Wolf advanced strategy criticisms

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by TojiDestro, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    I understand those moves are minor mixups at best, I mean I've only been playing out here since September.

    No need to get huffy on account of me calling your mistake.

    When you say a person has whiffed something, you're saying the player has missed a move, not their opponent. Fix your English before trying to blast me over it.

    I'm not trying to make some kind of name for myself out here by constantly creating new threads about how I discovered all this right off the bat material and then trying to jump down someone's throat(who created a similar topic, and has most likely played more opponents than you with the same character) over it... though that does sound familiar...

    Now, some of the things I've seen used fairly often are:

    off high wall or sky high toss: uf+P+K, P, uf+P+K, P, K and work the tech roll game, because the opp tends to tech it, especially if they're close to a wall from the combo anyway. If they hit the wall again from the wall juggle, you can attempt a ground throw, which I've been able to work from about 70-80%. or a quick elbow.

    reverse hammer on CH into pounce (old, I think, but effective)

    I don't recommend df+P+K because I've eaten crouch throws all day long from it, and df, df, P+K is a bit odd in that the priority is nice, but the range is kinda short. I've found myself still eating a lot of kicks based on being a hair too far for it to connect, however, on the flop over you can F,F+P+K for a tech roll test on your opponent.

    Since I can't do the extensive research into the damage and such without a PS3, why don't you add things like that so we can see why these tactics are more useful than others?
  2. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    ok wise guy..

    first of all, my notes are judged according to exact information, system referrence and scenario repititions, i dont call this "off the bat"~ when i spend weeks gathering this so sarcastic guys like you can tell me where to dump it. you judge your information according to what works for you in osaka against some nobody players, i judge mine accoring to something you can pinpoint as refference. which is why i made a new thread in conjunction toward my first impressions which were inturrpreted from previous VF4 system acknowlegements. these are writeups of things which are confirmations and should be referenced in a reference thread.

    your first comment in this thread was rude, and your third was an assumption, not a call for mistake. you already decided what i meant and spent the entire post trying establish my mistake of information --NOT ENGLISH.

    if you have any idea what it's like to train in high level VF or respect the people who play to learn, then stop acting as if i burst your bubble by posting threads of attack data proporties, rather than "this works for me against *mr.x*" i found it hillariously lame to assume i am doing it to "make a name" when im beginning to wonder why you came here only to bitch that it's not in *your* thread.

    ive also heard about you and your flame episode to another forum member, your attitude here just sucks for somebody who's trying to learn the game. dont come out of nowhere with some "september VF" banner above ur head and start judging me not knowing which site you've just signed up to.


    1> and for your information, df+p+k is a half circular high attack crusher which can be used in reverse nitaku situations, advantage where an opponent's high P wins or against abare strings. agressively, lows are essential for a mid attack mixup and beates ETEG one way. AND gets a spin knockdown which requires perfect TR.

    2> *please* low throw escape.
  3. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    there are few enough vocal Wolf players about without everyone tearing into each other.

    Lets just move on from here and discuss Wolf strats. I'd chime in but I've only played two times. Gotta get more time logged in.

  4. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    I appreciate your hard work anyways BK. If there were three peeps like you per every character the forums would be totally different from what they are now. Saying stuff like you're creating threads to make a name for yourself (lol) just makes those who know better laugh. BK was making strategy vids for Wolf and sharing these since before you were making posts about how great Wolf's unblockables are in Okizeme after all right Destro? Complaing about English use in forums is petty. The best player isn't the best grammarian unless it's jeopardy or a spellingbee. Just say you misunderstood eachother and move on. Fuck it, shit happens.
  5. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    I'm gonna say this and then I'm dropping this whole retarded episode.

    1. When you say "you whiffed ...." anyone halfway coherent looks at it reads it as the user or the person you're referring to is missing a move. Just admit the mistake(or edit the post) and give it a rest.

