Discussion in 'Console' started by Alfred_Cohol, Oct 22, 2001.

  1. Alfred_Cohol

    Alfred_Cohol Member

  2. Alfred_Cohol

    Alfred_Cohol Member


    COME ON GUYS! Help the cause!!!

    When in doubt, do nothing.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member


    I don't even remember if the PSX has a modem like the DC.. does it?
    If not then this is naturally an impossibility.
    I signed anyway though, what the hell. I haven't signed anything in a while.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  4. Buzzard2

    Buzzard2 Well-Known Member

    What's VFnet? *has only played VF1 for 32x and Saturn*

    <A target="_blank" HREF=http://anyrpg.topcities.com>Fighter's Destiny</A>, a Virtua Fighter RPG.
  5. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    VFnet is for VF4 arcade in Japan. Some members of this forum are petitioning Sega to include the VFnet options in the home version.

    Buzz, click on 'index' at the bottom of this thread. You will see the search forum text box at the top of the forum index page near the right hand side. Type VFnet or VF.net in the text box and click the search button. Voila! Every post that has the word VFnet in it is at your disposal. :) Click on 'next' to see older posts. I suggest checking out Spotlite's reports from Japan. He does a good job of describing the VFnet features.

    "VF is the resonance AND the wonder." GodEater
  6. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Let's get this straight, are we petitioning to have VFnet options or an actual network where you can compare win/loss ratios?
    If it's just the options, the movies seem to indicate pretty clearly that those will be in there. The little accessories you can win are alreeady shown to be in there (various hats, hairstyles, masks, glasses, etc... maybe the blue squirrel o doom). The only other VFNet options worth of note are multiple color options for costumes (a simple palette swap right? That should be in there)... and record keeping.
    If that's all we're rooting for, then hell, it's already done, and we can ditch the petition.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  7. Alfred_Cohol

    Alfred_Cohol Member

    This is what we're trying to get

    The network. I want to play people with the skill of Chibita from my living room PS2. I want to play someone in an arcade in Japan from my PS2 in Swiss Cottage, London.
    A good way to implement this may be an option called 'world warrior' where you only play those with more than 500 wins and more than a 50% win rate. Or something. Research will be needed of course.

    A record keeping server would rule. Being able to compare to arcaders would be cool.


    When in doubt, do nothing.
  8. Crew Wolf

    Crew Wolf Active Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    Haha. Brings back the days of the first Mortal Kombat 'networked' cabinets. Don't know how realistic it is to fight someone else online yet, let alone international, let alone bridging from ps2 to arcade. All in due time. It'd be nice if you could use a memory card like a vf card, though. Keep a record of w/l against certain people...maybe moves most hit by, moves most used, throw most used, etc... Hell, it's 8 megs, right? Why not? Ah! That's right, because that would make sense...and we can't have that...

    Ultimately, we're all dead men, sadly we cannot choose how, BUT we can decide how we meet that end in order that we are remembered as men.
  9. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    Is it "possible?" Yes. Would it be "playable?" If you don't care too much for precision, lag, possible interruptions/disconnections, etc....

    Technically, VF.Net features are being implemented into VF4 for PS2 in the form of bonus features and having everyone carry around their Memory Cards. However, I don't think it'll carry matchup records, probably just a win/loss statistic and your nickname. At least this is how I understand it + Guessing.

  10. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    I think the lag will be elimenated with the next high speed upgrades (when we are moving +gig/sec)...once we are moving at those speeds, then internet play for fighting games is very feasable.

    "Victory can be anticipated, but not assured" Sun-Tzu
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    What you're thinking of is a network like Kaillera. VFNet doesn't really do that I think. VFNet is just a collection of statistics, I don't think anyone can square off against everyone else from any part of Japan.
    So let's put it in perspective, what you want is something that
    A: probably won't be in the home version because
    B: it isn't in the almost-released US arcade version and that's because
    C: It isn't even a feature in the Japanese version =)

    The BEST we could hope for is a statistics keeping option, and I ask again: Is there a modem or modem capability built into the PS2? If yes then it's very very doable. If there's no builtin modem and no slot for anything like that, then no, it's not possible.

    And either way playing people across a network won't happen. There will always be lag and lag can make precision fighting somewhat impossible. At the very least, you can't really have frame-tight reactions. Think about this - if you block a move and it's only counterable by fast punchers such as Kage or Akira, what happens if there's no less than a 4/60ths of a second delay between your punch button getting pressed and the opponent seeing the punch come out on his end? It would effectively render a counterable attack uncounterable.

    Also, it's costly to do this.. there's no direct way to connect two households, so they have to connect through a medium, such as the internet or a private dialup network. This medium also causes lag. The technology needed to give the PS2 internet access or to build a private network is expensive. They could have every single person on this board and ten who are not sign it, but you'd still never talk Sega into spending the money. Our best hope for online play of VF4 lies a little ways down the road, when someone makes a decent playstation 2 emulator and someone else builds internet support for it.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  12. Alfred_Cohol

    Alfred_Cohol Member

    CreeD. You make some damn fine points

    Lag. Good point. A motherfu*ker when playing counterstrike.
    Although Lag is also highly contributed to by the following -
    Varying configs
    Low memory
    Low specs in general

    On PS2, specs are square. Which lowers lag probabilty 'slightly', plus broadband will be reality within 5 years.

    I guess it's probably asking too much.

    I also was clearly elluded about Vfnet. Stats only? That's a shame. Still sounds like fun though. Stat recording is a piece of piss to implement. Emailing mem card saves is also a great idea.

