Wolf's Juggle List

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Unicorn, Jun 24, 2012.

  1. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    XLS last update - 11/12/12​
    googledoc last update - 3/10/12​

    Hi there,
    I decide I will try to collect the juggles possible with Wolf for each characterand put them down in the list. It will take some time still to be complete, but it starts to looks like something (at least I hope so), so I decide to put it here for everyone. It can help to few people, plus people can help me by pointing out juggles I do not have in the list yet

    Anyway, basically how I work:
    I am trying to have the most damaging "universal" juggle listed for each starter.
    Up to that, I am trying to put there most damaging "stance depadndable" juggles as well, if there are such ones.
    And lastly, I am trying to list there also juggles you can use for utility purposes, if there are any
    Another thing is I am also trying to keep an eye on the dificulty of the juggle. Like... For [3][3][P][+][K], I have dash > [2][P] > [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] juggle listed. And yes, you can go OM > [P] > [6][3][2][1][4][P][P] . But the timing is significantly tighter, while you get only 1 more point of dmg out of it. That is why I do not list the 2nd juggle, no matter it gives you more damage.

    Anyway, enough talking. Here is the list: http://ikkaku.wz.cz/vf5/wolf.xls

    Only 4 characters are completed ATM, but I will update this thread whenever I will update the document.

    If you know any usefull juggle not listed in here, please put it down here in the thread. The some if you will find any mistake in the list.
    Thank you.
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Ok unicorn, since you are starting this project i wanna give you my 2 cents.

    You listed this combo:
    [6][P]+[K] > [P] > [1][P]+[K] > [6][P][P] and it does 71 dmg in closed and open stance, altought you wanna use this only in open since there's a better combo in closed. BUT there's a better combo just adding an extra [P] in the beginning, so it becomes:
    [6][P]+[K] > [P] > [P] > [1][P]+[K] > [6][P][P] and this time it does 75 dmg both in closed and open stance against Aoi (since you tested only with her i didn't test with anyone else yet).

    A similar concept can be applied with the [6][P]+[K] combos:
    [6][P]+[K] > [P] > [2][P] > [1][P]+[K] > [6][P][P]
    75dmg instead of the 71 you propose in your list and works in both in closed and open stance.

    About the K in CH combos, there's no real reason to post combos da does less than 47, since you can easily hit check the first kick and then do the follow up.

    with the regret discharge [3][3][P]+[K] I have a better combo:
    [3][3][P]+[K] > dash > [P] > [1][P]+[K] > [P] > [6][6][K]+[G] does 76 dmg works in both stances.

    in the pounding elbow and mow down chop you listed [6][P]+[G] as ground throw, i belive you meant [3]P:+[G]

    About the Deadly move [K] i don't understande why you listed this combo:
    Deadly [K] > [6][P]+[K] > [6_][P] > [6][P][P] it does only 77 damage. I have this one which is clearly better:
    Deadly [K] > [3][3][P]+[K] > [P] > [1][P]+[K] > [P] > [6][6][K]+[G] it does 96dmg and works in both stances.

    Right now i don't have anything else to say, i'm also working on every character combos. Let's keep contact to list all wolf's combos
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Yay thanks a lot, great feedback!

    Thank you a lot for that [6][P][+][K] combos, I did not realize another [P] can be added against light weights.

    [6][P][+][G]: instead of [3][P][+][G] is just a typo, thx for pointing out

    About [3][3][P][+][K], this is awesome! I was not able to find any better that what I listed, your juggle is really great addition.

    Deadly [K]... Well, that is clear failure on my part [​IMG]

    Anyway, thank you a lot and once I will manage to get an update out, I will do it!
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Oh, btw...
    I am listing them here cause here and there you happens to get MC on [K] in [P][K] and then it is usefull. Yep, here and there, but it is [​IMG]
  5. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Are you sure the Kick from the [P][K] and the stand alone [K] have the same properties?
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    From my testing, they have very same properties (except [[K]][K] followup)

    yesterday, my home internet failed hard, so I was not able to upload updated version of the XLS; with both your juggles and new stuff (and Goh). I will put it online today evening (if my provider decides I am worthy enough to be let join the internet, ofc [​IMG] )
  7. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    updatet version is up
    * Eileen and Goh added
    * Misters juggles added
    * new juggles added (I think it is for 4P only, but not 100 % sure)
  8. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Unicorn, would it be ok with you if I put this up on google docs?
  9. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    ofc, feel free to use it any way it will benefit Vf community [​IMG]
    But ist is still not finalized yet, if it is OK..?
  10. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Hmm, this file isn't cooperating with google docs for some reason. I'm new to using it, so I dunno. The cool thing about google docs though, is that you can set up editing permissions for the spreadsheet, so people here could look over it, download it, edit it, add to it, etc.
  11. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Well, we need some volunteers to work on it then. I offer myself of course.
  12. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    That will be great. I am leaving from today evening timll monday night, so I will not be able to dontinue working on it till tuesday.
    Also, I did 0 work yesterday, as my PS3 had "corrupted profile", so I lost everything I had on my profile... All trophys, all dloaded data... Everything. Took me damn few hours of work (and cursing) to make it at least working, as I really do not havy any idea what the ID of my original PS3 accout was... That means I lost even whole friend list as well, BTW [​IMG]
  13. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

  14. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    Ok so i tryed to do some work with this google document. Added everythin i could about el blaze, but this midget is just too short to connect a lots of things that usually will connect.

    Here some example:

    [4][P]+[K] ch > [4][P] > [P] > [1][P]+[K] > [P] > [6][6][K]+[G]

    In this case, the last [P] won't connect, but if you do a [2][P] instead the combo works and does the same damage.

    The same case happens with

    [3][K]+[G] > [9][P]+[K] > [P] > [1][P]+[K] > [P] > [6][6][K]+[G]

    use a [2][P] and everything is ok. Altought i prefer use the screw hook instead of the last 2 hits of this combo; it gives you more oki game and wolf loves it.

    about the:
    Deadly move [K] > [4][K]+[G]~[P]+[G] > [4][P]+[G] it does 102 dmg instead of the 105 listed in the combo's list.

    Last thing, seems like there are a lot of combos to be discovered yet and some are really character specific
  15. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Yep, that is why I started this effort.
    Wolf seems to be simple juggle machine at 1st glance, but when you go deeper, you start encountering damn a lot of character specific juggles. Some of them are insanely nasty, some are just... 2P instead of P
  16. Sorwah

    Sorwah Well-Known Member

    Just curious, what's the Green/Yellow/Red N/C mean?
  17. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    green (n) = works on normal hit
    red (C) = works on MC
    yellow = need to test
    grey = does not work
  18. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Where are these combos from? Do they fit in VER.A??
  19. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    they are figureed and tested on PS3, so... [​IMG]
  20. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    unicorn cz
    Wolf added, new juggle from change push added (credits to alexbib)

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