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What do you think about Bush?

Discussion in 'General' started by pkg_inc, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. pkg_inc

    pkg_inc Well-Known Member

    Is he a wise man?
    Is he a great president?
    Has he done anything good at all?
    Do you think his attack on Iraq had something to do with WMDs?

    I think no.

    But why was he elected then? (theoretically speaking, he didn't actually win the election, but that is just something Gore said, right?)

    Americans and foreigners alike, share your thoughts!
  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    I think your generally going to get the same answers at this board, being that most of us are fairly liberal...........
  3. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Here's my reply mon ami...Bush isn't in control. He never was. You honestly think that the American public would have voted for a man who chokes on pretzels and calls Pakistanis 'pakis' (a racist slur) on international television? The answer is, no. They didn't vote for him...they're too smart. Unfortunately, however, as Hitler's propaganda minister said:

    "A stupendous lie repeated over and over will gain credibility."

    In this case, the "stupendous lie" was the idea that Iraq had "weapons of mass destruction" that posed an "imminent threat" as they were "in a state of readiness that meant the weapons could be deployed withing 45 minutes". Bollocks. Unfortunately, it was repeated over and over until most people felt either (a) there was no alternative or (b) they'd be met with aggression for being non-PC...a totalitarian state mentality if you ask me. In "the land of the free", this has no place.

    As I said earlier, Bush has no control. He's just a figurehead. All the presidents are. There are people up there in the higher ranks (yes, it actually DOES go beyond the President) pulling the strings. Call them the Illuminati, Freemasons (MGS2 calls them The Patriots, but it's the same idea), but they're doing the same thing...presenting the illusoin that is "free will".

    I know it's a lot to digest for some people, but the signposts are all there.

    So why did we go to war?

    I don't know.


    Because I'm not supposed to.

    Welcome to the police state; the NWO.
  4. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    "Hey, I just wanted to talk about Bush with your daughter!"

    lol Conan is so funny
  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Jesus, no wonder you're so into the Matrix crap, if you're buying all that GLOBAL CONSPIRACY SATANIC NWO ILLUMINATI bullshit. I learned all about that weirdass stuff from various Awful Links of the Day.

    (Since my entire immediate family is Catholic, I guess that means THEY'RE IN ON IT TOO AND BEING SECRETLY CONTROLLED FROM THE POWER CENTER IN ROME!!!!!! DAISHOKKU!)
  6. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Zero-chan said:

    I learned all about that weirdass stuff from various Awful Links of the Day.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do you have stairs in your house?
  7. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    You were here, you should know XD
  8. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    u should join SA, it's only 10 bux!
  9. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Are you insane? If you don't think that the President of the United States does not have power, you really need a red pill in your life.
  10. L33

    L33 Well-Known Member

    i think its a little farfetched but who knows? u cant prove Max wrong.

    as for the topic, i think bush is doing the same thing the Japanese did when they invaded China duringg WW2 (i think) and called it "liberation"...
  11. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Jesus, gimme a break Zero!

    This whole NWO/Illuminati/Freemasons stuff isn't as clear cut is people on the net or in books make it out to be. There's a lot of shit, so I never take what I read as fact. It just gives you a vague idea that "stuff ain't quite right". That's all.

    With the introduction of VeriChips now confirmed in small newspaper columns (something that I posted on this board a while back, and a week later, presto! It happened) and biometrics are to be installed within the next twenty years, and compulsory ID cards in just five years, things just sem to be moving to some kind of police state-type thing. I mean, come on, look at the propaganda around us! Look at the way the press can get everyone behind a cause if they want to! It's terrible, and I just think that there is definitely somrthing wrong.

    Just remember, just because it's far-fetched, doesn't mean it ain't true...and even I don't think it's necessarily 100% true. Maybe not even 50%. But even if I'm only 10% right, it's still something to be concerned about.
  12. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    NWO/Illuminati = nonsense.

    As for the Freemasons.... I'm a mason myself, albeit a low level one. To insinuate that the people I met with during those meetings are the type to conspire to control the world is ludicrous.

    As someone who has spent a great deal of my life investigating the UFO phenomenon I can tell you that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to support them. UFO's have it. The Illuminati does not.

    As for Bush I think that is quite clear that he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed. He has made some poor policy decisions and has suffered appropriately as a result. Is he the worst president that we've had in recent years?? Maybe. Maybe not. Both sides have compelling arguments. The thing to do is educate yourself before drawing conclusions.