    Cheers for the education.


    When in doubt, do nothing.
  13. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    Yeah, I SERIOUSLY doubt any kind of online play will be available. If you want to encourage AM2 to add things through e-mail or petition, I'd recommend putting your energy into other features.

    Personally, is it even fully confirmed that the ranking features of VF.net WILL come to the PS2? I know they've shown the items, but does that mean it works the same way as in the arcade, ranking up and using a memory card in place of an access card? I sure as hell hope so. But, I also think if this is coming, and there is some way to upload your record into a database ( Japan only most likely) I'm sure they'll keep the PS2 rankings as a separate list. There's just too many ways to fudge a good rank at home.

    And I still feel strongly that having cross-region support for player files is really important. Suppose the much-talked about US vs Uk meet happened in Spring after the release of PS2. It would be cool for those guys to be able to use their player files against each other, right?

    If there are net features, I wouldn't be suprised if they were totally eliminated from the US release. I mean, this isn't a football game, or Quake. It's just a stupid fighting game no one likes anyway, right? Hell, to this day it isn't even worthy of a RELEASE in US arcades. In japan the lag of release between T4 and VF4 was 3 days, here 2 months. Check this out: this week in San Francisco SEGA is having this big press conference to unveil the final of VF4 to the american press. They've decided to make it a "Fight Club" themed event (a hot trend these days it seems) and hire actors to act like Brad Pitt in Fight Club and look cool while spurting out memorized lines about the game like: "Akira's trademark move is Stun Palm of Doom, dude. Awesome! Let's Fight, don't talk about Fight Club". This is not a joke. And , this kind of thing is MUCH more important than like, getting the game out, right? Or making sure the button layout doesn't cripple you for life.

    Sorry, just wanting to vent about the fact that the game STILL hasn't come out. Went to UCLA yesterday to ask around about VF4. Some kid told me "I wish, but it's too expensive". I wanted to REALLY go off. I mean, we're standing in a room surrounded by HUGE DDR machines, a Sega GT 2 player cabinet, a "Sega Airline Pilot" sit down cabinet (know that one's raking in the dough), and all kinds of other shit. Like I said in the CA robinson thread, we learned that VF4 is the CHEAPEST VF ever, at $4800 for a whole cabinet. I'd guess that puts the board at about $3000-$3500. This arcade has these HUGE Mitsubishi big screen cabinets, one of which is sitting totally empty. How much did those cost? I know if I bought that TV for my house, it'd be like 6G's. The whole expensive thing is just BULLSHIT! It's what people are saying who just don't want to buy the thing, basically.

    Then I asked him who bought the games for the arcade "Uhhh, I dunno..." What the Fuck are you DOING? Why don't you find out and DO SOMETHING if you want to play VF4!!!! Apathy and Ignorance, the 2 kings of the US gaming scene. Oh, then there's the Emperor Supreme, the Dollar.


  14. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    re: the ucla game room... I knew the guy who used to run it, and he was pretty straight about things before. Maybe he no longer handles it. As for cost being a reason... eh, I'm with you. UCLA's gameroom is VERY profitable. It's not enough to just have all those college students pushing cash into it, there are also weekly freeplay specials that attract a pantload of high school kids. I dunno if they make money on these things, but they do when they come early and play a few dozen games to warm up.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  15. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    Hey Brian, I'm pissed off along with you, but somehow, reading your post has me laughing all over the place, heheheh...
  16. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    <blockquote><font size=1>In reply to:</font><hr>

    Also, it's costly to do this.. there's no direct way to connect two households, so they have to connect through a medium, such as the internet or a private dialup network. This medium also causes lag. The technology needed to give the PS2 internet access or to build a private network is expensive.


    CreeD, direct dial has always been a possible option, it just hasn't been used for a long time with the popularity of the internet. Not everyone wants to pay the long distance charges (if they are the caller that is) either. However, the nice thing about direct dialup is that compared to modem-internet-connections (and I stress dialup modems), the lag is far less (for many reasons, most should be obvious). The potential problems beyond hardware limitations and compression handling will be the hickups and lag created through international calls or calls that have bad "routes" (don't know the official term).

    In any case... Direct Dialup was such a nice way to play a lot of old PC games (Doom/Doom2/Duke Nukem/Command & Conquer/Warcraft 2/etc...). Concerning the Sega-Saturn, I'm glad it supports direct dialup on online play games. That way I'm not worrying about online servers going down (Sega Rally 2 for DC in Japan) or server charges (Dreamcast online games that use the sega.net networks--this was announced this week).

    As for the PS2, it will get a modem, certainly a broadband adapter I've heard.... But I've heard that developers are going through a pain in the ass with handling it all.


    PS--I already acknowledged that you used "no direct way to connect two households" (or something like that) and *could* try to argue that through a phoneline it isn't direct... But I figure you were mainly referring to an intermediary service or network. However, if you were going to argue something silly like that (which I doubt), then I'll just start making up "Adam and Steve" jokes to refute/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  17. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    I'd actually not even considered the direct dial, which is something my friend and I used to do with doom. As you said, the long distance charges would only make it fun for people who could afford to buy their own VF4 machine. It does decrease lag by quite a bit.
    until I got DSL, I had a lot more faith in phone systems :p

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  18. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    Maybe you should sneak into that press conference and create a ruckus, heheh.

    Seriously though, got any more info on it, as in time and place? Maybe I'll try sneaking in.
  19. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    Re: This is what we're trying to get

    We sure as hell don't. But, we would like it at local arcade though :)


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