] GrieverPL: imagine all the bling you could make out of Dural
    [4:11pm] GrieverPL: could get at least 10 gangs outfitted
    [4:11pm] Plague-CA: Form Dural shit into bling
    [4:12pm] BURNGHMMR: lol
    [4:12pm] ironpalm left the chat room.
    [4:12pm] Plague-CA: Renewable source!
    [4:12pm] GrieverPL: lol
    [4:12pm] Plague-CA: What does dural eat?
    [4:12pm] Leonard: lol
    [4:12pm] GrieverPL: springs
    [4:12pm] Leonard: Such Dural-hatred!
    [4:12pm] You kicked Dural from the chat room. (Dural)
    [4:12pm] Dural joined the chat room.
    [4:12pm] GrieverPL: wanna defend her Leonard?
    [4:12pm] BURNGHMMR: lol
    [4:12pm] • Dural sucks Plague's balls.
    [4:13pm] Plague-CA: Oh - wait
    [4:13pm] Plague-CA: That's kind of nice
    [4:13pm] Leonard: Opinions can change ...
    [4:13pm] BURNGHMMR: lol
    [4:13pm] GrieverPL: see! she eats springs, that's why she bounces back in when you kick her out
    [4:13pm] Ricochet joined the chat room.
    [4:13pm] BURNGHMMR: hi rico
    [4:13pm] GrieverPL: yeah, nothing beats metal against the balls, right Talis?
    [4:13pm] BURNGHMMR: wonder if dural has teeth??
    [4:13pm] Plague-CA: = Dural's boyfriends
    [4:13pm] BURNGHMMR: ???????????????
    [4:14pm] GrieverPL: I've seen the whole show
    [4:14pm] GrieverPL: I actually liked those Dural-things, it showed the techniques quite well
    [4:15pm] BURNGHMMR: Dural is supposed to be Kage's mom right?
    [4:15pm] Plague-CA: Warning: Do not be stupid enough to perform these techniques, for they are meant to kill your opponent.
    [4:15pm] Plague-CA: Warning: Do not be stupid enough to perform these techniques, for they are meant to kill your opponent.
    [4:15pm] Plague-CA: Warning: Do not be stupid enough to perform these techniques, for they are meant to kill your opponent.
    [4:15pm] Plague-CA: Warning: Do not be stupid enough to perform these techniques, for they are meant to kill your opponent.
    [4:15pm] BURNGHMMR:
    [4:15pm] Plague-CA: Hah - he edited his original post
    [4:16pm] • Dural massages Plague's most beloved parts.
    [4:16pm] BURNGHMMR: lolllllllllll
    [4:16pm] Plague-CA: IRC is good to me today
    [4:16pm] Leonard: Indeed lol
    [4:17pm] GrieverPL: lol, Plague, if Dural did something more then that....
    [4:17pm] GrieverPL: wow! YOU ARE KAGE'S FATHER!
    [4:17pm] BURNGHMMR: lollll
    [4:17pm] Plague-CA: Sweet!
    [4:17pm] GrieverPL: you brought that fucker into this world!
    [4:18pm] GrieverPL: Arrrrr! Death to the ninjas my fellow pirates!
    [4:18pm] GrieverPL: I actually prefer ninjas... whatever
    [4:18pm] BURNGHMMR: i dont understand why ninjas are compared to pirates
    [4:18pm] BURNGHMMR: pirates would get owned
    [4:18pm] Plague-CA: GrieverPL: you brought that fucker into this world! - The secret of my name is revealed!
    [4:18pm] BURNGHMMR: ninjas are samurai killers!!!!!!!!!
    [4:18pm] Plague-CA: I Plague you with Kage!
    [4:18pm] BURNGHMMR: ninjas>samurai>knights>pirates
    [4:18pm] GrieverPL: lol! Plague, save that shit from IRC, this has to be posted!
    [4:19pm] Plague-CA: Bwahahahahhahahaa
    [4:19pm] GrieverPL: it's big, man, you are Kage's father
    [4:19pm] GrieverPL: Plague Maru
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    Most insane set-up...

    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Plague-CA
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v M4Sh
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Leonard
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Shou
    [09:01am] chf_flash: who are the mods in VFDC?
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v UGHHHHHHH
    [09:01am] Shangster: Hi I'm kod.. i play vf sucky
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v DARKGIFT
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v ironpalm
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v MarkMan23
    [09:01am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:01am] Shangster: FUCK You kod.. u are a nobody
    [09:01am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v tragic
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Jideo
    [09:01am] chf_flash: who are the mods of vfdc?
