why is shun such a coconut in VF4?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by ShinJin, Nov 18, 2001.

  1. ShinJin

    ShinJin Well-Known Member

    I really hate shun, I have real trouble bashing his head in, i'm not a moron, and the guy i'm playing aint a moron either, how do a beat a non-moronic shun with a slightly moronic jacky?

    he doesn't mess up his chowon combo's and he's really good at sneeking in the extra drink to power him up, he also rinses the p+g throw (which i escape most of the time),

    he loves off p,p,d+k,k,g, i tried jumping on him , but every time i decide to jump on him he doesn't fall over, or he does, p,p delayed p.
    i really just wanna know what shun's trying to do, it seems so random, sometimes it's time out, sometimes it's poke damage, other time it's fall over tricks, whats shun main objective?

    also, the guy i'm playing against is alot better then me (he taught me how to play jacky),

    any pointers?
    PaulMartinKPG likes this.
  2. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Hit him more and harder than he hits you :p
    But seriously...attack his DP with moves (don't know which ones in 4) that take away dp's. Look at your own errors..if something does not work on someone, don't do it over and over again!!!!!!!!!!1
  3. Fishie

    Fishie Well-Known Member

    More useless info : Press da buttons .
  4. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Oh..so thats what their for!
  5. Pinkgirl

    Pinkgirl Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    also, the guy i'm playing against is alot better then me (he taught me how to play jacky),

    <hr></blockquote> This is really IMHO, but if he taught you how to play Jacky, wouldn't he know your "strategy" or "pattern"?! After all you are his "disciple". lol Perhaps the reason why you're losing to him isn't because you don't know how to tackle Shun, but more of because he knows how to tackle your Jacky! /versus/images/icons/crazy.gif
  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, I haven't played VF4 past the test version for more than a few hours, but this is a few tips that are at least applicable to VF3.

    - In TB, when Shun falls to the ground he can be thrown. So block the d+K,K(G) and then throw. In VF3, the third P in PPP doesn't really become dangerous until Shun has at least 23 points (I think), so you can pretty much defend crouching most of the time after P,P.

    - The best defense against Shun is a high punch reversal, DE with d/f+P+G. Seeing how you're Jacky though...would P+K+G (auto-reversal) DE work? Give it a try. Barring that, learn to dodge guard cancel throw escape or at least guard cancel throw escape.

    - In 3, Shun didn't really have any consistent middle attacks (chouwan won't float crouching guarding oppoennts unless on counter) and usually relied on his sidekick at mid-distance. Shun's sidekick isn't the best sidekick in the game, and you can work that to your advantage. I.e. keep a mid-distance game. Watch out for the D,f+P, although if you block it, Shun's butt is yours.

    - Don't forget to work on reducing those DPs, but don't focus your plan of attack around it.

    - The key against Shun is not to be rash but to play a balanced game of defense and offense. Too much defense -> lotsa DPs for Shun. Too much offense -> lotsa chouwan floaters.

    Hmm, that's all I can think of right now. Hope that helps.
  7. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    **The best defense against Shun is a high punch reversal, DE with d/f+P+G. Seeing how you're Jacky though...would P+K+G (auto-reversal) DE work?**

    You also haven't looked at the movelist, either. P+K+G is Jacky's switch stance, not an auto-reversal. And Jacky's "auto-reversal" is an inashi.

    And "DE" in place of "DTE". Nice job, freak. Keep up the work, you'll have fucked up the common jargon for everyone sooner or later.
  8. alucard

    alucard Well-Known Member

    Heheh...how can you expect to defeat anyone with a
    "slightly" moronic Jerky? :)
    Some Jacky tactics:

    1. p+k
    Jacky's main mid-level other than ESK, quick + reasonably
    long range. p+k, k, b(ss) sets you up for a SS guessing
    game, so its reasonably safe. Be aware that the
    kick/backfist(after p+k) will whiff if your opponent
    chooses to duck, use this sparingly.

    2. low kick/low backfist
    Long range, fast. Numerous options after the 1st
    kick/backfist connects, ie.delayed 2nd, escape, etc...

    3. b+p
    Flowchart starter, condition your opponents to block the
    canned low backfist.

    4. k, k/d+k
    One of the most improved moves from VF3. The 2nd k(mid) now
    pushes your opponent away(even when blocked), use it at its
    max range eg.k--->delayed k/d+k. Useful for wasting time.

