Wall Strategy

Discussion in 'Aoi' started by MannyBiggz, Jul 27, 2012.

  1. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    Manello Biggz
    Hello peeps. So I'm fairly new to this crazy world of VF, and I've heard that all the crazy wall splats and super long wall combos are new to FS (correct me of I'm wrong on that). So I figure that this kind of info deserves its own thread for some in depth discussion.

    I'll start by adding the tiny bit that I know off the top of my head, but feel free to correct or add anything I miss here and I'll come back and update the post.

    Let's start with moves that cause Wall Stagger on normal hit:

    While Descending [K]

    Moves that cause Wall Stagger on counter hit:

    [K][K] (Only if first hit whiffs or is blocked and second hit lands on counter)
    [9] or [3][P]+[K]
    Back turned [P]+[K]
    Back turned [2][P]
    Back turned [2][K]

    Moves that cause heavy wall splat on normal hit:

    [P]+[K]+[G][4][K]+[G] (seems to require strange angles and off axis)
    While Rising [K]

    Moves that cause heavy wall splat on counter hit:

    [P][P][6][P][P] (Only if last hit counters by itself)
    [4][P][K] (only if first hit whiffs/is blocked and second hit counters)
    [2][K]+[G] (requires you to be off axis to the opponent's right)
    Back Turned [K]

    Combos after wall stagger (note: I calculated damage AFTER the wall stagger move):

    [4][3][P]+[K], [2][K][P], [6][K]+[G], [P], [P]+[K], [6][6][P]+[K][P] (85 damage. Doesn't work on Taka)

    That's all I got for now. Once again, please feel free to point out any corrections or any info I'm missing and I'll come back to edit the info in.
    Lord_Hollow likes this.
  2. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    Manello Biggz
    Reserving post in case necessary.
  3. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Nice post on wall stuff for Aoi, MannyBiggz.

    [3][K] can be tacked on at the very end of that wall combo you mentioned in your first post to add the damage total up to 91 points (excluding the damage inflicted by the first hit).

    Also worth noting is that [P], [2][P], [6][P] and [4][3][P] can cause a wall stagger whenever the opponent is hit from the side into the wall.

    Finally, [P] and [6][P]+[K] can cause a wall stagger whenever the opponent is hit from the back into the wall.

    There may be more moves that work in both situations above, but these are the moves I know work for sure.

  4. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    Manello Biggz
    Thanks for the response. Is there a tricky timing to tacking on that [3][K] at the end of the combo? When I do it in dojo, it shows that hit as a green number on the combo counter and I think that means that they can tech away from it. I'll update the first post in a few.
  5. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    The timing is strict in making [3][K] count in the combo. It depends on the inputs of the prior moves following [6][K]+[G] that determines the success of [3][K]. It won't count if you're a bit tardy on any of those moves.

  6. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    Manello Biggz
    It seems like I'm not allowed to edit my first posts... Is that a mod only feature?
  7. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    Manello Biggz
    According to akai, I'll have to PM a mod about updating my earlier posts. So I'll wait until a lot of info is gathered at one time so I don't constantly bug the mods for every little update.

    Kruza, your back/side turned info gave me a great idea that seems to make [4][P] REALLY buff at the wall.

    As you know, [4][P] is a medium speed full circle high that leaves her back turned if she does it alone. As I mentioned in the first post, there's a [K] follow up that's delayable that can cause a heavy wall splat if it lands on CH.

    When she's back turned, she also has a catch throw that leaves the opponent back turned a -11. This gets you a free [2][P] that gets you a wall stagger in this situation. I think it hits them on the side while they transition into turning around, but not sure.

    So to recap, a semi fast full circle high to force people to either stand still, duck, or parry/counter at the wall in [4][P], a follow up [K] after it forcing them to respect it or take a full wall combo, and a back turned catch throw that nets you a free wall stagger. Of course, if they start to duck in fear of the [4][P], you have [6][6][P], [3][K], and [3][K]+[G] to work with.

    Enjoy! [​IMG]
  8. Kikimaru

    Kikimaru Well-Known Member

    Vs. Taka wall combo:

    [6][6] [P] (wall stagger)[5][3][K][+][G][5][P] [5] [6][K][+][G][5][3][K][+][G][5][6][K][K]
    open & closed stance
    Can finish with [6][6][P][+][K][P] instead for same damage.
  9. MannyBiggz

    MannyBiggz Well-Known Member

    Manello Biggz
    A quick note to add about the info in my last post. A [6][P] elbow is far more reliable to do after the back turned catch throw for stagger because the [2][P] is super strict on how close you are to the wall. Just keep in mind that being 2 frames slower means your timing has to be pretty tight with it.

    Thank you for the contribution Kikimaru. Now that we can edit older posts, I'll edit all the new info to the original post soon.
  10. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi


    What timing ? It depends on the characters weights.
    For example, against Pai or Aoi, you always have a 3K at the end. Against Lau or Wolf, you can forget.
    Against certains characters, if you do P, P+K after the bound 6K+G you don't have a free 3K at the end but if you just 3K+G after the Bound 6K+G, you have a free 3K.
    A wall combo with P, P+K after the bound with no guaranteed 3K does slightly less damage than a wall combo with 3K+G after the bound with guaranteed 3K.
    Make your choice according to the character you are facing.
  11. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I noticed that the final 3K for that particular wall combo posted by MannyBiggz can be done on most lightweights (Sarah, Lion and Vanessa are the exceptions) and would be guaranteed to hit. By the way, that post I made above happened long before I had done any extensive wall combo testing while working on the GDS project. I just forgot to go back to this thread and update that info with what I found out.

