Who's deserves the next boot from the VF series?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Chan415, Apr 12, 2002.

  1. Chan415

    Chan415 Active Member

    I think they gotta get rid of jeffery.
    Put in a real black guy, and he just looks so STUPID...god, i'll be damned..
  2. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    > Put in a real black guy, and he just looks so STUPID...god, i'll be damned..

    if not by god, then by many jeffry fans here.
  3. plan17

    plan17 Active Member

    I'm sure someone's gonna say Aoi. Don't even think about it.

    Personally, i want Lau outta there, just not very interesting imho...
  4. Nemesis02

    Nemesis02 Well-Known Member

    Hmm... I agree with the anti-Jeffery feeling. He's just way to stupid looking to belong anywhere. Aoi isn;t one of the best characters either. So yeah...I think those two charcters should be booted off.
  5. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    Hands of Aoi you fucking bastards .
  6. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Tell me Chan415. What's your definition of a real Black guy?
  7. BakuBaku

    BakuBaku Well-Known Member

    Is that RACIST!? WHUT!? Yeh, this "real black guy" is gonna be the first char to introduce projectiles into VF.
  8. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    I think they gotta get rid of jeffery.
    Put in a real black guy, and he just looks so STUPID...god, i'll be damned..

    <hr></blockquote><font color=yellow>Jeffry looks almost exactly like a friend of mine and he is a real black guy who happens to also look stupid at times, too. But you'll need to be more specific and discerning than that... I think you already knew that remark was going to bring the flamethrowers, Chan415. IMO You need to make amends before the whole populous of African decent and anyone who is PC here at the mighty VFDC make you into BBQ. Peace is a good thing. Take it from one who knows...

    I'm with plan17 and Almaci regarding Aoi. She's a keeper. One of the Bryant's (Jacky) needs to retire/disappear and probably Lau. One JKD specialist, please. Replace each with different martial arts/styles/characters. The redundancy just needs to go.</font color=yellow>
  9. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Shun needs to be able to finally go into retirement. His missing student can carry on drunken style.
    Jeffery needs to be modified to truly reflect his fighting style.
    Lau, well, I think sega took care of him by giving him a fatal disease....maybe a deciple of his can carry on his style..
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I like jeffry. Sure he's a big black weightlifter type, but at least he's not Shaft and not Junior Thugg. Then again maybe that's what you were thinking of by 'real' black guy... an american black guy. Anyway, jeff looks stupid mainly due to horrible win quotes and simple costumes. They can make a jamaican dread-wearing shark hunter seem smart by giving him more than a two-word-vocabulary.

    My vote is probably Lau. The game has three PPPK/PPPsweep characters, and aoi's too new, and pai's too interesting. Lau however has an incurable disease, the least changed fighting style across three games, the fewest new moves, and a really 'overthemed' fighting style... d/f+P is a downward knifehand, D/F+P is upward knife hand, d/f, d/f+P is lunging knifehand, d/f+P+K is big shrieking knifehand, b+P+K is yet another knifehand... etc. etc.
  11. Chan415

    Chan415 Active Member

    I am in no way racist, but Jeffery just makes me sick.
    First of all, they portray him as an idiot. Look at his quotes, the way he acts, and so on.

    Why is he the only character with a GUT?
    Why does he have the stupidest storyline out of any VF character?

    IMO, i think they just wanted racial diversity(a good thing) in this game, but they made jeffery drop dead stupid...i mean, not his way of fighting and such, but his personality.

    As for the real black guy thing, how about a Wesley Snipes, The dude that made Tai Bo, or some1 that's a bit more respectable...?
  12. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Up until VF 4, the Virtua series has always introduced two new characters. Except this time, they got rid of Taka. I think they should just keep all the characters and just keep adding newer ones. Have students of older characters styles is a waste of time. You mean to tell me that you would play a lau student who still has the same pppk combos with a few modifications? Probably a few times, but then that will get old. imho
  13. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    <font color=yellow>::just want to play devil's advocate for a while (not that I really feel this way)::

    An argument for keeping Lau would be that he is quite player friendly. Call him a button masher or whatever, he helps to get new players interested in the game and he's got a cool enough scowl to make him an entertaining bad guy in the game as well. Surely, you couldn't get rid of someone like this. You can't call Vanessa or Lei Fei all that friendly to the user. Lei Fei is too eclectic for the unexperienced player and Vanessa is too deep fathom off the bat. Also I remember reading in the IGN interview that Suzuki-san didn't exactly put Taka on ice. He was waiting for a bigger, better "cake mixer" that could make playing Taka much more sensible, e.g. Taka is mostly fat and fat is supposed to respond in a manner that it should if struck, pulled, hits the floor, etc.: PS2 cannot handle that kind of load. Nameen? <font color=orange>And you've gotta make money yo! It's ALL about them dead Presidents. </font color=orange><font color=yellow>Maybe GameCube or XBox will be the next stage of development for VF5 if that's the way AM2 is going...</font color=yellow>
  14. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    Yeah, good thoughts. You know that Yu Sazuki is always thinking ahead of what he wants in his games. Many games spawn sequels because certain aspects, feature, or characters could not be put in the original game. You knew that Yu Suzuki and his staff wanted to put Lion and Shun Di into VF 1 but with the technology of the polygons at that time, it wouldn't have come out as well. Just what I think. I could be totally wrong. I hope he brings taka back but I also would like to see some other styles explored properly with balance.
  15. Darkseed

    Darkseed Well-Known Member

    Enough with these "who should they get rid of" threads, they have been done several times before and I fail to see any point in them. All characters have their place in VF and it would be stupid to remove them.
  16. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I think Lau is the most uninteresting of the characters by far, then maybe Jacky. Problem is, they're so easy to learn, most people use them. I agree w/ Jeffry -- just seems boring to me.

    Although I'm not so good w/ Aoi, I think she's probably the most interesting character. She's got some great reversals, and her items are by far the kewlest!
  17. Marginal

    Marginal Well-Known Member

    There are also people who happen to like Lau's fighting style (and Jacky's for that matter) Oohhh... simplistic... Must be boring. No way to play them with variation etc.

  18. HalfLotus

    HalfLotus Active Member

    Aoi is one the most interesting and diverse chars in the game. You cant get rid of her. It would be a step backward. I support the boot for Lau.
  19. Torneko

    Torneko Well-Known Member

    Hey Jeffry is not African descent, he is suppose to be Australian.

    Thus he is Aussie (maybe of Australian aborigines descent). And he is not suppose to be Black as in African American, he was suppose to be dark from being on the beach for too long catching that Satan Shark he is been after. If you see people who spend most of their life on the beach than that person will be as dark as Jeffry. If not, that person would have die from sun burn.

    And what's wrong of having gut ?

    At least get your fact straight, before going on a rant.
  20. sayow

    sayow Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    Hey Jeffry is not African descent, he is suppose to be Australian.

    Thus he is Aussie (maybe of Australian aborigines descent). And he is not suppose to be Black as in African American, he was suppose to be dark from being on the beach for too long catching that Satan Shark he is been after. If you see people who spend most of their life on the beach than that person will be as dark as Jeffry. If not, that person would have die from sun burn.

    <hr></blockquote><font color=yellow>I guess there's nothing wrong with it... He's probably not be a pure aboriginal. I don't remember any of them being of the same girth. Jeffry's OK but he's not too far from the bottom of my Keeper list either. And the part about "people who spend most of their life on the beach than that person will be as dark" is pretty accurate, too. There are a bunch in the Phillippines and the Guam as well that are like that. But none the same size as Jeffry: he's still a freak of nature when you get down to it.</font color=yellow>

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