VF3TB General Guide and Movelist

Jul 13, 2022
VF3TB General Guide and Movelist
  • ==========================================
    by Wojciech Dworak 
    version 2.55 [last updated 10/07/2001]
    This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced or
    placed on a web page or site as long as it is unaltered, with this disclaimer
    and the copyright notice appearing in full, and with permission granted by the
    author. Any information used from this document, quoted or no, should have this
    author's name somewhere clearly as acknowledgement. With the above in mind,
    feel free to distribute between members of VF community, but this FAQ is not to
    be used for profitable or promotional purposes; this includes being used by
    publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into
    magazines, etc. in any way.
    Movelist statistics Copyright Gamest, 1996,1998; all rights reserved.
    Translation copyright Wojciech Dworak, 1999; all rights reserved.
    Other authors' material used by permission, noted where applicable.
    To view this document, use a fixed-width font (like Courier), otherwise it
    will look crappy.
      0. Introduction
      I. General Notation
     II. The System
        a) General Movement
        b) Executing Moves
        c) Throwing
        d) The Round
        e) Character Data
    III. Character Movelists
        a) Akira Yuki
        b) Aoi Umenokouji
        c) Jacky Bryant
        d) Jeffry McWild
        e) Kage-Maru
        f) Lau Chan
        g) Lion Rafale
        h) Pai Chan
        i) Sarah Bryant
        j) Shun-Di
        k) Taka-Arashi
        l) Wolf Hawkfield
     IV. Appendices
        a) Throw Escape Follow-ups
        b) Ticking
        c) Option Select
        d) Dodging Rising Attacks
        e) Formulae
        f) Shun's drinking
        g) Codes, Tricks & Easter Eggs
        h) Taunts
      V. Credits & Kudos
    This FAQ evolved from my Gamest Mook movelist translation. Although there are
    some good docs available on the internet, I decided to write my own, with the
    last version of Virtua Fighter 3 in mind (Team Battle, doh). So, everything
    here applies to TB version ARCADE, use in OB (or DC version) at your own risk.
    I left Dural out as I think she's not a normal character. This FAQ will
    concentrate on characters you can use in vs. battles - if you're looking for
    Dural-related stuff, go somewhere else :p
    As always, comments / suggestions are welcome. If you try to flame me, go for
    it... see if I care. Also, stupid e-mails ("how to unlock movies on DC?" or
    "this faq is so printer unfriendly! change its format!") will be met with
    total indifference.
    Read this section throughly! It's important that you understand everything;
    if you don't, the rest of the doc will probably fly over your head!
    Movelist template looks like this:
    Move Name                       Motions               Damage
    Hit Level / Reversal Level      Ex-Co-Re[/Re2/Re3]    Advantage (G/hit/MC)
    Throw Counterable? +Level       Notes
    Move Name
    Self-explanatory; names mostly classical or created by players themselves.
    f,b,d,u     joystick motions (forward, back, down, up); hold if capitalized
    db...       diagonals (db,df,uf,ub); again, hold if capitalized
    P,K,G,E     press punch, kick, guard or evade buttons, respectively
    +           buttons must be pressed together
    ,           move separator
    ,,          denotes a slight pause between motions
    n           return joystick to neutral
    FS          execute from standing position only
    FC          execute from crouching position only
    Given in points, standardized to Wolf's giant swing throw being 100 points. Not
    the percentage of the lifebar. Attacks that do damage equal or greater than 30
    points usually knock down.
    ~ : damage range; as a general rule, sweeps/crescents do more damage when
       executed from further away, while other moves do more when executed as
       as possible;
    {}: stat changes vs. Taka-Arashi
    Hit Level
    H,M,L,G     attack levels; low, mid, high and ground respectively
    Ht,Lt       high and low throw, respectively
    Reversal Level
    H*P, H*K    high-level punch or kick
    M*P, M*K    mid-level punch or kick
    L*P, L*K    low-level punch or kick
    elbow       ]
    sweep       ] respective
    crescent    ] reversals
    flipkick    ]
    Ex: execution;
    Co: collision (aka coverage), when collision detection takes place;
    Re: recovery;
    / : different stat figure, as explained in 'notes'
    {}: stat changes vs. Taka-Arashi
    Some stats (ex-co) are based on VF3 version D, as no figures have been
    published solely for TB. Therefore numbers for new moves are missing and
    some others CAN be inaccurate.
    Note: as the throws are instantaneous, and the execution time listed is for
    their animation before actual hit collision; catch throws have two execution
    times listed, so-called "charge-up" and "before collision" ones :)
    In frames; the more, the better. Generally, moves that are of equal or
    less time in execution time are guaranteed to connect (you must take the
    hit level into account though). The format is:
    * move blocked / regular hit / major counter hit
    Throw Counter
    Note: I've assumed that all rising attacks are throw-counterable, which
    may not be true! Corrections are more than welcome. Also, Jeffry's rising
    attacks may be incorrect, since AM2's movelist was unfinished and I had
    to figure them out basing on other characters' charts.
    Ht,Lt       move can be countered with either high- or low-throw when
    Bt,LBt      move can be countered with either high- or low-back throw
               when blocked
    (1)         can be used as throw combo starter
    =link (2)   throw/move combo (2nd element)
    ==link (3)  throw/move combo (3rd element)
    crouch      forces opponent to crouch if hits
    ground      character recovers on the ground
    needs x DP  the move requires Shun to have 'x' drinking points to execute
    +x DP       Shun gains x drinking points after connecting with this move
    -x DP       the move sobers Shun (-x drinking points)
    Note: the above are only for approximate reference. Check appendix f) for
    details on Shun's drinking.
    Other Notes
    > If a hopping/jumping move has "f+x" in its motion, it can usually be done
      with "df+x" and "uf+x". Same with "b+x" motion (..."db+x" & "ub+x")
    > ~s denote stat range
    Refer to earlier General Notation section for explanation on conventions.
    This section is also very important. Although I tried to make things as concise
    as possible, it's still much to learn. But believe me, it can't be made any
    a) General Movement
    to inch: F / B
    to dash: f,f / b,b or f+E / b+E
    to crouch dash (CD): df,DF / df,d,DF (you cannot crouch dash back)
    to run: f,F or F+E
    dodge into the screen: E / u+E / uf+E / ub+E
    dodge out of the screen: d+E / df+E / db+E
    regular hop: d,u / d,uf / d,ub
    regular jump: d,U / d,UF / d,UB
    In other words, characters' feet alignment. There are two types of stance:
       closed stance:            open stance:
      Player 1    Player 2     Player 1    Player 2
      --------    --------     --------    --------
      left        right        left           right
        right       left         right    left
    When a character gets knocked down, he/she retains the stance from before being
    knocked down.
    * character is considered a standing non-defender during dashes and dodges,
      and crouching non-defender during crouch dashes;
    * E & d+E can be cancelled by CDs;
    * normal dashes or running can be cancelled by anything;
    * you cannot do several consecutive back dashes;
    * to do a back-turned dash to opponent, press & hold G, enter b,b, release G;
    * when a move requires the character to be standing, while crouching do
      f,f (or b,b) then input the move - everything as one motion. This results
      in so-called instant stand and you execute the move like you would normally.
    b) Executing Moves
    Try to chain your moves into one flow, mixing them up with dashes, evades and,
    most importantly, throws! Easier said than done, especially for VF-newbies, but
    as you progress with your play, it will eventually become a habit. There are
    some documents available on the net, discussing so-called move flowcharts. I'm
    not a big fan of them but you can check them to see what the "chaining" is all
    You cannot execute moves while holding guard, but you can buffer the motions.
    The move is then executed after releasing the G button. There are some rules
    and exceptions to buffering:
    * you can only buffer one-hit moves, therefore you cannot buffer multi-hit
      sequences like PPK etc.;
    * you can buffer moves with complex motions by leaving the last motion out,
      for instance: press G, b,f, release G, f+P+K for Akira's body check;
    It's usually applied in the moment of move's collision detection but:
    * in case of some throws, damage isn't dealt until character's body hits the
      ground or wall (eg. Wolf's giant swing, Akira's pull-in push-out throw);
    Hit levels:
    There are 4 hit levels in the game, high, mid, low and ground (H/M/L/G). You
    cannot execute pounce-type moves if your opponent isn't on the ground. There
    are some exceptions to this - for example, opponent stumbling or executing
    a sacrifice move like Shun's db+K,G.
    Character's behaviour:
    * standing: H/M/L moves hit normally;
    * crouching: H moves miss, M moves connect, L moves hit, subject to low
    * standing guard: blocks H/M moves, L moves hit, subject to high throws;
    * crouching guard: H moves miss, M moves connect, blocks L moves, subject to
      low throws;
    * lying on the ground: H/M/L moves miss, G moves hit;
    * bouncing on the ground: any move may hit, it largely depends on move's
      properties, bouncing height plus other circumstances like angulation etc.;
    If you are hit while backfacing the opponent:
    * you can crouch under H moves normally;
    * as a general rule if you're hit, you turn towards automatically;
    * if he executes a sequence of moves not being a guaranteed combo, you
      automatically turn towards after being hit with the last guaranteed move;
    * the above this is true for moves at H or L level... if you're hit with M
      move, you stumble forward;
    * in case of sequences, like PK/PPP etc., it's possible that first hit pushes
      you forward, making the rest of normally guaranteed combo escapable;
    * some moves just knock down or float;
    Priority hits (borrowed from Jirawat Uttayaya's translation):
    When two moves hit at the same time, which move wins?
    1. Rising Attacks always has first priority
    2. The attack with the greater damage wins
    3. If same damage, then air attacks wins
    4. If the difference between the opponents' life bar is 50 or over, then the
       player with the smaller life bar has priority.
    5. The move with the quicker detection, then execution time hits.
    6. If it's still a tie, then both players get knocked down.
    If you hit your opponent with mid-level move and it doesn't knock them down,
    the character enters the stagger animation (be warned though, as not all the
    mid-hitting moves stagger!) You can struggle out of stagger by wiggling the
    stick and pressing buttons as fast as possible. Tidbits:
    - you cannot be thrown during staggers;
    - you cannot buffer any moves, all joystick/button inputs count towards
      shortening stagger time;
    - all attacks hit normally, although stagger is a special case, the character
      is considered standing non-defender;
    You can easily tell which moves stagger by looking into the movelist; usually,
    the chart provides range of frame advantage, eg. Akira's elbow (-2~-5) means
    up to -2 frames for Akira if you struggle, -5 if you don't.
    Countering is either:
    * hitting the opponent while he's executing a move, that is, in his execution
      phase (major counter - MC), move damage increases by 50%. You cannot throw
      as MC.
    * hitting the opponent while he's still in his move's recovery phase (minor
      counter - mC), move's damage increases by 25%. You can throw as mC but the
      damage doesn't increase in that case.
    General minor countering rules:
    - if you have +8 frames of advantage, you have a free throw;
    - counter with fast moves such as punch combos, elbows etc.;
    - frame advantage statistic is your friend, check the movelist section...
      consult moves' execution stats to determine which are best used for counters.
    In some cases you cannot execute a throw for some reason (weird angle, opponent
    stumbles etc.) - learn to recognize and react accordingly.
    Techniques that come into action when opponent is executing a move. As the
    result, you block the opponent's move with technique of your own, either
    directly damaging him or shoving his attack aside (in which case you have
    frame advantage). Tidbits:
    - there are three levels of reversals;
    - moves that hit with two limbs, may that be arms or legs, cannot be reversed;
    - executing a reversals without your opponent executing an appropriate attack
      will result in whiffed reversals animation (just like in case of throws,
      although the recovery time is quicker);
    c) Throwing
    All characters have a regular throw done by inputting P+G and complex throws
    that require additional joystick motions. Normally throws are instantaneous,
    meaning they have no execution time (but you have to be in range for a throw).
    If you enter the throw motion while throwing isn't possible, you get a whiffed
    throw animation. Throwing is usually easier in closed stance.
    You cannot throw when:
    - opponent is floated (juggled);
    - opponent is executing a move;
    - opponent is hopping/jumping;
    - opponent is staggered (although after stagger animation ends, there's a
      small window when your throw is guaranteed);
    - opponent stumbles (including falling out of the ring and hitting the wall);
    * High throw (Ht): requires opponent to be standing; all high throws' motions
      end with P+G.
    * Low throw (Lt): requires opponent to be crouching; all low throws' motions
      end with P+K+G.
    * Catch throw (Ct): a special throw with execution and recovery time. Cannot
      be escaped by normal means but can be crouched under, your opponent can miss
      it or you can hit him out of it with fast moves such as regular punches.
    * Side throw (St): requires opponent side-facing you; can be either high or
      low, cannot be escaped.
    * Back throw (Bt): requires opponent back-facing you; can be either high or
      low, cannot be escaped.
    * Wall throw (Wt): special cases when you execute a throw in wall's victinity,
      check the move listings for description on how to do them. All wall throws
      are high throws. With exception of Aoi's, they can be escaped.
    * Ground throw (Gt): requires opponent to be on the ground and not moving. Aoi
      has a throw that does damage, while Wolf's and Jeffry's are pickups (nothing
      guaranteed). Ground throws cannot be escaped normally (only by making your
      opponent miss, much like catch throws).
    * Hit throw (Hit): a throw that can only be executed after connecting some of
      the moves, explained later. Hit throws are inescapable.
    The are also throw sequences (multi-throws) - basically, one throw after
    another. You can escape each part provided you enter the escape motions right.
    Refer to next section.
    Escaping throws:
    * P+G, regular throw: input P+G.
    * x+P+G, complex throw: input the last motion + P+G for example df+P+G, to
      escape Jeffry's df,df+P+G; b+P+G to escape Jacky's f,b+P+G.
    * throws done by b,db,d,df,f+P+G or f,df,d,db,b+P+G: input first and last
      direction plus P+G, for example b,f+P+G to escape Wolf's b,db,d,df,f+P+G or
      f,b+P+G to escape Lion's f,df,d,db,b+P+G.
    Throw escape must be entered within 10 frames after opponent's throw motion
    input. The situation after a throw escapes differs, you can have advantage
    (even as much as for guaranteed throw/side throw) or be in disadvantage. Look
    for details in Appendix A: throw escape followups.
    In some cases you have a guaranteed throw, provided YOU'RE IN RANGE for one
    (this is very important!). Those include:
    * having +9 frames after hitting your opponent or being hit by him;
    * having +1 frame of advantage after hitting your opponent with MC;
    * having +8 frames of advantage after blocking your opponent's attack;
    As always refer to movelist section for details.
    d) The Round
    Beginning of the round (before 'go!' is called):
    * every character can crouch;
    * Jacky can change stance by (d,d);
    * Shun can sit (d,d), then lie down (d,d) or get up (u,u);
    * you cannot buffer any moves in;
    Means of winning the round:
    * opponent's vitality bar reaches 0;
    * opponent's character falls out of the stage's playing area (if both fall out
      at the same time, the first one that touches the ground loses);
    * if time runs out, the character with more vitality wins;
    * if there's a draw for any reason, both opponents are awarded a round - if
      they're tied at the end of the match, it becomes sudden death (fast round
      with only 10 vitality points each);
    e) Character data
    The following table is borrowed from Jirawat Uttayaya's Gamest translation,
    with slight modifications. All distances are in metres.
            Weight    High      Low    Back      Ground     Jump    Hop
             (kg)     Throw    Throw   Throw     Attack 
    Taka     230.0     1.50      1.5     1.4       2.5       n/a     23
    Jeffry   111.0     1.50      1.5     1.4       2.5       48      32
    Wolf     101.0     1.50      1.5     1.4       2.5       48      32
    Akira    79.0      1.40      1.5     Ct        3.0       52      32
    Jacky    75.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       52      32
    Kage     66.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       5.0       80      32
    Lau      65.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       52      32
    Shun     63.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       52      32
    Lion     61.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       58      32
    Sarah    55.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.5       55      32
    Pai      48.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       58      32
    Aoi      47.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       52      32
    * throwing distance does not apply to catch throws;
    * units which jumping and hopping are measured with are unknown;
    General weight classes:
    * Lightweight - Aoi, Pai, Sarah, Lion(1), Shun(1)
    * Middleweight - Lau, Kage, Jacky, Akira
    * Heavyweight - Wolf, Jeffry
    * Super-heavyweight - Taka
    (1) These characters behave differently in some circumstances.
