* Wolf Combo FAQ rev.1.1 *

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by MrWhite, Jun 13, 2002.

  1. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    <font color="white">WOLF COMBO FAQ

    -ver.1.1 for VF4 ver.C-
    - by Mr. White -

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    This version represents a *nearly* complete Wolf Hawkfield combo list. I have unfortunately not included weight conditions for these combos, I simply did not have time to fulfill weight/character specific properties. The following is confirmed on Pai and most LWs. However, this collection includes "every" combo usable on the 12 other characters in the game, its a matter of sifting through whats here until I update and specify.

    I have purposefully omitted certain wall combos and knee/ss combos because they are simply shorter versions of whats available. All the following combos are non-escapable and non-techrollable.

    Futhermore I'd very much appreciate any contribution ( unknown combo, damage error, weight requirements, stance... ) in order to create a *complete* combo list.

    - Revised June 13th 2002: Replaced old command lines with "instant commands" to clear things up. Added revisions to stance, sequences and combos. No weight input yet. Added "Best Damage" markers.

    <font color="white">==================================================================================


    - Knee : [6][K]
    - SS : Short shoulder ( [4][6][P]+[K])
    - SH : Reverse sledgehammer ( [2_][6]+[P] )
    - m-SH : Modified reverse sledgehammer ( [3][3][6][P] )
    - SR : Shoulder ram ( [4][6][P] )
    - CSR : Charged shoulder ram ( [4][6][P] [hold [P]] )
    - GS : Giant Swing ( HCF+[P]+[G] )
    - HCB : Half circle back
    - \/ : Open stance
    - // : Closed stance
    - [P] [[G]] : Press Punch then Guard immediately. *
    - [#] : Contains damage points

    <font color="white">*!!*In all combos involving [P] [[G]] : the actual command input is "[6_][P] [[G]] " ( HOLD Forward and press Punch then press Guard immediately after ). This allows for an Advancing Punch while performing the combos. Without holding forward during [P] [[G]] some of the combos will become stance specific or simply cannot be executed. *!!*

    <font color="white">===================================================================================

    Sections :

    - Knee / Short Shoulder Combos [MC]
    - Knee / Short Shoulder Combos [N]
    - Knee / Short Shoulder Combos On Crouching Opponents [N]
    - Charged Shoulder Ram Combos
    - Elbow Butt Combos ( [4][P] )
    - Arrow Knuckle Real ( [4][3][P] ) Combos
    - Level Back Crush ( Hold [P]+[K] ) Combos
    - Back Catch Push Combos
    - Wall Combos
    - Low Punch Cut
    - Rising Attacks
    - Sequences


    * MC on standing and crouching opponents *

    º Knee / Short Shoulder Combos :

    - [P], [K] [72]

    - [P], [P], [P] [79]

    - [K], [K] [85]

    - Knee/SS [69]

    - HCB+[P], [P] [77]

    - [4][K]+[G], [K] [71]

    - [4][P], [8][P] [86] ~ pickup ( [2][P]+[G] ) guaranteed after [4][P] |Best Damage|

    - [6][2][K] [60]

    - m-SH [69]

    - [6][P], [P] [76]

    <font color="white">º Knee / Short Shoulder, [2][P] :

    - Knee/SS [76]

    - SH [76]

    - [4][K]+[G], [K] [75]

    - [4][P], [8][P] [93] ~ pickup ( [2][P]+[G] ) guaranteed after [4][P] |Best Damage|

    - HCB+[P], [P] [80]

    - [6][P], [P] [78]

    - [2][P], SH [78]

    - [2][P], [2][K] [69]

    - [2_][3][P] [69]

    - [2][K] [65]

    <font color="white">º Knee / Short Shoulder, [P] [[G]] :

    - [P], [P], [P] [84]

    - [P], [K] [79]

    - [4][K]+[G], [K] [79]

    - [6][P], [P] [82]

    - m-SH [80]

    - [6][2][K] [72]

    - knee/ss [80]

    - [3][P]+[K] [72]

    - HCB+[P], [P] [84]

    - [6][P]+[K] [72]

    - [4][P], [8][P] [97] ~ pickup ( [2][P]+[G] ) guaranteed after [4][P] |Best Damage|

    - [1][P] [71]

