
Dec 3, 2024
  • This section describes the different ways to move about in Virtua Fighter, including walking, dashing, running to special types of movement.


    Walking is also known as All Range Movement (ARM).
    All characters can walk by holding the Joystick in the desired direction. The exception being if you want to walk in the [2_] direction, you must double tap then hold the down direction: [2][2_].

    While you are walking, you can change direction by rolling the stick to a new direction. For example, while walking forward [6_], you can roll the stick to [9_] or [3_] to zigzag forward.

    From a standing start, you cannot immediately walk in the [1] direction. Holding the [1_] direction will make you crouch. You can, however, quickly input [4][1_] to walk in that direction.

    When you are Back Turned, the directions you're allowed to walk in are limited. When BT, you can only walk in the [6_], [8_] or [2_] directions. That is, no diagonal directions, and you cannot walk backwards toward the opponent.

    The walking speed differs for every character, and varies depending on whether they're walking forward, backward or while Back Turned.


    dash-forward.jpg dash-backward.jpg
    All characters can perform a (standing) Dash in either the forward or back direction with a double forward or backward tap of the Joystick.

    Forward Dash
    Back Dash

    Forward Dashes can be [G]-cancelled to stop short and block or to effectively control spacing between you and your opponent. Back Dashes can not be [G]-cancelled. The character has to the complete back dash to animate before they can block. You are vulnerable to attack during a back dash, and attacks during a back dash will also be considered as a Counter Hit.

    You can buffer in repeated dashes to move quickly back and forth across the ring: [4][4] > [4][4] > [6][6] > [6][6] > [6][6]

    While you are crouched, you can also perform a standing dash. This also has the effect of making you instantly stand. Some characters can use this to help them perform standing attacks from a crouching state where they would otherwise perform a crouching attack.

    Crouch Dashing(top)

    crouch-dash-forward.jpg crouch-dash-backward.jpg
    All characters can perform a Crouch Dash (CD) in either the forward or back direction with a double down-forward or down-back tap of the Joystick.

    The commands for Crouch Dashing are as follows:

    Forward Crouch Dash
    [3][3] (5 frames)
    Backward Crouch Dash
    [1][1] (6 frames)

    The Frames to Crouch column indicates how long it takes, after the CD command is entered, to be considered in a crouching state. For comparison, it takes 7 frames to crouch just by holding [2_], so a Forward CD is actually 2 frames faster. This has applications in defensive techniques such as Fuzzy Guarding, which will be addressed in its own section.

    To do multiple crouch dashes in a row, it may be simpler to roll the stick between, [3] and [2] instead of returning it to neutral. i.e. [3][2][3][2][3] will do 2 CD's in a row. The series can be repeated including [1][2][1] to CD backwards repeatedly.

    From Crouch Moves(top)

    When it comes to entering commands that require you to be crouching, such as Akira's [2_][6][P], you can use a buffered crouch dash command, either forward or backward, in place of the crouch [2_] to perform the attack instantly. So, [3][3][6][P] can be entered instead. This is critical to the success of some combos that require you to use crouching attacks from a standing position. Another popular example is Akira's Double Palm, [2_][4][6][P], when used as a combo ender. Combos such as [4][6][P] > [P] > [1][1][4][6][P] are impossible to do if you don't buffer a CD input.


    All characters can perform a jump in either the forward, in-place, or back direction. Jumps can be useful for avoiding low attacks, creating space between you and your opponent (by jumping away), or jumping over a knocked down opponent for better positioning.

    The commands for Jumping are as follows:

    Jump In-Place
    Jump Forward
    Jump Back

    As shown above, jumps can be performed by tapping any of the upward directions and the [G] button simultaneously. Note that if you're already holding [G], you'll need to release and tap it again with an upward direction in order to jump.

    Jump Attacks(top)

    Jump attacks can be performed simply by pressing [P] or [K] during the jump. Different types of jump attacks are determined by when, in the course of your jump, you press the appropriate attack button. There are two phases of the jump that can yield a different jump attack:

    As soon as you've left the ground
    After the mid point and coming down

    Tip: If your character doesn't have a special attack with [7], [8] or [9][P] or [K], then you can simply enter that input directly to perform the Ascending Jump attack. This shortcut forgoes the need to jump with the [G]button first before pressing the attack button.

    The VFDC Command Lists detail Jump attacks for every character and note the stage of the jump.


    A unique property to jumping is that you recover in a crouch position upon landing. From here, you can instantly perform any special "from crouching" moves without having to enter a crouch input. If your character has a long range "from crouching" move (e.g. Akira's [2_][4][6][P]) then this may be used after jumping away to create space between your opponent, then quickly entering [4][6][P] upon landing if you've spotted a chance to attack.

    In stages with half fences, it is possible to ring yourself out by simply jumping over the wall.


    All characters can run by entering [6][6_], provided there is enough space between them and the opponent. Some characters can perform running attacks by entering the appropriate button(s) during the run. The VFDC Command Lists detail running attacks for characters that have them.

