What to do after a knockdown....

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by NFlamezV, May 27, 2013.

  1. NFlamezV

    NFlamezV Member

    Unlike Tekken, you cant really hit the opponent when they're on the ground (outside of Down Attacks). After a knockdown, the opponent is pretty much invincible so... my question is how am I supposed to keep on the offensive if I cant even even 'em??

    Yes, this is a bit of a noob-ish question but I'm mainly a SF/Tekken player and I haven't play much VF competitively. I really wanna improve on my VF. I play as Jean, Akira and Jacky. =0
  2. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    A good thing to get in the habit of doing is option-selects and positioning.

    An example of an option select would be Jacky's [3][K]. If the opponent is on the ground [3][K] will hit them as it is a down attack. If the opponent quick recovers or gets up before you have a chance to get there, [3][K] is the beginning of a string for Jacky. Not every character has an option-select, but many do.

    Another good thing to do is position yourself in such a way that your opponent is at a disadvantage when he gets up. If you knock him down near the edge of the ring, move around him so that when he gets up his back is to the edge. You can use the Offensive Move to do this quickly ( [8] or [2] + [P][K][G]).

    There are other things that you can do, if you are able to read your opponent and their habits on wake up. But these 2 strats work well....
  3. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I get ready to block rising kicks and start setting meaty attacks after knockdown. That's how you keep pressure on a downed opponent.
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Generally you should pressure them with a meaty mid attack on wakeup. These are easier to time if opponent techrolls/quickrises, also they cannot do a rising kick if they tech.

    Meaty okizeme attacks, when executed correctly, cannot be evaded, parried or reversed. Opponents only option is to block. Once they are conditioned to block, you can try other things, like low attacks or throws. Some attacks are advantageous on block, and even more so when done as meaties, so its easy to continue pressuring once opponent has blocked those (example, Akiras 214P)

    If opponent doesn't tech the knockdown, you should have enough time to confirm that and do a light down attack (almost never do heavy down attacks, most of them aren't guaranteed except in cases where you have better options).

    It is possible to interrupt a rising kick with an attack that does more damage (this is called 'crushing' a rising attack cause attacks will connect at same time and the more damaging one wins), but timing can be difficult. So for a beginner, Id recommend just trying to block rising kicks or step away from the rising kick range and then close back in. I personally use 44244 to step away, just one backdash is usually not enough.

    Link about option select down attacks.

    Link about meaty attacks in okizeme
    ToyDingo likes this.
  5. NFlamezV

    NFlamezV Member

    lol I came across Jacky's option select accidentally =P. Seems useful =P

    While, I've heard the term b4, Im not sure what 'meaty'' means but overall Thanks for the help guys, I should progress with this info. =)
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    I dont understand why you keep mentioning Jackys 3K string as oki option select.. That string is superbad and I wouldn't want to do it whether opponent was on their feet or down on the ground..

    Check the link in above post.
    NFlamezV likes this.

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