Who is your BEST character and WHY?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, Jul 10, 2001.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    New member here...Care for a Welcome? /versus/images/icons/cool.gif

    Well, mine is Akira, co'z he is the only character in the history of VF has the ability to move faster and sneak behind your back and hit you with the best combo's you got, and the best defense i've ever see than the other character...

    Anyway, i also like Aoi, Wolf, Jeffry and Kage...

    Does anybody know the tricks of VF3...the paralize trick?...
    i'm sure every VF figthers knows that...


    ]cool]--<font color=red>BEWARE!!! Martial-X IS HERE...</font color=red>--/versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Welcome to VFDC!

    I think you have much to learn, Grasshopper/versus/images/icons/smile.gif However, your enthusiasm is good and appreciated (at least by me).

    My best character is Lion, too many details as to why. We'll just say I know him and know how to use him more than I do with other characters/versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Don't worry, I too have much to learn/versus/images/icons/smile.gif Good luck on your VF journeys, I hope I can manage at least two (VF3tb and VF4).

  3. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Mine is Shun just because he can hold my interest the longest so I play with him the most.

    "My best character is Lion, too many details as to why. We'll just say I know him and know how to use him more than I do with other characters"- Chanchai

    It's because he has logging boots and your from the Pacific North West:)

    Under the surface of the most jaded cynic lies a dissappointed idealist- George Carlin
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: you need to contact AdamYuki/ and / or/ picalo

    ...for the best tips on Akira and freeze tips... good luck
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Where i can find the VF Move List?...

    I just stop playing VF3/tb3, when i played Soul Calibur (SC)...so my skill on VF has just evaporated (well at least a little)..

    Anyway, please somebody help where to find the VF3 every character move list, is there any link i can go...i need to refresh my skill on VF....please help me out...


    /versus/images/icons/cool.gif--<font color=red>BEWARE!!! Martial-X IS HERE...</font color=red>--/versus/images/icons/mad.gif
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Where i can find the VF Move List?...

    Hehe, guess it's time to write the "VF General F.A.Q." to help people find the basic info/versus/images/icons/smile.gif I know Myke's wanted it for awhile, now to figure out who wants to write it....

    Anyways, here are my two recommended sites for moveslist (and detailed info).

    <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.cgocable.net/~kbcat/>The Virtua Project</A>
    KBCat's (formerly Firestarter) reputably detailed movelists for all characters in VF1,2,3, and 3tb. Soon to be 4 (I assume).

    <A target="_blank" HREF=http://world.std.com/~opus/vf>RSW's Virtua Fighter Page</A>
    Rich's site which includes detailed movelists for VF1,2,3tb; VF1 and 2 combo lists, VF2 counter lists, Tournament reports, VF3 Kage Surprise Exchange Analysis, TFT combos, and an article on Option Select. Hope I didn't miss anything.

  7. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: Where i can find the VF Move List?...

    uh..GLC wrote it. it's over at gamefaqs.com. search for vf3.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Where i can find the VF Move List?...

    Thanks for the info guys.../versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Anyone, can i talk to Akira and Aoi experts here?...

    /versus/images/icons/cool.gif--<font color=red>BEWARE!!! Martial-X IS HERE...</font color=red>--/versus/images/icons/mad.gif

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