What Have You Learned? / How Have You Progressed?

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by JHow77, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    I thought it would be interesting to hear people's thoughts on what they've learned and how they've progressed in VF5 since online play has been around. What made me think of this was watching old matches I've saved and thinking how interesting it was to watch my playstyle change from drastic to ever so slightly throughout the years.

    There are many VFDCers that I used to deal with fairly easily in the beginning of XBL but now give me a very good challenge! It's great to see so many people's skills develop. And VFDC's community spirit has very much to do with this I'm sure. I still however ponder the negative effects of what long term online play does, but nonetheless we've all improved our knowledge of the game by playing over, and over, and over again.

    I remember very early on a comment that Konjou said which was that I needed better drink management. It is so fun to watch this particular skill develop through watching my old matches. I definitely found a way to employ drinking (too much sometimes) into a still fast and furious match.

    I've found things in early matches where I was like, SHIT why'd I do that back then? I should have done this! One of my favorite things is finding stuff that I had forgotten about. I just reminded myself of something I used to do in a BT situation. For some reason I completely forgot about doing it lately. It was where after successfully connecting BT K+G I would hop backwards while BT and land with a low hop kick. This is risky but fun to do. Now I'm doing it again. =)

    I've definitely become more adept to other character's moves and flowcharts, specifically Vanessa. She still boggles me sometimes depending on who's playing her. Just recently I saw flowcharts with her I've never seen before. I wish I could remember who I was playing. I LOVE being surprised in this game, which with the amount we've all played, doesn't happen much anymore.

    Well, I'd love to read some comments on this. Post on buddies!
  2. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    I think the biggest thing that has helped my game is knowing the characters. I may not know evry frame data in the game yet.. or may never know by heart. I used to just sit there and never know if the move was adv or disadv ( VANESSA )... So i just had to guess. But now, i feel like its a fair match cus i know when i can strike back most of the time vs other characters. I may not have the best choices down yet in evry situations but, im working on that.
    I have a general idea of moves that are -12 and up.. moves that leave characters more than say -7 for CH. moves that can be fuzzied etc. where ppl can get away with 2p like -1-3 type of thing. playing alot of different ppl have helped me also see their weakness and flowcharts. But theirs soo much more than i can do, to be more precise. the one thing i hated was fighting a character and not knowing how to defend it or see openings. The more i play, im making much better choices.

    However... SHUN AND EL BLAZE and PAI.. are still wtf to me.
  3. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    What I've learned is that I'm a much worse player than I was when I was MEKAHINEYHOE! I think the nick has become the reality. I look at old vids when I'd play say BBCTU or Glory and say to myself damn, I did pretty good. Now I just face palm myself.

    For me it's a matter of time, I just don't spend enough time playing anymore, but then again there's hardly anyone to play.
    I'll say I've become less tolerant to a lot of things but I think that's primarily because I'm more of an offline player now.
  4. Xzyx987X

    Xzyx987X Well-Known Member

    Well, in the years since I started playing VF5, I've gone from a scrubby DOA player, to a scrubby Eileen player. [​IMG] I've learned to love VF for being the most fun, consistent, and deep fighter on the face of the planet. But I've learned to hate it for ruining pretty much every other fighting game franchise for me, 'cause I simply can't settle for less. I've learned to love the online play, which despite not being perfect is about as good as it gets for a 3D fighter. But I've learned to hate it because there are just never enough good players around to play with.

    On a philisophical level, I've improved by working to be less of a scrub (both in the game and in life). But I've learned it's a journey without an end. I've learned that winning means taking what I'm given, and giving less than I take. But I've also learned that finding balance is more important than winning.

    My only goal for the future is to find the perfectly simple foundation that leads to perfect balance in the face of infinate complexity. Once I have that, I will no longer consider myself a scrub.
  5. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    Interesting..... Ive always said that people approach the game the same way they approach life.
  6. Darthminion

    Darthminion Well-Known Member

    Bs i may get my ass kicked in VF but in real life (or sf4) i would kick your arse! Carnage this is your worst post ever!
  7. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I learned something I already knew about my play for a very long time that I am a lazy bum that doesn't use all the tools I have when I have them. I know how to do everything I need to do but I often ignore them knowing I should have done it from the start. I will show signs of it at times but others I won't. Playing online does help some but not much and dojo/ quest mode helps some too but most of the people I play don't encourage me to really get better but regardless of that fact I still love playing VF and I will try to get better regardless even though the progress is coming slower than even I expect it to.

    I tend to agree with what koc says as well by the way
  8. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    What i learned:
    understanding leifei, his frame data, analyzing situations, better understanding of defensive options. learned how to use an arcade stick with lei.

    I felt i progress alot only with my knowledge of the game but lately im rusty my reaction speed is horrible now due too much hesitation and over analzying situations.
    I was more aggressive offensively when i started playing and didnt knew frames everything was instincts. Now im more defensively trying to pick my spots too much and punish. I personally think i was doing way too much on offense i say about 85% was unecessary. i didnt ask the question "why use this if it aint gonna work on my opponent?" I guess i got too greedy on offense so i turn it off sometimes
  9. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    shadowloord. invite me to party whenever.
  10. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    I also learned to block when Im at disadvantage, and block when Im at advantage. Never follow up a counter hit cause you get counter hit in return. If I escape a throw I must Immediately guard.I learned that bastards will do anything except learn how to FUKIN play. Abare flow chart? are you kidding me? Use that at the next tourney! Yeah....Just evade and spam at -14, hey' it works.
  11. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I've learned in Online VF5 that in the end offense is stronger than defense. "Whenever in doubt, attack" is a rule that works particularly well, giving, among other things, players in love with their combo strings more than just a second chance.

    I won't live by that rule, though -- and still try to shield myself against the weirdest flow charts, attack and stepping patterns online. With doubtful results.
  12. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately I agree with the last two posts. Online simply creates this and there's unfortunately no way around it. =(
  13. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    God you have some cheeck complaining about online play, considering you are the chjecpest and scrubbiest motherfucking 2P and DMPK spammer online, maybe only second to Addy, but then again addy does not complain about this unlike you. I wished I saved those matches where you kept spamming 2P and kept eating DSE cause you think you were "conditioning" yur opponent... I dont even...
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    I've never seen Leonard play like that, we've both had our bouts of spamming weird moves on each other for a laugh but nothing that you described Matt.
  15. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    where is the thumbs up emoticon????? If guaranteed throws change to -10 or lower in FS a lot of people are fucked.

    I learned that Akira sucks and mashing equals winning! I'm using turbo from now on!
  16. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I love VirtuaBitchfest.com
  17. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    The Bitching comes from Knowledge I beleive, of the data, which does not apply to the on-line element of VF5. People get desperate and start spamming. If they see they have lag advantage, they go full bore. Ive learned a ton about this game, but it cant be applied on line. If you keep seeing a blue light on your screen, STFU!
  18. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    I've heard the explanation more than 1,000 times. Maybe we should start another site called VirtuaBitchFestEncore.com where we can document all the bitching.

    Seriously. I'm starting to think if you take the amount of posters on this site and the ratio of bitching and compare it the ratio of bitching on other sites we just might beat them out per capita
  19. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    lol that's a bitch right there Worstplayer.
  20. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Jerktastic, MAtteoJHDY. I prefer to stick to a thread's topic on these forums.

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