    Country: Japan
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: 1968.09.23
    Blood Type: 0
    Job: Kung-Fu Teacher
    Hobby: Kung-Fu
    Fighting Style: Hakkyoku-Ken
    punch                           P (B+P or F+P)        12
    H / H*P                         9-2-12                +2 / +3 / +8
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   12
    H / H*P                         9-2-12                +3 / +1 / +7
    -                               -
    roundhouse I                    K                     25
    H / H*K                         14-2-23               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    roundhouse II                   F+K                   25
    H / H*K                         14-2-25               -3 / D / D
    -                               -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   25
    H / H*K                         14-2-23               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    sidekick                        df+K                  24
    M / M*K                         14-2-27               -6 / -3 / D
    -                               -
    sidekick (stagger)              df+K                  24
    M / -                           14-2-27               - / +2~+12 / -
    -                               -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                24
    M / M*K                         14-1-42               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    low punch I                     D+P                   9
    L / L*P                         10-1-14               -2 / -1 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        D+K                   10
    L / L*K                         14-1-22               -10 / -3 / +2
    Ht                              -
    hopping smash                   u+P                   30
    M / -                           35-2-30               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping punch                   d,u+P                 30
    M / -                           26-3-22               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopkick                         u+K                   30
    M / -                           10-4-23               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing sidekick                d,u+K                 20
    M / -                           10-2-25               -8 / -4 / 0
    -                               -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           21-6-43               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 30
    M / -                           6-4-61                -34 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           11-5-11               +10 / D / D
    -                               -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           10-2-28               -8 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping dropkick                d,U,f+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-54               -36 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -23 / D / D
    TT punch                        P                     12
    H / H*P                         11-1-21               -7 / -6 / -1
    -                               -
    TT roundhouse                   K                     30
    H / H*K                         15-3-26               -3 / D / D
    -                               -
    TT smash                        d+P                   14
    M / -                           17-4-20               -7 / -4 / +2
    -                               -
    TT low kick                     d+K                   10
    L / -                           17-2-20               -9 / -6 / +2
    Ht                              -
    TT sweep                        D+K                   30
    L / -                           15-3-33               -12 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    punch-body blow                 P,P                   12
    M / H*P                         10-1-21               -12 / -7 / +2
    Ht                              -
    punch-kick                      P,K                   20
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               -1 / +3 / 0
    -                               -
    elbow                           FS,f+P                19
    M / elbow                       11-1-28               -10 / -7 / -2
    Ht                              -
    elbow (stagger)                 FS,f+P                19
    M / -                           11-1-28               - / -2~-5 / -
    -                               -
    dashing elbow (near)            f,f+P                 20~40
    M / elbow                       10-2-24/26            -4 / D / D
    -                               re 26 if blocked or hits
    dashing elbow (far)             f,f+P                 20~40
    M / elbow                       10-2-24/26            -7 / -3 / +1
    -                               re 26 if blocked or hits
    dashing elbow (stagger)         f,f+P                 20~40
    M / -                           10-2-24/26            - / +1~+7 / -
    -                               re 26 if blocked or hits
    super dashing elbow (near)      f,f,f+P               20~40
    M / elbow                       10-2-34/35            -16 / D / D
    Ht                              re 35 if blocked or hits
    super dashing elbow (far)       f,f,f+P               20~40
    M / elbow                       10-2-34/35            -15 / D / D
    Ht                              re 35 if blocked or hits
    super dashing elbow (stagger)   f,f,f+P               20~40
    M / -                           10-2-34/35            - / +4~+10 / D
    -                               re 35 if blocked or hits
    single palm (near)              FC,f+P                25~65
    M / H*P                         11-2-26/28            -9 / D / D
    Ht                              re 28 if blocked
    single palm (far)               FC,f+P                25~65
    M / H*P                         11-2-26/28            -7 / -1 / D
    -                               re 28 if blocked
    single palm (stagger)           FC,f+P                0
    M / -                           11-2-26/28            - / -2~+6 / -
    -                               re 28 if blocked
    double palm (near)              FC,b,f+P              30~70
    M / -                           11-5-33               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double palm (far)               FC,b,f+P              30~70
    M / -                           11-5-33               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    standing palm (near)            b,f+P                 20~65
    H / H*P                         12-1-24               -1 / D / D
    -                               -2 DP
    standing palm (far)             b,f+P                 20~65
    H / H*P                         12-1-24               -6 / D / D
    -                               -2 DP
    uppercut / yoho                 df,df+P               35
    M / H*P                         16-3-29               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    break stance                    f+P+G                 5
    H / H*P                         12-1-18               +17~+20 / -8 / -7
    -                               unblockable
    break guard                     d+P+G                 5
    M / H*P                         16-2-17               +17~+20 / -8 / -7
    -                               unblockable
    knee                            K+G, release G        30
    M / knee                        15-2-30               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    single jumping kick             f,f+K                 20
    M / H*K                         13-3-32               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              damage 30 if used after break guard/stance
    double jumping kick             f,f+K,K               40
    M / H*K                         11-3-41               -18 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low backfist                    df+P+K                25
    L / L*P                         25-2-24               -7 / +1 / D
    -                               -
    shoulder ram                    FC,f+P+K              30
    M / -                           14-1-31               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double fist strike              b,f+P+K               55
    M / -                           27-2-31               -8 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    evading body check              b,f+P+K+E             30
    M / H*P                         18-2-37               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    body check (near)               b,f,f+P+K             20~80
    M / -                           11-1-45               -21 / D / D
    body check (far)                b,f,f+P+K             20~80
    M / -                           11-1-45               -27 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dragon spear                    df+K+G                19
    M / M*K                         15-2-32               -15 / -12 / -7
    Ht                              -
    dragon spear-elbow              df+K+G,f+P            20
    M / elbow                       20-1-32               -27 / -25 / -6
    Ht                              -
    dragon spear-elbow-body check   b,f,f+P+K             30
    M / -                           11-1-45               -21 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    stun palm                       P+K+G                 18
    M / H*P                         19-2-30               -13 / -13 / -6
    Ht                              -
    = reverse body check            b,df+P+K              22
    H                               17-1-49               -6 / - / -
    -                               = link (2), you may escape with df+P+G
    == double palm                  b+P                   40
    M / -                           19-1-34               - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    reaping throw & punches         P+G                   20+10+10
    Ht                              20-84-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    fake pull-in push-out           f,b+P+G               0
    Ht                              ?                     - / +10~+13 / -
    -                               high throw
    inverted body check             df+P+G                30+20
    Ht                              16-64-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    close-in ram                    b,f+P+G               15+25+20{15}
    Ht                              20-81-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    stumbling trip                  b,d+P+G               10
    Ht                              20-50-1               - / +12~+44 / -
    -                               high throw
    reverse body check              b,df+P+G              40
    Ht                              20-7-48               - / -8~+10 / -
    -                               high throw
    surprise exchange               db+P+G                0
    Ht                              1-43-1                - / -6~0 / -
    -                               high throw
    pull-in push-out                db,f+P+G              60{55}
    Ht                              20-89-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    elbow rush                      P+G                   40
    Ht                              15-51-1               - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    big finish                      P+G                   55
    Ht                              11; 20-85-1/40        - / - / -
    -                               high-back-catch throw, re 40 if missed
    wall body check                 df+P+G                80
    Ht                              57-63-1               - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, Akira's back to wall
    right punch reversal            b+P+K                 30
    H                               14-16-47              - / - / -
    -                               -
    left punch reversal             b+P+K                 30
    H                               11-20-29              - / - / -
    -                               -
    high kick reversal              b+P+K                 30
    H                               19-15-27              - / - / -
    -                               -
    mid punch reversal              db+P+K                30
    M                               12-15-35              - / - / -
    -                               -
    right mid kick reversal         db+P+K                30
    M                               16-15-28              - / - / -
    -                               -
    left mid kick reversal          db+P+K                30
    M                               19-18-26              - / - / -
    -                               -
    kickflip reversal               ub+P+K                30
    M                               8-8-36                - / - / -
    -                               -
    low punch reversal              d+P+K                 30
    L                               15-17-35              - / - / -
    -                               -
    low kick reversal               d+P+K                 30
    L                               16-15-31              - / - / -
    -                               -
    ground punch                    df+P                  12
    G                               17-2-47                - / - / -
    -                               -
    jumping stomach punch (forward) u+P                   20
    G                               42-3-24/57            - / - / -
    -                               re 57 if hits
    jumping stomach punch (backward)u+P                   20
    G                               49-3-24/57            - / - / -
    -                               re 57 if hits
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           35-3-23/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           15-2-29/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-2-21/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-2-32/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           29-2-27/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           30-3-26/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-2-32/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           35-2-24/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           15-2-29/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           15-2-29/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-2-32/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-2-32/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           15-2-29/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           15-2-29/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-2-32/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-2-32/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           15-2-29/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           15-2-29/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-2-32/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-2-32/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           15-2-29/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    Country: Japan
    Sex: Female
    Birthday: 1979.03.14
    Blood Type: A
    Job: High School Student
    Hobby: Ikebana
    Fighting Style: Aiki Ju-Jutsu
    punch                           (B)+P                 10
    H / H*P                         9-2-13                0 / +2 / +6
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   10
    H / H*P                         9-2-13                0 / +2 / +6
    -                               -
    high kick I                     K                     20
    H / H*K                         12-3-32               -15 / -12 / -8
    Ht                              -
    high kick II                    F+K                   20
    H / H*K                         12-3-29               -12 / -10 / -6
    Ht                              -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   20
    H / H*K                         12-3-32               -15 / -12 / -8
    Ht                              -
    sidekick                        df+K                  21
    M / M*K                         14-2-27               -7 / -6 / -2
    -                               -
    sidekick (stagger)              df+K                  21
    M / -                           14-2-27               - / +2~+12 / -
    -                               -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                21
    M / M*K                         14-2-25               -8 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low punch I                     D+P                   9
    L / L*P                         10-1-16               -4 / -3 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -4 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        d+K                   12
    L / L*K                         14-1-28               -16 / -5 / 0
    hopping chop                    u+P                   30
    M / -                           34-3-24               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping punch                   d,u,P                 30
    M / -                           26-2-23               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopkick                         u+K                   18
    M / -                           20-1-20               -7 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    hopping kick                    d,u,K asc.            20
    M / -                           10-2-13               -2 / -2 / +6
    -                               -
    landing sidekick                d,u,K desc.           20
    M / -                           10-2-19               -7 / 0 / +11
    -                               -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           21-5-48               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 30
    M / -                           5-4-56                -29 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           11-2-25               +1 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           10-6-11               +8 / D / D
    -                               -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -23 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TA knifehand                    b,b+P                 14
    H / -                           16-2-16               -3 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    TA knifehand-TT double punch    b,b+P,d+P             14
    L / L*P                         12-1-1                - / - / -
    -                               1st hit
    TA knifehand-TT double punch    b,b+P,d+P             14
    L / -                           5-2-16                -3 / 0 / +5
    -                               2nd hit
    TT punch                        P                     12
    H / H*P                         12-1-20               -6 / -5 / -1
    -                               -
    TT high kick                    K                     20
    H / H*K                         15-3-27               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    TT high kick-heel drop          K,K                   20
    H / -                           15-3-28               -26 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    TT ankle kick                   df+K                  20
    L / L*K                         15-2-29               -12 / -4 / 0
    Ht                              -
    TT low punch                    d+P                   10
    L / L*P                         11-2-28               -10 / -5 / -2
    Ht                              -
    TT low kick                     d+K                   12
    L / L*K                         21-2-25               -11 / -7 / 0
    Ht                              -
    side chop                       P+K                   8
    H / H*P                         12-2-19               -10 / -8 / -5
    Ht                              -1 DP
    double side chop                P+K,P                 9
    H / H*P                         11-2-21               -10 / -9 / -6
    Ht                              -1 DP
    triple side chop                P+K,P,P               9
    H / H*P                         15-2-25               -7 / -6 / 0
    -                               -1 DP
    double punch                    P,P                   10
    H / H*P                         8-2-15                -4 / -2 / +2
    -                               -
    punch-heelkick                  P,K                   29
    H / H*K                         14-2-31               -6 / -3 / +1
    -                               -
    double punch-elbow              P,P,P                 12
    H / H*P                         12-2-29               -16 / -15 / -10
    Ht                              -
    double punch-chop               P,P,f+P               20
    M / elbow                       19-3-29               -13 / -9 / -5
    Ht                              -
    double punch-chop (stagger)     P,P,f+P               0 or 20
    M / -                           19-3-29               - / -4~+4 / -
    -                               -
    double punch-chop-elbow         P,P,F+P,P             20
    M / elbow                       23-1-29               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double punch-kick               P,P,K                 30
    H / H*K                         14-2-27               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    triple punch-knee               P,P,P,K               35
    M / knee                        18-2-31               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    triple punch-knee (stagger)     P,P,P,K               35
    M / -                           18-2-31               - / -10~-3 / -
    Ht                              -
    triple punch-sweep              P,P,P,d+K             20
    L / sweep                       19-4-32/46            -17 / D / D
    Lt                              re 46 if blocked
    elbow                           f+P                   19
    M / elbow                       11-2-24               -11 / -8 / -4
    Ht                              -
    elbow (stagger)                 f+P                   0 or 19
    M / -                           11-2-24               - / -2~+6 / -
    -                               -
    elbow-chop                      f+P,P                 14
    M / H*P                         20-1-25               -11 / -7 / -2
    Ht                              -
    elbow-chop (stagger)            f+P,P                 14
    M / -                           20-1-25               - / +3~+10 / -
    -                               -
    spinning elbow                  f,f+P                 27
    M / elbow                       17-2-31               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    uppercut                        FS,df+P               23
    M / H*P                         18-3-25               -7 / -3 / +1
    -                               -
    dashing elbow                   FC,df+P               10~21
    M / elbow                       12-2-30               -13 / -4 / +2
    Ht                              -
    double stop                     d,d+P                 18
    L / -                           13-2-22               -9 / -5 / -1
    Ht                              -
    double stop (stagger)           d,d+P                 18
    L / -                           13-2-22               - / +3~+13 / -
    -                               -
    high kick-heel drop             K,K                   24
    M / H*K                         19-3-23/42            -20 / 0 / +7
    Ht                              crouch, re 42 if blocked
    knee                            f+K                   20
    M / knee                        18-2-23               -12 / D / D
    knee (stagger)                  f+K                   0
    M / -                           18-2-23               - / 0~+7 / -
    -                               -
    knee-jumping kick               f+K,K                 20
    H / H*K                         13-2-31               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    ankle kick                      db+K                  20
    L / L*K                         15-2-29               -10 / -1 / +2
    Ht                              -
    spinning strike                 f+P+K                 0 or 20
    H / elbow                       15-3-25               -11 / -9 / -3
    Ht                              -
    spinning strike (stagger)       f+P+K                 20
    H / -                           15-3-25               - / -2~+6 / -
    -                               -
    spinning strike-elbow           F+P+K,P               20
    M / elbow                       23-1-29               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    helix                           f,f+P+K               20
    H / elbow                       14-1-22               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    retreating chop                 b,b+P+K               14
    H / H*P                         17-2-28               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -2 DP
    phoenix palm                    df+P+K                15
    M / H*P                         16-1-24               -8 / -6 / +9
    Ht                              crouch
    sweep                           d+K+G                 20
    L / sweep                       19-4-30/46            -16 / D / D
    Lt                              re 46 if blocked
    irimi nage                      P+G                   40
    Ht                              13-91-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    second control throw            df+P+G                50
    Ht                              10-135-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    sixth kyu obi throw             b+P+G                 50
    Ht                              20-83-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    hair grab throw                 db+P+G                45
    Ht                              12-94/92-1            - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    aiki throw                      FC,f+P+G              50
    Ht                              1-94-1                - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    first dan throw I               f,df,d,db,b+P+G       30
    Ht                              10-64-77              - / - / -
    -                               high throw (1)
    = second dan throw I            b,d+P+G               20
    Ht                              1-45-60               - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    == third dan throw I            d,u+P+G               25
    Ht                              1-94-1                - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    == third dan throw II           u,d+P+G               26
    Ht                              10-137-1              - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    = second dan throw II           b,u+P+G               35
    Ht                              10-90-1               - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    first dan throw II              b,db,d,df,f+P+G       20
    Ht                              20-46-70              - / - / -
    -                               high throw (1)
    = second dan throw III          b,d+P+G               20
    Ht                              1-45-60               - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    == third dan throw III          d,u+P+G               25
    Ht                              1-94-1                - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    == third dan throw IV           u,d+P+G               26
    Ht                              10-137-1              - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    = second dan throw IV           b,u+P+G               35
    Ht                              10-90-1               - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    rotary throw                    P+G                   40
    Ht                              20-99(97)-1           - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    fierce pat throw                P+G                   30+20
    Ht                              20-120-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    wall hair grab                  db+P+G                50
    Ht                              42-58-1               - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, Aoi's back to wall
    low takedown                    d+P+K+G               30+15+15
    Lt                              20-165-1              - / - / -
    -                               low throw
    ground throw I                  df+P+G                25
    Gt                              1-138-1/80            - / - / -
    -                               ground throw, re 80 if missed
    ground throw II                 df+P+G                25
    Gt                              1-125-1/80            - / - / -
    -                               ground throw, re 80 if missed
    ground throw III                df+P+G                10+25
    Gt                              1-167-1/80            - / - / -
    -                               ground throw, re 80 if missed
    TT punch reversal               f+P+K                 30
    H                               10-133-18             - / - / -
    -                               -
    TT kick reversal                f+P+K                 30
    H                               1-179-1               - / - / -
    -                               -
    high punch inashi               b+P                   0
    H                               10-15-1               - / +7~+21 / -
    -                               -
    high kick inashi                b+P                   0
    H                               9-49-1                - / +7~+21 / -
    -                               -
    punch reversal                  b+P+K                 25
    H                               37-44-1               - / - / -
    -                               closed stance
    punch reversal                  b+P+K                 25
    H                               4-151-1               - / - / -
    -                               open stance
    kick reversal                   b+P+K                 20
    H                               1-174-1               - / - / -
    -                               closed stance
    kick reversal                   b+P+K                 20
    H                               20-115-1              - / - / -
    -                               open stance
    crescent reversal               b+P+K                 25
    H                               15-51-1               - / - / -
    -                               closed stance
    crescent reversal               b+P+K                 0
    H                               15-51-1               - / +8~+21 / -
    -                               open stance
    elbow inashi                    db+P                  0
    M                               12-39-1               - / +8~+21 / -
    -                               -
    mid kick inashi                 db+P                  0
    M                               20-24-1               - / +8~+20 / -
    -                               -
    mid punch reversal              db+P+K                30
    M                               20-49-1               - / - / -
    -                               left-handed
    mid punch reversal              db+P+K                30
    M                               20-49-1               - / - / -
    -                               right-handed
    mid kick reversal               db+P+K                30
    M                               10-96-1               - / - / -
    -                               closed stance
    mid kick reversal               db+P+K                30
    M                               20-106-1              - / - / -
    -                               open stance
    knee reversal                   db+P+K                30
    M                               10-96-1               - / - / -
    -                               closed stance
