Which Character - PLEASE Read

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Jundori, Feb 22, 2007.

  1. Jundori

    Jundori Member

    Well, this might sound like an odd story to some of you guys but id just like some help :p
    Some BG information:
    Currently im 18 yo, my gaming experience began when i was 5 orso and got a SNES. wel blabla skip to PSX era. I played alot of tekken on the psx, mind you in a casual style, then the ps2 came and i played alot of tekken again, but also virtua fighter EVO. I loved the fighting of vf evo. it was so fluid and realistic ( ive always been a sucker for sim games)However, Fighters never really interested me for a long time, and i played racers and just the normal popular stuff mostly, however i do have some interest in japanese games and odd sim games which every other standard ps2 player ( console casual guy ) finds very boring.

    Then I got rid of my ps2 and dind play on consoles for about a year orso, i became hooked on WoW but ive stopped playing that crappy game now /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    Then i got a 360, with DOA 4 and things changed drastically. I got great interest in fighters and learning all the movers etc. im still playing doa now and im quite good at it but its becoming a bit boring. Dont really like the style of DOA. Then some weeks ago a friend introduced me to Soul calibur 2 ( on the gamecube -.- lol) I realized i was enjoying fighters more and more and really getting deeper into juggles all the stuff :).

    im gonna get rid of my 360 and get a ps3 when it launches here in Holland, and then VF5 one week later when that is released ( 21st orso) Im also thinking about buying the hori fighting stick 3 ( the 45 - 50 dollar one , is it any good ? some advice on this would also be appreciated)

    now finally my question: Which character should i pick to play in VF5, im very indecisive (spelling /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/shocked.gif ?) when it comes to characters, I still dont have a mian character in DOA4 ( i play around with ryu zack jann lee and hayate / ayane)

    I VF EVO i can remember i liked pai, but this was still casual mode fighting pressing PPPPPPPP and KKKKK etc all the time /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    what would be a good character to learn vf with, but also master completely ? as im planning to stick with one guy now ( oh btw i prefer MALE characters.)

    so short recap.
    which stick ? ( if any)
    which char ?
  2. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member


    That is all. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  3. yuki_daruma

    yuki_daruma Member

    lei fei is a good beginning character and el mexican is very fun to use. Just pick one you enjoy fighting with and learn all his moves
  4. Konradinho

    Konradinho Well-Known Member

    Pai is the best:) She has got lot of mixups, great throws and OMG, SHES FAAAAAAAAAASSSSTTT!!!! And shes very fun to use:)
    Of course, if u wanna male char, try that cheap - bitchin' Jacky or Lau...
    Pai is beauty... Try her, really!!
  5. Jundori

    Jundori Member

    mmm i like Lei's style /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif as i Love Shaolin etc /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif but isnt he a little hard with al those stances iirc?

    and also whats so good about lau /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif ?
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    I say go through the move lists before you make any decisions. I'd suggest Jacky or Jeffry. They're both easier to get going.
  7. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    I second that. Go through EVERY move list, to check which character's fighting style suits you, and how easy it is for you to perform his moves (not in reality silly).
    And I agree, that Jeffry, and Jacky are easy to start with, but that doesn't make them even a bit worse than the other chars. They are killers, I can assure you:)
  8. sonicspear64

    sonicspear64 Well-Known Member

    When I started playing VF4 2 years ago, I picked the character that looked the most appealing (Lion, Jacky, or Kage). Now my main is still Lion because I didn't wanna give up. Lion's actually an interesting char. with Mantis-Style and all!
  9. yuki_daruma

    yuki_daruma Member

    Nah not really I was a beginner when i picked up Lei all of his stances are a button press of P+K+G with a combination of up or down etc. everything else he will go into his stance depending on what move you perform. For instance of you do an attack with a punch or a kick or a combo. If you press the punch button or kick button longer then normal he will enter his stance right after the attack. If he appeals to you try him out. Pai is cool too but i dont like using fem characters. Lau is cool too but i dont know all of his moves
  10. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    this thread quickly turns into "who is your fav character?"

  11. Dashwolf

    Dashwolf Well-Known Member

    how about we do this by elimination method?

    i vote for the first timer to steer clear of akira/aoi/goh/vanessa

    and to a lesser extent
    kage. life without the old 3p is just hard /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  12. el_marioto

    el_marioto Member

    You Should read the article that covered VF5 on 1up.com. They have a pretty decription of everyone, how they fight, and who they're better suited for. That might help you in your decision, but in the end you just got to trust your gut.