    Off the Wall(top)

    Most characters can interact with high walls by either running up and back-flipping off, or by performing a jumping wall attack.

    Wall interactions can only be done when your character is perpendicular and facing a high wall or half fence, as well as being close enough to it. Wall attacks are performed by entering [6][P][+][K][+][G], and wall flips are performed by entering [9][P][+][K][+][G]. Some characters have additional or unique wall attacks as well.


    The VFDC Command Lists detail wall attacks for characters that have them.

    Defensive Moves(top)

    Also known as an Evade, Dodge or Side Step.
    A Defensive Move (DM) is a technique universal to all characters that allow them to move in a sideways direction (i.e. into the foreground or background). This technique allows you to evade your opponent's attack and expose their side (or back), or simply relocate yourself in the ring, preferably in a more advantageous position.

    dm-background.jpg dm-foreground.jpg

    A Defensive Move is performed by tapping up or down and then returning to neutral:

    Evade into the background
    Evade into the foreground

    The VF system has a consistent rule when it comes to evading attacks:

    • Linear attacks can be evaded in any direction, [8] or [2]
    • Half Circular Attacks can only be evaded in the direction away from the attack
    • Full Circular Attacks cannot be evaded
    To determine whether an attack can be evaded, refer to the VFDC Command Lists. The Esc(Escape) column indicates which direction with respect to the opponent's position -- back or front. Recall that all characters stand with one foot leading the other, so evading toward your opponent's "back" would be in the direction of their leading foot.

    On the VFDC Command Lists, the possible combinations for the Esc column are:

    A linear attack that can be evaded to either the opponent's back or front side.
    A half-circular attack that can only be evaded to the opponent's back side
    A half-circular attack that can only be evaded to the opponent's front side
    A full-circular attack that cannot be evaded

    Knowing if an attack is linear, half-circular or full-circular can usually be determined by carefully watching the animation of the attack. For example, most low sweeps travel in a full circular motion, and hence these attacks cannot be evaded. A swinging hook punch with the rear hand is most likely half circular, and can only be evaded to the opponent's back. However, if you're unsure then consult the VFDC Command Lists.

    Performing a DM against a Half Circular attack is highly dependent on the foot position of your opponent. This is discussed in more depth in the wiki section titled Positions > Evading Half Circular Attacks.

    DM Application(top)

    The result of a DM depends on the opponent's action at the time the input occurs.

    Successful DM(top)

    A DM will begin to execute the very frame you've recovered, however, if you DM from a Side Turned position, then there'll be a 3 frame penalty before the DM will commence.
    If you input the DM after your opponent has initiated an attack (and provided you can evade the attack) then the DM will be successful, and you will avoid taking damage from the attack and often gain some advantage while in a favourable position.

    If you successfully evade one move in a canned string of attacks, you can still be hit by the following attacks if you enter additional inputs after the DM. Pressing a button or a direction re-orients you with your opponent; leaving the buttons and joystick neutral will make the rest of the string stay off-axis from you.

    When your character successfully DMs they will vocalise this accomplishment with a quick exclamation or grunt.

    Unsuccessful DM(top)

    Also known as a failed DM, or failed Evade.
    If you input the DM before your opponent has initiated an attack then the DM will be unsuccessful. Attacks will track an unsuccessful DM and result in a hit. If it's a half or full circular attack it will be considered a Counter Hit. Unsuccessful DMs are therefore extremely vulnerable to attacks, however, there is a way to reduce this vulnerability which will be explained in the cancelling section.

    As the name implies, Defensive Moves are best used to evade your opponent's attack when you're disadvantaged.

    A successful DM recovers slightly faster than an unsuccessful DM. Hence the reward for a successful DM is some advantage over your opponent, the amount of which depends on how soon you recover compared to your opponent. It's possible for this advantage to be large enough to guarantee an attack for you to counter with! In addition to the advantage, the other huge benefit from a successful DM is exposing your opponent's side, or even their back.

    DM Advantage(top)

    In VF5FS a successful DM takes a total of 23 frames. With this information, and knowing the total duration of your opponent's attack (available in the VFDC Command Lists), you can calculate the amount of advantage you have after you successfully evade at a certain disadvantage:

    Total frames of opponent's attack - 23 frames - Your disadvantage = DM Advantage

    For example, if you are playing Akira and have just had your [2][P] blocked by Jacky, you are at a disadvantage of -5. If Jacky tries an Elbow [6][P], which has 36 total frames, and you DM successfully, you will have:

    36 - 23 - 5 = 8 frames of advantage


    With 8 frames of advantage, and knowing that Jacky's fastest attack is a 12 frame punch (standing or crouching), then Akira is able to beat any of Jacky's attacks with any attack that's (8+12) 20 frames or faster. In the figure below, Akira immediately executes [4][6][P][+][K], a 19 frame attack, to score a Counter Hit from the side against Jacky's standing punch.