    knee reversal                   db+P+K                30
    M                               21-64-1               - / - / -
    -                               open stance
    kickflip reversal               ub+P+K                25
    M                               16-152-1              - / - / -
    -                               -
    low punch reversal I            D+P+K                 20
    L                               20-50-1               - / - / -
    -                               -
    low punch reversal II           d+P+K                 25
    L                               20-131-1              - / - / -
    -                               -
    low kick reversal I             D+P+K                 20
    L                               20-50-1               - / - / -
    -                               -
    low kick reversal II            d+P+K                 25
    L                               20-69-1               - / - / -
    -                               -
    sweep reversal                  d+P+K                 0
    L                               18-41-1               - / - / -
    -                               -
    ground chop                     df+P                  10
    G                               19-1-41               - / - / -
    -                               -
    leaping knifehand (forward)     u+P                   30
    G                               30-2-37               - / - / -
    -                               -
    leaping knifehand (backward)    u+P                   30
    G                               30-2-36/75            - / - / -
    -                               re 75 if missed
    leaping tile kick (forward)     d,U+P                 40
    G                               28-5-38/65            - / - / -
    -                               re 65 if missed
    leaping tile kick (backward)    d,U+P                 40
    G                               37-5-46/65            - / - / -
    -                               re 65 if missed
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-6-17/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-2-21/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-4-21/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           29-2-27/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           28-4-34               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           33-6-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           20-3-33/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           19-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           20-3-33/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    Country: USA
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: 1970.08.28
    Blood Type: A
    Job: Indy Car Racer
    Hobby: Training
    Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do
    punch                           (F)+P                 12
    H / H*P                         9-2-12                +2 / +2 / +7
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   14
    H / H*P                         12-2-17               -4 / -1 / +4
    -                               -
    roundhouse                      K                     25
    H / H*K                         13-2-32               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   25
    H / H*K                         13-2-32               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    sidekick                        df+K                  25
    M / M*K                         14-2-30               -9 / -5 / D
    Ht                              -
    sidekick (stagger)              df+K                  25
    M / -                           14-2-30               - / -1~+9 / -
    -                               -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                25
    M / M*K                         14-2-31               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low punch I                     D+P                   9
    L / L*P                         10-1-14               -2 / -1 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        D+K                   12
    L / L*K                         14-1-26               -12 / -7 / +2
    Lt                              -
    hopping elbow                   u+P                   30
    M / H*P                         34-3-28               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping smash                   d,u,P                 30
    M / H*P                         26-2-23               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopkick                         u+K                   30
    M / -                           10-2-22               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing sidekick                d,u,K                 20
    M / -                           10-2-25               -8 / -4 / 0
    Ht                              -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           21-6-43               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 30
    M / -                           5-4-56                -29 / D / D
    -                               -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           10-2-28               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           10-5-11               +10 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping dropkick                d,U,f+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-54               -36 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -36 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TA punch                        b,b+P                 14
    H / H*P                         12-1-18               -4 / -1 / +4
    -                               -
    TA kick                         b,b+K                 30
    H / H*K                         15-2-32               -15 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TT backfist                     P                     20
    H / H*P                         9-1-26                -8 / -4 / 0
    Ht                              -
    TT backfist-crescent            P,K (far)             25~50
    H / crescent                    25-3-33/40            -10 / D / D
    Ht                              re 40 if blocked
    TT backfist-sidekick            P,K (near)            19
    M / M*K                         12-2-27               -10 / -6 / -2
    Ht                              -
    TT backfist-sweep (near)        P,d+K                 20~35
    L / sweep                       25-3-37/43            -25 / D / D
    Lt                              re 43 if blocked
    TT backfist-sweep (far)         P,d+K                 20~35
    L / sweep                       25-3-37/43            -19 / D / D
    Lt                              re 43 if blocked
    TT high kick                    K                     36
    H / H*K                         14-3-43/70            -32 / D / D
    Ht                              re 70 if blocked
    TT low backfist                 d+P                   14
    L / L*P                         17-1-24               -12 / -7 / 0
    Lt                              -
    TT low backfist-sweep (near)    d+P,K                 20~35
    L / sweep                       29-3-37/43            -26 / D / D
    Lt                              re 43 if blocked
    TT low backfist-sweep (far)     d+P,K                 20~35
    L / sweep                       29-3-37/43            -20 / D / D
    Lt                              re 43 if blocked
    TT sweep                        d+K                   20
    L / L*K                         17-3-27               -25 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    punch-sidekick                  P,K (near)            19
    M / M*K                         12-2-27               -10 / -7 / -1
    Ht                              -
    punch-sidekick (stagger)        P,K (near)            19
    M / -                           12-2-27               - / +2~+12 / -
    -                               -
    punch-crescent                  P,K (far)             30
    H / crescent                    18-4-19/33            -10 / D / D
    Ht                              re 33 if blocked
    punch-sweep (near)              P,d+K                 20~35
    L / sweep                       22-4-35/42            -25 / D / D
    Lt                              re 42 if blocked
    punch-sweep (far)               P,d+K                 20~35
    L / sweep                       22-4-35/42            -19 / D / D
    Lt                              re 42 if blocked
    double punch                    P,P                   12
    H / H*P                         8-2-19                -5 / -5 / +3
    -                               -
    double punch-elbow              P,P,f+P               19
    M / elbow                       15-2-25               -8 / -5 / 0
    Ht                              -
    double punch-elbow (stagger)    P,P,f+P               19
    M / -                           15-2-25               - / +2~+8 / -
    -                               -
    double punch-elbow-heelkick     P,P,f+P,K             20
    H / H*K                         14-2-31               -20 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double punch-backfist           P,P,b+P               22
    H / H*P                         15-1-29               -9 / -2 / -1
    Ht                              -
    double punch-backfist-crescent  P,P,b+P,K             25~50
    H / crescent                    25-3-33/39            -10 / D / D
    Ht                              re 39 if blocked
    double punch-straight           P,P,u+P               25
    H / H*P                         15-1-26               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    double punch-kick               P,P,K                 30
    H / H*K                         14-2-29               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    double punch-knee               P,P,f+K               30
    M / knee                        15-2-30               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double punch-low kick           P,P,d+K               12
    L / L*K                         14-1-26               -12 / -7 / +2
    Lt                              -
    triple punch                    P,P,P                 14
    H / H*P                         10-2-20               -3 / 0 / +5
    -                               -
    punch-kick                      F+P,K                 20
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               -1 / +3 / D
    -                               -
    double punch                    F+P,P                 12
    H / H*P                         10-1-16               -5 / -5 / +2
    -                               -
    double punch-elbow              F+P,P,f+P             19
    M / elbow                       15-2-25               -8 / -5 / +1
    Ht                              -
    double punch-elbow (stagger)    F+P,P,f+P             19
    M / -                           15-2-25               - / +2~+8 / -
    -                               -
    double punch-elbow-backfist     F+P,P,f+P,P           15
    H / H*P                         14-1-28               -12 / -10 / -6
    Ht                              -
    double punch-elbow-backf-heelk  F+P,P,f+P,P,K         18
    H / H*K                         18-1-42               -16 / -7 / 0
    Ht                              -
    double punch-elbow-backf-lowk   F+P,P,f+P,P,d+K       14
    L / L*K                         19-2-28               -15 / -6 / 0
    Lt                              -
    triple punch                    F+P,P,P               14
    H / H*P                         11-2-16               -3 / 0 / +5
    -                               -
    elbow                           f+P                   19
    M / elbow                       11-2-22               -7 / -5 / +2
    -                               -
    elbow (stagger)                 f+P                   19
    M / -                           11-2-22               - / +5~+11 / -
    -                               -
    elbow-backfist                  f+P,P                 15
    H / H*P                         14-1-28               -12 / -10 / -6
    Ht                              -
    elbow-backfist-heelkick         f+P,P,K               18
    H / H*K                         18-1-42               -16 / -7 / 0
    Ht                              -
    elbow-backfist-low kick         f+P,P,d+K             14
    L / L*K                         19-2-28               -15 / -6 / 0
    Lt                              -
    elbow-heelkick                  f+P,K                 20
    H / H*K                         14-2-31               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hook punch                      df+P                  10
    H / H*P                         12-2-21               -10 / -8 / -4
    Ht                              -1 DP
    double hook                     df+P,P                14
    H / H*P                         14-2-18               -5 / -1 / +3
    -                               -1 DP
    double hook-knuckle             df+P,P,P              24
    H / H*P                         15-2-25               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    backfist                        b+P                   22
    H / H*P                         15-1-21               -6 / +2 / +7
    -                               -
    double backfist                 b+P,P                 25
    H / H*P                         15-1-30               -8 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backfist-crescent               b+P,K                 25~50
    H / crescent                    25-3-33/39            -16 / D / D
    Ht                              re 39 if blocked
    backfist-sweep (near)           b+P,d+K               20~35
    L / sweep                       25-3-37/49            -32 / D / D
    Lt                              re 49 if blocked
    backfist-sweep (far)            b+P,d+K               20~35
    L / sweep                       25-3-37/49            -26 / D / D
    Lt                              re 49 if blocked
    backfist-low backfist           b+P,db+P              15
    L / L*P                         16-1-25               -11 / -7 / +2
    Lt                              -
    low backfist                    db+P                  20
    L / L*P                         15-2-30               -13 / -7 / -1
    Lt                              -
    low backfist-sweep (near)       db+P,K                20~35
    L / sweep                       28-4-37               -26 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    low backfist-sweep (far)        db+P,K                20~35
    L / sweep                       28-4-37               -20 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    beatknuckle                     P+K                   20
    M / H*P                         14-3-34               -28 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    beatknuckle-backfist            P+K,P                 12
    H / H*P                         20-1-20               -6 / -5 / 0
    -                               -
    beatknuckle-backfist-crescent   P+K,P,K               30~50
    H / crescent                    25-3-33/39            -16 / D / D
    Ht                              re 39 if blocked
    beatknuckle-backfist-sweep      P+K,P,d+K             20~35
    L / sweep                       25-3-37/43            -26 / D / D
    Lt                              re 43 if blocked
    beatknuckle-heelkick            P+K,K                 20
    H / H*K                         16-2-36               -19 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    kick-backfist                   K,P                   15
    H / H*P                         20-1-26               -10 / -6 / -4
    Ht                              -
    kick-backfist-crescent          K,P,K                 30~50
    H / crescent                    25-3-33/39            -16 / D / D
    Ht                              re 39 if blocked
    kick-backfist-sweep (near)      K,P,d+K               20~35
    L / sweep                       25-3-37/49            -32 / D / D
    Lt                              re 49 if blocked
    kick-backfist-sweep (far)       K,P,d+K               20~35
    L / sweep                       25-3-37/49            -26 / D / D
    Lt                              re 49 if blocked
    kick-heelkick                   K,K                   20
    M / M*K                         19-2-43               -26 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    kick-heelkick (stagger)         K,K                   20
    M / -                           19-2-43               - / -14~-4 / -
    -                               -
    kick-low kick                   K,d+K                 12
    L / L*K                         15-2-26               -11 / -9 / -5
    Lt                              -
    knee                            f+K                   30
    M / knee                        15-2-30               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    punt kick                       f,f+K                 30
    M / H*K                         13-3-31               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    toekick                         d+K                   24
    M / H*K                         18-2-25               -4 / -1 / D
    Ht                              -
    double low kick                 D+K,K                 15
    L / L*K                         19-2-26               -13 / -7 / +2
    Lt                              -
    sidekick-heelkick               df+K,K                25
    M / M*K                         20-2-39               -18 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    axe kick                        b+K                   20
    M / H*K                         17-2-26               -8 / -4 / -1
    Ht                              -
    kickflip                        ub+K                  60
    M / kickflip                    12-4-51/53/92         -32 / D / D
    Ht                              re 53 if missed, 92 if hits
    crescent                        K+G                   30~50
    H / crescent                    25-6-25/34            -11 / D / D
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    crescent-sweep (near)           K+G,d+K+G             20~40
    L / sweep                       19-3-41/48            -31 / D / D
    Lt                              re 48 if blocked
    crescent-sweep (far)            K+G,d+K+G             20~40
    L / sweep                       19-3-41/48            -25 / D / D
    Lt                              re 48 if blocked
    shin slicer                     d+K+G                 25
    L / L*K                         18-1-33               -12 / -7 / D
    Lt                              -
    1 lightning kick                d+P+K                 8
    M / H*K                         9-2-28                -19 / -17 / -14
    Ht                              -
    2 lightning kicks               d+P+K,K               8
    M / H*K                         15-2-24               -15 / -13 / -10
    Ht                              -
    3 lightning kicks               d+P+K,K,K             8
    M / H*K                         13-2-24               -15 / -13 / -10
    Ht                              -
    4 lightning kicks               d+P+K,K,K,K           10
    H / H*K                         17-2-26               -15 / -13 / -9
    Ht                              -
    5 lightning kicks               d+P+K,K,K,K,K         30
    H / H*K                         20-2-31/103           -9 / D / D
    Ht                              re 103 if hits
    shot knee                       db+P+K                8
    M / knee                        12-1-18               -10 / -8 / -5
    Ht                              -
    lightning kick variant 2        db+P+K,K              8
    M / H*K                         6-2-31                -22 / -20 / -16
    Ht                              -
    lightning kick variant 3        db+P+K,K,K            8
    M / H*K                         14-2-24               -15 / -13 / -10
    Ht                              -
    lightning kick variant 4        db+P+K,K,K,K          10
    H / H*K                         16-1-42               -32 / -28 / -24
    Ht                              -
    lightning kick variant 4-high   db+P+K,K,K,K,K        30
    H / H*K                         20-1-29/104           -17 / D / D
    Ht                              re 104 if hits
    lightning kick variant 4-low    db+P+K,K,K,K,d+K      30
    L / L*K                         201-29/104            -17 / D / D
    Ht                              re 104 if hits
    heel seed                       b+K+G                 30
    M / H*K                         20-3-22/34            -12 / D / D
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    low crescent                    b,f+K+G               36
    M / crescent                    17-3-41/48/125        -25 / D / D
    Ht                              re 48 if missed, 125 if hits
    switch stance                   d,d                  -
    -                               1-9-11               - / - / -
    -                               -
    backflip                        d,ub                 -
    -                               1-49-1               - / - / -
    -                               -
    brainbuster                     P+G                  50{55}
    Ht                              20-135-1             - / - / -
    -                               high throw, ground
    clothesline                     f,f+P+G              40
    Ht                              20-70-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    trip & hammer                   f,b+P+G              50+10
    Ht                              20-46{45}-1          - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    arm lock & knee                 df,df+P+G            40+10
    Ht                              10-117{122}-1        - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    knee bash                       P+G                  5{15}+5+15{5}+15
    Ht                              10-103-1             - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    bulldog                         P+G                  50
    Ht                              20-140-1             - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    wall clothesline                f,f+P+G              65
    Ht                              55-50-1              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    soccer kick                     df+K                 13
    G                               18-3-43              - / - / -
    -                               -
    knee slam                       u+P                  30
    G                               33-5-45/61           - / - / -
    -                               forward direction, re 61 if hits
    knee slam                       u+P                  30
    G                               42-7-40/61           - / - / -
    -                               backward direction, re 61 if hits
    heavy knee slam                 d,U+P                40
    G                               36-2-45/58           - / - / -
    -                               forward direction, re 58 if hits
    heavy knee slam                 d,U+P                40
    G                               42-7-40/58           - / - / -
    -                               backward direction, re 58 if hits
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-6-17/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-4-21/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           29-2-27/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           29-5-25/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           28-4-34               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           33-6-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-2-21/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           19-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           20-3-33/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    Country: Australia
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: 1957.02.20
    Blood Type: A
    Job: Fisherman
    Hobby: Reggae Music
    Fighting Style: Pancratium
    punch                           (B or F)+P            14
    H / H*P                         12-2-13               +1 / +3 / +8
    -                               -
    roundhouse                      K                     30
    H / H*K                         16-2-23               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   30
    H / H*K                         16-2-23               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    sidekick                        df+K                  28
    M / M*K                         16-2-37               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                28
    M / M*K                         16-2-37               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low punch I                     D+P                   9
    L / L*P                         10-1-14               -2 / -1 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        D+K                   17
    L / L*K                         16-2-27               -14 / -3 / +2
    Lt                              -
    hopping hammer                  u+P                   30
    M / -                           34-4-27               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping punch                   d,u,P                 30
    M / -                           26-2-23               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping heel drop               u+K                   30
    M / -                           19-4-40               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hopkick                         d,u,K asc.            22
    M / -                           10-2-25               -6 / -3 / +3
    -                               -
    hopping kick                    d,u,K desc.           30
    M / -                           39-4-28               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    in-air hammer                   d,U+P                 40
    M / -                           40-3-24               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           21-6-43               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 36
    M / -                           4-5-61                -30 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           10-2-28               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           11-5-11               +9 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping dropkick                d,U,f+K               50
    M / -                           12-4-45               - / D / D
    -                               -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               48
    M / -                           12-3-45               -23 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TT punch                        P                     12
    H / H*P                         11-1-21               -7 / -6 / -1
    -                               -
    TT kick                         K                     36
    H / H*K                         15-3-26               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    TT hammer                       d+P                   30
    M / -                           15-5-24               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    TT heel slide                   d+K                   30
    M / M*K                         18-5-43/53            -30 / D / D
    Ht                              re 53 if blocked
    TT punch from crouch            D+P                   12
    H / H*P                         14-2-25               -12 / -11 / -6
    Ht                              -
    punch-kick                      P,K                   20
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               -1 / +3 / +1
    -                               -
    double punch                    P,P                   14
    H / H*P                         9-1-19                -5 / -2 / +3
    -                               -
    double punch-uppercut           P,P,P                 19
    M / H*P                         18-2-27               -10 / -7 / -2
    Ht                              -
    double punch-hook               P,P,b+P               35
    H / H*P                         21-3-35               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -2 DP
    hell stab                       P+E                   20
    H / H*P                         14-1-22               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    double hell stab                P+E,P+E               10
    H / H*P                         8-1-22                -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    machine gun hell stab           P+E,P+E,P+E           15
    H / H*P                         24-2-30               -15 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    elbow                           f+P                   19
    M / elbow                       12-2-26               -9 / -6 / -1
    Ht                              -
    elbow (stagger)                 f+P                   19
    M / -                           12-2-26               - / 0~+7 / -
    -                               -
    elbow-hammer                    f+P,b+P               30
    M / -                           28-4-29               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dashing elbow                   f,f+P                 19
    M / elbow                       16-2-21               -4 / -1 / +4
    -                               -
    dashing elbow (stagger)         f,f+P                 0 or 19
    M / -                           16-2-21               - / +5~+12 / -
    -                               -
    dashing elbow-uppercut          f,f+P,P               19
    M / H*P                         12-2-27               -10 / -7 / -2
    Ht                              -
    tornado hammer                  f,b+P                 25
    H / H*P                         19-3-37               -15 / +1 / +4
    Ht                              -2 DP
    drop elbow                      b+P                   20
    M / elbow                       15-4-35               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    kenka hook                      b,f+P                 35
    H / H*P                         21-3-35               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -2 DP
    double fisted hammer            b,df+P                20
    M / -                           18-3-45               -29 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double fister hammer-uppercut   b,df+P,P              30
    M / -                           17-3-33               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    uppercut (near)                 FS,df+P               20
    M / H*P                         14-2-25               -8 / -4 / +1
    Ht                              -
    uppercut (far)                  FS,df+P               19
    M / H*P                         18-2-27               -10 / -7 / -2
    Ht                              -
    double uppercut                 FS,df+P,P             15
    M / H*P                         17-3-31               -17 / -15 / -10
    Ht                              -
    triple uppercut                 FS,df+P,P,P           20
    M / H*P                         17-2-36               -15 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    uppercut from crouch            DF+P                  22
    M / H*P                         14-2-23               -4 / -1 / +5
    -                               -
    kenka uppercut                  df,df+P               30
    M / H*P                         17-2-32               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    kick-toekick                    K,K                   15
    M / H*K                         23-1-33               -17 / -15 / -10
    Ht                              -
    kick-toekick-hammer             K,K,P                 20
    M / -                           24-4-33               -18 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    knee                            f+K                   28
