Xbox 360 or PS3?

Discussion in 'Console' started by KtotheG, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, long time reader first time poster and all that good stuff.

    I have read many posts on this forum relating to a release of VF5: EVO at some point in the future, many claiming 08.

    Currently I am in a situation where I can get either a 360 or a PS3 for the same price. Disregarding all games bar the VF series, which should I get?

    I understand that the online capability of the 360 version is very good, but the availability of VSHG or even Horis on the 360 is nonexistent? Also the 360 version is C, while PS3 is B. But my main concern with the 360 is that will Sega be reluctant to produce another VF for it due to poor sales figures and such?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated
  2. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    Roll with the 360 version my man. Online is better than no line.
    I got my Hori DOA fighters stick about a year and it still produces results maybe you can find on online somewhere.

    VF or DOA Hori sticks is the same. If there is a EVO version they might just be DLC in the future. No need to repackage the game for 20 dollars.
  3. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    I agree that that online is great and xbox is the version to get but I really dont think there will be a DLC upgrade for EVO if that ever comes out. Most likely a separate game.
  4. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the comments so far

    So, you have no doubts that Evo and VF6 will appear on the 360? Or is that a shady area?

    Its just that i'll feel ripped off if VF5 is the only installment of the series on the 360, hence I am hesitant to rush the purchase.

  5. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    No one knows anything about platforms for the next installment. since VF4 and VF4E came out on PS2 the PS3 was the next logical step, then they hopped to 360 as well... Right now the only one who can answer the question on the next one is Sega itself.

    So right now you can either play the waiting game or take a gamble either way. And the 360 version is the superior one, apart from the controller of course, but I've found the DoA/EX2 stick does a decent enough job. And if money really isn't an object you could try getting a vshg modded.

    As for myself, well, I threw in my lot with the PS3 at launch and I'm not planning on converting to 360. Mainly because of the online fee, I absolutely despise XBL's paid account bs.
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    With all the other fighters going online on the PS3, you can bet the next VF will be online on all consoles. So it comes down to online now, or VSHG.
  7. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about online on ps3 in the future.
    The difference between free psnetwork and xLive is, that Sega (and other developers) doesn't have to pay for servers for x360 games.

    M$ pays for xLive.

    On ps3 Sega has to take a bigger financial risk to put online mode. On x360 there is almost no risk.

    Virtua Tennis3 has an online option on x360 but not on ps3.
    Developers can limit profits by paying for online or make more expensive games on ps3. But higher price doesn't help selling games.
  8. KtotheG

    KtotheG Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the help guys

    I have opted to go with the Xbox 360. I will be kicking myself if VF6 or VF5:EVO is PS3 exclusive however, though some maintain that it will remain multiplatform. Played the dice, hopefully I wont get rorted in the future lol.

  9. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    XBOX 360 is the way to go, hands down!
  10. djtortilla

    djtortilla Well-Known Member

    vf5 was a timed exclusive for the ps3

    vf5 online is a timed exclusive for the 360

    Vf5 online evo/whatever??? will be a timed exclusive for the ps3.

    I think sega will be releasing timed exclusives on VF so that it can double sales.

    I already own PS3 VF5 but I am sure tempted to buy it again for the 360, with a 360 of course
  11. Cowdisease

    Cowdisease Member

    I don't know how you can say VF5 Online is a timed exclusive as I haven't seen any indication that Sega will port the game to the PS3.

    The only way I see Sega brining an online VF title to the PS3 is the eventual home port of Virtua Fighter 5: Evolution, and it's most likely that VF5:Evo will be released for both PS3 and 360 at the same time.
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    PS3 version is not online cause Sony didn't provide the necessary resources at the time of development. Simple as that.

    I think it's certain that any next version of VF on PS3 will be online enabled.
  13. djtortilla

    djtortilla Well-Known Member

    Sega can improve sales with people buying the game twice.

    Fans bought the ps3 version and it seems they bought the 360 version also.

    So if Sega makes timed exclusives for 360 and ps3, then fans will buy each version, even if they are marginally different

    This is why I think the next ps3 version will be a timed exclusive and it will probably be version D with online.

    Then 6 months later the 360 will get EVO and it will be exclusive
    for several months or a year.

    If they release them at the same time on 360 and ps3, then people will only buy the game once.
  14. Cowdisease

    Cowdisease Member

    This assumes that a lot of fans own both Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. Only the super hardcore fans would buy so many versions of Virtua Fighter 5. If anything, you'll piss off the fans that purchased the earlier version, and if people are aware that a better version is coming out for another system, people are going to wait until the better version comes out, cannibalizing sales of the "inferior" version (hell, I stopped thinking about maybe getting a PS3 for VF5 because the 360 version with online play was announced).

    It makes better financial sense for Sega to release VF5:Evo on both systems simultaneously (like Puzzle Fighter HD, Call of Duty 4, Rock Band, upcoming GTA4). They save money on marketing and can wisely use PSN/LIVE's online infrastructure to extend the life of the game with updates and additional content.
  15. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    i can fully agree with your with those facts. hehe i was the same way i was working my ass off for a ps3 then when i heard about the 360 i just brought the game and my roomate won a 360 so all in all totally score.

    the only thing i wish they work on is the online set up. the points that some of the users made on the fourm are really on key. >.> but to me the input time for online is too slow.. i feel like i'm playing vf2 or 4.

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