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Discussion in 'General' started by Plague, May 28, 2006.

  1. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!

    It's in the movie! We saw it TODAY! YES!!!

    Thank you to <font color="blue">adamYUKI</font> and <font color="blue">Shag</font>. If Catherine and I hadn't seen this clip during West Coast [P]+[G] 4, that line in the movie (the fucking MOVIE, bitch) would've been at least 68% less awesome.
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif this line was the only highlight of the movie for me.
  3. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    movie was the worst... absolutely stupid.

    I agree with myke. The juggernaut line was only highlight of the movie and I bet the people who made the line famous probably got no recognition. Well now that I think about it, seeing the ghost rider preview was probably the other and only other highlight of the film.

    Maybe someone can answer this for me... Why were they fighting a sentinel robot in the danger room when in that present time sentinels where not created yet, so they should not know anything about them or how they look or what they are capable of. Maybe I missed something, but the movie just left the most awful taste in my mouth that about 30 minutes into it I just didn't care anymore. No matter how good the next one will be, I will surely wait for the reviews instead of prepurchasing early tickets.

    AWFUL MOVIE... FOR ANYONE WHO HAS NOT SEEN IT. DON'T... wait for the rental!
  4. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    The highlight for me was halley oh man those juggernauts were like jello when she was walking down the stairs & that Ass man I wish I was who got hit by her car that night. /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
  5. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    I watched the film today and thought it was so so. Though there were some surprises. I read a review on IGN earlier but I didn't understand the significance of the line...till now. /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif

    I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. Also, anyone who's seen the Jackie Chan cartoon will rollover during the Xaviier scene. It had me in stitches from start to finish. It's a classic parody production on the same level of the infamous Star Wars Kid clip imo.

    Thanks for the link. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  6. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    This thread has produced an unexpected side-effect - I didn't realize so many people dislike this movie. Now, I have not read the comics. I have only seen the movies. I made sure to re-watch one and two in the last week before seeing three. For me, the movies got better with each installment.

    I'm now glad I've never read any comics nor watched the cartoon (else maybe I'd think my movie ticket and rental money was wasted).
  7. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Having grown up collecting X-Men and knowing the continuity of the franchise it does a grate a little to find the films so far removed from what I’m used to. I think you have to distance yourself from the comics (the 616 universe more so than the Ultimate one especially) and just enjoy the films for what they are; an alternate take, rather then a film rendition of X-Men canon.

    That said, I thought the first film was bland but was surprised and impressed by the second; Wolverine actually used his claws and the film as a whole was better. Coming into the third film I didn’t have any real expectations, I had avoided the spoilers, though more out of indifference but was expecting an apocalyptic fight scene at the end, from watching the trailer.

    It didn’t really turn out like that, it felt rushed. Too many one-shot appearances and not enough character development. If it wasn’t for the purple hair you’d never have guessed that Psylocke was in the film. Beast and Angel’s anxiety over their visible mutations was hardly touched, though I did appreciate the opening scene with Angel as a boy.

    Colossus only has three or so lines, and he’s not even Russian from what I could hear. In my opinion Ian McKellen was the star of the show; giving the best performance by far. I’m also impressed by Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, it’s been very convincing throughout the films.

    Halle Berry is always foxy and the girl who played Kitty Pryde was cute in her uniform.

    I read the review on IGN right after watching it and I have to agree with the reviewer that it could have done with an extra half or even another hour (it’s the last film after all, right?) of plot and character development. Everything happens so fast and little is dwelled upon.

    Too much gloss, not enough content.
  8. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    *Minor spoiler alert*

    The one major thing I had a hard time stomaching was the "last stand" battle between X-Men and Magneto troops. What was the point of that?? Why were the X-Men helping the humans kill other mutants? If they just wanted to rescue the Leech why didn't they directly make a path towards the boy? It just made no sense at all.