    M / knee                        15-2-30               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    big boot                        f,f+K                 40
    M / M*K                         26-3-26               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    shot knee                       b+K                   22
    M / knee                        12-1-30               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    shot knee-hook                  b+K,P                 15
    H / H*P                         20-2-33               -18 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    axe kick                        b,f+K                 36
    M / H*K                         21-2-30/44            -20 / D / D
    Ht                              re 44 if blocked
    toekick                         d+K                   24
    M / H*K                         18-2-25               -4 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    = crucifix piledriver           d,df,f+P+G            100{110}
    Hit                             20-229{252}-1         - / - / -
    -                               hit throw
    toekick-hammer                  d+K,P                 19
    M / -                           24-4-33               -18 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dodging hell stab               f+P+K                 35
    M / H*P                         21-1-30               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    headbutt                        b,f+P+K               35
    M / -                           27-3-24               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    baseball pitch                  b,f,f+P+K             45
    M / H*P                         45-?-?                -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    stomach crush                   b,df+P+K              20
    M / -                           19-2-40               -23 / -11 / -14
    Ht                              -
    = spine buster                  d+P+G                 40
    Hit                             10-73-1               - / - / -
    -                               hit throw
    = lift up throw                 b+P+G                 50
    Hit                             ?-?-?                 - / - / -
    -                               hit throw
    hell dunk hammer                d+P+K                 21
    M / H*P                         14-2-23               -9 / 0 / +9
    Ht                              crouch
    low heel slide                  d+K+G                 21
    L / L*K                         16-1-29               -14 / -7 / 0
    Lt                              -
    ankle kick                      df+K+G                20
    L / L*K                         16-1-29               -11 / -7 / -2
    Ht                              -
    running splash                  f,F or F+E,P+K        20~40
    H or M / -                      18-11-80              -38 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    running butt slam               f,F or F+E,K+G        30
    M / -                           26-7-25               - / D / D
    -                               ground
    fireman's carry                 P+G                   60
    Ht                              20-157{169}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw, ground
    power slam                      f+P+G                 50
    Ht                              20-193-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    military press                  b+P+G                 60{65}
    Ht                              10{20}-257{247}-1     - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    pick up & slam                  d+P+G                 50
    Ht                              10-120{134}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    crucifix piledriver             df,df+P+G             80{85}
    Ht                              20-229{252}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    box throw                       db+P+G                0
    Ht                              10-55-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    machine gun hammer              db,f+P+G              10+10+20+20
    Ht                              10-130-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    frontal backbreaker             b,f,f+P+G             70{75}
    Ht                              20-140{151}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    tackle & grind                  b,df+P+G              25+30
    Ht                              21-107-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    headbutt                        b,f+P+G               20
    Ht                              20-7-61               - / +2 / -
    -                               high throw (1)
    = 2nd headbutt                  f+P+G                 16
    Ht                              20-14-65              - / +2 / -
    -                               = link (2)
    == 3rd headbutt                 f+P+G                 32
    Ht                              20-50-1               - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    == knee smash                   b+P+G                 20+20
    Ht                              10-93-1               - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    = knee smash                    b+P+G                 20+20
    Ht                              10-91-1               - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    coconut crush                   P+G                   20+30
    Ht                              15-116-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    arm extension                   (b,f or f,b)+P+G      60
    Ht                              10-144-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    backbreaker                     P+G                   75{80}
    Ht                              20-180{195}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    choke and swing                 b+P+G                 80
    Ht                              10-257-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    fireman's carry off the wall    P+G                   65
    Ht                              159-41-1              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    fireman's carry into the wall   P+G                   70
    Ht                              138-92-1              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, Jeffry's back to wall
    wall grind & knee               db+P+G                20+20+5+5+5+5
    Ht                              38-162-1              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    triple shoulder ram             b,df+P+G              15+15+30
    Ht                              23-143-1              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    iron claw                       d+P+K+G               50{45}
    Lt                              20-179{177}-1         - / - / -
    -                               low throw
    power bomb                      df+P+K+G              70
    Lt                              20-139-1              - / - / -
    -                               low throw
    machine gun knee                d,f+P+K+G             20+10+20+30
    Lt                              20-111-1              - / - / -
    -                               low throw
    headlock hammer                 P+K+G                 70
    Lt                              10-105-1              - / - / -
    -                               low-side throw
    low backbreaker                 P+K+G                 80{85}
    Lt                              20-180{195}-1         - / - / -
    -                               low-back throw
    devil's claw (over the head)    d+P+G                 0
    Gt                              1-120-1/80            - / - / -
    -                               ground throw, re 80 if missed
    devil's claw (over the legs)    d+P+G                 0
    Gt                              1-109-1/80            - / - / -
    -                               ground throw, re 80 if missed
    stomp                           df+K                  15
    G                               26-2-42               - / - / -
    -                               -
    stomach splash                  u+P                   30
    G                               25-6-79/60            - / - / -
    -                               re 60 if hits
    jumping butt splash             d,U+P                 40
    G                               31-4-65/76            - / - / -
    -                               ground if missed, re 76 if hits
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-6-17/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-5-26/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-2-21/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-4-21/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           29-2-27/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           30-3-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           36-3-22/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-2-31/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-28/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           17-3-28/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-2-26/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           19-2-35/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           20-3-33/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/35            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 35 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    e) KAGE-MARU
    Country: Japan
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: 1970.06.06
    Blood Type: B
    Job: Ninja
    Hobby: Mahjong
    Fighting Style: Ju-Jutsu
    punch                           (B or F)+P            10
    H / H*P                         8-2-12                0 / +2 / +5
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   14
    H / H*P                         12-2-17               -4 / -1 / +3
    -                               -
    roundhouse I                    K                     25
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    roundhouse II                   F+K                   25
    H / H*K                         14-2-23               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   25
    H / H*K                         14-2-23               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    sidekick                        df+K                  22
    M / M*K                         14-2-25               -6 / -3 / +1
    -                               -
    sidekick (stagger)              df+K                  22
    M / -                           14-2-25               - / +4~+14 / -
    -                               -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                22
    M / M*K                         14-2-26               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    low punch I                     D+P                   9
    L / L*P                         10-1-14               -2 / -1 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        d+K                   14
    L / L*K                         16-1-24               -13 / -4 / +2
    Lt                              -
    hopping chop                    u+P                   30
    M / H*P                         33-4-23               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping punch                   d,u,P                 24
    M / L*P                         14-3-34               -7 / -4 / +1
    -                               -
    van-halen kick                  u+K                   20
    M / -                           10-2-34               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hopkick                         d,u,K asc.            20
    M / -                           10-2-13               -6 / +8 / +12
    Ht                              -
    landing sweep                   d,u,K desc.           20
    L / L*K                         19-4-40               -20 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           14-2-44               -21 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 30
    M / -                           5-4-61                -62 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           10-2-28               - / D / D
    -                               -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           11-5-11               +9 / D / D
    -                               -
    2.5 roll & slam                 d,UF+K (far)          30
    M / -                           30-38-46              -21 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    jumping dropkick                d,U,f+K               40
    M / -                           21-4-39               -18 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -23 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TA punch                        b,b+P                 17
    H / -                           13-2-16               -1 / +2 / +5
    -                               -
    TA kick                         b,b+K                 24
    H / -                           15-2-24               -3 / D / D
    -                               -
    TA slide kick                   b,b+K+G               12
    L / -                           21-2-24               -11 / D / D
    LBt                              -
    TT punch                        P                     12
    H / H*P                         10-2-19               -6 / -5 / -1
    -                               -
    TT kick                         K                     30
    H / H*K                         15-3-26               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    TT low punch                    d+P                   15
    L / L*P                         14-1-24               -13 / -6 / -2
    Lt                              -
    TT reverse kickflip             ub+K                  40
    M / -                           26-5-26               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    sky knee                        u+K                   30
    H / -                           31-5-31/42            -24 / D / D
    Bt                              re 42 if blocked
    reverse kickflip                uf+K                  25
    M / -                           32-4-37/35            -32 / D / D
    Bt                              re 35 if blocked
    TT low kick                     D+K                   30
    L / L*K                         16-2-37               -14 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    TT frankensteiner               u+P+G                 50
    Ht                              21-91-1/65            - / - / -
    -                               high throw, re 65 if missed
    punch-kick                      P,K                   20
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               -1 / +3 / 0
    -                               -
    double punch                    P,P                   10
    H / H*P                         8-2-17                -6 / -6 / 0
    -                               -
    triple punch                    P,P,P                 12
    H / H*P                         9-2-18                -5 / -1 / 0
    -                               -
    triple punch-heelkick           P,P,P,K               30
    M / M*K                         16-2-35               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    triple punch-backflip kick      P,P,P,b+K or ub+K     20
    M / kickflip                    10-3-39               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double punch-kick               P,P,K                 30
    H / H*K                         14-2-29               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    double punch-helix              P,P,b+P               17
    H / H*P                         13-2-21               -6 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    double punch-helix-heelkick     P,P,b+P,K             30
    M / M*K                         16-2-35               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    elbow                           f+P                   19
    M / elbow                       11-2-22               -5 / -2 / +2
    -                               -
    elbow (stagger)                 f+P                   19
    M / -                           11-2-22               - / +4~+11 / -
    -                               -
    dragon punch                    f,d,df+P              40
    M / H*P                         15-5-41               -21 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    helix                           b+P                   17
    H / H*P                         13-2-21               -6 / -3 / +1
    -                               -
    helix-heelkick                  b+P,K                 25
    M / M*K                         16-2-27               -10 / -2 / D
    Ht                              -
    helix-heelkick (stagger)        b+P,K                 25
    M / -                           16-2-27               - / +2~+12 / -
    -                               -
    swipe                           db+P                  14
    H / H*P                         12-2-17               -4 / -1 / +3
    -                               continue with punch sequence
    swipe-kick                      db+P,K                20
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               -3 / +2 / 0
    -                               -
    downward chop                   D,df+P                20
    M / H*P                         14-1-32               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    shinsodan after a roll          b,db,d,df,f+P         15
    L / -                           1-9-35                - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    rising knee                     FC,f+K                38
    M / -                           14-2-39               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backheel sweep (near)           f,f+K                 20~30
    L / sweep                       27-4-36               -21 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backheel sweep (far)            f,f+K                 20~30
    L / sweep                       27-4-36               -12 / D / D
    ht                              -
    backward roll-sweep (near)      f,df,d,db,b+K         20~35
    L / sweep                       27-5-31/35            -17 / D / D
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    backward roll-sweep (far)       f,df,d,db,b+K         20~35
    L / sweep                       27-5-31/35            -9 / D / D
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    forward roll-sweep (near)       b,db,d,df,f+K         20~35
    L / sweep                       25-5-41/36            -19 / D / D
    Lt                              re 36 if blocked
    forward roll-sweep (far)        b,db,d,df,f+K         20~35
    L / sweep                       25-5-41/36            -13 / D / D
    Lt                              re 36 if blocked
    dodging tackle                  db+K                  19
    L / -                           19-6-48               -32 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backflip kick                   ub+K                  40
    M / kickflip                    20-2-35               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    downward side chop              P+K                   16
    M / H*P                         23-3-20               -6 / -4 / 0
    -                               -1 DP
    shuto chop                      f+P+K                 16
    M / H*P                         16-3-27               -13 / -11 / -4
    Ht                              -2 DP
    shuto chop combo                f+P+K,P+K             14
    H / H*P                         13-2-25               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    whirling chop                   d+P+K                 20
    M / H*P                         16-2-25               -8 / -4 / 0
    Ht                              -
    spinning chop                   df+P+K                24
    M / H*P                         16-3-30               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    back thrust                     b+K+G                 30
    H / H*K                         22-3-22               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    corkscrew kick                  f,f+K+G               40
    M / -                           25-8-43               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    catapult kick                   f,f+P+K+G             40
    L / -                           20-20-77              -66 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    heelkick                        d+K+G                 35
    M / H*K                         14-2-31               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    inverted kickflip               df+K+G                40
    M / -                           23-4-42               -21 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    reverse kickflip (<3.0m)        uf+K+G                35
    M / crescent                    30-4-23               -2 / D / D
    reverse kickflip (>3.0m)        uf+K+G                35
    M / crescent                    30-4-23/40            -17 / D / D
    Ht                              re 40 if blocked
    kickflip                        ub+K+G                50
    M / kickflip                    12-4-59               -39 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    running slide                   f,F or F+E,K          20~30
    L / -                           18-6-36               -17 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    forward roll                    b,db,d,df,f           -
    -                               1-27-19               - / - / -
    -                               -
    = another roll                  b,db,d,df,f+P         -
    -                               1-30-1                - / - / -
    -                               = link
    backward roll                   f,df,d,db,b           -
    -                               1-27-22               - / - / -
    -                               -
    = another roll                  f,df,d,db,b+P         -
    -                               1-30-1                - / - / -
    -                               = link
    cartwheel                       b+E                   -
    -                               1-45-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    backflip                        d,ub                  -
    -                               1-43-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    shoulder throw                  P+G                   50{45}
    Ht                              20-50{70}-10{1}       - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    surprise exchange (front)       f+P+G                 0
    Ht                              20-51-1               - / +11 / -
    -                               high throw
    turnover toka throw             df+P+G                50{40}
    Ht                              20-60{75}-1           - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    ten-foot toss                   b+P+G                 40{55}
    Ht                              20-8-60               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    = knee smash                    d+P+G                 70
    Ht                              ?                     - / - / -
    -                               = link, possible on Taka-Arashi only
    = izuna drop                    u+P+G                 60{70}
    Ht                              107{45}-71{80}-1      - / - / -
    -                               = link
    reaping throw                   b,f+P+G               50
    Ht                              20-79-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    flipping shoulder throw         b,d+P+G               60{65}
    Ht                              10-114-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    flying takedown                 uf+P+G                20+10+10+10
    Ht                              18; 1-146-1/71        - / - / -
    -                               high catch throw, re 71 if missed
    leg hold takedown               P+G                   40
    Ht                              15-80-1               - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    surprise exchange (side)        f+P+G                 0
    Ht                              20-76-1               - / +11 / -
    -                               high-side throw
    shoulder drop                   P+G                   50{45}
    Ht                              20-127{125}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    surprise exchange (back)        f+P+G                 0
    Ht                              20-76-1               - / +11 / -
    -                               high-back throw
    low shoulder drop               P+K+G                 60
    Lt                              20-119-1              - / - / -
    -                               low-back throw
    punch reversal                  b+P+K                 30
    H                               1-75-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    heel swat                       df+K                  13
    G                               28-2-43               - / - / -
    -                               -
    knee smash                      U+P (far)             30
    G                               48-4-69/73            - / - / -
    -                               re 73 if missed
    foot stomp                      U+P (mid range)       40
    G                               49-2-26/80            - / - / -
    -                               re 80 if hit
    head slam                       U+P (near)            30
    G                               41-9-60/58            - / - / -
    -                               ground if missed, re 58 if missed
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           29-8-44/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           29-5-25/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           30-4-27/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           30-3-31/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-6-17/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-4-21/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-7-17/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K..               20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-7-17/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re34  if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-7-17/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           19-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           20-3-33/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    f) LAU CHAN
    Country: China
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: 1940.10.02
    Blood Type: B
    Job: Cook
    Hobby: Chinese Poem
    Fighting Style: Koen-Ken
    punch                           F+P                   12
    H / H*P                         9-2-12                +1 / +2 / +7
    -                               -
    punch II                        B+P                   12
    H / H*P                         9-2-12                +2 / +2 / +7
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   12
    H / H*P                         9-2-12                +1 / +2 / +7
    -                               -
    high kick                       FS,K                  25
    H / H*K                         14-2-23               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   25
    H / H*K                         14-2-23               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    sidekick                        df+K                  21
    M / M*K                         14-2-24               -8 / -6 / -1
    Ht                              -
    sidekick (stagger)              df+K                  21
    M / -                           14-2-24               - / +4~+12 / -
    -                               -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                21
    M / M*K                         14-2-27               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    low punch I                     D+P                   9
    L / L*P                         10-1-14               -2 / -1 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        d+K                   15
    L / L*K                         14-1-27               -11 / -9 / -5
    Ht                              -
    hopping knife                   u+P                   15
    M / -                           21-3-22               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hopping punch                   d,u+P                 30
    M / -                           26-2-23               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopkick                         d,u+K                 20
    M / -                           16-2-17               0 / +11 / +15
    -                               -
    landing sidekick                d,u,K                 30
    M / -                           15-3-26               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hopping sweep                   d,u,d+K               20
    M / M*K                         15-4-22/29            -16 / D / D
    Lt                              re 29 if blocked
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           21-6-43               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 30
    M / -                           5-4-56                -29 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           10--2-28              -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           11-5-11               +10 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping dropkick                d,U,f+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-54               -36 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -23 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TA upknife                      b,b+P                 30
    M / -                           21-5-29               -15 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TA upknife-TT crescent          b,b+P,K+G             40
    H / crescent                    33-4-28/33            -16 / D / D
    Ht                              re 33 if blocked
    TA upknife-TT downknife         b,b+P,d+P             18
    M / H*P                         27-1-19               -1 / +1 / +6
    -                               -
    TA upknife-TT sweep             b,b+P,D+K             30
    L / L*K                         18-2-31               -23 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    TA crescent                     b,b+K+G               30
    H / -                           16-5-21/36            -18 / D / D
    Bt                              re 36 if blocked
    TT punch                        P                     12
    H / H*P                         11-1-11               +3 / +4 / +9
    -                               -
    TT kick                         K                     30
    H / H*K                         10-2-33               -10 / D / D
    -                               -
    TT downknife                    d+P                   20
    M / H*P                         14-2-19               -2 / +2 / +6
    -                               -
    TT sweep                        d+K                   22
    L / L*K                         16-4-24               -24 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    TT cartwheel                    ub+K                  40
    M / -                           26-5-26               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    punch-heelkick                  P,K                   29
    H / H*K                         14-2-27               -8 / -6 / -2
    Ht                              -
    double punch                    P,P                   12
    H / H*P                         8-2-16                -4 / -3 / +3
    -                               -
    double punch-kick               P,P,K                 30
    H / H*K                         15-3-25               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    triple punch                    P,P,P                 12
    H / H*P                         10-2-19               -8 / -8 / 0