    <font color="white">º Knee / Short Shoulder, [P] [[G]] , [P] [[G]] :

    - [P] [[G]] [75]

    - [4][K]+[G], [K] [85] - //

    - m-SH [86]

    - [6][P] [78]

    - [6][P], [P] [88] - // |Best Damage|

    - knee/ss [86]

    - [2][K] [77]

    - [1][P] [79]

    - [3][K] [84]

    - [6][2][K] [79]

    - [6][P]+[K] [79]

    - HCB+[P] [79]

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    * Normal hit *

    º Knee / Short Shoulder Combos :

    - [6_][P], [K] [57]

    - [6_][P], [P], [P] [64]

    - knee/ss [54]

    - [3][P]+[K] [46]

    - HCB+[P], [P] [62]

    - [6][2][K] [46]

    - m-SH [54]

    - [4][K]+[G], [K] [56]

    - [3][K] [52]

    - [6][P]+[K] [46]

    - [4][P], [8][P] [71] ~ pickup ( [2][P]+[G] ) guaranteed after [4][P] |Best Damage|

    <font color="white">º Knee / Short Shoulder, [2][P] :

    - [2][P], [2][K] [54]

    - [4][K]+[G], [K] [60] - //

    - HCB+[P], [P] [65] |Best Damage|

    - knee/ss [61]

    - SH [61]

    <font color="white">º Knee / Short Shoulder, [P] [[G]] :

    - [2][P], [2_][3][P] [61]

    - [2][P], SH [67] - //

    - [2][P], [4][K]+[G] [58] - //

    - [2_][3][P] [58]

    - [4][K]+[G] [64]

    - HCB+[P], [P] [69]

    - [4][P], [8][P] [82] ~ pickup ( [2][P]+[G] ) guaranteed after [4][P] |Best Damage|

    - knee/ss [65]

    - [6_][P], [P], [P] [69]

    - [6_][P], [K] [64]

    - [6][P], [P] [67]

    - [3][P]+[K] [57]

    - [6][P]+[K] [57]

    - [3][K] [63]

    <font color="white">º Knee / Short Shoulder, [P] [[G]] , [P] [[G]] :

    - m-SH [71] |Best Damage|

    - [2][K] [62]

    - [6][2][K] [65]

    - knee/ss [71] |Best Damage|

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Knee / Short Shoulder combos on crouching opponents :


    - [2][P], SH [61] - ( // if knee starter ) |Best Damage|

    - [6][2][K] [46]

    - [2][P], [6][P] [55]

    - [2][P], [2][K] [50]

    - m-SH [54]

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Charged Shoulder Ram Combos :


    - [6_][P], [P], [P] [113] |Best Damage|

    - [2][P], SH [110]

    - HCB+[P], [P] [111]

    - m-SH [103]

    - [6_][P], [K] [106]

    - SS/knee [103]

    - [4][K]+[G], [K] [105]

    - [2][K] [92]

    - [6][2][K] [95]

    - [6][P], [P] [109]

    - [4][P], [8][K] [111] ~ pickup ( [2][P]+[G] ) guaranteed after [4][P] [ combo requires super strict timing - Pai/Van only ]

    <font color="white">º Charged Shoulder Ram Combos :


    - m-SH [77~83] *Depends on when you hit

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Elbow Butt Combos ( [4][P] ) :

    - [6_][P], [K] [43]

    - [6_][P], [P], [P] [46] *Second [P] whiffs |Best Damage|

    - [4][K]+[G], [K] [41]

    - m-SH [35]

    - HCB+[P], [P] [46] |Best Damage|

    - SS [35]

    - [6][P] [29]

    - [2][K] [28]

    - [6][2][K] [30]

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Arrow Knuckle Real ( [4][3][P] ) :

    - [4][P], [3][P] [70]

    - [6_][P], [P], [P] [72] |Best Damage|

    - knee/ss [65]

    - [P], [K] [65]

    - [6][P], [P] [69]

    - [2_][3][P] [57]

    - HCB+[P], [P] [71]

    - [4][K]+[G], [K] [65]

    - [6][2][K] [55]

    - [6][P]+[K], [3][P] [70]

    - m-SH [65]

    - [K]+[G] [65] - \/

    - [2][P], [2][K] [57]