    Edit: and btw, I echo the notion that the Matrix series is utter crap. Any film that combines Ted (back from his "Excellent Adventure") with pathetic attempts at incorporating Eastern mysticism = a film to be avoided. But that is neither here nor there and I have no desire whatsoever to see this thread turn into yet another Matrix discussion.
  13. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Hey dude. My friend's father was a High Lodge Freemason. He was a dedicated mamber of the Freemason's to beyond the 33rd Degree. At this time, he was working as a successful lawyer in London. He quit the Freemasons due to his "acquisition of disturbing knowledge on which [he] refuse[2] to elaborate". Tragically, he died mere months after his dissociation with the organisation. Needless to say, the Brotherhood were far from pleased with his decision to discontinue. The day after his death, two gentlemen came knocking...ex-colleagues from his local Freemasonry establishment. They basically told him and his mother "not to expect anyone to turn up to the funeral". Sure enough, no-one did.

    I have another friend who was himself a Freemason. He's still around and he gave me an amazing account of the inner workings of the organisation. He'd reached a degree of about 33/32. He took the liberty of drawing me a pyramid style diagram of the way in which it works, controlling all the highest sectors of industry, commerce and finance, government and military. He told me aout how he was given "different exam papers" in order for him to obtain an increasingly more well paid job...he saw that his fellow entrants were at the paper for over an hour with very concerned expressions on their faces while he'd finished 55 minutes ago.

    Don't diss the Matrix here...do it on the thread I set up if you have to. The trilogy rocks, and I'll be damned if you don't tell me you don't get it.

    My friend also informed me that the lower levels, basically up to about 32nd degree have no idea what's going on, so how you can make these statements as a Freemason, "albeit a low level one" about the people you've met there and what you know? It may have started with all the Knight's Templar stuff, but if what my information tells me is in fact true (and I have no reason to think otherwise), all I can say is that you really have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

    I honestly mean this now; be careful.
  14. Nakura

    Nakura Well-Known Member

    How does a Freemason level up? Does he get extra HP and a Staff of Pain +6?
  15. Liquid_MAX

    Liquid_MAX Well-Known Member

    Hehe...who knows...Chaos emeralds powering up Super Sonic style perhaps? Or absorbing warriors Majin-Buu style! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  16. ETPharaoh

    ETPharaoh Well-Known Member

    You suggest that I "be careful." I am. I am careful not to put my credibility on the wrong horse and I would suggest that you do the same.

    Basing any belief on a subject on the testimony of a handful of individuals is not a sound approach. I pray that there is more to your belief in such things than that. If you require that little proof to convince you of anything then I fear you have much to learn. I'll repeat myself yet again: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. You have not supplied me with this evidence and so my belief remains.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Liquid_MAX said:
    Don't diss the Matrix here...do it on the thread I set up if you have to. The trilogy rocks, and I'll be damned if you don't tell me you don't get it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    As I said before: "...that is neither here nor there and I have no desire whatsoever to see this thread turn into yet another Matrix discussion." This being the case I will make one final comment on this matter...

    Consider yourself "damned" because I "get" the Matrix. Anyone who fails to "get" the Matrix would have to be the intellectual equivalent of a toddler. It is partially because of the fact that I "get" the Matrix that my opinion is what it is. I'll say it again: that is neither here nor there. This is a thread about President Bush and we have already digressed too far from the matter at hand.

    Now that we have shared our respective opinions on these unrelated matters I suggest that we return to the original topic.

    Bush has not exactly been an exemplary President. Some would attribute this fact to his being a Republican. I both agree and disagree. The state of politics in this country is horribly stagnant. We have inept Liberals and ignorant Conservatives in a deadlock for control of the country. This polarization of our political system is nothing but a hinderance. I have views that lie on both ends of the spectrum but I truly believe that it isn't until we do away with these moronic parties that true progress will be made. Democrats and Republicans are far too wrapped up in the advancement of their parties and their own political agendas to be able to ascertain what "we the people" really need. Let alone being able to do something about it.
  17. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Look guys, Bush may act stupid but in reality he's pretty smart. Trust me I have several creditable source that back this up like Journalist, political analyst etc.

    I personally hate his fucking guts. Because of him I've haven't had a stable employment since I'd got out of college and I've been attack personally by 9/11 as well as everyone else here in NYC. I mean what do you expect from a white boy whose so left wing that he's single handedly is regressing the world's future rather than guiding it moving forward. The sad thing is people are eating up all this religious beliefs of him entering Iraq. People it’s all about the Benjamin’s and helping creating powerful position for your own people domestically and aboard.

    Lastly for the audience who believe that he’s not in control what’s the fucking point of being elected the most powerful man in the world. It’s not just a title and Nixon is a perfect example of that kind of character as a president as well as a person. Nixon shouldn’t have been elected just like Bush boy. But hell life got suck balls sometimes. Ok, I trying to keep this simple if I don’t I’m going vent like you won’t believe.

    So Bushboy where’s Osama, Hussein and the people behind the anthrax letter?

    Bush: Blah blah blah

    Jack: ……………….
  18. namenotmine

    namenotmine Active Member

    he walks like an asshole
  19. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Umm, he is right wing ;-) /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
  20. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

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