    Ht                              -
    triple punch-crescent           P,P,P,K               50
    H / crescent                    17-5-35/51            -28 / D / D
    Ht                              re 51 if blocked
    triple punch-backflip           P,P,P,ub+K            20
    M / kickflip                    10-3-41               -24 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    triple punch-sweep              P,P,P,d+K             40
    L / sweep                       17-5-35/47            -24 / D / D
    Lt                              re 47 if blocked
    punch-TA upknife                P,b+P                 24
    M / -                           15-3-27               -7 / -3 / D
    -                               -
    punch-TA upknife-TT double palm P,b+P,f+P             28
    M / -                           28-2-33               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    punch-crescent (near)           P,K+G                 20~45
    H / crescent                    17-5-25/42            -12 / D / D
    Ht                              re 42 if blocked
    punch-crescent (far)            P,K+G                 20~45
    H / crescent                    17-5-25/42            -14 / D / D
    Ht                              re 42 if blocked
    punch-sweep                     P,d+K+G               20~35
    L / sweep                       19-4-24/33            -12 / D / D
    Lt                              re 33 if blocked
    elbow                           f+P                   19
    M / elbow                       11-2-25               -7 / -4 / +1
    -                               -
    elbow (stagger)                 f+P                   19
    M / -                           11-2-25               - / +2~+9 / -
    -                               -
    elbow-single palm               f+P,b,f+P             20
    H / H*P                         21-2-20               -3 / +1 / +5
    -                               -1 DP
    downknife (near)                df+P                  17
    M / H*P                         13-1-22               -6 / -3 / +2
    -                               -
    downknife (far)                 df+P                  15
    M / H*P                         17-1-22               -7 / -5 / -1
    -                               -
    downknife-punch                 df+P,P                10
    H / H*P                         9-1-23                -11 / -9 / -5
    Ht                              -
    downknife-double punch          df+P,P,P              14
    H / H*P                         10-2-21               -10 / -10 / -2
    Ht                              -
    downknife-punch-kick            df+P,P,K              20
    H / H*K                         14-2-27               -7 / -4 / 0
    -                               -
    downknife-double punch-crescent df+P,P,P,K            50
    H / crescent                    17-5-35/43            -28 / D / D
    Ht                              re 43 if blocked
    downknife-double punch-backflip df+P,P,P,ub+K         26
    M / kickflip                    10-3-41               -25 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    downknife-double punch-sweep    df+P,P,P,D+K          40
    L / sweep                       17-5-35/47            -24 / D / D
    Lt                              re 47 if blocked
    upknife (near)                  DF+P                  22
    M / H*P                         13-3-23               -4 / -5 / +3
    -                               -
    upknife (far)                   DF+P                  20
    M / H*P                         13-3-23               -3 / -4 / +5
    upknife-punch                   DF+P,P                12
    H / H*P                         13-1-14               -3 / -3 / +6
    -                               continue with punch sequence
    upknife-super knife             DF+P,df+P+K           22
    M / H*P                         23-4-28               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    lunging knife                   df,df+P               22
    M / H*P                         22-2-23               -3 / +3 / +4
    -                               -
    lunging knife-punch             df,df+P,P             12
    H / H*P                         9-1-13                +1 / +2 / +7
    -                               continue with punch sequence
    single palm                     b,f+P                 24
    H / H*P                         12-2-27               -5 / D / D
    -                               -2 DP
    double palm                     b,f,f+P               35
    M / -                           15-2-42               -19 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    kick-upknife                    K,P                   22
    M / H*P                         13-2-24               - / - / -
    -                               -
    kick-crescent                   K,K                   20~30
    H / crescent                    22-3-37               -20 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    kick-delayed crescent           K,,K                  30
    H / crescent                    16-4-31               - / D / D
    Ht                              -
    heelkick (near)                 FC,n+K                40
    M / H*K                         14-2-29               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    heelkick (far)                  FC,n+K                40
    M / H*K                         14-2-31               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    lunging kick                    f,f+K                 25
    H / H*K                         14-2-25               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    lunging sweep                   f,d+K                 30
    L / L*K                         20-2-33               -24 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    low kick-heelkick               d+K,K                 19
    H / H*K                         16-2-30               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double low kick                 D+K,K                 15
    L / L*K                         19-2-28               -13 / -7 / +2
    Lt                              -
    triple low kick                 D+K,K,d+K             10
    L / L*K                         18-3-30               -19 / -17 / -13
    Lt                              -
    triple low kick-sweep           D+K,K,d+K,K+G         12
    L / sweep                       18-5-38/46            -33 / D / D
    Lt                              re 46 if blocked
    sidekick-punch                  df+K,f+P              16
    H / H*P                         19-2-24               -9 / -10 / -2
    Ht                              -
    sidekick-punch-single palm      df+K,f+P,b,f+P        15
    H / H*P                         16-2-19               -4 / D / D
    -                               -1 DP
    cartwheel kick                  uf+K                  30
    M / -                           20-4-21               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backflip kick                   ub+K                  40
    M / kickflip                    20-2-35               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    super knife                     df+P+K                34
    M / H*P                         21-4-33               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    crescent (near)                 K+G                   20~45
    H / crescent                    26-3-23/32            -11 / D / D
    Ht                              re 32 if blocked
    crescent (far)                  K+G                   20~45
    H / crescent                    26-3-23/32            -9 / D / D
    Ht                              re 32 if blocked
    sweep (near)                    d+K+G                 20~35
    L / sweep                       24-5-32/45            -19 / D / D
    Lt                              re 45 if blocked
    sweep (far)                     d+K+G                 20~35
    L / sweep                       24-5-32/45            -13 / D / D
    Lt                              re 45 if blocked
    dropkick                        u+K+G                 40
    M / -                           22-3-26               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    super crescent                  b,db,d,df,f+K+G       50
    H / crescent                    16-5-37/45            -22 / D / D
    Ht                              re 45 if blocked
    hopping roundhouse              uf+K+G                32
    M / H*K                         25-3-26               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    backflip                        d,ub                  -
    -                               1-49-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    waterwheel drop                 P+G                   40{45}
    Ht                              20-90{115}-1          - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    overhead cannon                 f+P+G                 50{45}
    Ht                              14-111{147}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    shoulder whip                   df,df+P+G             65
    Ht                              20-110-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    back drop                       b+P+G                 50{45}
    Ht                              20-79{58}-1           - / - / -
    -                               high throw, ground
    face grab                       b,f+P+G               60{50}
    Ht                              20-145{112}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    stumbling trip                  b,d+P+G               10
    Ht                              20-40-1               - / +9~+34 / -
    -                               high throw
    ddt                             P+G                   40
    Ht                              15-97-1               - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    reaping throw                   P+G                   50{60}
    Ht                              20-80-1               - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    wall overhead cannon            f+P+G                 55{60}
    Ht                              78{14}-42{143}-1      - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, Lau's back to wall
    back drop wall slam             b+P+G                 60
    Ht                              78-92-1               - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, Lau's back to wall
    stomp                           df+K                  13
    G                               19-2-20/60            - / - / -
    -                               re 69 if hits
    single flying stomp (forward)   u+P                   30
    G                               32-7-24               - / - / -
    -                               -
    single flying stomp (backward)  u+P                   30
    G                               40-6-30/60            - / - / -
    -                               re 60 if hits
    double flying stomp (forward)   d,U+P                 25+15
    G                               33-6-31               - / - / -
    -                               -
    double flying stomp (backward)  d,U+P                 25+15
    G                               40-6-30/58            - / - / -
    -                               re 58 if hits
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-6-17/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K         20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-2-21/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-4-21/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K         20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           29-2-27/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           29-4-25/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-4-21/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           30-3-31/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K         20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           17-2-29/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           19-2-35/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    Country: France
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: 1979.12.24
    Blood Type: AB
    Job: High School Student
    Hobby: Collecting Knives
    Fighting Style: Tourou-Ken
    punch                           (F)+P                 10
    H / H*P                         10-1-15               -3 / -1 / +3
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   10
    H / H*P                         10-1-15               -3 / -1 / +3
    -                               -
    high kick                       K                     25
    H / H*K                         13-2-27               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   25
    H / H*K                         13-2-27               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    sidekick                        df+K                  24
    M / M*K                         15-2-28               -7 / -4 / 0
    -                               -
    sidekick (stagger)              df+K                  24
    M / -                           15-2-28               - / +1~+11 / -
    -                               -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                24
    M / M*K                         16-2-28               -6 / D / D
    ?                               -
    low punch                       D+P                   8
    L / L*P                         10-1-15               -5 / -3 / +2
    Ht                              -
    low punch                       d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        d+K                   12
    L / L*K                         18-2-27               -14 / -13 / -9
    Lt                              -
    hopping strike                  d,u+P                 30
    M / H*P                         27-1-28               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping backward swipe          ub+P                  30
    M / -                           44-3-33               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hopping forward swipe           uf+P                  30
    M / H*P                         29-3-27               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing sweep                   d,u,K                 20
    L / L*K                         12-3-29               -15 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    hopkick                         d,u+K                 22
    M / -                           10-2-24               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    backward hopkick                ub+K                  30
    M / -                           ?                     -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           21-6-43               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 30
    M / -                           6-5-60                -47 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           10-2-28               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           11-5-11               +8 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping dropkick                d,U,f+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-54               -37 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -23 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TA punch                        b,b+P                 14
    H / -                           14-2-19               -6 / -1 / +1
    -                               -
    TA kick                         b,b+K                 25
    H / -                           11-2-28               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    TA hopkick                      b,b+K+G               24
    H / -                           13-2-25/31            -14 / D / D
    Bt                              re 31 if blocked
    TT double punch                 P                     12
    H / H*P                         12-1-1                - / - / -
    -                               1st hit
    TT double punch                 P                     12
    H / H*P                         11-1-20               -6 / -5 / -1
    Ht                              2nd hit
    TT advancing poke               P+K                   14
    H / H*P                         15-4-16               -11 / -2 / +2
    Ht                              -
    TT kick                         K                     30
    H / H*K                         10-2-33               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    TT low swipe                    d+P                   14
    L / L*P                         13-1-29               -15 / -7 / 0
    Ht                              -
    TT sweep                        D+K                   20
    L / L*K                         14-2-25/36            -23 / D / D
    Ht                              re 36 if blocked
    punch-heelkick                  P,K                   20
    H / H*K                         11-2-35               -8 / -4 / 0
    Ht                              -
    double punch                    P,P                   10
    H / H*P                         9-2-18                -7 / -5 / -1
    -                               -
    double punch-swipe              P,P,P                 12
    H / H*P                         9-3-39                -27 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double punch-low swipe          P,P,d+P               20
    L / L*P                         21-2-44               -27 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    double punch-spinning swipe     P,P,f+P+E             30
    H / H*P                         28-7-24               -3 / D / D
    -                               -
    elbow                           f+P                   14
    M / elbow                       11-2-22               -9 / -6 / -2
    Ht                              -
    elbow (stagger)                 f+P                   14
    M / -                           11-2-22               - / +5~+12 / -
    -                               -
    elbow-lunging poke              f+P,P                 18
    M / H*P                         27-2-26               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dashing uppercut                FC,f+P                24
    M / H*P                         13-2-26               -10 / -2 / +2
    Ht                              -
    lunging poke                    f,f+P                 35
    M / H*P                         27-2-26               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    uppercut                        df+P                  10
    M / H*P                         12-2-19               -8 / -6 / -2
    Ht                              -
    uppercut-swipe                  df+P,P                20
    M / H*P                         13-2-28               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    creeping peck                   DF+P                  7
    L / L*P                         13-2-24               -15 / -14 / -11
    Lt                              -
    double creeping peck            DF+P,P                10
    L / L*P                         13-1-26               -14 / -7 / +2
    Lt                              -
    helix                           b+P                   16
    M / H*P                         17-2-27               -11 / -9 / -5
    Ht                              -
    helix-reverse helix             b+P,P                 19
    M / H*P                         18-2-27               -10 / -7 / -3
    Ht                              -
    helix-reverse helix-hopkick     b+P,P,K               25
    M / M*K                         28-3-29/31            -11 / D / D
    Ht                              re 31 if blocked
    lunging low poke                b,df+P                21
    L / L*P                         27-2-28               -15 / -7 / -3
    Ht                              -
    dodging peck                    db+P                  12
    L / L*P                         17-2-28               -15 / -14 / -9
    Lt                              -
    double dodging peck             db+P,P                8
    L / L*P                         6-2-25                -15 / -7 / -5
    Lt                              -
    double kick                     K,K                   20
    H / H*K                         16-2-33               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    knee                            f+K                   25
    M / knee                        15-2-29               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    lunging knee                    f,f+K                 15
    M / H*K                         18-3-32               -14 / -12 / -8
    Ht                              -
    lunging knee-jumping kick       f,f+K,K               20
    M / H*K                         11-2-42               -25 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double low kick                 d+K,K                 20
    L / L*K                         17-3-33               -17 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    handstand kicks                 db+K                  15
    L / L*K                         16-2-2                - / - / -
    -                               1st hit
    handstand kicks                 db+K                  10
    L / L*K                         2-4-43                -34 / D / D
    Lt                              2nd hit
    hopping kick                    u+K                   25
    M / M*K                         18-4-19/29            -13 / D / D
    Ht                              re 29 if blocked
    double hopping kick             u+K,K                 30
    H / H*K                         23-4-24/41            -2 / D / D
    -                               re 41 if blocked
    flop over kick                  uf+K                  20
    M / -                           30-6-62/49            -34 / D / D
    Ht                              re 49 if blocked
    spinning swipe                  f+P+E                 30
    H / H*P                         28-7-24               -2 / D / D
    -                               -
    dodging swipe                   d+P+E                 20
    L / L*P                         17-3-24               -15 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    eye poke                        f+P+K                 24
    H / -                           19-3-21               0 / +3 / +7
    -                               -
    dodging double poke             b+P+K                 30
    H / -                           24-4-28               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    sweeping hand                   d+P+K                 15
    L / L*P                         19-2-21               -10 / -6 / +2
    Lt                              -
    wind-up swipe                   df+P+K                20
    L / L*P                         21-2-44               -27 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    overhead poke                   u+P+K                 20
    M / H*P                         12-4-33/34            -18 / D / D
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    lunging sweep                   df+K+G                24
    L / L*K                         26-5-33/39            -20 / D / D
    Lt                              re 39 if blocked
    lunging spin kick               f,f+K+G               24
    M / H*K                         25-4-29/28            -10 / D / D
    Ht                              re 28 if blocked
    low kick-spin kick              d+K,K+G               30
    H / H*K                         20-6-27/29            -12 / D / D
    Ht                              re 29 if blocked
    sweep                           d+K+G                 24
    L / L*K                         20-4-38/39            -18 / D / D
    Lt                              re 39 if blocked
    forward sidestep                uf+E                  -
    -                               1-6-18                - / - / -
    -                               -
    backward sidestep               ub+E                  -
    -                               1-6-24                - / - / -
    -                               -
    backflip                        d,ub                  -
    -                               1-49-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    trip throw                      P+G                   15+25+10
    Ht                              10-82-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    kickflip throw                  FC,f+P+G              50
    Ht                              14-67{80}-1           - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    grab & fling                    f,f+P+G               20+30
    Ht                              20-61{55}-1           - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    frontal face grab               f,df,d,db,b+P+G       15+15+30+10
    Ht                              14-80-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    surprise exchange               df+P+G                0
    Ht                              10-39-1               - / +12 / -
    -                               high throw
    reaping throw                   b+P+G                 20+30
    Ht                              20-38-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    sky strike kick                 b,f+P+G               25+25
    Ht                              10-80-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    falling neck choker             uf+P+G                45
    Ht                              16-124-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    piggy knee strike               P+G                   40
    Ht                              20-70-1               - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    piggyback throw                 P+G                   20+20+10
    Ht                              14-37-1               - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    wall sky strike kick            b,f+P+G               50+20
    Ht                              38-52-1               - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, Lion's back to wall
    pull down choker                uf+P+G                25+35
    Ht                              21-94-1               - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    ground chop                     df+P                  12
    G                               17-2-52               - / - / -
    -                               -
    flop over kick                  uf+K                  20
    G                               30-6-62               - / - / -
    -                               -
    elbow slam (forward)            u+P                   30
    G                               27-4-56/65            - / - / -
    -                               re 65 if missed
    elbow slam (backward)           u+P                   30
    G                               47-2-47/65            - / - / -
    -                               re 65 if missed
    cartwheel smash (forward)       d,U+P                 40
    G                               32-3-50/57            - / - / -
    -                               re 57 if missed
    cartwheel smash (backward)      d,U+P                 40
    G                               33-1-47/57            - / - / -
    -                               re 57 if missed
    face up, feet towards            K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            34-6-17/34           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards            delay K,K,K...       20
    M / -                            14-4-30/34           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards            D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            32-5-22/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards            delay D+K,K,K...     20
    L / -                            16-5-26/35           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards            K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-2-35/37           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards            delay K,K,K...       20
    M / -                            14-2-35/37           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards            D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            34-4-21/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards            delay D+K,K,K...     20
    L / -                            17-3-30/37           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            23-4-5               - / - / -
    Ht                               1st hit
    face down, feet towards          K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            2-4-33/34            - / - / -
    Ht                               2nd hit, re 34 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          delay K,K,K...       20
    M / -                            14-2-33/37           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            29-4-25/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          delay D+K,K,K...     20
    L / -                            17-3-30/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards          K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            30-4-27/34           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards          delay K,K,K...       20
    M / -                            14-3-30/34           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards          D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            33-6-22/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards          delay D+K,K,K...     20
    L / -                            17-2-28/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards            K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-4-30/34           - / - / -
    Ht                               re  34if blocked
    face up, feet towards            D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            16-5-26/35           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards            K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            17-3-28/37           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards            D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            17-3-30/37           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-2-33/37           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            17-3-30/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards          K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-3-30/34           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards          D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            17-2-28/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards            D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            16-5-26/35           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards            K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-2-35/37           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards            D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            17-3-30/37           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-2-33/37           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            17-3-30/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards          K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-3-30/34           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards          D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            17-2-28/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards            K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-4-30/37           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards            D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            16-5-26/35           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards            K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            19-2-35/34           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 34 if blocked
