Where the hell are all the good El Blaze players?

Discussion in 'Xbox Live' started by RawEmpire, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. RawEmpire

    RawEmpire Well-Known Member

    I'm The only El Blaze player that I respect. I've never seen any other El Blaze player that can even hope to have a chance verses me. Thats why i want all the good El Blaze users to come on this page and challenge each other. If you think you got enough skills to take me on, send me a message on Xbox live to "ANT LIVE 5000"... oh yea, people who don't use El Blaze feel free to come here and set up matches against all the "Blazers" you can find.
  2. Euclid

    Euclid Active Member

    I play El Blaze quite a bit. Him and Aoi are usually the ones you will see me playing online. Can't say if I am good or not, but I am willing to play a few matches. "Formalism" is my gamertag, send me a live message if you want to play sometime.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I don't play blaze, but if a ass kicking is what you seek then I will be happy to deliver.

    I am sure you mean well, but your delivery for being a new comer to these boards may rub people the wrong way.

    Any ways... WELCOME!
  4. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    Bring the fire newcomer!!! Bring it!
  5. TheWorstPlayer

    TheWorstPlayer Well-Known Member

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    I'll play, I mean I'm not that good. But I'll try my best.
    Your Blaze is probably the best I've ever not seen. Then again
    who am I to judge.
  6. Chief_Flash

    Chief_Flash Well-Known Member

    T1L ALL AR3 0N3
    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    WTF IS THIS?!? what a noob thing to say...

    do you need me to initiate you or something? like konjou said, if it's an asswhoopin you want, i'll be MORE than happy to put you in your place! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  7. Oioron

    Oioron Well-Known Member Gold Supporter

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    It seems he's from VA, asswhoopin can be served lagless!!!
  8. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    ant live 5000! sup! man what a way to make an entrance lol.
  9. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    [21:07] <ThisonedudeonIRC> but i have played him
    [21:07] <ThisonedudeonIRC> he suckks hard!
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    god damn IRC circle jerk.
  11. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    I've played you and beat you down more than once. I didn't notice that you were any good at all. If you can beat Outfoxd's Blaze more than once out of 5 matches you can talk, until you've played anyone good, keep your mouth shut.
  12. Dango

    Dango Well-Known Member

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    I'll fight you with Blaze.

  13. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    Ooh, RawEmpire, you just got BUTTSLAMMED!!!
  14. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Re: Where the hell are all the good El Blaze playe

    Thread locked.

    For the best in shit-talking action, visit #vfhome on IRC.

    Looks like this:

