Writing FV/VF series comparision FAQ, suggestions?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Zero-chan, Feb 9, 2002.

  1. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    I'm in the process of writing up a general FV series FAQ... not really an all-out "How to Play" FAQ, but covering questions like "What is the FV series", "What basic features does this game have", "What are the home conversions like", etc... One of the things I wanted to cover extensively was the series' blood relation to VF. It's well known that FV was an offshoot of the VF series with many VF staff contributing heavily to both the games, and that many features first seen in the FV games were successfully implemented into VF afterwards.
    The goal of the FAQ is to teach those who may be familiar with one title and not the other what to expect when giving the other series a look. Hopefully, this will eventually lead to a greater respect for both game series. (^^)
    What sort of questions would you guys like to see in a FAQ like this, and does anyone have any suggestions for other things to implement in the document as well? Suggestions are very much appreciated, and credit for anything implemented will be given.
    So far I have the following:
    - What is the exact relation between the VF and FV series?
    - What is distinctly similar and different about gameplay in each series?
    - What elements introduced in FV games have made their way into VF?
    - What VF staff members worked on FV?
    - Which game series is better? (entirely subjective, of course)

    Thanks for any help~!
  2. Luya

    Luya Active Member

    You should include this FAQ like "is there a fighting that feature FV and VF character?"
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I'll have a stab at the questions you asked, but by no means are my answers complete. Hopefully it's enough to get the ball rolling.

    - What is the exact relation between the VF and FV series?

    The VF and FV 'universes' are mutually exclusive AFAIK, though there was the cross-over in FMM, I guess. Of course, FV was derived from VF2 but had plenty of new gameplay elements that made it stand out on it's own.

    - What is distinctly similar ...

    - command input and controls (GPK)
    - character classes and learning curves
    - high/mid/low hit levels and throwing game

    and different about gameplay in each series?

    - physics
    - armor in FV
    - okizeme game
    - oh, and the combos! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    - What elements introduced in FV games have made their way into VF?

    - VF3 adapted stages with high walls (FV) and short walls (LB).
    - Recovery from knockdowns introduced into VF4.
    - The FV guard-and-attack (whatever they're called) could be argued as the prototype for sabaki (attacks which eat other attacks).

    - What VF staff members worked on FV?

    No idea.

    - Which game series is better? (entirely subjective, of course)

    VF for me. But I went through a stage when I was FV crazy back when VF2 was kinda dying down in our arcade. Same with LB. Great fun for a while, but I always came back to VF.

    Good luck with the FAQ!
  4. Luya

    Luya Active Member

    and different about gameplay in each series?
    -Air recovery that was later used in Bloody Roar (or Beastorizer)
    -Some characters can climb to the wall. I thinl the next VF should add ring where character can climb,

    What elements introduced in FV games have made their way into VF?
    -Wall throw(close). Jeffry surprise exchange is derived from normal throw from several FV characters.
  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

    -Air recovery that was later used in Bloody Roar (or Beastorizer)

    Replace "used" here with "ripped off".
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Can't we just say that Beastorizer was a ripoff of Fighting Vipers period? (Let me know if there are common team members or if it's the same engine).

    Let's see air recovery.
    Armor Break turns into Super Mode/versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
    Defend-Attacks make an appearance
    Identical Combo System for all I can tell.

  7. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    AFAIK nobody who previously was involved with FV had anything to do with Bloody Roar, which essentially makes it one of the most blatant rip-offs ever.
    Amazing how the game, which tries to emulate FV on so many levels, fails to even come close to FV's level.
    Well, at least the art is nice. (^^;)
  8. 3of19

    3of19 Well-Known Member

    The wiggle stick struggle stuff also came from FV2.
  9. Luya

    Luya Active Member

    So true concerning Beastorizer. I don't remember seen these characters climbing wall though. Does dodge exist in FV? I remember noticing in Saturn version, not arcade AFAIR.
  10. Genie47

    Genie47 Well-Known Member

    It is sort of incorporated into VF. Sarah's off the wall kick and off the wall backflip. Don't see many using that though.
  11. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Becareful about saying ripped off...could say VF ripped off TTT for a lot of the stuff in VF4....
    Struggling was in VF2....I think it was then introduced into FV
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    could say VF ripped off TTT for a lot of the stuff in VF4....

    Like what?
  13. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    Struggling was in VF2, but I think he was referring to the wiggling stick animation to prompt the player to struggle when it's appropriate.
  14. Torneko

    Torneko Well-Known Member

    I thought Bloody Roar is more fun game than Fighting Viper.

    Fighting Viper was good for its time, but Fighting Viper 2, seems to be nothing special, and I find it ordinary and boring perhaps. Or maybe I just don't get the game ?

    Bloody Roar, at least have those Killer Instinct style Combo. But I always thought Bloody Roar as a 3D Killer Instinct. Not Fighting Viper variant.

    I think Fighting Viper also first introduce Ground Throw. Than later VF3 have some.

    Also wasn't air recovery later included in other fighting games ? Like Ergheiz and those Capcom fighter.

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