    While 8 frames is a good amount of advantage for Akira, nothing would be guaranteed! Also, note the following:
    • Even though you successfully evaded the attack, if the opponent continues with a canned attack sequence (e.g. Jacky can do [6][P][K]) then you'll most likely get Counter Hit if you attempt to attack.
    • In Free Training mode, the Advantage after a successful DM is never displayed. The the figure above, the -5 displayed is from the guarded low punch in the first frame.
    If, instead, you had evaded Jacky's High Angle Upper Kick [6][K] (54 frames total) after having your [2][P]blocked (5 frames disadvantage) then you would have:

    54 - 23 - 5 = 26 frames of advantage


    This is a massive amount of advantage giving Akira a number of guaranteed counter attacks. In this situation, an attack that executes in 26 frames or less is guaranteed to hit. In the figure below, Akira follows up with [2][1][4][P], a 23 frame attack, to score a guaranteed Recovery Counter Hit.


    Having the skill to recognise the type of attack you just successfully evaded, and following up accordingly, can reap huge rewards!

    • This formula represents the best case scenario; if you input the DM command slightly late, you will have less advantage. Also, if you evade a move with long execution frames, e.g. Kage [9][K][+][G], from a small disadvantage and try to counter attack immediately, you can still end up being hit by the move you evaded. In other words, your evade will expire before the opponent's move finishes executing, and it can track once you push a button.
    • If you're Side Turned, then there'll be an additional 3 frames before you can DM, so remember to subtract another 3 frames to determine your advantage.

    Offensive Moves(top)

    An Offensive Move (OM) is a side-stepping technique universal to all characters, similar to a DM but with more forward movement. This technique allows you attack your opponent from the side (or back), or quickly relocate yourself in the ring.

    om-background.jpg om-foreground.jpg

    An Offensive Move is performed by tapping up or down, returning to neutral, then pressing [P][+][K][+][G]:

    Offensive Move into the Background
    Offensive Move into the Foreground

    Care must be taken when entering the inputs for an OM. For example, if you enter [2][+][P][+][K][+][G] then you may end up with an attack, depending on your character.

    Another way to think of the OM input is to enter [P][+][K][+][G] during a Defensive Move (successful or otherwise).

    OM Application(top)

    Unlike DMs, there are no special evasive properties with the OM. In fact, if you attempt to OM when you're disadvantaged and the opponent is attacking then you'll get hit. It's best to OM when you have an advantage since this lets you expose your opponent's side (or back) uncontested.

    However, there is a way that you can use an OM from a disadvantaged situation. You do this by leveraging a successful DM and turning it into an OM. As an example, you've just had your attack guarded and in anticipation of your opponent's attack, you decide to DM. The opponent attacks, and hence your DM is successful, then you quickly hit [P][+][K][+][G] to turn your DM into an OM.

    The one danger to this is that there's a risk of turning the DM into OM too early. The consequence of this is that the attack you're evading will suddenly track and hit you the moment you enter the OM. To prevent this from happening, you'll want to enter the OM as late as possible (ideally, after your opponent's hit frames have expired), but the trade-off here is that you'll end up with less of an advantage the later you enter OM.

    As the name implies, Offensive Moves are best used as an offensive measure when you have the advantage.

    Movement Cancelling(top)

    The act of interrupting one action with another is referred to as cancelling. The cancelling effect can vary, depending on the actions in use. In some cases, the cancel is instantaneous, and in others it is not.

    The table below details the different types of actions and their ability to cancel, or be cancelled by, other actions:


    The table can be read in one of two ways:
    • By Row: actions listed down the side can cancel actions across the top. For example, reading across the Back Dash row shows that a Back Dash can cancel a DM.
    • By Column: actions across the top can be cancelled by actions listed down the side. For example, reading down the Forward Dash column shows that a Forward Dash can be cancelled by a Guard, Attack, (another) Forward Dash, or a Jump.
    • Using Guard to cancel an Attack is actually possible, but depends on the actual Attack. For example, some characters can Guard-cancel their standing Kick. Guard-cancel information is available in the VFDC Command Lists in the Notes column.
    • The DM refers to an unsuccessful DM. Successful DMs can cancel actions, but they cannot be cancelled by anything; once a successful DM comes out, it always lasts the full 23 frames.
    • Characters with special movements, stances, etc, can use the same rules for "Attack" in the above table.
    Stringing together fast, successive movement cancels can be an effective way for moving about the ring and controlling distance between the opponent. It can also serve to intimidate or bait your opponent into certain responses. For instance, at small to medium disadvantages, backdash DM (e.g. [4][4][8]) can avoid slow or delayed linear attacks and, depending on distance, also cause throws to whiff. Cancelling a DM with a dash ([8][6][6][G]) reduces the time for an unsuccessful DM and can allow you to guard delay attacks. At advantage, [K][G] cancel can bait the opponent into either evading or standing up into a throw.
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