    5. uppercut
    Super priority, fast, pathetic damage(unless comboed with
    lightning storm on light/mid weights.)

    6. b+k
    low punch crusher.

    7. d/f+k, k
    Long range, horrible recovery. Always delay the 2nd kick
    for a throw/hit guessing game. Use this SPARINGLY.

    8. escape attack
    Jacky's toe kick dodge attack is fast(faster than MC
    dodge-->ESK), but its THROW COUNTERABLE. This is an attack
    that will hit 90% of the time after an MC dodge, so you can
    dodge low punchers and hit them with this, ESK can be
    blocked 50%(or more) of the time, don't bother.

    Shuffle step.
    Jerky's main weapon in VF4, imo. You can use this to zone,
    waste time, attack, etc...
    SS k can be G cancelled but do it at a fair distance, learn
    how to do the SS iaigeri, the knee is GUARANTEED after the
    stagger. Play around with the SS crouch dash(gut punch), SS
    d+k,k as well.

    All in all, try not to be too predictable with Jacky(or
    with any other chacracter), and you'll be ok.
    Good luck.
  9. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    I've noticed latetly that people have been posting "how do i beat such and such" not that this isn't a bad thing
    and i can appreciate the ones who are trying to lend a helping hand, but honestly....all that info won't do you any
    good without the proper skill. Given, they do give you a place to start, but considering that you might as well
    use faqs.

    Note: I'm only talking about when people specifically ask questions like "I can't beat this person, help?"

    Also I do realize that he is also asking how to counter certain techniques - this is perfectly acceptable
    My aim was strictly to the question above.
  10. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Aww, Rich criticizing me on semantics...how typical. (Although, I should've used DTE, don't really know why I used DE.)

    Anyway, I thought you can get his inashi with the P+K+G? I remember reading that somewhere...someone who knows for sure agree/disagree.
  11. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    I've noticed latetly that people have been posting "how do i beat such and such" not that this isn't a bad thing
    and i can appreciate the ones who are trying to lend a helping hand, but honestly....all that info won't do you any
    good without the proper skill. Given, they do give you a place to start, but considering that you might as well
    use faqs.

    I agree 100%. Read a faq. Go to virtuaproject.com. There's a lot of info on techniques, countering techniques, certain moves, etc. that should be helpful to the people posting "how do I beat such and such" or "help me! I can't deal with low punches". There's a good amount of information out already, and there's bound to be more once people play the game and find out new movements, okizeme techniques, guarantees, frame stats, and whatever else.
  12. ShinJin

    ShinJin Well-Known Member

    sorry, i wont bother asking next time next time...........
  13. ShinJin

    ShinJin Well-Known Member

    actually, i will bother,
    the only reason i ask this is cos i'm really stuck on what to do against shun, i dont need to ask about low jabs cos i know how to beat them, i dont need to ask about throw abuse cos i know how to beat that too, the only reason i'd ask for help on something is if i ws TOTALY stuck on what to do......

    which i am, i have no idea what i'm doing against shun, i just randomly mash buttons and hope to hit him, most of the time this tactic does not work, which is why i'm asking here,

    i can play up to a *pretty* decent level, but i've only played VF4, not VF3, so i dont have the experiance to deal with certain tactics and stratergys, but, i'm a very fast learner and i'm pretty good at guessing right (thats all VF is really, a big guessing game)

    so if any one has some specific tactics to use against shun they would come in very handy
  14. Kid_Karumba

    Kid_Karumba Member

    If the guy who uses Shun is beating you as much as you make out then you should really know what attacks he uses most, from there you have to work out how to defeat these attacks. In VF whichever player has the superior tactics (not necessarily skill) will win. Against someone like Shun I try not to get in too close - keep him at mid-range.
  15. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    I know this the wrong place to ask a Shun question but what happens to the third punch in p,p,p when Shun get's 23 drink points?
  16. LittleWild

    LittleWild Well-Known Member

    I remember seeing that post saying P+K+G activates the inashi. AFAIK, that is bull.
  17. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    Jacky's inashi is performed by just standing there, not blocking.
  18. Llanfair

    Llanfair Well-Known Member

    AFAIK, nothing. It's still PP-uppercut.
  19. ShinJin

    ShinJin Well-Known Member

    pp,d+k,k is high, high, low,high and knocks down, ppp is high, high mid, and also knocks down , but only after 23 drinks, so it make's quite a nasty mix up, it's also quite damaging after 23 drinks

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