    face up, head towards            D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            20-3-33/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-2-33/37           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards          D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            17-3-30/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards          K,K,K...             20
    M / -                            14-3-30/34           - / - / -
    Ht                               re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards          D+K,K,K...           20
    L / -                            17-2-28/27           - / - / -
    Lt                               re 27 if blocked
    h) PAI CHAN
    Country: Hong-Kong
    Sex: Female
    Birthday: 1975.05.17
    Blood Type: 0
    Job: Action Star
    Hobby: Dancing
    Fighting Style: Ensei-Ken
    punch I                         (F)+P                 10
    H / H*P                         8-2-13                -1 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    punch II                        B+P                   10
    H / H*P                         8-2-13                -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   10
    H / H*P                         8-2-13                -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    high kick                       K                     20
    H / H*K                         12-3-28               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   20
    H / H*K                         14-2-23               -15 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    sidekick                        df+K                  21
    M / M*K                         14-2-24               -5 / -3 / +1
    -                               -
    sidekick (stagger)              df+K                  21
    M / -                           14-2-24               - / +5~+15 / -
    -                               -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                21
    M / M*K                         14-2-25               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    low punch I                     D+P                   9
    L / L*P                         10-1-14               -2 / -1 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        d+K                   10
    L / L*K                         12-1-24               -12 / -10 / -6
    Ht                              -
    hopping chop                    u+P                   30
    M / -                           34-4-19               +2 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping punch                   d,u,P                 30
    M / -                           26-2-23               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopkick I                       u+K                   18
    M / -                           20-1-17               +1 / +3 / +7
    -                               -
    hopkick II                      d,u,K asc.            20
    M / -                           10-2-19               -6 / +9 / +12
    -                               -
    landing sidekick                d,u,K desc.           20
    M / -                           10-2-13               -2 / +2 / +6
    -                               -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           21-6-43               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 30
    M / -                           5-4-56                -36 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           11-2-25               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           10-6-11               +10 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping stomp                   d,U,f+K               40
    M / -                           22-12-40              -25 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -23 / D / D
    TT punch                        P                     12
    H / H*P                         11-1-21               -7 / -6 / -2
    -                               -
    TT kick                         K                     30
    H / H*K                         14-3-26               -3 / D / D
    -                               -
    TT low punch                    d+P                   12
    L / L*P                         20-2-19               -12 / -10 / -7
    Ht                              -
    TT sweep                        d+K                   22
    L / L*K                         16-4-24               -24 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    TT reverse backflip kick        ub+K                  40
    M / -                           26-5-26               -4 / D / D
    punch-heelkick                  P,K                   20
    H / H*K                         14-2-31               -6 / -4 / +1
    -                               -
    double punch                    P,P                   10
    H / H*P                         7-2-14                -3 / -1 / +3
    -                               -
    double punch-kick               P,P,K                 30
    H / H*K                         14-2-27               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    double punch-crescent           P,P,K+G               20~40
    H / crescent                    17-5-25/33            -16 / D / D
    Ht                              re 33 if blocked
    double punch-sweep              P,P,D+K+G             35
    L / sweep                       19-4-24/33            -12 / D / D
    Lt                              re 33 if blocked
    triple punch                    P,P,P                 12
    H / H*P                         10-2-19               -8 / -7 / -1
    Ht                              -
    triple punch-crescent           P,P,P,K               45
    H / crescent                    17-5-35/43            -20 / D / D
    Ht                              re 43 if blocked
    triple punch-crescent           P,P,P,d+K             35
    L / sweep                       17-4-38/45            -22 / D / D
    Lt                              re 45 if blocked
    triple punch-backflip kick      P,P,P,ub+K            20
    M / kickflip                    10-3-38               -21 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    triple punch-kick               P,P,P,F+K             30
    H / H*K                         16-2-34               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    chop                            f+P                   14
    M / H*P                         12-2-21               -7 / -4 / 0
    -                               -
    puncture fist                   f,f+P                 20
    M / -                           14-3-30               -14 / -10 / -6
    Ht                              -
    puncture fist-jumping kick      f,f+P,K               20
    H / H*K                         12-2-45               -28 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double palm                     FC,f+P                20
    M / -                           12-2-27               -12 / -2 / -2
    Ht                              -
    lunging underhand chop          b+P                   20
    M / H*P                         18-1-26               -8 / -4 / 0
    Ht                              -
    low blue fist                   df+P                  12
    L / L*P                         19-2-26               -13 / -10 / -8
    Ht                              -
    low blue fist-punch             df+P,P                8
    H / H*P                         11-2-18               -9 / -7 / -4
    Ht                              continue with punch sequence
    low blue fist-punch-kick        df+P,P,K              30
    H / H*K                         16-2-27               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    low blue fist-punch-uppercut    df+P,P,f+P            25
    M / H*P                         12-5-24               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    retreating chop                 db+P                  12
    H / H*P                         22-1-26               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -2 DP
    high kick-heel drop             K,K                   20
    M / H*K                         15-3-28/42            -26 / D / D
    Ht                              crouch
    heelkick (near)                 D,n+K                 40
    M / H*K                         14-2-31               -8 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    heelkick (far)                  D,n+K                 35
    M / H*K                         14-2-33               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    crane kick                      f,f+K                 30
    H / H*K                         16-2-34               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low kick-heelkick               d+K,K                 19
    H / H*K                         16-2-30               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low kick-sweep                  D+K,K                 12
    L / sweep                       25-4-32               -33 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    backflip kick                   ub+K                  40
    M / kickflip                    20-2-35               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backflip kick-reverse backflip  ub+K,f+K              30
    M / -                           32-4/19-37/35         -31 / D / D
    Ht                              collision 19 & re 35 if blocked
    single swallow kick             uf+K                  19
    M / -                           12-3-22               -18 / -3 / +1
    Ht                              -
    double swallow kick (1st hit)   uf+K,K                16
    M / -                           4-3-1                 - / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double swallow kick (2nd hit)   uf+K,K                10
    M / -                           2-2-41                -27 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    crescent (near)                 K+G                   25~45
    H / crescent                    22-6-25/36            -15 / D / D
    Ht                              re 36 if blocked
    crescent (far)                  K+G                   25~45
    H / crescent                    22-6-25/36            -13 / D / D
    ht                              re 36 if blocked
    cartwheel kick                  f+K+G                 15
    M / -                           20-3-1                -21 / - / -
    Ht                              1st hit
    cartwheel kick                  f+K+G                 18
    M / -                           5-4-19/36             -3 / -2 / +2
    -                               2nd hit, re 36 if blocked
    reverse crescent                b+K+G                 25~45
    H / crescent                    16-4-31/39            -19 / D / D
    Ht                              re 39 if blocked
    sweep (near)                    d+K+G                 20~35
    L / sweep                       24-5-32/44            -19 / D / D
    Lt                              re 44 if blocked
    sweep (far)                     d+K+G                 20~35
    L / sweep                       24-5-32/44            -13 / D / D
    Lt                              re 44 if blocked
    quick sweep                     db+K+G                25
    L / sweep                       19-5-37/45            -24 / D / D
    Lt                              re 45 if blocked
    reverse backflip                uf+K+G                30
    M / -                           32-4-37               -32 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    reverse backflip-backflip kick  uf+K+G,f+K            40
    M / kickflip                    20-2-35               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    flying kick (near)              f,F or F+E,K          20~70
    H / -                           33-7-24               -9 / D / D
    ht                              -
    flying kick (far)               f,F or F+E,K          20~70
    H / -                           33-7-24               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    backflip                        d,ub                  -
    - / -                           1-49-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    pull down throw                 P+G                   50
    Ht                              20-99-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    overhead cannon                 f+P+G                 50{45}
    Ht                              14-140{147}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    flip over throw                 FC,f+P+G              60
    Ht                              10-64-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    reaping throw & punch           f,f+P+G               40+10
    Ht                              20-97-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    ddt                             f,b+P+G               55
    Ht                              20-73-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    cartwheel                       df+P+G                0
    Ht                              10-50{59}-1           - / +10{-5} / -
    -                               high throw
    roll over throw                 b,f+P+G               60
    Ht                              20-99-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    stumbling trip                  b,d+P+G               30
    Ht                              20-49-1               - / +11~+36 / -
    -                               high throw
    trap & back punch               P+G                   40
    Ht                              19-39-1               - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    reverse stumbling trip          P+G                   10
    Ht                              10-93-13              - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    = reverse backflip kick         K+G                   30
    Ht                              32-4-25               - / D / D
    -                               = link
    wall overhead cannon            f+P+G                 60{55}
    Ht                              14-136{143}-1         - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, Pai's back to wall
    wall ddt                        f,b+P+G               70
    Ht                              38-87-1               - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, Pai's back to wall
    croucher cartwheel              f+P+K+G               0
    Lt                              20-22-1               - / +14 / -
    -                               low throw
    high punch reversal             b+P+K                 25
    H                               1-67-4                - / - / -
    -                               -
    high kick reversal              b+P+K                 25
    H                               20-45-1               - / - / -
    -                               -
    reversal counter                P+G                   20
    -                               1-123-1               - / - / -
    -                               vs. Pai's kick reversal
    punch inashi                    f+P+K                 0
    H                               1-9-3                 - / - / -
    -                               -
    knee reversal                   db+P+K                30
    M                               1-54-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    mid punch reversal              db+P+K                25
    M                               12-44-1               - / - / -
    -                               -
    mid kick reversal               db+P+K                25
    M                               7-65-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    ground punch                    df+P                  10
    G                               18-2-41               - / - / -
    -                               -
    knee smash (forward)            u+P                   30
    G                               30-9-40/70            - / - / -
    -                               re 70 if hits
    knee smash (backward)           u+P                   30
    G                               37-10-32/70           - / - / -
    -                               re 70 if hits
    heavy knee smash (forward)      d,U+P                 40
    G                               33-6-47/70            - / - / -
    -                               re 70 if hits
    heavy knee smash (backward)     d,U+P                 40
    G                               37-10-32/70           - / - / -
    -                               re 70 if hits
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-6-17/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-2-21/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-4-21/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           27-7-27/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           29-4-25/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           35-2-24/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           30-3-31/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           17-3-28/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           19-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    Country: USA
    Sex: Female
    Birthday: 1973.07.04
    Blood Type: AB
    Job: College Student
    Hobby: Sky Diving
    Fighting Style: Jeet Kune Do
    punch I                         P                     10
    H / H*P                         8-2-12                0 / +1 / +5
    -                               -
    punch II (near)                 F+P                   10
    H / H*P                         8-2-12                0 / +1 / +5
    -                               -
    punch II (far)                  F+P                   10
    H / H*P                         8-2-12                -1 / +1 / +5
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   14
    H / H*P                         21-2-20               -7 / -4 / 0
    -                               -
    roundhouse                      K                     25
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    dodging roundhouse              K+E                   25
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               -4 / D / D
    -                               -
    sidekick                        df+K                  10
    M / M*K                         12-2-30               -16 / -17 / -13
    Ht                              -
    sidekick (stagger)              df+K                  10
    M / M*K                         12-2-30               - / -1~+9 / -
    -                               -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                19
    M / M*K                         12-2-40               -18 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low punch I                     D+P                   9
    L / L*P                         10-1-14               -2 / -1 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / +2 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        D+K                   12
    L / L*K                         14-1-26               -12 / -7 / +2
    Lt                              -
    low dodging kick                D+K+E                 10
    L / L*K                         13-1-21               -11 / -5 / -2
    Lt                              -
    hopping straight                u+P                   30
    M / -                           3-2-23                0 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping elbow                   d,u+P                 30
    M / H*P                         34-3-28               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping hook kick               d,u+K                 20
    M / H*K                         10-2-19               -6 / +9 / +12
    -                               -
    hopping heelkick                d,u,K                 20
    M / -                           10-2-13               -2 / +2 / +6
    -                               -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           21-6-43               -51 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 30
    M / -                           5-4-56                -32 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           10-2-28               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           11-5-11               +10 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping dropkick                d,U,f+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -27 / D / D
    -                               -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -23 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TA punch                        b,b+P                 14
    H / -                           10-1-16               -2 / +1 / +5
    -                               -
    TA hopkick                      b,b+K                 25
    H / -                           19-2-26               -5 / -1 / D
    -                               -
    TA spin kick                    D,b+K                 20
    H / H*K                         12-1-27/29            -12 / -5 / -1
    Ht                              re 29 if blocked
    TA spin kick-TT roundhouse      D,b+K,K               20
    H / H*K                         18-2-21/29            -12 / +1 / +5
    Ht                              re 29 if blocked
    TT punch                        P                     10
    H / H*P                         10-1-22               -10 / -7 / -4
    Ht                              -
    TT roundhouse                   K                     30
    H / H*K                         10-2-33               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    TT hopkick                      f+K                   36
    H / H*K                         27-3-34               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    TT hook kick                    df+K                  25
    H / H*K                         19-2-36               -15 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    TT low punch                    d+P                   14
    L / L*P                         13-1-25               -11 / -7 / -2
    Lt                              -
    TT sweep                        d+K                   20
    L / L*K                         17-4-27               -25 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    punch-kick                      P,K                   20
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               0 / +4 / 0
    -                               -
    punch-sidekick                  P,d+K                 19
    M / M*K                         12-2-27               -10 / -7 / -3
    Ht                              -
    punch-sidekick (stagger)        P,d+K                 19
    M / -                           12-2-27               - / +2~+12 / -
    -                               -
    double punch                    P,P                   10
    H / H*P                         9-1-15                -3 / -1 / +3
    -                               -
    triple punch I                  P,P,P                 10
    H / H*P                         10-2-18               -7 / -6 / -1
    -                               -
    triple punch II                 P,P,b+P               10
    H / H*P                         9-1-18                -6 / -3 / 0
    -                               -
    triple punch III                P,P,u+P               10
    H / H*P                         8-1-17                -5 / -3 / +1
    -                               -
    double punch-kick               P,P,K                 30
    H / H*K                         14-2-29               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    triple punch-rising knee        P,P,P,K               35
    M / -                           14-2-45               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    triple punch-kickflip           P,P,P,ub+K or b+K     35
    M / kickflip                    10-4-46/44            -27 / D / D
    Ht                              also done by P,P,u+P,K, re 44 if blocked
    triple punch-upkick             P,P,P,u+K             30
    M / -                           15-3-53               -31 / D / D
    Ht                              also done by P,P,b+P,K
    elbow                           f+P                   12
    M / elbow                       11-1-23               -9 / -8 / -4
    Ht                              -
    elbow (stagger)                 f+P                   12
    M / -                           11-1-23               - / +4~+11 / -
    -                               -
    elbow-mini knuckle              f+P,df+P              12
    H / H*P                         15-2-20               -7 / -6 / +2
    -                               -1 DP
    elbow-knee                      f+P,K                 25
    M / knee                        14-2-31               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    elbow-overhead kick             f+P,b+K               25
    M / H*K                         18-3-34               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    mini knuckle                    df+P                  12
    H / H*P                         12-2-19               -6 / -5 / +2
    -                               -2 DP
    kick-punch                      K,P                   8
    H / H*P                         20-3-13               -5 / -1 / +2
    -                               -
    double high kick                K,K                   10
    H / H*K                         17-3-30               -20 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    knee                            f+K                   30
    M / knee                        15-2-30               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    knee-rising knee                f+K,df+K              45
    M / -                           49-3-37               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    rising knee                     FC,f+K                35
    M / -                           14-2-45               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double rising knee              FC,f+K,K              22
    M / -                           20-2-30               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    rising knee-descending knee     FC,f+K,K              28
    M / knee                        8-2-29                -15 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    lunging knee                    f,f+K                 30
    M / knee                        13-2-35               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    punt kick                       d+K                   24
    M / H*K                         13-3-28               -12 / -11 / -1
    Ht                              -
    punt kick-sidekick              d+K,K                 23
    M / M*K                         18-2-29               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double low kicks                D+K,K                 15
    L / L*K                         19-2-28               -13 / -7 / +2
    Lt                              -
    illusion kicks                  df+K,K                14
    H / H*K                         9-2-28                -15 / -11 / -11
    Ht                              -
    mirage kicks                    df+K,K,K              20
    H / H*K                         17-1-35               -23 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    illusion kicks-punt kick        df+K,K,f+K            21
    M / H*K                         28-3-31               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    illusion kicks-low kick         df+K,K,b+K            21
    L / L*K                         22-2-30               -11 / -6 / 0
    Ht                              -
    knee smash                      b+K                   10
    M / H*K                         13-2-1                - / - / -
    -                               1st hit
    knee smash                      b+K                   20
    M / H*K                         8-2-26                -9 / D / D
    Ht                              2nd hit
    dragon cannon                   db+K                  35
    M / H*K                         15-3-36               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    full spin dive                  u+K                   25
    M / -                           23-2-23/36            -16 / D / D
    Ht                              re 36 if blocked
    full spin dive-moonsault        u+K,u+P               25
    M / -                           1-1-54                -
    -                               -
    kickflip                        ub+K                  50
    M / kickflip                    12-4-43/44/67         -27 / D / D
    Ht                              re 44 if blocked, 67 if hits
    toekick                         d+P+K                 13
    M / H*K                         18-2-27               -14 / -7 / -8
    Ht                              -
    toekick-punt kick               d+P+K,K               26
    M / H*K                         17-3-29               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    crescent (near)                 K+G                   20~30
    H / crescent                    22-2-27/24            -20 / D / D
    Ht                              re 24 if blocked
    crescent (far)                  K+G                   20~30
    H / crescent                    22-2-27/24            -14 / D / D
    Ht                              re 24 if blocked
    hopping spin kick               f+K+G                 25
    M / M*K                         28-2-24               -15 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    lunging sweep                   df+K+G                20
    L / L*K                         24-2-35/40            -23 / D / D
    Ht                              re 40 if blocked
    overhead kick                   b+K+G                 30
    M / H*K                         16-5-32               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    shin slicer                     d+K+G                 25
    L / L*K                         18-1-33               -12 / -7 / D
    Lt                              -
    axe kick                        db+K+G                22
    M / H*K                         17-2-30               -11 / -7 / +2
    Ht                              -
    hopping spin kick               u+K+G                 25
    M / M*K                         20-3-20               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    tornado kick (near)             uf+K+G                20~50
    M / H*K                         28-4-29/40            -23 / D / D
    Ht                              re 40 if blocked
    tornado kick (far)              uf+K+G                20~50
    M / H*K                         28-4-29/40            -27 / D / D
    Ht                              re 40 if blocked
    heel seed                       ub+K+G                30
    M / H*K                         20-3-22/34            -12 / D / D
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    running knee (near)             f,F or F+E,K+G        20~70
    M / -                           18-3-39               -17 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    running knee (far)              f,F or F+E,K+G        20~70
    M / -                           18-3-39               -23 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    forward moonsault               uf+P                  -
    -                               10-44-6               - / - / -
    -                               -
    backward moonsault              ub+P                  -
    -                               10-44-10              - / - / -
    -                               -
    backflip                        d,ub                  -
    -                               1-49-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    suplex                          P+G                   50{45}
    Ht                              20-93{79}-1           - / - / -
    -                               high throw, ground
    clothesline                     f,f+P+G               40
    Ht                              20-70-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw, ground
    triple knee bash                b+P+G                 5+10+20+8
    Ht                              16-184-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    leg hold takedown               b,f+P+G               60
    Ht                              10-98-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    elbow smash                     P+G                   40