    [09:01am] Shangster: lol
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v McMystery
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Reno-
    [09:01am] Shangster: people who sucks at vf
    [09:01am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v GrieverVF
    [09:01am] Jideo: opz kod!
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Faded-
    [09:02am] chf_flash: lets see
    [09:02am] DARKGIFT: WTF IS THAT
    [09:02am] chf_flash: there's kod
    [09:02am] DARKGIFT: WTF IS THAT
    [09:02am] DARKGIFT: WTF IS THAT
    [09:02am] Shangster: rofl
    [09:02am] DARKGIFT: WTF IS THAT
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v reaVer
    [09:02am] DARKGIFT: WTF IS THAT
    [09:02am] chf_flash: hi kod
    [09:02am] Shangster: kod sucks lol
    [09:02am] DARKGIFT: WTF IS THAT
    [09:02am] Jideo was promoted to operator by you.
    [09:02am] chf_flash: hi kod
    [09:02am] DARKGIFT: WTF IS THAT
    [09:02am] DARKGIFT: WTF IS THAT
    [09:02am] chf_flash: kod, hi
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v faceless
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v akuma001
    [09:02am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:02am] chf_flash: ok so
    [09:02am] chf_flash: theres kod
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v KoD
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v JaHa
    [09:02am] chf_flash: there akia
    [09:02am] chf_flash: akai
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Dandy_J
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG AKAI SUCKS
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v SUB-0bama
    [09:02am] chf_flash: ummmm
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Sebo_66PP
    [09:02am] Shangster: here's KoD... i'm a fucking nobdoy.. so let me get into the community
    [09:02am] Leonard: the script isnt quite working kod
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Shag_
    [09:02am] chf_flash: hahahahah
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v ChrmnMa0
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Kai_
    [09:02am] chf_flash: kod, wtf are you doing sir?
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v chf_flash
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Renzo
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v pure
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] Shangster: flash..
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Kumubou
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v ookamunka
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] Shangster: here's my record vs. kod okay?
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] chf_flash: OMG
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Jeaneric
    [09:02am] Shangster: here's my record vs. kod okay?
    [09:02am] chf_flash: yes
    [09:02am] chf_flash: ?
    [09:02am] Shangster: here's my record vs. kod okay?
    [09:02am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:02am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:02am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:02am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:02am] Shangster: here's my record vs. kod okay?
    [09:02am] Shangster: here's my record vs. kod okay?
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v MarkMan
    [09:02am] Shangster: here's my record vs. kod okay?
    [09:02am] Shangster: here's my record vs. kod okay?
    [09:02am] chf_flash: go go go
    [09:02am] Shangster: here's my record vs. kod okay?
    [09:02am] KoD: /mode #vfhome +v Nanaya
    [09:03am] chf_flash: go gog o
    [09:03am] chf_flash: go go go
    [09:03am] KoD: lolol
    [09:03am] You were granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] Shangster: Shangster 100000
    [09:03am] chf_flash: wtf kod
    [09:03am] M4Sh was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] chf_flash: hahahahaa
    [09:03am] GrieverVF: new vid, Jacky vs Jacky
    [09:03am] Shangster: KoD 0
    [09:03am] Leonard was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] chf_flash: HAHAHAHA
    [09:03am] Shou was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] Shangster: Shangster Falls asleep
    [09:03am] UGHHHHHHH was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] Shangster: Kod +1
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] chf_flash:
    [09:03am] chf_flash:
    [09:03am] chf_flash:
    [09:03am] chf_flash:
    [09:03am] chf_flash:
    [09:03am] ironpalm was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] chf_flash:
    [09:03am] MarkMan23 was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] Jideo: what is with the spam...
    [09:03am] tragic was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WHAT IS THIS
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WHAT IS THIS
    [09:03am] Jideo was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] McMystery was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WHAT IS THIS
    [09:03am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:03am] SUB-0bama was granted voice by you.
    [09:03am] Reno- was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] Shangster: flash
    [09:03am] GrieverVF was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WT
    [09:03am] Faded- was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:03am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] Sebo_66PP was granted voice by you.
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] reaVer was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] Shangster: Kod is one boring mofo when it comes to vf.
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] chf_flash: yes?
    [09:03am] faceless was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] akuma001 was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:03am] Renzo was granted voice by you.
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:03am] Leonard: sloooooow script KOD!
    [09:03am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] KoD was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] chf_flash: tell me shang
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] JaHa was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] Leonard: soooo slooooowwwww
    [09:04am] chf_flash: tell me
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] pure was granted voice by you.