    I think the movie had a lot of potential--in the beginning there was a very interesting theme about what to do with someone who has too much power. Do you infringe upon that person's right to reduce that power? Or is the person's right inalienable? Too bad they didn't explore this enough once Jean Gray became Phoenix.
  9. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Brett Ratner killed everything that Bryan Singer had built up and delivered a train wreck of a movie, totally ignoring characterdevelopment, logic and / or the staying true to the stories themselves (even alienating himself from the nerdy comicfanbase). That's quite an achievment.

    Yes, the "last stand" thingy was so fucking retarded it was insane. 100 mutans who believe so much in their rights to stay mutants (and fear of not being it) who go medieval frontal rush against soldiers with guns that took that away from then while Magneto goes "Well in chess you sacrifice the pawns first..." in the background.

    Angel is with in one scene, flexing his modelboytoy abs and jumping out of the window to not be seen again until he conviniently just flies by to pick up his dad who the baddies decide to run up to the roof of the house and throw of in a sudden (non) impulse. Then he flies away. Yeah... that's angel in the movie.

    4 mutants fighting of the lot when Magneto could kill Wolverine and Collos in a twist of handmovement or hell even land the entire bridge on the soldiers in the first place. "They've learned...". One pshychic in the bunch would have thrown the movie around time from time again. Storm realizes a fog might help when the entire thing is over - nice one storm.

    Man I could rant away at this movie for hours, it's still like a 3 out of 5 but only cause of what Bryan Singer had built up previously.

  10. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage


    Weren't the syringes (loaded with the "cure") metal based? I'm no expert in medical technologies, but if they are they why couldn't Magneto stop them being shot towards him and the group?

    When Mystique was "cured", she was left lying on the floor, naked and bare -- except for a face full of professionally applied makeup! Where the f*ck did the makeup come from?

    I'm willing to suspend my disbelief on so far, but small things like this really ruin my enjoyment of the movie, especially when they could have been corrected so easily.
  11. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    I agree with Aido,, you can nit pick this film if you follow the comics ( i did in my head) and there were things that would have been nicer to see .. but i do appreciate it for what it was and it was pretty entertaining. "juggernaut bitch" line didnt get the reaction i thought it would from the audience ,, but it did from me.. I love it.

    to call this movie awful ,, then what is Bloodrain,, and for that some of the MST3K movies... the movie was ok >> for us x-men know it alls ,, there will never be a perfect book to screen ...
    i hated Xmen Generations cartoon ... but enjoyed the fox cartoon.

    my biggest problem was juggernaut getting stopped by leech ,, did juggernaut at one time in a cartoon say '"my powers are magical" (i know they arent magical but i love the way he said that) and not a mutant power.

    my rankings for x movies : 2 > 3 > 1
  12. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    "This thread has produced an unexpected side-effect - I didn't realize so many people dislike this movie. Now, I have not read the comics. I have only seen the movies. I made sure to re-watch one and two in the last week before seeing three. For me, the movies got better with each installment.

    I'm now glad I've never read any comics nor watched the cartoon (else maybe I'd think my movie ticket and rental money was wasted)."

    tha's exacly my review right there! exacly what you said plage.
  13. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    *possible spoilers for those who ain't watched it*

    I'll sum this up in bullet points :

    - No gambit still /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif
    - Juggernaut actually used the famous line "I'm the juggernaut bitch" which had me laughing.
    - Colossus only had about 3 lines but had no Russian Accent
    - Spike was on the bad side and was a white man apparently
    - Juggernaut didn't acknowledge Xavier as his step brother
    - Why did Calisto have super speed
    - According to this website: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0376994/fullcredits Kid omega is Quill
    - Calisto put magneto in the same class as Pyro
    - Multiple man was bad
    - Phoenix was the dark side of Jean Grey rather than being created by the phoenix club

    There's probably more that I can't remember. Overall except for fighting with my mind that the movie has no relation to the story plots from the comics or cartoon this movie was so-so and had it's lil highlights that I liked. The lil jokes were good. I liked the pyro Vs iceman part. I'd give the movie 5/10.
  14. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    The comic storyline nitpicking aside ( which definately made the movie 10x worse) i found this movie still terrible.