    Ht                              10-102-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    back drop                       P+G                   60
    Ht                              20-87-2               - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw, ground
    neck breaker                    uf+P+G                60
    Ht                              20; 1-105-1/61        - / - / -
    -                               high-catch throw, re 61 if missed
    quadruple knee bash             b+K+G                 10+20+10+10+10
    Ht                              16-222-1              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    low back drop                   P+K+G                 60
    Lt                              20-79-0?              - / - / -
    -                               low-back throw, ground
    soccer kick                     df+K                  13
    G                               18-3-49               - / - / -
    -                               -
    knee slam (forward)             u+P                   30
    G                               33-5-45/61            - / - / -
    -                               re 61 if hits
    knee slam (backward)            u+P                   30
    G                               42-7-40/58            - / - / -
    -                               re 58 if hits
    heavy knee slam (forward)       d,U+P                 40
    G                               36-2-45/61            - / - / -
    -                               re 61 if hits
    heavy knee slam (backward)      d,U+P                 40
    G                               42-7-40/58            - / - / -
    -                               re 58 if hits
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-6-17/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-30/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           29-2-27/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           27-7-27/34            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           28-4-34/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           33-6-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           17-2-29/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           19-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           20-3-33/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    j) SHUN-DI
    Country: China
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: 1912.01.02
    Blood Type: 0
    Job: Herbal Doctor
    Hobby: Drinking Sake
    Fighting Style: Drunken Kung-Fu
    * fall down stats: 1-1-30
    punch I (near)                  P                     10
    H / H*P                         9-2-15                -4 / -2 / +2
    -                               -
    punch I (far)                   P                     10
    H / H*P                         9-2-15                -3 / -2 / +2
    -                               -
    punch II                        F+P                   10
    H / H*P                         9-2-15                -3 / -2 / +2
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   15
    H / H*P                         10-2-17               -2 / +1 / +2
    -                               -
    high kick I                     K                     25
    H / H*K                         14-1-28               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    high kick II                    F+K                   20
    H / H*K                         14-1-32               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   25
    H / H*K                         14-1-28               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    sidekick                        df+K                  21
    M / M*K                         15-1-29               -9 / -7 / -1
    Ht                              -
    sidekick (stagger)              df+K                  21
    M / -                           15-1-29               - / +1~+11 / -
    -                               -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                21
    M / M*K                         14-2-27               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low punch I                     D+P                   8
    L / L*P                         10-1-15               -5 / -3 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        D+K                   10
    L / L*K                         14-1-28               -16 / -5 / -2
    Lt                              -
    hopping smash                   d,u+P                 30
    M / -                           42-3-22               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping punch                   d,u,P                 30
    M / H*P                         26-3-22               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopkick                         d,u+K                 30
    M / -                           10-2-22               -8 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    landing sweep                   d,u,K                 20
    L / -                           13-2-26               -19 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           16-6-43               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 30
    M / -                           10-3-62               -40 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           11-5-11               -8 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           12-5-11               +8 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping dropkick                d,U,f+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-54               -39 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               40
    M / -                           12-4-44               -24 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TA punch                        b,b+P                 12
    H / -                           14-3-20               -8 / -7 / -3
    Bt                              -
    TA spin kick                    b,b+K                 30
    H / -                           20-4-22               -11 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TT punch                        P                     12
    H / H*P                         11-1-21               -7 / -6 / -2
    -                               -
    TT thrust kick                  P+K                   15
    M / M*K                         12-2-32               -18 / -16 / -10
    Ht                              -
    TT thrust kick-head thrust      P+K,K                 25
    H / -                           26-3-45               - / D / D
    -                               -
    TT kick                         K                     30
    H / H*K                         16-3-33/43            -21 / D / D
    Ht                              re 43 if blocked
    TT sitting punch                d+P                   14
    L / L*P                         16-2-25               -12 / -7 / 0
    Ht                              -
    TT low kick                     d+K                   25
    L / L*K                         19-2-30               -12 / -5 / D
    Lt                              -
    TT butt push                    P+G                   20{10}+30+20
    Ht                              10-80-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw, needs 5 DP
    punch-heelkick                  P,K                   20
    H / H*K                         13-1-29               -6 / -3 / -2
    -                               -
    double punch                    P,P                   12
    H / H*P                         9-2-15                -4 / -3 / +2
    -                               -
    double punch-uppercut           P,P,P                 15
    M / H*P                         18-3-27               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double punch-low kick           P,P,d+K               10
    L / L*K                         18-2-33               -30 / -20 / -16
    Ht                              needs 6 DP, G to fall down*
    double punch-low kick-high kick P,P,d+K,K             20
    H / H*K                         13-2-41               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              needs 6 DP, G to fall down*
    double punch-dodge-uppercut     P,P,E,P               15
    M / H*P                         18-3-27               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double punch-dodge-low kick     P,P,E,d+K             10
    L / L*K                         18-2-33               -30 / -20 / -16
    Ht                              needs 6 DP
    PP-dodge-low kick-high kick     P,P,E,d+K,K           20
    H / H*K                         13-2-41               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              needs 6 DP
    knuckle                         f+P                   15
    M / H*P                         14-1-26               -10 / -8 / -4
    Ht                              -1 DP
    knuckle-hip check               f+P,K                 28
    M / -                           21-3-32/74            -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -1 DP, re 74 if hits
    knuckle-hip check (stagger)     f+P,K                 28
    M / -                           21-3-32               - / +5~+10 / -
    -                               -1 DP
    double knuckle                  f+P,P                 13
    M / elbow                       19-2-32               -19 / -17 / - 13
    Ht                              -1 DP
    double knuckle-hip check        f+P,P,K               28
    M / -                           21-3-32/74            -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -1 DP, re 74 if hits
    dbl knuckle-hip check (stagger) f+P,P,K               28
    M / -                           21-3-32               - / +5~+10 / -
    -                               -1 DP
    double knuckle-backfist         f+P,P,P               10
    H / H*P                         17-2-29               -18 / -16 / -12
    Ht                              -1 DP
    dbl knuckle-backfist-hip check  f+P,P,P,K             28
    M / -                           21-3-32/74            -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -1 DP, re 74 if hits
    dlb knuckle-bckf-hip chk (stag) f+P,P,P,K             28
    M / -                           21-3-32               - / +5~+10 / -
    -                               -1 DP
    old man palm                    FC,f+P                30
    M / H*P                         16-1-34               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    uppercut                        df+P                  19
    M / H*P                         15-2-28               -11 / -6 / -2
    Ht                              -
    uppercut-thrust punch           df+P,P+K              16
    H / H*P                         16-2-24               -9 / -6 / -2
    Ht                              needs 8 DP
    uppercut-thrust punch-toekick   df+P,P+K,K            23
    M / M*K                         25-2-47               - / D / D
    -                               needs 8 DP, ground
    old man knife                   d,df,f+P              28
    M / H*P                         13-3-25               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    old man knife-backfist          d,df,f+P,b+P          18
    H / H*P                         15-2-24               -7 / -4 / 0
    -                               needs 6 DP
    backfist                        b+P                   24
    H / H*P                         15-3-23               -3 / +2 / +4
    -                               -
    straight punch                  b,f+P                 8
    H / H*P                         9-2-22                -13 / -11 / -8
    Ht                              -
    double straight punch           b,f+P,P               10
    H / H*P                         7-2-24                -12 / -10 / -7
    Ht                              -
    triple straight punch           b,f+P,P,P             14
    H / H*P                         13-2-21               -8 / -5 / -1
    Ht                              -
    lunging uppercut                b,df+P                23
    M / H*P                         16-2-33               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backpush                        db+P                  15
    L / L*P                         20-2-34               -19 / -17 / -13
    Lt                              -
    backpush from crouch            FC,db+P               16
    L / L*P                         17-2-31               -16 / -14 / -10
    Lt                              -
    backpush from crouch-sweep      FC,db+P,K             15
    L / sweep                       28-3-65/67            -52 / D / D
    Lt                              re 67 if blocked
    hopping spin kick               K+G                   35
    M / -                           17-3-30               -20 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hopping spin kick-push          K+G,P                 19
    H / -                           45-2-24               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    double kick                     K,K                   10
    H / H*K                         13-1-31               -19 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double kick-backfist            K,K,P                 10
    H / H*P                         20-2-23               -12 / -10 / -6
    Ht                              -
    double kick-low backfist        K,K,d+P               10
    L / L*P                         19-2-26               -15 / -13 / -9
    Ht                              -
    cartwheel kick                  f,f+K                 29
    M / -                           18-2-37               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    falldown kick                   b+K                   24
    M / M*K                         17-1-36               - / - / -
    -                               ground
    spinning low kick               db+K                  10
    L / L*K                         18-2-33               -30 / -20 / -16
    Ht                              G to fall down*
    spinning low kick-high kick     db+K,K                20
    H / L*K                         13-2-41               -24 / D / D
    Ht                              G to fall down*
    mule kick                       u+K                   26
    M / -                           14-4-29               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    flipover kick                   uf+K                  35
    M / -                           31-3-45               - / D / D
    -                               ground
    sacrifice dropkick              ub+K                  30
    M / -                           20-4-32/33            - / D / D
    -                               ground, re 33 if blocked
    dodging cartwheel kick          f+K+E                 20
    M / -                           20-4-4                - / D / D
    -                               1st hit
    dodging cartwheel kick          f+K+E                 10
    M / -                           3-3-30                -20 / D / D
    Ht                              2nd hit
    thrust punch                    P+K                   12
    M / H*P                         13-2-32               -19 / -18 / -14
    Ht                              -
    thrust punch-sacrifice toekick  P+K,K                 23
    M / M*K                         25-2-47               - / D / D
    -                               ground
    double fisted strike            f+P+K                 39
    M / -                           32-2-34/58            -11 / D / D
    Ht                              +5 DP, re 58 if hits
    drunken crash                   f,f+P+K               16
    M / -                           19-10-59              -47 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    single drunken sweep            d+P+K                 10
    L / -                           24-2-30/41            -30 / D / D
    Lt                              needs 1 DP, re 41 if blocked
    double drunken sweep            d+P+K,K               10
    L / -                           23-3-28/41            -30 / D / D
    Lt                              needs 6 DP, re 41 if blocked
    triple drunken sweep            d+P+K,K,K             10
    L / sweep                       20-3-31/41            -30 / D / D
    Lt                              needs 7 DP, re 41 if blocked
    tornado punch                   uf+P+K                30
    M / H*P                         24-3-38               -15 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    falling double kick             db+K+G                20
    H / M*K                         15-2-2                - / D / D
    -                               1st hit
    retreating double fisted strike ub+P+K                30
    M / -                           42-3-22               - / D / D
    -                               ground
    scorpion kick                   d+K+G                 25
    M / -                           22-1-43               -21 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    falling double kick             db+K+G                15
    H / -                           9-4-14                - / - / -
    -                               2nd hit, ground
    retreating hopping kick         b+K+G                 20
    M / M*K                         15-30-34              - / D / D
    -                               -
    sweep (near)                    D or df+K+G           20~30
    L / L*K                         25-4-42/50            -33 / D / D
    Lt                              re 50 if blocked
    sweep (far)                     D or df+K+G           20~30
    L / L*K                         25-4-42/50            -27 / D / D
    Lt                              re 50 if blocked
    drink                           d+P+K+G               -
    -                               1-1-49                - / - / -
    -                               +3 DP
    backward dodge-dbl fist strike  b+P+E                 30
    H / H*P                         19-4-28               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    retreating backward swipe       b+E,P                 15
    H / H*P                         10-2-17               -1 / 0 / +5
    -                               -
    backward dodge-swipe            ub+E,P                20
    H / H*P                         9-4-18                -2 / +1 / +7
    -                               -
    backward dodge-dbl fist strike  ub+E,P+K              30
    H / -                           19-4-28               +7 / D / D
    -                               -
    lie down from sitting position  d,d                   -
    -                               1-19-88               - / - / -
    -                               -
    flipover kick                   K                     20
    M / -                           22-3/22-41/18/49      -25 / D / D
    Ht                              co 22 and re 18 if hits, re 49 if blocked
    low kick & stand up             d+K                   12
    L / -                           14-3-42               -37 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    drink & stand up                P+K+G                 -
    -                               1-120-1               - / - / -
    -                               +3 DP
    thrust kick                     K                     18
    M / M*K                         14-2-43               -33 / -24 / -20
    Ht                              -
    thrust kick-punch               K,P                   15
    H / H*P                         12-1-32               -18 / -14 / -13
    Ht                              -
    thrust kick-punch-sacr. kick    K,P,K                 24
    M / M*K                         17-1-36               - / - / -
    -                               ground
    thrust kick-punch-low kick      K,P,d+K               10
    L / L*K                         18-2-33/41            -30 / -20 / -16
    Ht                              needs 10 DP, re 41 if blocked, G to fall down*
    thrust kick-P-low K-high kick   K,P,d+K,K             20
    H / H*K                         13-2-41               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              needs 10 DP, G to fall down*
    sweep & stand up                d+K                   24
    L / L*K                         24-6-37/49            -20 / D / D
    Ht                              re 49 if blocked
    rollover scissor kicks          F+K                   10
    L / -                           24-3-3                - / - / -
    -                               1st hit
    rollover scissor kicks          F+K                   16
    L / -                           2-4-41                -73 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hop forward                     f                     -
    - / -                           1-29-1                - / - / -
    -                               -
    hop backward                    b                     -
    - / -                           1-39-5                - / - / -
    -                               -
    handstand kicks                 K                     30
    M / -                           11-19-26              - / D / D
    -                               -
    rolling elbow smash             P+K                   24
    M / elbow                       34-4-27               -8 / -5 / -1
    Ht                              -
    flipover mule kick              K+G                   25
    M / -                           34-3-20/42            0 / D / D
    -                               re 42 if blocked
    frankensteiner                  P+G                   50
    Ht                              15; 1-98-1/75         - / - / -
    -                               high catch throw, re 75 if missed
    running cartwheel               f,F or F+E,K          29
    M / -                           18-2-37               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backflip                        d,ub                  -
    -                               1-1-45                - / - / -
    -                               -
    retreating dodge                b+E                   -
    -                               1-12-17               - / - / -
    -                               -
    backward dodge                  ub+E                  -
    -                               1-12-23               - / - / -
    -                               -
    advancing dodge                 uf+E                  -
    -                               1-6-16                - / - / -
    -                               -
    sit down                        d,d                   -
    -                               1-28-2                - / - / -
    -                               -
    lie down                        b,db,d,df,f           -
    -                               1-33-72               - / - / -
    -                               -
    handstand                       f,df,d,db,b           -
    -                               1-42-2                - / - / -
    -                               -
    backflip into handstand         u+P+K                 -
    -                               1-38-4                - / - / -
    -                               -
    dances with punches             P+G                   10+10+10+20
    Ht                              10-169{167}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw, +5 DP
    rollover throw                  df+P+G                0
    Ht                              10-49{50}-1           - / +13{+12} / -
    -                               high throw
    elbow smash throw               b+P+G                 20+30{25}
    Ht                              20-80-1               - / - / -
    -                               high throw, ground
    switch & kick throw             b,df+P+G              40
    Ht                              10-72-1               - / +8 / -
    -                               high throw, needs 6 DP
    butt push into the wall         b+P+G                 40+20
    Ht                              43-197-1              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    hip check throw                 P+G                   40
    Ht                              10-107-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    tidy bowl throw                 P+G                   7+4+2+4+4+4+4+2+9
    Ht                              20-306-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw, +5 DP
    spinning elbow drop             df+P                  12
    G                               19-3-49               - / - / -
    -                               -
    somersault splash (forward)     u+P                   30
    G                               38-5-51/66            - / - / -
    -                               re 66 if hits
    somersault splash (backward)    u+P                   30
    G                               38-2-56/66            - / - / -
    -                               re 66 if hits
    roll & elbow drop (forward)     d,U+P                 30
    G                               38-4-65/77            - / - / -
    -                               ground, re 77 if hits
    roll & elbow drop (backward)    d,U+P                 30
    G                               39-5-79/59            - / - / -
    -                               ground, re 59 if hits
    ret. double fisted sacr. strike UB+P                  20
    G                               55-2-21               - / - / -
    -                               ground
    adv. double fisted sarc. strike UF+P                  20
    G                               46-4-15               - / - / -
    -                               ground
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           24-5-42/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           33-3-25/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-2-21/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-4-21/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           29-3-27/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           29-5-25/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           33-6-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re34  if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           17-3-28/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           19-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           20-3-33/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    Country: Japan
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: 1968.11.11
    Blood Type: 0
    Job: Sumo-Wrestler
    Hobby: Shougi
    Fighting Style: Sumo
    slap (near)                     P                     10
    H / H*P                         12-2-17               -6 / -4 / +2
    -                               -
    slap (far)                      P                     10
    H / H*P                         12-2-17               -6 / -4 / 0
    -                               -
    dodging slap                    P+E                   10
    H / H*P                         12-2-17               -6 / -4 / 0
    -                               -
    high kick                       K                     30
    H / H*K                         17-2-26               -3 / D / D
    -                               -
    dodging high kick               K+E                   30
    M / M*K                         17-2-26               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low slap                        d+P                   10
    L / L*P                         12-1-20               -8 / -6 / 0
    Lt                              -
    low kick                        d+K                   20
    L / L*K                         15-3-43               -15 / -6 / +1
    Ht                              -
    hopping smash                   u+P                   30
    M / -                           ?-?-?                 -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hopping punch                   d,u+P                 20
    M / -                           ?-?-?                 -7 / -3 / +1
    -                               -
    hopkick                         u+K                   20
    M / -                           ?-?-?                 -10 / -6 / -2
    Ht                              -
    jumping smash                   d,U+P                 30
    M / -                           ?-?-?                 -2 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    TT slap                         P                     12
    H / H*P                         16-2-20               -7 / -6 / -2
    -                               -
    TT kick                         K                     36
    H / H*K                         18-2-38               -14 / -6 / -2
    -                               -
    TT low slap                     d+P                   12
    L / L*P                         20-2-29               -16 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    TT low kick                     d+K                   25
    L / L*K                         21-2-44               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    double slap                     P,P                   10
    H / H*P                         10-2-17               -11 / -11 / 0
    Ht                              -
    three slaps rush                P,P,P                 10
    H / H*P                         8-2-17                -10 / -4 / 0
    Ht                              -
    double slap-dashing slap        P,P,f+P               20~65
    M / H*P                         12-1-28/35            -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -1 DP, re 35 if blocked
    four slaps rush                 P,P,P,P               10
    H / H*P                         8-2-17                -10 / -4 / 0
    Ht                              -
    five slaps rush                 P,P,P,P,P             10
    H / H*P                         8-2-17                -10 / -4 / 0
    Ht                              -
    six slaps rush                  P,P,P,P,P,P           10
    H / H*P                         8-2-19                -12 / -6 / 0
    Ht                              -
    five slaps rush-head thrust     P,P,P,P,P,f+P         24
    H / -                           18-3-30               -10 / -6 / -3
    Ht                              -
    elbow                           f+P                   19
    M / elbow                       12-2-26               -9 / -6 / +2
    Ht                              -
    elbow (stagger)                 f+P                   19
    M / -                           12-2-26               - / +7~+11 / -
    -                               -
    elbow-hammer                    f+P,P                 30
    M / -                           28-4-39               -18 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    elbow-toss throw                f+P,f,b+P+G           80{70}
    Hit                             10-101{147}-1         - / - / -
    -                               hit throw
    dashing slap                    FC,f+P                20~65
    M / H*P                         12-1-28/35            -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -1 DP, re 35 if blocked
    sumo thrust                     f,f+P                 20~30
    M / -                           12-1-34               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    sumo thrust-punch               f,f+P,P               14
    H / H*P                         13-3-25               -12 / -9 / -5
    Ht                              -
    sumo thrust-double punch        f,f+P,P,P             14
    H / H*P                         8-2-25                -12 / -7 / 0
    Ht                              -
    uppercut                        df+P                  21
    M / H*P                         13-3-24               -10 / -3 / +1
    Ht                              -
    uppercut-slap                   df+P,P                10
    H / H*P                         12-2-17               -6 / -4 / 0
    -                               -
    uppercut-choke throw            df+P,f+P+G            60{50}
    Hit                             10-127{137}-1         - / - / -
    -                               hit throw, requires MC
    rising uppercut                 df,df+P               30
