Virtua Project mistakes ?

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by uk-guy, Oct 4, 1999.

  1. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    I noticed what I believe to be some inaccurate info in Sarah's counters list.
    For example Sarah's counters against an Akira blocked SDE are listed as:
    (os) Knee, P, u/b+k
    (cs) d/b+K, P, u/b+K

    But it should be the other way around, that's Knee in close stance and Dragon Cannon in open stance. I didn't check anymore of her counters or other characters perhaps Imashroom has the time.

    Let me know your thoughts cos I'm certain I'm right but I'm only human.



    Yomi is the key.
  2. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Hey Uk-Guy...

    Well, I checked the Mook and we've definitely translated correctly. Did you try this in controlled situations to confirm that the db+K should indeed by done in open stance? If so, thanks for checking things out - this wouldn't be the first time Gamest has had typos!

    Let me know if you've tried these out for sure and then I can most definitely change them around on the page. ;)


  3. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: a little footnote

    Also note that the mook includes some small-font footnotes regarding the stance. It would go something like:

    **Note that all foot-stances are based on before your 1st move.

    Even more confusing, they include footnotes for some characters while they don't for the others. So it gets very confusing which character's foot stances are before/after the 1st move.

    But I believe that the information is very accurate(rare case for Gamest) as long as you read all the small letters.
  4. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Re: a little footnote

    Shota - you are so right. The footnotes are sometimes endless in Mooks! ;) In this case, however, Gamest has been easier to translate than others...the counters tables in the mook for each character were fairly straight forward and clear as to which stance, etc. It's usually just a bracketed note at the end of the listed move sequence for the counter.
    Although, Shota, don't you have the Mook for TB? If you've got the time, could you double check the stance for Sarah's counter vs. Akira's SDE?? Your knowledge of Japanese far exceeds my own. ;) Perhaps there was a footnote elsewhere indicating any extra necessary information <shrug>.

    Thanks for the tip ;) Oh, I was meaning to ask earlier - are you game for a Toronto gathering? How 'bout any of the other Chicago groupies...lemme know when you get a chance.


  5. uk-guy

    uk-guy Well-Known Member

    Re: a little footnote

    Okay guys the d/b+k/ Knee into P, u/b+K is a gauranteed counter for Sarah if blocks a move with more than 16 (I thinks) frames of delay. The combo's are damaging and will work on all weights except Taka.

    Now in closed stance the Knee, P, u/b+k will connect but in open the u/b+k will miss.

    In open stance the d/b+K, P, u/b+K will connect and u/b+k whiffs in closed.

    I presumed that the stances in brackets referred to Sarah's foot positioning after she has bloked the move in which case I believe I'm right.

    Look over the Gamest notes, experiment with the 'controlled' situations and then let me know your findings.



    Yomi is the key.
  6. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    Re: skiing...I wish I were not working

    Well, I stayed in Japan pretty much until college; so my Japanese had better be good *grin*

    And...yes, I do have all the VF related publications. Some people have asked to translate, especially those intereviews. Since I enjoy reading those interviews (perhaps more so than the strategy parts), I DO want to translate them. However, working full-time plus extra studying leave me very little time.

    As for testing the Sarah vs. Akira counters, I cannot quite do that because I leased my DC to my girlfriend who lives in the East Coast. I guess I put an end to my VF life by doing that *sigh*

    Skiing & VF in Toronto...sigh...I probably have to forgo that as well, at least for this winter. I am having the hardest time to get a week off from my work; and I'd have to spend that week with my family in Japan (if that ever happens).
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: skiing...I wish I were not working

    > As for testing the Sarah vs. Akira counters, I cannot quite do that because I leased my DC to my girlfriend who lives in the East Coast. I guess I put an end to my VF life by doing that *sigh*

    you will NOT regret it.

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