    First thing the action sequences, seemed way to staged. Like something i would watch at the universal studios live action stunt shows. The sequence of events, directing editing, just seemed so procedural (blow this up here, while you jump here) that it really took out any immersiveness to the movie for me.

    2nd the plot seemed to have no clear purpose. For the first hour and a half, it was just politics, random cameos, and continuations of inconclusive plotlines from the previous movies. Only when magneto said lets find that leech kid, the story finally gained a drive. If you do argue that jean grey carried the story for the first half of the movie, she basically just did a lot of standing around in the 2nd half, literally. Only when the movie was supposed to be over (cured magneto), she had a role to extend the life of the already poorly plotted film. I guess I couldnt expect much when Brian Singer left for Superman and David Hayter opted out of writing this film.

    3rd - Just the appearance of certain characters seemed like a cheap shot at fanservice (mentioned by others), because they really served no purpose in the storyline. Also the line "I'm the juggernaut bitch" ruined the movie even more for me, just felt like another cheap shot at fanservice.

    4th - production values what happened? Since when does collosus look worse than the T-1000 of terminator 2 when he had plated effects in Xmen 2. There also seemed to be a lot less mutant action going on and more of things blowing up instead.

    I might be pretty harsh with this movie, but this is coming off MI:3 which I felt was a much better popcorn action movie of this summer.
  15. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    yeah, saw this on the movie and it was really bad. I mean....*really* bad. I think the producers should have to refund my money like they did with Hollow Man.

  16. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    RagingSilver said:

    I'll sum this up in bullet points :

    - No gambit still /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aside from Kitty Pryde being in the film (and handled well, I thought) the exclusion of Gambit is one of the few redeming qualities of X3. Why everyone thinks he's a good character I'll never know.

  17. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Hollow Man

    [/ QUOTE ]

    'nuff said.
  18. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]

    Aside from Kitty Pryde being in the film (and handled well, I thought) the exclusion of Gambit is one of the few redeming qualities of X3. Why everyone thinks he's a good character I'll never know.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I liked how they utilized Shadowcat too, I actually didn't know that character existed before this movie.

    Gambit's a great character full of personality, IMO, but unfortunately they decided to make Rogue boring and weak, so even if Gambit was in the film it wouldn't 'fit'.

    I watched the cartoon a lot, and I walked into the movie knowing it wasn't going to be amazing. It wasn't horrible for a popcorn flick. I enjoyed many of the action sequences. Juggernaut line was funny and unexpected. I like how hollywood is paying more attention to fans (Snakes on a Plane).

    If you walked into the movie expecting a major X-men intelligent opus, then I don't know WTF is wrong with you. The first two movies didn't give any indication that this movie was supposed to be a serious take on the X-men franchise anyway. It's a popcorn film, plain and simple. They already fuxored up the story in the first two, why expect anyone to take directly from canon anyway? I enjoyed the cameos myself.

    Again, I didn't see MI:3 so I don't know the pinnicle of popcorn movies, but this film wasn't horrible. It was enjoyable, as long as you didn't take it seriously. I'm with Plague on this one.
  19. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    so question.. how did the guy in the wheel chair end up in the wheelchair?
  20. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    You mean Charles Xavier, AKA Professor X? In the comics throughout the years he’s been on and off his feet. Initially though he lost his legs in a cave-in, caused by a generic villain who’s name escapes me.

    I don't recall the films giving a reason why he's in a wheelchair, that or I don't remember. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif


    You know, at the end I had this funny feeling that Wolverine killing Phoenix would bring everyone back to life...thats how it usually works out but this wasn't the case. I was surprised that they'd actually wax the Professor X and Cyclops, off screen even!

    I just feel for the people who aren't fans of the characters because if I hadn't of been one I wouldn't have flinched when the Professor bought the farm. They really should release an extended version like they did for the first film on DVD...

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