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Would a VS game save the VF franchise?

Discussion in 'General' started by Dragonps, Mar 27, 2011.

  1. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    We all know it's highly unlikely that VF5FS will ever get a console release and if it did sales would be around the 450,00 500,000 mark. However would a collaboration between VF and DOA gather enough attention and maybe even attract casual fighting fans to the VF universe? DOA4 did very well on the Xbox and fans have been craving a fifth game in the series. With all the attention on SF X Tekken and MvsC3 Capcom are no fools to whoring out their franchises for all they are worth, but would a vs title be below VF?

    To combat the differences of fighting mechanics maybe a “groove” system could be introduced where the player chooses what system to use, the current VF system from FS or the DOA system from 4? Or maybe even a combination of the two? Maybe their could be an option that lets you choose simple or hardcore modes?

    Simple for casual gamers and Hardcore for well the hardcore.

    Item customization would be a must too and something new for the DOA characters, casual gamers love to dress up their favorite characters.

    Imagine a cutscene between Shun Di and Brad Wong during a drinking contest, or Akira testing his skills against Ryu Hayabusa. Some of us might hate the idea but casual gamers would go crazy for it, and it brings more attention to VF which can't be a bad thing.

    Whenever I mention VF to anybody they always respond with “oh that blocky fighter on the Saturn” or the other classic line is “oh the one that's hard to play”

    At the moment Street Fighter 4, Tekken Tag, and of course the vs games are dominating and Capcom is ruling the market.

    Is a vs game the answer to put VF on the mainstream map?
  2. def

    def Well-Known Member

    You stole my exact fantasy LOL. I always fantasized of a DOA Vs. VF, with the same features you had mentioned such as a choice between one gameplay style or the other or even a mix. I would love to see it happen. I think I might have mentioned this on an old thread or possibly on a facebook discussion, don't exactly remember.

    and yes, customization is a must, since DOA is coming back to life since it's last good release in DOA 4 on xbox, we are getting DOA Dimensions for 3DS which is the next big DOA game (I have 0 interest in the Xtreme games), customization should be featured in a future DOA fighting game.
  3. def

    def Well-Known Member

    Also I forgot to mention that DOA and VF have the same basic storyline:
    An Evil corporation hosts a fighting tournament to kidnap fighters in order to create the ultimate fighter.
  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

  5. Emerald_Wolf

    Emerald_Wolf Well-Known Member

  6. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

  7. Duck_King

    Duck_King Well-Known Member

    the VF franchise is alive and well, no need for a gimicky VS title.
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Two things:

    1) VF doesn't need saving. The fact it's dead in the arcades outside of Japan, doesn't mean the game is not played anywhere.
    The Japanese have FS, we have Vanilla 5 ver.B and C. It's still VF, it's still a great game, we have it, we play it. Nothing needs saving.

    2)No. The vs series would not make VF better. Better marketing decisions on Sega's part, would make VF more popular, therefore more profitable and recognizable. That's it.

    All above is my humble opinion, and should not be used as a spark for any future flame wars. Thank you for your attention.
  9. dapheenom

    dapheenom Well-Known Member

    Ehhh. Can I just get a Shenmue -> Yakuza / Guilty Gear -> BlazBlue type of new franchise instead?
  10. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    A VS game wouldn't save the franchise per sé, since the franchise isn't dead at all--the scene is just smaller outside of Japan... It would just get people (non-Japanese players) more interested in the game probably, mainly those that are too afraid to touch VF in the first place... And even after all of that, there's still gonna be people that give up after trying to "learn Akira", there's gonna be people who play the game just to bash it and say it plays like VF2 still, there's gonna be a few that stick til there's no one playing online (or offline in their area), and then there's the rest of us that stay true to the franchise...

    Besides, VF's system isn't really open enough to make a VS game... The characters from the other faction would have to be "beefed up" in a way for that to even work...
  11. zakira

    zakira Well-Known Member

    I'm not a big fan of DOA but I like fighting games in general.

    I don't think VF needs any saving. But I do think that making a VS series with DOA or even Tekken will make VF more popular.

    The game doesn't need to be made from the already existing system. They can make a new system or take both system from each game and refine them into one and it will look great.

    DOA is very close to VF. So I would love to see it happen.
  12. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    In terms of buttons, but gameplay? seriously?
  13. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    The game system is totally different. Sure, it has a PKG button setup but that's where the line of similarity ends.
  14. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Wouldn't be my cup of tea but surely it wouldn't be too hard to come to a compromise with each games mechanics though.

    I can't see it helping much with VF's popularity, the DoA fans would play it cause of the DoA brand and that's as far as they'd go.
  15. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Actually you could say that. Its not actually THAT different.. Nothing that couldnt be adjusted in VF's favor.
  16. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Every move in DOA tracks, plus aside from 3.1 there's no sidestepping... Backdashing sucks in DOA as well, unless you know how to do a bunch of [2] [1] [4] motions since you can't really use [1] [1] , and even then you can't really make a huge gap... Even the block button varies between the two... The only similarities between the two aside from just having 3 buttons is that they have some of the same fighting game archetypes, and a couple of the same typical stages (a dojo, a fighting game, a Shinjuku-esque stage on the street)...

    I'm not bashing the game though, I think its a fun game when you're playing against skilled players that know the system... I just feel that all the defensive options VF has was sucked up and put into one button for DOA... DOA forces you to guess even more especially since characters can't be juggled as much unlike VF, except for tag mode, which can be even more fun at times...

    Again, for these games to even work, they would have to take the Capcom/Namco approach and do AxB/BxA games, with each game portaying their specific fighting system... It would be nice to see Sega work with other companies, I will say that though...
  17. Dragonps

    Dragonps Well-Known Member

    I didn't want people to think that I dislike or think the VF series is dead...not at all. In fact IMO It's the best 3D fighting game out there bar none, but I now how casual players have left it behind to play their flashy fighters with little to no substance. There are a hundred and one different reasons why VF is not the money maker it should be but marketing does play a crucial role.

    DOA is bigger than VF outside of Japan and would possibly bring more fighting fans to VF, and that can only be a good thing. In actuality I don't like the idea of a vs game but if it gets VF more attention and more sales I'm game.
  18. Relugus

    Relugus Member

    I have no interest in Tekken but Sega were utterly stupid even by Sega's standards (and stupid is Sega's default) to turn down a VF vs Tekken game.
    They could have rode off the back of Tekken's popularity and used that to get Virtua Fighter into the sights of mainstream gamers.

    VF vs DOA could work brilliantly. They could give the game separate modes or "grooves" so everyone's happy. Frankly, I would love to see AM2 give those tired old DOA character models a polish up. Monty Oum's rebuild of Hitomi's character model looks very AM2ish. If you have not seen it go to his Deviantart page or YouTube and check it out.

    I think DOA could do with VF's customization and character detail, while VF would benefit from DOA's more colourful and comic-book tone.
  19. EmX

    EmX Well-Known Member

    Uhh is everyone forgetting the CvS series? It completely failed to save SNK in the late 90's/early 2000's.
  20. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    To be honest, Akira turning up in SFxTK or SSB seems most likely at the moment.

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