Wiki feedback

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by CheekyChi, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. CheekyChi

    CheekyChi Well-Known Member


    I was looking for input buffering in the Wiki section and was surprised to find it under "Controls". I've been through the wiki section before except controls because I thought it was only going to be press A for guard, this direction to move, etc... but it turned out to have much more in there. Anyone think it should be renamed so it doesn't look like it only contains "press this button for this"?

  2. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    No, I think it's fine as it is. "Controls" is a very general heading under which all basic information for controlling a character should be. It's not only about what to enter, but when and how to enter certain commands.

    If anything, I'd expect "Controls" to precede the "Attacks" category. Perhaps a logical, rather than alphabetical, ordering should be considered.
    Feck likes this.
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    This is a current limitation with the wiki software. The ordering of child pages in the navigation block occurs alphabetically and cannot be customised. If you look at the main wiki landing page, you'll see that Controls does, indeed, appear first.
  4. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

    It would be nice if the VF4 wiki could be listed under 5FS on the site's banner
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Lately I've watched US gamers playing and streaming VF5FS via Parsec - a setup that could theoretically allow for VF4 online. So an easier access to the VF4 wiki is not an unreasonable suggestion.

    However before linking the VF4 wiki we would have to fix some issues:
    • Links to the old forums, which are now broken due to the forum upgrade (e.g. "Dealing with Everyday BS" by CreeD). Requires a little sleuthing to find the thread again and then update the link.
    • Pages that use emoticons for buttons and directional inputs, which are also broken due to the forum upgrade (e.g. "ARE and VIP in FT" by Myke) I know this is this is doable with a bit of coding because when the forum upgrade took place I made a macro for Libre Office and manually run some of my old posts through it and now the correct inputs appear (notice how my post shows up correctly in this thread while the other posts are garbled). Myke can surely find a way to fully automate the process.
    • Pages that are missing altogether (e.g. "System Memorandum" by hiro) No clue what's happened there, this will probably require Myke to dive into his hard drive backups.
    But yeah, the wiki was super useful back in the day! Brings back memories indeed!!
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Yes, it would be "nice" :) but unfortunately that's not really possible. Wikis, by nature, are structure-less so having different "sections" doesn't really make sense. The Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown heading/link you see under the main Wiki menu is redundant, as it's just a link to the wiki index. So while it may look like there's a "VF5FS" section in the wiki, there really isn't -- it's just a label for the entire wiki.

    Having said that, it doesn't mean that we can't have VF4 (and 3, 2, 1) series content featured in the wiki. In fact, for a very long time I've wanted to integrate the old site's content into this wiki, but this would take a large amount of manual effort fixing display issues, broken links, broken smileys (command icons), etc. This is still on my ever-growing to do list! :)
    Jotamide likes this.
  7. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

    I'm used to mediawiki markup so I dunno how hierarchy works with xenforo. But yeah, even a Legacy pulldown menu with links to old VFs resources would be super helpful. As Erdraug mentioned, playing VF4 via Parsec or VF3 with Nulldc Bear has made it really easy to netplay old VF games and finding good tech for these games is difficult atm.
    Myke likes this.
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Yeah, that's an unfortunate consequence of the major forum upgrade that occurred many years ago. I'm not sure there's a way to fix that any more, but the search feature is usually a good way to find the original content again.

    Fixing broken smileys (emoticons, command gfx, etc.) in old forum posts can easily be automated, which I'll probably do the next time I schedule some maintenance that requires temporarily closing the site.

    Until such a time that all of this old content is migrated to the current site's wiki, here's a tip for how to alternatively view these files if clicking on the link doesn't work. We'll use the System Memorandum as an example.

    The URL is:
    The view.php was a custom script I wrote that allowed for viewing of different file types (text, html, php) within the site's framework (header, footer, navigation, etc.). The parts that follow the "?" are the parameters for section and file to view.

    If this link fails, then you try modifying the URL in your address bar such that it links directly to the source file, bypassing the site framework:

    In summary, the way to transform the URL into a direct link is as follows:
    For documents within a character section, an extra parameter is used (chara). Another example:

    Then the direct URL becomes:

    Which has the syntax:
    Hope this helps for the time being.
    Jotamide and erdraug like this.
  9. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to share this tweet. This person is the admin of both SRK and Mizuumi wikis, might be worth asking some stuff in preparation for VF5US.
    Last edited: May 24, 2021
    akai and Myke like this.
  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Yeah, saw this in Twitter and responded via the VFDC account. Although I'm not too sure what benefits there are in merging with a broader FGC wiki when the one we have here is pretty comprehensive.

    With the surge in interest with VF5US upon us, I'm sure we'll have a few hands on deck willing to update our wiki as needed.
  11. Blessy

    Blessy Moderator / -10 is just Nitaku Staff Member Content Manager Goh Bronze Supporter Content Manager Aoi Tournament Manager

    Me and a few others are already prepping to get the wiki entries updated as soon as the game drops.
    Mister, Jotamide and Myke like this.
  12. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

    I don't think they suggested a merger but the fact is that wikis have come a long way since 2012. Wavu is doing cool things for Tekken and perhaps the Xenforo-based wiki here could use some cosmetic or backend updates. I think that's where they were getting at.
    Myke likes this.
  13. Shessair

    Shessair New Member

    There are some dead embedded videos in Goh starting guide by midi. These are in section 3,4,5,6,7.Should these be removed, so that they don't clutter the page or should they just stay there? They also don't seem to be working in the source, so I don't know if you can recover the videos.

    P.S Hope this the right place to ask about this if you want the message somewhere else I can put it there
  14. Jotamide

    Jotamide Well-Known Member

    Felt like it might be a good time to add VF4 now that all versions have been officially been added to Fightcade. I know it's a ton of work but if you need outside collaborators just let us know.
    beanboy and Myke like this.

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