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Level Back Crush ( Hold [P]+[K] ) :

    - [6][P], [6][P], [P] [N:82] [MC:97] |Best Damage|

    - [6][P], [4][K]+[G], [K] [N:78] [MC:93]

    - [6][P], [2][P], SH [N:81] [MC:96]

    - [6][P], [6][2][K] [N:68] [MC:83]

    - [6][P], knee/ss [N:78] [MC:93]

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Back catch push ( [6][P]+[G], [6][P]+[G], [6][P]+[G] | [4][4][P]+[G], [6][P]+[G] ) combos :

    - knee, [2][P], SH [61]

    - knee, [4][K]+[G], [K] [56]

    - knee, HCB+[P], [P] [62] |Best Damage|

    - knee, knee/ss [54]

    - knee, [2][P], [2][K] [50]

    - knee, [P], [K] [57]

    * Use back catch push + knee to enter into *normal hit* wall combos ( refer to list ~ slight variations )

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Wall Combos :


    - Knee/ss, 3x[P] [[G]], m-SH [75]

    - Knee/ss, 3x[P] [[G]], [6_][P], [P], [P] [78] |Best Damage|

    - Knee/ss, 2x[P] [[G]], [6][P], [P] [73]

    - Knee/ss, [P] [[G]], SR [64]

    - Knee/ss, 2x[P] [[G]], [4][K]+[G], [K] [70]

    - CSR, knee/ss [72]

    <font color="white">*MC*

    - Knee/ss, 4x[P] [[G]], [6_][P], [P] [87]

    - Knee/ss, 3x[P] [[G]], [4][K]+[G], [K] [89]

    - Knee/ss, 4x[P] [[G]], m-SH [94]

    - CSR, [2][P], [2][P], SH [112]

    - CSR, [P] [[G]], [4][K]+[G], [K] [113]

    - CSR, [P] [[G]], SR [113] *Strict timing. Almost looks like a "bug".

    - CSR, [P] [[G]], [K]+[G] [114] *Very cool looking combo

    - CSR, 4x[P] [[G]] [116]

    - CSR, 3x[P] [[G]], m-SH [124]

    - CSR, [K], [K], [8][P] [139] |Most Damaging|

    - CSR, 2x[P] [[G]], [K], [K], [4][6][K]+[G] [139] |Most Damaging|

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Low Punch Cut Switch :

    - Knee, [2][P], SH [61] |Best Damage|

    - Knee, [2][P], [4][K]+[G], [K] [60]

    - Knee, [2][P], knee [61] |Best Damage|

    <font color="white">º Low Punch Cut :

    ( need to confirm escapability )

    - [4][P], [P], [K] [76]

    - [4][P], HCB+[P], [P] [80] |Best Damage|

    - [4][P], [6][P] [70]

    - [4][P], knee/ss [69]

    - [4][P], m-SH [69]

    - [4][P], [4][K]+[G], [K] [79]

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Rising attack :

    - Face down/Head away ( single leg slider ) : [2][K][K][K], SH [35]

    - Face down/Head towards ( double leg sweep ) : [2][K][K][K], SH [35]

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    º Sequences ( Escapable ) :

    - Charged [P]+[K] (blocked), [4][P], GS [ [6][P]+[G] to escape ] ( any throw will do || [4][P] can be followed by : * )

    - Arrow real (blocked), [4][P], GS [ [6][P]+[G] to escape ] ( any throw will do || [4][P] can be followed by : * )

    - Charged [P]+[K] (blocked), [6][P], low throw [same for arrow real + escapable ]

    - [6][K]+[G], [6][P]+[K], low throw [ struggleable + low throw escapable ]

    - After fully charged blocked [P]+[K] -> do a knee, if it connects refer to the knee/ss MC section for follow-up.

    - Regular [P]+[G] throw into wall will allow for follow ups ( I recommend [6_][P], [P], [P] and [6][P], [P] type combos.. )

    * HCB+[P]+[G], [P]+[G], [6]/[4][G], [2][P]+[G] sling into wall stagger, [4][K]+[G], [P]+[G]

    <font color="white">==================================================================================

    - Hope this helped. ~150 combos and counting.
    - Thanks to Sam + Myke + VFDC peeps for the ressources !
    <font color="white">


    - WhiteWolf - Montreal

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