  12. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Let's resume
    66P, 43P+K, 2KP, 6K+G, P, P+K, 66P+KP, 3K max damage
    works on Pai, Aoi, Eileen, El Blaze and Shun Di

    66P, 43P+K, 2KP, 6K+G, 3K+G, 66P+KP, 3K 109 dmg
    works on Sarah, Lion and Goh.

    66P, 43P+K, 2KP, 6K+G, P, P+K, 66P+KP 106 dmg
    works on everyone except Taka

    66P, 43P+K, 2KP, 6K+G, 3K+G, 66P+KP 103 dmg
    works on everyone except Taka

    So for Sarah, Lion and Goh, go for 3K+G after the Heavy Bound, instead of P, P+K
  13. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Here is the toughest wall combo variation I've come across to date:

    {wall stagger attack} > [3][K][+][G] > [2_][3][P][+][K] > [6][K][+][G] > [6][6][P] > [6_][P] > [P][+][K] > {ender}

    The 'ender' attack can be either of the following after the bound hits:

    [6][6][P][+][K][P] 104 (NH) / 114 (CH)
    [6][K][K] 104 (NH) / 114 (CH)
    [K][K] 103 (NH) / 113 (CH)
    [6][K][P] 102 (NH) / 112 (CH)
    [6][4][P][+][K][P] 102 (NH) / 112 (CH)

    I'm still in the process of verifying this combo variation for certain foot positions on specific characters. However, I can already tell that this wall combo doesn't work on any of the heavyweights (Wolf, Jeffry and Taka). It should work on everyone else from at least one particular foot stance though. That info is specified on the GDS file.

    A possible [3][K] attack can be tacked on after the [6][6][P][+][K][P] attack on Eileen, El Blaze, Aoi and Shun for a total of 108 (NH) / 118 (CH) points of damage.

    If you can land this wall combo consistently in a competitive match, then you're the man (or woman)! :)

  14. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    If you replace the [2_][3][P][+][K] by the knee [6][K] it does +3 pts more damage.

    Try this one on Eileen:
    {wall stagger attack} >[4][3][P][+][K] > [2][K][P] > [6][K][+][G] > [9][P][+][K][P] > [P] > [P][+][K] > 66[P][+][K][P] > [3][K] 110 damage
    Much harder to pick up with [P] after 9[P][+][K][P]
    Too bad the damage doesn't worth the difficulty of this combo...
  15. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Good find! I was just testing the knee out in various wall combos and it worked on several characters with no problems. I'm going to have to add wall combos including the knee on the GDS file as soon as possible. The increase in damage from that attack along with it being easier to execute than the uppercut is too important to ignore.

    And that wall combo you listed is nuts.

  16. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    i found a wall combo that does 127 damage ( on light weights only) ( wall stagger attack)236 [P][+][K] 2 [K][P] 6[K][+][G] 9 [P][+][K][P] or 3 [P][+][K][P] 66 [P][+][K][P] 2 or3 [P][+][G] im pretty new to vf but 9 [P][+][K][P] is supposed to cause a wall slide but it doesn't always work i think it has something to do with open foot position and close foot position but i don't know for sure also 236 [P][+][K] can be replaced with 46 [P][+][K] or 43 [P][+][K] but 236 [P][+][K] adds up to the most damage and opponents can shake out of the stagger in time to block 46 [P][+][K] also sorry for the ground throw but it adds up to the most damage you can replace it with 6 [K][K] or something if you want
  17. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    also here is a 120 dmg wall combo that works on every one (wall stagger attack) 3[K][+][G] 6[K][+][G] 9 or 3[P][+][K][P] 66[P][+][K][P] 2 or 3 [P][+][G]
  18. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Welcome to VFDC, aoi ameindei. And thanks for your contributions to this thread.

    Keep in mind, however, that the [2]/[3][P][+][G] ground throws you mentioned at the end of these two wall combos are not guaranteed and are escapable.

    Also, I'm not sure what you mean with 2[P][K] in the first combo since these moves would not work in extending the combo. Did you mean to put 2[K][P] there instead? Plus you might be forgetting to add the 43[P][+][K] groin crumple in there after the wall stagger attack as well.

  19. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    Some wall combos / set ups from angles:

  20. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Wow... this is a really good video! Thanks for sharing, kingo.

    That third wall combo beginning from the [1][K] wall hit is flat-out amazing. I've tried many many times to use the jump kick to extend a wall combo after the stand-up bound, but it's near impossible to do so while facing the wall straight ahead. Looks like the wall combo needs to be done from an angle in order to pull that jump kick off. Brilliant stuff. Must. Steal.

    The first wall combo is also sweet, but it's far too dependent on the positioning of both Aoi and her opponent to pull off. Plus it needs the Back Turned [P][+][K][P][P] attacks to knock the opponent into a right angle corner a certain distance to get the follow-up standing jab to connect, so it doesn't even look possible to do in an octagon ring. I'll still look to steal this one though!

    The standing jab wall hit to [4][6][P][+][K] combo is also very good. I never thought to use low punch to lead into [6][K][+][G] would work toward extending this type of wall combo. Nice!

    Using the [2_][3][P][+][K] uppercut > Sundome knee after the [3][3][P][+][K] launch is a fantastic idea. I use these moves back-to-back often, but never had the confidence to try them after launching an opponent in the air. I'm definitely testing and including a series of these combos in the GDS file as soon as possible.


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