WCG 2009 Grand Final

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Myke, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    WCG 2009 Grand Final
    Date: November 11 - 15, 2009
    Host City: Chengdu, China
    Venue: New International Convention & Exposition Center

    Official Links
    » Virtua Fighter 5
    » Full Draw

    Current Draw
    Group A
    1. Darius Schuiszill (Germany 1st)
    2. TBA (India 1st)
    3. Owen Lewis (Canada 1st) Llanfair[/size]
    4. TBA (Bulgaria 1st)
    5. TBA (Greece 1st)
    6. Dae-Hwan Kim (South Korea 1st) aoiyuka[/size]

    Group B
    1. Chia Wilson (Singapore 1st) Tetra/buyaodawo1[/size]
    2. Eddel Dioquino (USA 1st) Saramus_Prime[/size]
    3. David Pinedo (Mexico 1st)
    4. TBA (Japan 1st)
    5. TBA (United Kingdom 1st)
    6. Eui-Wook Shin (South Korea 2nd) ShinZ[/size]
  2. MP

    MP Well-Known Member

    I'm Interested to see who will represent Japan & UK this year [​IMG]

    and ShinZ? wow he still plays!?

    Edit: GO Flash! [​IMG]
  3. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Group B is stacked. [​IMG]

    Doesn't look good for Flash. [​IMG]
  4. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    holy shit. another stacked group for me huh? the luck gods must hate me [​IMG]

    all i gotta say is i'll do my best for you all.

    **edit** wtf yo, WCG2008 had 4 groups!
  5. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Tough guy~~ Actually he's supposed to be the 1st. place in Korea this year, but....

    Dae-Hwan Kim, another monster!!! Best switch nation I have ever seen!! He can easily beat me 20 in rows no question.... [​IMG]

    Forget about the JP player, Flash, you have to handle ShinZ in GroupB first to get into SemiFinal. Dae-Hwan Kim can definiately be qualified in GroupA.

    Good Luck bro~
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Hot damn is that draw one-sided.. I feel sorry for you Flash. [​IMG]

    Darius on the other hand gets the easy draw AGAIN [​IMG]

    I recommend packing xbox and stuff and training against somebody in there to prepare. Good luck!

    ps. Im pretty sure Dan Read aka "UKRayne" (Lion) got the UK slot.
  7. Krye

    Krye French Star Player

    So sad the Netherlands aren't sending a VF5 rep this year [​IMG] , would've been awesome to compete! Good luck everyone!

    WCG are racist :p They always give germans and koreans the best draws [​IMG]
  8. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    A pity there are just 2 groups...Group B is incredibly tough.
    I should say i was lucky with Group A but these matches there are not going to be easy i guess.
  9. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    I don't really think being in groupB is a bad thing. On the other hand, maybe it's good for Flash. If Flash was in groupA, which means during the SemiFinal he has to face 2 Korean and 1 JP players at the same time!! Plus if the rule was double elimination, I think it's much worse for Flash coz he still has to take care at least one of them in order to represent the 3rd place. However, based on the real schedule here, as long as Flash can get into SemiFinal, it means he almost guarantee the 3rd!!!
    Flash, you have to mainly focus on ShinZ!! Basically I think no matter which JP player is coming, he can handle both you and ShinZ. [​IMG] So you have to struggle with ShinZ to earn the rest of the spot in groupB. I also believe ShinZ is going to pick Jacky in that tournament so you need to practice as much as you can now!!(Good thing is you only need to focus on Jacky)
    Even this tournament is really tough for you Flash, I still believe you can get the reward finally. Be hyper during every single match and they will not treat you as easy as they thought! [​IMG]
  10. Fu_unji_kun

    Fu_unji_kun Well-Known Member

    I'll try to get information about which JP player is coming this time from my JP friends.
  11. Ash_Kaiser

    Ash_Kaiser Marly you no good jabroni I make you humble... Bronze Supporter

  12. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Same for Finnish and Swedish [​IMG]
  13. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    After the group stage it is first to two matches. In the group stage its only one match per opponent, with the 5 rounds. (Unless they have changed the rules) You need to be 150% on point. One match only against Shinz and Japanese and Tetra. Its really the group of death. Good luck.
  14. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Hey Flash Chief Nothing's impossible!!! Play your hardest and give it your all Son. Don't die with a full clip Man just go all out. If you do face ShinZ you should know Jacky by now. Minimize on mistakes and capitalize on opening and you should be good my friend. Just take your time and take it round at a time. this should be a good event.
  15. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Shinz Akira was pretty beasty back in the day too. Is it only top two? Group B is horrible. Hopefully its not that 1 match first to 5 rounds rubbish.

    Good luck to you all

    Yeah Rayne took the UK spot.
  16. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I still believe it. Fight. No matter how bad things look. Fight. Just like you've been doing. Fight. Every exchange in every round deserves its own focus. Fight. You know how the game works. Fight. The action will slow down before your eyes and every opportunity will become clear.

  17. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Good luck Flash & Llany...have a blast competing with those guys!
  18. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    Good luck Flash and Llanfair...here's something for you both!

    <object width="480" height="295"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VZ2HcRl4wSk"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VZ2HcRl4wSk" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="295"> </embed></object>

    you can do it!
  19. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    thank you all for the encouraging words! [​IMG]

    i promise to give it my all.

    p.s. any tips you guys can give me will surely be helpful.
  20. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    i emailed paul brewer about what the tournament format is for vf5 in china, and he forwarded my email directly to the person in charge of the rules. the email went like this:

    From: Eddel Dioquino
    To: Paul Brewer
    Subject: china

    "Hey Paul,

    Who handles the tournament format for VF5? I’m just curious because I’m hoping it’s not 5 round matches. If so, then the game will be broken and will be in favor of any player who uses the character Shun Di."

    From: Shiva
    To: Eddel
    Subject: China

    "Dear Eddel Dioquino.

    Each game will have 3 rounds each [​IMG]

    And match have to win 2 games first for the match win.

    Anyway, thank you for your deep interesting and opinion for tournament rule.

    If you have any question email me anytime.

    Thank you."

    not like it matters for itazan, but at least no one will complain. [​IMG]

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