    [09:04am] Dandy_J was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] SUB-0bama was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] Sebo_66PP was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] Shag_ was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: WTF
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] ChrmnMa0 was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] ookamunka was granted voice by you.
    [09:04am] Kai_ was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] chf_flash was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HAHHAHAA
    [09:04am] Shangster: What a fucking idiot
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HAHAHAHA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HAHA
    [09:04am] Renzo was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HAH
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AAH
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: A
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HAHA
    [09:04am] pure was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:04am] chf_flash: OMG KOD
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:04am] Kumubou was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: A
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] Nanaya was granted voice by you.
    [09:04am] ookamunka was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] Jeaneric was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] Shangster: Hi, I'm KoD.. I will die if VFHOME dies...
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: OWNED
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: OWNED
    [09:04am] Shangster: FUCK.. you fucking moron
    [09:04am] MarkMan was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: OWNED
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: OWNED
    [09:04am] Nanaya was granted voice by KoD.
    [09:04am] chf_flash: ahahaha
    [09:04am] KoD: hahaha
    [09:04am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HAHA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HAH
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:04am] KoD: yeah scrupt not quite right yet
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HAHAH
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:04am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:04am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:04am] KoD: lol, look at that delay
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: A
    [09:04am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:04am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:04am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:04am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:04am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:04am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:05am] KoD made this room moderated for normal users.
    [09:05am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHAHA
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] KoD: ahahahaha
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] KoD: too funny
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: H
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] KoD: lolol
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:05am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] chf_flash: u just got ownd
    [09:05am] KoD: AHAHAHAH
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: FOR A RAPE
    [09:05am] KoD: lololo
    [09:05am] KoD: too funny
    [09:05am] chf_flash: RAPE!
    [09:05am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:05am] KoD: buwahahahahahah
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: LOL
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: OL
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: OLOL
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: OLO
    [09:05am] KoD: guwahahah
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: LO
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: L
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: shang
    [09:05am] KoD: lolololol
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] Jideo: Agent Kod : What good is it shang if you're unable to speak ?
    [09:05am] Leonard: looool
    [09:05am] chf_flash: kod is owning you right now
    [09:05am] chf_flash: kod is owning you right now
    [09:05am] chf_flash: kod is owning you right now
    [09:05am] chf_flash: kod is owning you right now
    [09:05am] chf_flash: kod is owning you right now
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: kod is owning you right now
    [09:05am] chf_flash: kod is owning you right now
    [09:05am] chf_flash: kod is owning you right now
    [09:05am] chf_flash: kod is owning you right now
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] chf_flash: tell me about kod
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HAHAH
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] Leonard: nice idea loool
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AAH
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: A
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AH
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: AA
    [09:05am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:06am] chf_flash: HELLO LEONARD
    [09:06am] KoD: whats that i hear?
    [09:06am] KoD: NOTHING
    [09:06am] chf_flash: NOTHING!
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: OOMG
    [09:06am] chf_flash: PWND!
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: HAHA
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: HA
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: AHA
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: A
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: A
    [09:06am] Leonard: chf_flash, did you beat the shit out of DrunkenKooopa?!
    [09:06am] chf_flash: leonard
    [09:06am] chf_flash: lemme tell you something ok?
    [09:06am] chf_flash: i saw him online two nights ago
    [09:06am] Leonard: Yeah, yeah
    [09:06am] chf_flash: but i was in the middle of a match
    [09:06am] Leonard: uhum
    [09:06am] Leonard: uhum
    [09:06am] chf_flash: when i finished, he was gone
    [09:06am] Leonard: argh
    [09:06am] chf_flash: i saw him again yesterday
    [09:06am] Leonard: uhum
    [09:06am] chf_flash: but he was playing DBZ
    [09:06am] Leonard: uhum
    [09:06am] chf_flash: what a puss
    [09:06am] DARKGIFT: WHO IS THIS GUY?
    [09:06am] Leonard: argh!
    [09:07am] Leonard: Damn it. This guy is afraid I guess!
    [09:07am] Jideo: dbz burst limit > vf5
    [09:07am] KoD: "/m Shangster over your shitfit yet?"
    [09:08am] DARKGIFT:
    [09:08am] KoD: *Shangster* FUCK YOU dickhead
    [09:08am] DARKGIFT: JEAN VS JEAN
    [09:08am] KoD: lolololol
    [09:08am] KoD: ah, what a nice friday this is
  20. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Re: Virtua Fighter IRC Channel

    shang owns

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