what does it mean to have 4 costumes per character?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by viperx07, Sep 22, 2005.

  1. viperx07

    viperx07 New Member

    I have read in a post that someone is tryin to get champion with the same character in the 1p and 2p costume so they can have a total of 4 costumes. How do you get an extra costume and are there any pictures of them? OR do they just mean some extra costume colors. DOnt u need to beat it just once to unlock the colors for both 1p and 2p costumes? Thanks
  2. alphanumeric

    alphanumeric Member

    It sounds like they just want to have the same 2 costumes, but just set them up in different ways, giving them a total of 4 different costumes, i.e. 1p would be blue for the player 1 data, and red for the player 2 data.
  3. viperx07

    viperx07 New Member

    wow that sounds liek a lot of work /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    im just tryin to get one guy to champ so far.

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