Why doesn't throw connect after Goh successfully sabakis a mid kick?

Discussion in 'Goh' started by flood, Oct 11, 2003.

  1. flood

    flood Active Member

    I found out that after a successful mid kick sabaki Goh's cannot throw his opponent immediately after. Srider and I tested this by doing a successful sabaki and immediately throwing. For some reason Goh will execute a throw and his opponent can some how sidestep it as if I had not thrown. This also works if they just stand there. Goh will perform a throw but it will go right through them. Srider has explained to me that its a recovery thing but i am convinced its a bug. I am extremely aggravated by it because it would be a nice guessing game but due the fact that I can't THROW after it kinda gimps the move.
  2. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Re: Why doesn't throw connect after Goh successfully sabakis a mid kic

    Distance and frames I'd say.
    The throw is guaranteed, so ju can't always pull it off.

    They've got to recover from the sabaki before you can throw... wait a sec and try it again. It's kind of like a stagger.
  3. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    Re: Why doesn't throw connect after Goh successfully sabakis a mid kic

    yea it's the distance. After the sabaki try a lil dash into them then play m ind games from here:

    Crouching = [2] / [3] [P][G][K]
    Crouching = [4][3][P][K]
    Standing = [3][3][P][G]
    Standing = [P] then a throw
    etc etc...

    U can play a nice mind game here.

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