    The way I picked my character was because of the stlye they used. Jeet Kune Do.
  13. hyofinkl

    hyofinkl Member

    I played VF4 Evo but pretty casually because I had so many games to play at that time. Now I want to get serious with VF5 so I tried all the command trainings for all the characters and also went to fight in the arcade mode with all the characters a few times each. Although I do like male characters for fighting games, I chose to try to master Aoi. Her style of bone-breaking throws and reversals appeal to me more than any other character. I suggest just trying the moves for every character then choosing your main by which one you enjoy most.
  14. Jundori

    Jundori Member

    too bad i think both Goh and Akria are coolest ingame, but i know theyre hard to play, I actually manged to borrow a ps2 + VF evo from a friend of mine so im trying abit now /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I like Goh's quick throwing, Akira atm is to difficult to play on pad imho, and dont really know any combos. Lei is to awkard imo with all the stances.... bah I just dont know which one /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

    Is it really hard to master Goh ? Why should I avoid him ( except that his strentgh is thorwing atleast i think) ?

    so far i played wioth everyone again and really dont have a clue on who i want to use X_X
  15. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Goh isn't so bad in VF5.
  16. rol_o

    rol_o Member

    The best way to find a character is to play them all. I know it sounds lame, but you really need to find a character that can reflect your type of style and strategy of playing which cannot be done without playing them all.

    Originally, I started with Lion, Jacky, Sarah and Lau(quicker fighters). They are fairly easy to pick up but in no way easy to use against a veteran player or to master. I eventually settled on Vanessa for her fighting style...more Paul like? Who knows...

    Even though other fighters are different, you might want to also look at who you play in SC2 or T5 as a hint to whom you might like. I will admit that I don't follow this pattern because I use Vanessa(VF5), Paul(T5), and Talim(SC2) but, it will give you a basis in which to make a guess at least.

    Too bad you got rid of your PS2 because I think that VF4/Evo is just as good as 5, if not better, with the in depth training...mind the graphics of course /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    Good Luck!
  17. Jundori

    Jundori Member

    hah, well like i said im a very indecisive person :p I can never EVER make up my mind about things in games ( other things aswell but, in gaming its just tooooo bad Q_Q )

    in SC - I like Nightmare/Siegfried i like big 2handers :p
    Tekken- I dont really know, never played it much, but Law / Hwoarang were the ones i liked most, Tbh I dont like tekken so much, atleast not Tekken 5 ( also have that on the ps2 I borrowed /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif )

    Just been playing around with Evo some more, and Brad has some cool moves /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif altho I dont really have the hang of that sway system yet oO! Also gave Kage some more time /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif he plays like a charm, really flowing :). Tho tbh I insist on learning Akira or Goh in VF5. Im getting a stick aswell so /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif that should make thing easier. but still have to see which one im getting, the cheapass HORI fighting stick 3 or the more expensive Sega/HORI ones /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif

    I really cant wait till the PS3 Launch :<
  18. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    the way i figured out who i wanted to use was to go through everyone's command list in training mode a few times to see who's moves i found were easiest for me and most useable in certain situations to my play style.

    some criteria i looked at was poking ability, moves that can push out of the ring, ranged moves, moves that move the character forward quickly for whiff punishing, moves that knock down close for adding off the ground damage, moves that disrupt strings, etc.

    i think having a play style in mind will help you pick easier. since you mentioned you like ppp strings i would suggest lau since he seems to have the most options that start with a joystick direction to ppp to whatever mixup.
  19. rol_o

    rol_o Member

    I also tried Akira and yah, he was hard! I especially was frustrated after seeing pro player videos, I forget who, and decided to skip him because I fought like a hack.

    I have to admit, I've looked at Brad as well and haven't decided if I want to put the energy into learning a new character...again, but it would be nice to start over...hmm. I also looked at Goh too...mostly because he was new in VF4, but I never got into the flow of his fighting style. Personally, I want to look into El Blaze, mostly because he is new and people know less about his style than others...but I think it would only give you a slight edge against veterans if at all.

    Learn that Evo stuff in training and you should be good to go...and get some buddies to pick up VF as well or just invite them over and smash them...hahahaha.

    Also what ^001 said...which is how I ended up with Vanessa. Each and every move takes time to go through but you'll get the feel of a certain character and the flow of their play...might take a while but well worth it.
  20. Shinobi735

    Shinobi735 New Member

    I agree with Griever choose which character you like

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