1. HOTDOG! The VFDC Combos database is in the process of being updated for VF5 R.E.V.O by each character's Content Manager, but here's how you can help! Each character sub-forum has a pinned thread for REVO combos, so simply contribute there to assist the Content Manager's task in maintaining the latest and greatest combos for all to enjoy!
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Wanted: Character Specialists

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 21, 2012.

By Myke on Jul 21, 2012 at 8:35 PM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VFDC needs you! Specifically, we need dedicated and responsible people to volunteer as a Character Specialist. Read on for more details.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Jul 21, 2012.

    1. Myke
      Character Specialists

      As a Character Specialist, you'll be responsible for maintaining all official VFDC content specific to your character. To aid this, you'll be given the ability to:
      • Edit your character's VFDC Combo List (now FS compatible!)
      • Edit any post within your character's Dojo sub-forum
      • Edit your character's Wiki section (once ready)
      If you're interested in helping out, then please post a reply stating which character you'd like to specialise in. To support your case, post a link to any strategy or combo related threads or posts that you've already contributed and maintained.


      A Character Specialists does not need to be an "expert" in the character, however, being somewhat adept in your character will help. As a Character Specialist, it is not your job to create content out of thin air, invent new technology, or devise cutting-edge strategies. While you may certainly contribute to content, your job in the main is to actively collaborate with other users in your Character sub-forum, and record all valuable information in the combo database and wiki page for posterity.

      How do you know what's considered valuable? Well, that's where having some in-depth knowledge of your character will help, but otherwise, rely on your fellow VFDC users for guidance. Don't place all the burden upon yourself.


      I appreciate that you may wish to nominate someone as a Character Specialist, but they won't be considered unless they themselves volunteer! If you feel strongly that they should get involved, get in touch with them now!

      More than One Specialist

      I can see the benefits of having more than one specialist, but in order for this to work the multiple specialists would have to communicate with each other so as to not over-write each other's work.

      Also, if you've volunteered but don't end up being selected, that doesn't mean you can't still contribute! The forums are still there and aren't going away! If you have valuable content and feedback to provide for your character, then you'll still have a pivotal role to play in determining the quality of content found here on VFDC.

      Just for your information, for years, up until the VFDC server upgrade, there were approximately 30 "character specialists" on VFDC. These guys had combo database access, and wiki edit access. Unfortunately, I can count on one hand the number of people who actively contributed back then, and I would hate to see a repeat of that. This is why I hesitate at making this a free for all, and some control needs to be put in place to maintain a level of quality I expect at VFDC.


      Akira = ZBEP, Feck
      Aoi = Kruza, kingo, Tiripsem, Lord_Hollow
      Brad = Richguy100, Libertine
      Eileen = Tricky
      El Blaze = ShinobiFist, Seidon
      Goh = FenixCade, Jemun, WingedRegent
      Jacky = Chibiaya, avok23, MotorCityJacky
      Jean = Lucky_GT, CamChattic, Aidan
      Jeffry = Sebo, Kamais_Ookin
      Kage = Elite
      Lau = Ribx, DrunkenCat
      Lei = VFnumbers
      Lion = Conti, Chibitox, AnimalStaccato, darksoul173
      Pai = shadowmaster, Darrius_Cole, sozos
      Sarah = Devilstar22
      Shun = SQUIIDUX
      Taka = DrunkenFist, DomAug
      Vanessa = Chinsilver, ZeroEx
      Wolf = Unicorn, Ash_Kaiser, TojiDestro
    2. DomAug
      i'm interested in Lion's page, but i don't really have anything to support my case. if you find someone else more deserving, give the spot to them. [​IMG]
    3. R_Panda
      Do I get a shoutbox color
    4. Sebo
      Ideally "Random." Most realistically, Jeffry? My thread can certainly use a clean up.

      Though if I'm going to work on a combo chart, it won't be as ridiculously ambitious as the last attempt but just feature stable and max damage.

      Also, this being my last week in Japan, and the next few weeks (coming back to the States) will be a little hectic, so updates may be a little delay during this window.

      This. Red, green, yellow, purple!

    5. shadowmaster
      I may not be the most qualified but I would like to give it a shot for Pai's Page even if I know there are far better people than me that would do a better job. I am willing to step up if I need to to see how well I do. I haven't contributed anything to VFDC yet but I can hope for the opportunity at least.
    6. Chibiaya
      I would gladly do the jacky page, But im doubtful I would get picked.
    7. jinxhand
      Let's start being confident people.
    8. FenixCade
      Definitely going to be putting my name in for the Goh page. I've been using him since his debut on VF4:EVO and have been working on combos/set ups/frame traps since getting my hands on Final Showdown. I also made a combo video for VF5:FS for Goh showcasing his basic B'n'B combos that made it onto the front page of IPlayWinner. Plus, I think my Goh is much better than Haunts' ;P

      consider me for shun. if others want it maybe we can split it up. I want to get more involved in the community, this seems like a great opportunity.
    10. Kamais_Ookin
      I don't mind helping out Sebo with Jeffry section but I don't think he needs any tbh, he could do all of the characters ez. [​IMG]
    11. ShinobiFist
      Me and Seidon for El Blaze. just look at the El blaze threads folks
    12. Chanchai
      If you are only allowing one character specialist, then I might nominate STL_Tim for Lion because he takes his details very seriously and works hard to find all kinds of information: from Max Damage combos to edge-case details mechanics.

      Animal Staccato is also high on my list for what seems like a balanced approach to taking in and putting out information.

      And I have to give props to SG-Lion and Chibitox for their continuing contributions.

      That said, I would be happy to be a character specialist if more than one person is allowed to be a specialist. It would be an honor and a privilege. I think I would be able to add details as well as collaborate to enhance information. But I just don't think I'm reliable enough (for many reasons including my budget for time) to be the one guy taking care of it.
    13. KarnF91
      I'd like to nominate Shinryu Returns for the Sarah section. Has done a lot in regards to the strategy and has done quite well at it. I've done some stuff with the combos, but I feel Shinryu is probably more equipped for the job.
    14. Richguy100
      well i could probably help with brad. i do have some Brad Wall Combos which i have been thinking about updating
      plus i might be getting a new hard drive for my ps3 so anyone who's played me might not have to deal with that stupid loading time anymore after maybe next weekend and i'll start playing online more.
    15. S_KILL
      Oh... I wanted Goh too but obviously you are the better
      option due to your prior experience, good capture card
      and maybe more time.
      I've got a really heavy program being a family man.
      But im still here to help if i can... [​IMG]
    16. Tricky
      I'll do eileen. Link to my blog for reference and previous version's wiki.
    17. SUGATA
      Leonard McCoy for GOH section!
      His Goh's blog is very useful.
    18. Koenraku
      I'll throw my name in for Kage incase myke, dennis or anyone decide they don't want to do it.
    19. SQUIIDUX
      I think there should be at least 2 people per character. that way there can be a checks and balances sytem and load sharing. I know we are all busy, and I think this approach would help.

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