    Warning: Profane hilarity

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Warning, Spoiler: <input type="button" class="form-button" value="Show" onclick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display != '') { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = '';this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Hide'; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[1].getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.innerText = ''; this.value = 'Show'; }" /></div><div class="ubbcode-body"><div style="display: none;">[1:20pm] Shangster: OMG this indian woman called me from dell, she tells me my order's gonna be late, so she's upgrading it to next day delivery
    [1:20pm] Shangster: i'm like do I give a fuck
    [1:20pm] tonyfam: and the fact that she's indian comes up because...
    [1:21pm] Shangster: tony if you had some money and actually bought some shit you'd know.
    [1:21pm] tonyfam: i'm still waiting for the pun here
    [1:21pm] Shangster: stop waiting and start working
    [1:21pm] tonyfam: i had money once, until i started dealing with chineses
    [1:21pm] Shangster: chineses...
    [1:22pm] tonyfam: yeah, chineses, the eat riceses
    [1:22pm] opti-_-: omg still at it!
    [1:22pm] tonyfam: white riceses
    [1:22pm] akuma001: "to be a chinese you have to eat the nasty shit"
    [1:22pm] akuma001: i forget what movie thats from
    [1:22pm] Shangster: to be tony you have to eat real shit
    [1:23pm] akuma001: the protector i think
    [1:23pm] tonyfam: oh no
    [1:24pm] Shangster: look at this faggot. "hi i love my mac and combed my hair this morning": http://www.blogsmithmedia.com/www.engadget.com/media/2008/04/human-speechome-project.jpg
    [1:24pm] tonyfam: shang, i heard your favorite part of the dog is the penis
    [1:24pm] Shangster: what kind of fucking retard works on his mbp on that gay rack like that.
    [1:26pm] tonyfam: kinda balances out since you eat cat too, pussy cat and dog penis, part of a balanced asian diet
    [1:26pm] tonyfam was kicked from the chat room by Shangster. (tonyfam)
    [1:29pm] Renzo: shang
    [1:29pm] Renzo: whats the response time on the 3000 model
    [1:30pm] tonyfam joined the chat room.
    [1:30pm] tonyfam: wtf
    [1:30pm] Plague-CA: 247ms, man
    [1:30pm] Plague-CA: way too slow
    [1:30pm] Jideo: opti ops
    [1:30pm] tonyfam: that was gay shang, you kicked me out
    [1:30pm] Plague-CA: XBR4 FTW
    [1:30pm] Shangster: 4?
    [1:30pm] Jideo: tonyfam
    [1:30pm] Jideo was promoted to operator by opti-_-.
    [1:30pm] Denkai left the chat room. (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
    [1:30pm] Jideo: set your irc to autojoin
    [1:31pm] tonyfam: oh, thanks, i will attempt to solve that puzzle
    [1:31pm] Shangster: renzo: the new 3000 do 24p that's all
    [1:31pm] Renzo: wtf does 24p mean
    [1:31pm] Shangster: 120hz
    [1:31pm] Renzo: well
    [1:31pm] Renzo: how about the old 3000
    [1:31pm] Renzo: is it 8ms response?
    [1:31pm] Shangster: that's 60f
    [1:31pm] Shangster: 60hz
    [1:32pm] Renzo: 8ms?
    [1:32pm] Shangster: less than 8 for sure
    [1:32pm] Renzo: are you sure
    [1:32pm] Renzo: lol
    [1:32pm] Shangster: sec
    [1:32pm] Renzo: i sw a review
    [1:32pm] Renzo: KDL-40V3000 and make a good deal. ... Response Time in ms: 8.
    [1:33pm] Shangster: 8ms
    [1:33pm] Shangster: KO
    [1:33pm] tonyfam: shang you're a faggot
    [1:33pm] Shangster: dude it doesn't matter renzo
    [1:34pm] tonyfam: suck on my wang, shang
    [1:34pm] Shangster: why am I a faggot tony?
    [1:34pm] tonyfam: for kicking me off
    [1:34pm] tonyfam: that was gay, gay like faggot-gay
    [1:35pm] tonyfam was kicked from the chat room by Shangster. (learn Auto-Rejoin noob)
    [1:35pm] Shangster: renzo buy the v300 for 1200
    [1:35pm] Renzo: v300?
    [1:35pm] Shangster: 3000
    [1:35pm] Shangster: whatever
    [1:35pm] Renzo: lol
    [1:35pm] Renzo: the one in the ad for 900
    [1:36pm] Renzo: is the older model?
    [1:36pm] Shangster: it doesn't matter
    [1:36pm] Renzo: and the one on the topic
    [1:36pm] Shangster: u can't tell the different
    [1:36pm] Renzo: is the newer?
    [1:36pm] Shangster: newer is 1080p
    [1:36pm] Shangster: older is 720p
    [1:36pm] Renzo: isnt the old 3000 1080p?
    [1:36pm] Renzo: they're both 1080p
    [1:36pm] Shangster: says 720p on the web site
    [1:36pm] Renzo: OMG
    [1:37pm] Renzo: LIARS ON CRAIGSLIST
    [1:38pm] Shangster: the s3000 is 720p
    [1:38pm] Shangster: the v3000 is 1080p according to sony's website
    [1:39pm] Renzo: hm
    [1:39pm] Renzo: how bout this one
    [1:39pm] Renzo: http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/ele/652210543.html
    [1:39pm] Renzo: samsung
    [1:39pm] Shangster: offer him 700 on this
    [1:40pm] Shangster: fucking moron sells a used tv for 100$ off
    [1:40pm] Renzo: says 500 off
    [1:40pm] Shangster: nvm he has 4 year warranty
    [1:40pm] Renzo: hm
    [1:40pm] Shangster: offer him 800$
    [1:40pm] Renzo: heard smoe bad things about samsung
    [1:40pm] Renzo: lol
    [1:41pm] Shangster: they r ok
    [1:41pm] Shangster was demoted from operator by KoD.
    [1:41pm] tonyfam joined the chat room.
    [1:41pm] Shangster: kod u idiot
    [1:41pm] tonyfam: shang, i am your father
    [1:41pm] tonyfam was promoted to operator by KoD.
    [1:42pm] tonyfam: respect me
    [1:42pm] KoD: PWNED
    [1:42pm] Shangster: yea real respect
    [1:42pm] tonyfam: LOL
    [1:42pm] KoD: hey tony type this (without quotes) '/kick Shangster'
    [1:42pm] suddenWRK: <tonyfam> suck on my wang, shang
    [1:42pm] Shangster: u r an idiot kod
    [1:42pm] suddenWRK: loooollll
    [1:42pm] tonyfam: i'm sorry i abandoned you at such a young age.. but you were hideous
    [1:43pm] Shangster was kicked from the chat room by tonyfam. (Shangster)
    [1:43pm] KoD: PWNED
    [1:43pm] tonyfam: LOFL!
    [1:43pm] KoD: ahahaha
    [1:43pm] tonyfam: aaah, this is fun, thanks man
    [1:43pm] KoD: np dont abuse the power
    [1:44pm] suddenWRK: and he doesnt have auto join!
    [1:44pm] suddenWRK: lol
    [1:44pm] KoD: ahahah
    [1:44pm] KoD: "learn auto join NOOB"
    [1:44pm] tonyfam: yo, i'm really a noob, how do i autojoin???
    [1:45pm] suddenWRK: alt+O
    [1:45pm] KoD: i have no idea, i think it depends on your irc client
    [1:45pm] suddenWRK: alt+O / irc options / tick rejoin when kicked
    [1:46pm] tonyfam: ok, thanks
    [1:48pm] tonyfam: it's been fun, gotta go though, peace!
    [1:48pm] tonyfam left the chat room. (Quit: http://chat.efnet.org )
    [1:49pm] adamYUKI: that was hilarious</div></div></div>

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