    2. I play against top 50/top 10 players on a regular basis. Good to know you can spot "nobody players" without having to know who they are. You may do "pinpoint" research, and I have no problem with that, but I haven't seen much more out of it than the same stuff everyone else said. I would simply like to see more detail out of what you've done. I'd especially like to see more damage info because I know I can't accurately judge that in matches and I'm not buying a PS3.

    3. There have been quite a few people that made a "post Wolf strategy(this is the correct spelling) here" threads, not just me. Whether you've been here forever or not, it's still a sign of rediculous self-importance.

    I'm curious to any advice people can give to Wolf's strengths in high pressure and poking situations.
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">2. I play against top 50/top 10 players on a regular basis. Good to know you can spot "nobody players" without having to know who they are. You may do "pinpoint" research, and I have no problem with that, but I haven't seen much more out of it than the same stuff everyone else said. I would simply like to see more detail out of what you've done. I'd especially like to see more damage info because I know I can't accurately judge that in matches and I'm not buying a PS3.

    3. There have been quite a few people that made a "post Wolf strategy(this is the correct spelling) here" threads, not just me. Whether you've been here forever or not, it's still a sign of rediculous self-importance.</div></div>

    1. im sorry that i said that particular word but i thought i made it clear what i was saying by describing the situation. obviously not.

    2. my initial point is that playing to learn VF isnt about who you face and what you learn facing opponents, it is about repeating specific situations that can be made to *any* player within the same circumstances. in otherwords solidifying your own character rather than practicing somebody elses. And thats why i post information. in most cases, people just lose to a situation, and never understand the reason why. this wont solidify your game, only understanding will, from the very core of the system.

    3. That was not my intention, and im sorry you felt that way, but i was idealy looking for a sticky status for a thread of referrence. players who are trying to look for specific information cant be expected to read pages of gossip to find it. i wanted the first post in this thread to be solid information and easy to find. it has nothing to do with me in the slightest.

    4. FUCK YOU --- and do it yourself instead telling people what to do, pissing on their threads, and bringing the same video from another a media specific thread which people have already answered so that we can what? analyze it and tell you what we think *again* in a thread which has nothing to do with you?

    you came into this thread, bitched about something pathetic which is clearly aimed towards your bitter feelings, expecting me to find out your information, brought your video here, then assuming that i am showing my own self-importance?~ when you call your thread "play wolf (and lose)the *destro way*"? -- not only this but i dont think my information fits there to be quite honest.

    and by what, using a wolf forum to post wolf data of different topics in different threads so that others can benifit? so what if i used the "new post" button, am i somehow completely self-centered towards a guy who doesnt know shit, asks for shit, and then brings his shit into my shit? you just established that other people have made threads, so why dont you go and shit on them?

    do this thread urself,~ i dont take orders. and before you assume anything furthur, i dont have a PS3 or VF5, the only time i can gather information is by taking a weekend trip to my friend's house. any other VF competition is around the arcade scene here.
  7. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    ^^ I called it like I saw it and this is how you respond?

    I wasn't the only person who made a thread, did I even mention my own?

    Yeah, was I a bit bitter towards you making a new thread? Yeah, but am I the one lowering myself to filling a post full of expletives at you? No. I gave my two cents early, and if all you got is that, then you can keep it. <u> I've said all I intend to say about it</u>, and I stand by it. You popped up your first impressions as though everyone needed to stop and take notice, and then you post this over at least three other advice and strategy threads, so yeah, it looks arrogant. Sorry to burst your bubble.

    I didn't know who you were before, and if you've done all that's been said you did, then my hat's off to you. You get respect for that, because as long as I've been out here, I've been waiting for someone to put some decent info in a language I understand better than Japanese.

    Yeah, I made a corny name for the sake of attracting attention to a forum that had been dead for almost three months prior, so sue me. Did I ask for advice? Of course. I want to get better like anybody else here. If the video was out of line, consider it gone. No need for a heart attack there either.

    Nobody's giving you orders, I made a suggestion because those are the kinds of things players need to weigh their options. If you can't, that's fine, but don't get all worked up over it.

