What Virtua Fighter Can LEARN from TEKKEN 8 Ft. Tricky Eileen

Discussion in 'General' started by GustavoHeisenberg, Apr 17, 2024.

  1. GustavoHeisenberg

    GustavoHeisenberg Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed this interview

    6mins in Tricky explained in a nutshell the appeal of VF no jank, the system works; she perfectly explained why nobody screams HAARAADAAA when playing VF. Secondly it's strong on "fighters" each character feels unique.

    Of course 100% agree presentation sounds better in Tekken 8, information is communicated. Although noobs don't have to commit to moves in Tekken, I personally feel that freedom is the reason why the JANK is real in Tekken. VF's offence bias is worth preserving at all cost, dunno about you guys.

    @Tricky the kumite reference about competition is good but it seems more like a thing for pros because for us filthy-casuals, fighting against the salt after a whole day at work is a tall order (we aren't teens with plenty of free time anymore).You know the call of duty community is still whinging and moaning about skill based matchmaking, somebody has to lose and it's not fun.

    (On Kumite) On the other hand, I also see your point @Tricky, I think that mentality can be learnt but I think that's best for real life interaction. We feel much closer to people in REAL LIFE, we can actually foster a community IRL - people are forced to be on their best behaviour and attitude. Winning and Losing in person is different compared to online.

    akai and 40i4 like this.

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