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What game do you want to play?

Discussion in 'General' started by DissMaster, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    If I could play any game, or to put it more succintly, if I could command the best game designers in the world to make the game that I would want to play the most, what would it be?

    I'm glad you asked.

    I would like a 3d version of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. This game is erroneously considered by many scrubs to be the worst zelda game. They are wrong. I don't mean that I would like to see a full-on remake of the game. It wouldn't even have to be an actual zelda game. But I would just love, LOVE to play a game that married Mario platforming with challenging Old Zelda style swordplay and Punch-Out style enemy attack patterns. Only Nintendo has the expertise to make such a game. Imagine Mario-style perfect control mixed with challenging but fair fighting. I don't think I'll ever see such a game. Please don' t say that Ninja Gaiden or Prince of Persia fit this description, because they don't. The gameplay is not as good in my opinion.

    Anybody else got a game they would really like to see made?
  2. OffBrandNinja

    OffBrandNinja Well-Known Member

    I would like a game where you prowl around a seedy college arcade stocked to the brim with pimply-faced nerds who would call VF a "masher's game" while jamming away on the SC2 cabinet. I'd want to be able to execute random VF moves in a full 3D real-time environment, so I could sgplm them into the wall -> SPoD into SC2 cabinet, causing mayhem and destruction. If I could put bling on my character and call him 00G (that's double-O G, like he's a spy AND a gangster), it would only be better. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  3. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    don't get me started, today at lunch, my friends were talking about how great doa3 was and how it was totally not a button masher.

    mostly just to piss me off since im the biggest vf fanboy in the school, but still.

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter 5.
  5. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    I think SEGA could do soooooo many good remakes of their old games. Ranger X for one.
  6. RandomHajile

    RandomHajile Well-Known Member

    easy... snatcher on gba

    or a proper update like how metal gear from nes to ps1!!!
  7. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    Usually I wouldn't have much to say on these type of topics, but jesus fucking christ am I the only person here that misses Streets of Rage?? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif
  8. Maximus

    Maximus Well-Known Member

    The Getaway 2 & Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal
  9. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Usually I wouldn't have much to say on these type of topics, but jesus fucking christ am I the only person here that misses Streets of Rage?? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    SOR was great but SpikeOut completely owned me. When will the new version ever come out for Xbox?!? /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif

    MAXIMUM Well-Known Member

    Shenmue Complete -- A remake of Shenmue I & II and a continuation of the story to encompass Shenmue III.

    Ideally developeed by AM2 and directed by Yu Suzuki on a brand new cutting-edge Sega system.

    He he...well I can dream!
  11. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    With a Revamped Streets of Rage Spike out type battle sytem ^_^ , not that the original one was bad.
  12. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    I love the original fighting engine... personally.... I think it makes the game what it is!

    I second that Maximum.... how could they remake the first two though... I wonder what they could add?

    EUROTRASH Well-Known Member


    I'd just like to see zelda and metroid games made like they were in the 90's... that is, NOT treating the player like a dumbass and telling you were to go all the time...

    Still Metroid Prime is one of the fucking greatest games ever but there you can switch of the hint system...

    Which brings me to wishing nintendo themselves comes up with something as great as the zelda games for n64 and back or super metroid. I know the end product is the important thing but somehow i just want nintendo to do it... and i dont count Retro as nintendo...

    fuck this post i'm tired
  14. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Re: hhmmmm

    Right now, I'd really like to play Halo3.
    Fucking hate cliffhanger endings!
  15. vanity

    vanity Well-Known Member

    Re: hhmmmm

    You know, with all that hype surround halo 2, why don't you play more of that?

    oh wait, it's mediocre.
  16. Needles_Kane

    Needles_Kane Member

    Re: hhmmmm

    I would like

    New Pilot Wings
    New Crimson Skies with Ace Combat controls and way better and diverse multiplayer modes (racing, zeps etc)

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