    I flat out said I didn't know shit when I started here, so if you're that angry, feel free to come to Osaka and show me how much shit I don't know. Surely their competition is lower caliber than London.
  8. Judah

    Judah Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    Oooh~, hot Wolf on Wolf action!

    C'mon kids. I say we clean it up before someone regrets it.

    Just talking here.
  9. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Yeah, was I a bit bitter towards you making a new thread? Yeah, but am I the one lowering myself to filling a post full of expletives at you? No. I gave my two cents early, and if all you got is that, then you can keep it. I've said all I intend to say about it, and I stand by it. You popped up your first impressions as though everyone needed to stop and take notice, and then you post this over at least three other advice and strategy threads, so yeah, it looks arrogant. Sorry to burst your bubble.</div></div>

    just because you didnt post any explanations, doesnt mean it's due, because as far as your post goes (which ironically has explanations)~ this was never about me, this was all about YOU ~ and how it made YOU feel "upstaged" or whatever you wanna call it. Because as far as my intentions goes, i was posting long threads of a particular topic. for example "my first impressions" doesnt come under stratergies of exact information, which is why i didnt include it in the same post. and because nobody has responded to the thread, then i dont give a flying monkey's tits if it gets deleted, i'll do it myself.

    sorry kid, but dont blame me for posting information of any form of any kind in anywhere in a wolf forum, if you felt i was arrogant to the point of "hey everybody look at me instead of him" then those are your issues, not mine.

    have fun here, and say hello to shang once in a while, he likes people like you.
  10. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    just because you didnt post any explanations, doesnt mean it's due, because as far as your post goes (which ironically has explanations)~ this was never about me, this was all about YOU ~ and how it made YOU feel "upstaged" or whatever you wanna call it. Because as far as my intentions goes, i was posting long threads of a particular topic. for example "my first impressions" doesnt come under stratergies of exact information, which is why i didnt include it in the same post. and because nobody has responded to the thread, then i dont give a flying monkey's tits if it gets deleted, i'll do it myself.

    sorry kid, but dont blame me for posting information of any form of any kind in anywhere in a wolf forum, if you felt i was arrogant to the point of "hey everybody look at me instead of him" then those are your issues, not mine.

    have fun here, and say hello to shang once in a while, he likes people like you.

    You respond with fuck you in all caps and I'm the one with the problem, and I'm a kid, too? Funny, because inferring upon my personal life makes you look even more mature.

    So, we going to discuss any more VF or are you going to keep quipping new teenager-ish insults to what I type?

    To Optimus: Choosing option A. If it's not about VF, or at least not about this mess, I'm not responding. I'm about ten years removed from swapping curse words over the internet, and I want to work on my Wolf game.
  11. Crazy_Galaxy

    Crazy_Galaxy Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    It's quite sad to see this, both of you had some points in your arguments and you've made them now but I think it will take the bigger man to step up and drop it yes? /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    In my opinion Bk did a good job in the limited time he has I appreciate his efforts, constructive critism should always be welcomed but there's no point picking people apart for petty mistakes.
    I think both of you got a bit heated you got it out your system now let's get on with the wolf analysis, more play less bs.

    p.s If at any point Destro or Bk meet in London, Osaka, or some other part of the world I want to see a 1st to 10 Wolf match filmed rags! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif

    p.p.s You can also choose options (b) and carry on if you want, because it is most entertaining to read at work /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif
  12. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    If I wanted to share what I know and made a post like What BK made here only to see a response like, I wouldn't be happy, either. BK obviously put lots of effort in his post, which deserves more than what's said above.
  13. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    I explained why I said it as much as I plan to, and as other posters have already requested, I'm letting the rest of it go. So let's get back to what the thread was intended for and give more info so the Wolf players can be better!
  14. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    Can I please get a Mod to split off this thread to save the pertinent information?

  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

  16. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 wolf advanced stratergy thread

    Actually, can we just delete this thread? No point in it anymore except to prolong something I'm not trying to continue.

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