    M / H*P                         21-3-32               -13 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    single palm                     b+P                   28
    M / H*P                         18-2-21               -3 / D / D
    -                               -
    single palm (stagger)           b+P                   28
    M / -                           18-2-21               - / +1 / -
    -                               -
    two-handed sumo thrust          b,f+P                 20~70
    M / -                           15-7-37/44            -20 / D / D
    Ht                              re 44 if blocked
    double palm (near)              FC,b,f+P              20~70
    M / -                           20-4-42/44            -21 / D / D
    Ht                              re 44 if blocked
    double palm (far)               FC,b,f+P              20~70
    M / -                           20-4-42/44            -32 / D / D
    Ht                              re 44 if blocked
    shot knee                       f+K                   26
    M / knee                        14-1-36               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    heel drop                       b+K                   40
    M / L*K                         39-7-40/54            -21 / D / D
    Ht                              opponent must be standing, re 54 if blocked
    beatknuckle                     P+K                   29
    M / H*P                         18-2-36               -10 / D / D
    Ht                              -1 DP
    thrust palm                     f+P+K                 10
    M / H*P                         14-1-21               -11 / -9 / -2
    Ht                              -
    double thrust palm              f+P+K,P               10
    M / H*P                         12-1-18               -6 / -4 / 0
    -                               -
    triple thrust palm              f+P+K,P,P             10
    M / H*P                         9-2-18                -10 / -6 / 0
    Ht                              -
    super two-handed uppercut       df+P+K                38
    M / -                           22-2-37               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    two-handed uppercut             DF+P+K                28
    M / -                           15-4-25               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dodging hammer                  b+P+K                 25
    M / -                           18-4-31               -12 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low swipe                       d+P+K                 15
    L / L*P                         17-2-30               -15 / -15 / -13
    Lt                              -
    double low swipe                D+P+K,P+K             10
    L / L*P                         17-2-32               -20 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    overhead chop                   db+P+K                21
    M / H*P                         16-2-28               -9 / +1 / +11
    Ht                              crouch
    cat's trick                     P+K+G                 5
    M / -                           15-1-25               -12 / -7 / -7
    Ht                              -3 DP
    low cat's trick                 d+P+K+G               5
    L / -                           15-1-30               -22 / -7 / -7
    Ht                              -3 DP
    running thrust (near)           f,F or F+E,P+K        20~70               
    M / -                           10-7-24/44            -10 / D / D
    Ht                              re 44 if blocked
    running thrust (far)            f,F or F+E,P+K        20~70               
    M / -                           10-7-24/44            -7 / D / D
    Ht                              re 44 if blocked
    hip toss                        P+G                   50{60}
    Ht                              15-105-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    grab                            f+P+G                 0
    Ht                              20-10-131             - / - / -
    -                               high throw (1)
    = suplex                        P+G                   60
    Ht                              1-85-42               - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    = trip                          d+P+G                 60
    Ht                              10-70-21              - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    = turnover throw                b+P+G                 60
    Ht                              10-47-64              - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    bear hug & splash               f,f+P+G               55
    Ht                              30-79{167}-83{1}      - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    face thrust                     df+P+G                60{55}
    Ht                              20-42{48}-56{78}      - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    sumo toss                       FC,b+P+G              70{65}
    Ht                              10-128{150}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    headrocker                      b,db,d,df,f+P+G       5+10+15+20+30
    Ht                              10-197-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    catch                           b,f+P+G               0
    Ht                              13; 30-1-130/55       - / - / -
    -                               high-catch throw, re 55 if missed (1)
    = turnover throw                P+G                   60
    Ht                              10-53-68              - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    = pushdown                      d+P+G                 70
    Ht                              10-132-1              - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    = hip throw                     db+P+G                60
    Ht                              10-125{147}-1         - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    = reaping throw                 b+P+G                 75
    Ht                              10-71-30              - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    head grab & trip                db+P+G                65
    Ht                              20-80-15              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    opening cat's trick             P+K+G                 1
    Ht                              15; 1-34-1/47         - / - / -
    -                               high-catch throw, re 47 if missed
    vicious face thrust             P+G                   50
    Ht                              30-57-39              - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    lift up & slam                  P+G                   70
    Ht                              10-130-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    triple wall smash               f,f+P+G               20+20+20
    Ht                              90-200-1              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    wall hip toss                   b+P+G                 60
    Ht                              76-84-1               - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, Taka's back to wall
    side suplex                     df+P+K+G              60
    Lt                              20-105-1              - / - / -
    -                               low throw
    hanging drop & stumble          P+K+G                 80{70}+10
    Lt                              20-205-1              - / - / -
    -                               low-back throw, up to 2 secs into round
    opening low cat's trick         d+P+K+G               1
    Lt                              13; 1-34-1/50         - / - / -
    -                               low-catch throw, re 50 if missed, up to 2 secs
                                   into round
    ground slap                     df+P                  6
    G                               28-2-46               - / - / -
    -                               -
    double ground slap              df+P,P                10
    G                               21-2-43               - / - / -
    -                               -
    heel drop                       b+K                   18
    G                               39-7-40/44            - / - / -
    -                               re 44 if hits
    stomp                           df+K                  15
    G                               35-1-53               - / - / -
    -                               -
    jumping butt splash (forward)   d,U+P                 40
    G                               ?-?-?                 - / - / -
    -                               -
    jumping butt splash (backward)  d,U+P                 40
    G                               ?-?-?                 - / - / -
    -                               -
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           36-3-31               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-4-32               - / - / -
    Lt                              -
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           46-2-28               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-4-33               - / - / -
    Lt                              -
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           43-3-31               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-37               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-4-33               - / - / -
    Lt                              -
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           17-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-4-32               - / - / -
    Lt                              -
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-37               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-37               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-37               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-37               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-37               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-37               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-33               - / - / -
    Ht                              -
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    Country: Canada
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: 1966.02.08
    Blood Type: 0
    Job: Woodsman
    Hobby: Karaoke
    Fighting Style: Pro Wrestling
    punch I                         P                     14
    H / H*P                         12-2-13               0 / +3 / +8
    -                               -
    punch II                        F+P                   14
    H / H*P                         12-2-13               +1 / +3 / +8
    -                               -
    dodging punch                   P+E                   14
    H / H*P                         12-2-13               0 / +3 / +8
    -                               -
    roundhouse                      K                     30
    H / H*K                         16-2-23               +1 / D / D
    -                               -
    dodging kick                    K+E                   30
    H / H*K                         16-2-23               0 / D / D
    -                               -
    sidekick                        df+K                  28
    M / M*K                         16-2-37               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    dodging sidekick                df+K+E                28
    M / M*K                         16-2-37               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low punch I                     D+P                   9
    L / L*P                         10-1-14               -2 / -1 / +2
    -                               -
    low punch II                    d+P                   11
    L / L*P                         16-1-14               -2 / 0 / +4
    -                               -
    low kick                        d+K                   17
    L / L*K                         16-1-28               -12 / -3 / +2
    Lt                              -
    low kick & cancel               d+K+G                 17
    L / L*K                         16-1-28               -12 / -3 / +1
    Lt                              -
    hopping hammer                  u+P                   30
    M / -                           34-4-27               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    hopping kick                    d,u+K                 30
    M / -                           39-4-28               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hopping kick & cancel           u+K+G                 30
    M / -                           39-4-28               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    hopkick                         d,u,K asc.            30
    M / -                           10-2-25               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing sidekick                d,u,K desc.           30
    M / -                           10-2-22               -6 / -3 / +3
    -                               -
    jumping hammer                  d,U,f+P               30
    M / -                           21-6-43               -22 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    take-off kick                   d,U+K                 36
    M / -                           4-5-61                -30 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    in-air kick                     d,U,K asc.            30
    M / -                           10-2-28               -5 / D / D
    -                               -
    landing kick                    d,U,K desc.           30
    M / -                           11-5-11               +9 / D / D
    -                               -
    jumping dropkick                d,U,f+K               50
    M / -                           12-4-45               - / D / D
    -                               -
    backward dropkick               d,U,b+K               48
    M / -                           12-3-45               -23 / D / D
    Bt                              -
    TT punch                        P                     12
    H / H*P                         11-1-21               -7 / -6 / -1
    -                               -
    TT kick                         K                     36
    H / H*K                         14-3-26               -3 / D / D
    -                               -
    TT smash                        d+P                   30
    L / H*P                         15-3-23               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    TT low dropkick                 d+K                   36
    L / L*K                         17-1-39               -16 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    punch-kick                      P,K                   20
    H / H*K                         12-2-25               -1 / +3 / +1
    -                               -
    double punch                    P,P                   14
    H / H*P                         9-1-19                -5 / -2 / +3
    -                               -
    double punch-uppercut           P,P,P                 24
    M / H*P                         18-2-29               -8 / -5 / D
    Ht                              -
    double punch-elbow              P,P,f+P               16
    H / H*P                         12-2-25               -10 / -8 / -2
    Ht                              -
    double punch-elbow-swat         P,P,f+P,b+P           20
    H / H*P                         13-3-31               -7 / D / D
    -                               -
    double punch-elbow-low throw    P,P,f+P,db+P+K+G      70
    Lt                              20-163-1              - / - / -
    -                               low throw
    body blow                       f+P                   14
    M / H*P                         15-2-24               -11 / -8 / -3
    Ht                              -
    body blow-overhead smash        f+P,P                 20
    H / H*P                         18-2-37               -20 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    upward lift                     FC,f+P                30
    M / -                           14-3-39               -17 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    screw shot                      f,df,d,db,b+P         20
    M / elbow                       12-2-31               -14 / -10 / +5
    Ht                              -
    screw shot (stagger)            f,df,d,db,b+P         20
    M / -                           12-2-31               - / +9 / -
    -                               -
    screw lariat                    f,df,d,db,b+P,P       20
    H / -                           23-2-25               -8 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    uppercut (near)                 df+P                  24
    M / H*P                         14-2-25               -8 / -5 / D
    Ht                              -
    uppercut (far)                  df+P                  24
    M / H*P                         18-2-29               -6 / -1 / D
    -                               -
    uppercut from crouch            DF+P                  22
    M / H*P                         14-2-23               -6 / -1 / +5
    -                               -
    elbow drop                      b+P                   20
    H / H*P                         13-3-31               -6 / D / D
    -                               -
    shoulder ram (near)             b,f+P                 20~70
    M / -                           19-5-35               -15 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    shoulder ram (far)              b,f+P                 20~70
    M / -                           19-5-35               -15 / -11 / D
    Ht                              -
    hook punch                      db+P                  19
    M / elbow                       12-1-27               -8 / -6 / -1
    Ht                              -
    hook punch (stagger)            db+P                  19
    M / -                           12-1-27               - / +1~+7 / -
    -                               -
    tomahawk chop                   uf+P                  15
    M / -                           18-2-17               -2 / 0 / +5
    -                               -1 DP
    tomahawk chop-throw             uf+P,b+P+G            60
    Hit                             1-1-86                - / - / -
    -                               hit throw
    attack lariat                   f+P+E                 40
    H / -                           24-16-31              - / D / D
    -                               unblockable
    double kick                     K,K                   20
    H / H*K                         21-2-34               -17 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    knee                            f+K                   30
    M / knee                        15-2-30               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    low dropkick                    f,d+K                 20
    L / L*K                         16-1-49               -32 / D / D
    Lt                              -
    dropkick                        uf+K                  35
    M / -                           23-5-29/76            - / D / D
    -                               ground if missed, re 76 if blocked/missed
    back chop                       P+K                   24
    H / H*P                         21-2-26               -5 / -2 / D
    -                               -
    arrow knuckle                   d+P+K                 20
    M / H*P                         13-2-30               -13 / +2 / +2
    Ht                              crouch
    tomahawk flash                  f+P+K                 20
    H / H*P                         15-3-23               -7 / +8 / +8
    -                               -2 DP
    grizzly lariat                  df+P+K                20
    L / L*P                         18-4-33               -28 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    short shoulder                  b,f+P+K               30
    M / -                           17-4-30               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              ground
    falling scissor kick            K+G                   36
    H / -                           20-4-37               - / D / D
    -                               ground
    ballet kick                     f+K+G                 30
    M / H*K                         21-2-37               -14 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    flying knee kick                f,f+K+G               30
    H / -                           23-6-48               -28 / D / D
    Ht                              ground
    front roll kick                 b,f+K+G               30
    M / -                           34-3-28               - / D / D
    -                               ground, opponent must be standing
    running shoulder ram (near)     f,F or F+E,P+K        20~35
    M / -                           20-3-29               -11 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    running shoulder ram (far)      f,F or F+E,P+K        20~35
    M / -                           20-3-29               -9 / D / D
    Ht                              -
    backfall suplex                 P+G                   60{65}
    Ht                              20-120-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw, ground
    wrist lock swing                f,df,d,db,b+P+G       80
    Ht                              145-60-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    body slam                       df+P+G                50{55}
    Ht                              20-159-1              - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    steiner screwdriver             df,df+P+G             80{90}
    Ht                              20-194{204}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    giant swing                     b,db,d,df,f+P+G       100
    Ht                              20-220{235}-1         - / - / -
    -                               high throw
    catch                           f+P+G                 0
    Ht                              16; 1-0-55            - / - / -
    -                               high-catch throw (1)
    = front suplex                  b+P+G                 60
    Ht                              20-91-1               - / - / -
    -                               = link (2), ground
    = neck chantry                  db+P+G                60
    Ht                              10-1-113              - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    = push                          df+P+G                0
    Ht                              10-72-1               - / +20 / -
    -                               = link (2)
    = power bomb                    P+G                   20+40
    Ht                              20-220-1              - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    = change                        f+P+G                 0
    Ht                              1-49-1                - / - / -
    -                               = link (2)
    == tiger suplex                 b+P+G                 70
    Ht                              1-160-1               - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    == shove & grind                df+P+G                65
    Ht                              1-117-1               - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    == push                         f+P+G                 0
    Ht                              40-1-100              - / +5~+22 / -
    -                               == link (3)
    == german suplex                P+G                   60
    Ht                              1-142-1               - / - / -
    -                               == link (3)
    arm whip takedown               f,f+P+G               50
    Ht                              19; 1-111-1/63        - / - / -
    -                               high-catch throw, re 63 if missed
    frankensteiner                  uf+P+G                60
    Ht                              17; 1-98-1/73         - / - / -
    -                               high-catch throw, re 73 & ground if missed
    leg takedown                    P+G                   50
    Ht                              15-119-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    arm extension                   b,f or f,b+P+G        60
    Ht                              10-81-1               - / - / -
    -                               high-side throw
    german suplex                   P+G                   70
    Ht                              20-157-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    dragon suplex                   b+P+G                 80
    Ht                              20-150-1              - / - / -
    -                               high-back throw
    lock & swing into wall          f,df,d,db,b+P+G       80
    Ht                              1-145-53              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    wall body slam                  df+P+G                30+50
    Ht                              103-97-1              - / - / -
    -                               wall throw, opponent's back to wall
    tiger drop                      df+P+K+G              70
    Lt                              20-160-1              - / - / -
    -                               low throw
    side suplex                     d+P+K+G               60
    Lt                              20-90-1               - / - / -
    -                               low throw
    double-arm suplex               db+P+K+G              70
    Lt                              20-163-1              - / - / -
    -                               low throw
    arm lock & break                P+K+G                 20+50
    Lt                              10-156-1              - / - / -
    -                               low-side throw
    low german suplex               P+K+G                 80
    Lt                              20-150-1              - / - / -
    -                               low-back throw
    ground pickup (over the head)   d+P+G                 0
    Gt                              1-120-1/80            - / -5~+11 / -
    -                               ground throw, re 80 if missed
    ground pickup (over the legs)   d+P+G                 0
    Gt                              1-109-1/80            - / -5~+11 / -
    -                               ground throw, re 80 if missed
    high kick reversal              b+P+K                 40
    H                               20-125-1              - / - / -
    -                               -
    midkick reversal                db+P+K                30
    M                               15-85-1               - / - / -
    -                               -
    elbow drop                      df+P                  15
    G                               29-2-50               - / - / -
    -                               -
    jumping elbow drop              u+P                   30
    G                               39-3-23/72            - / - / -
    -                               ground if missed, re 72 if hits
    heavy elbow drop                d,U+P                 40
    G                               39-3-23/72            - / - / -
    -                               ground if missed, re 72 if hits
    front roll pounce               b,f+K+G               18
    G                               34-3-28               - / - / -
    -                               -
    back splash                     u+K                   16
    G                               32-3-76/61            - / - / -
    -                               re 61 if hits
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-6-17/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-5-22/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           34-2-21/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           34-4-21/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, head towards           delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           29-2-27/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           30-3-26/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay K,K,K...        20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           32-4-35/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         delay D+K,K,K...      20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           17-3-28/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-2-28/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-4-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face up, feet towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           16-5-26/35            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 35 if blocked
    face up, head towards           K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           19-2-35/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face up, head towards           D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/37            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-2-33/37            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 37 if blocked
    face down, feet towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           17-3-30/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    face down, head towards         K,K,K...              20
    M / -                           14-3-30/34            - / - / -
    Ht                              re 34 if blocked
    face down, head towards         D+K,K,K...            20
    L / -                           20-3-33/27            - / - / -
    Lt                              re 27 if blocked
    I've decided to leave the below posts in their original form, therefore some
    possibility of confusion exists. If you don't understand something, you may
    always refer to my Abbreviations Guide (probably available on the same site
    you got this document from) or to other VF3 guides.
    a) Throw Escape Follow-ups
    What to do after escaping a throw?
    Shun and Taka are safe after all their throws being escaped.
    b,f+P+G                f+P+G      back throw for opponent, run required
    db,f+P+G               f+P+G      high throw for Akira, strike attacks from
                                     opponent prevent throw
    df+P+G                 df+P+G     high throw for Akira, strike attacks from
                                     opponent prevent throw
    df+P+G (wall version)  df+P+G     high throw for Akira, strike attacks from
                                     opponent prevent throw
    db+P+G                 db+P+G     opponent has initiative
    P+G                    P+G        side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    db+P+G                 db+P+G     side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    df,df+P+G              df+P+G     side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    db,f+P+G               f+P+G      side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    b,f+P+G,f+P+G,f+P+G    f+P+G      50/50 throw opportunity
    b,f,f+P+G              f+P+G      high throw for opponent, strike attacks from
                                     Jeffry prevent throw
    P+G                    P+G        opponent has initiative; side throw for Taka
                                     only, buffer f+E
    b+P+G                  b+P+G      side throw for Taka only, buffer f+E
    df+P+G                 df+P+G     high throw for Taka only, buffer f+E
    b,d+P+G                d+P+G      side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    b,f+P+G                f+P+G      side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    P+G                    P+G        high throw for Taka only, buffer f+E
    f+P+G                  f+P+G      side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    f+P+G (wall version)   f+P+G      side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    df,df+P+G              df+P+G     high throw for opponent, buffer f+E (not
                                     necessary for heavyweights)
    b,d+P+G                d+P+G      side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    P+G                    P+G        Lion has initiative
    f,f+P+G                f+P+G      high throw for opponent, execute immediately
    b+P+G                  b+P+G      back throw for opponent, full dash required
    b,f+P+G (wall version) f+P+G      back throw for opponent, execute immediately
    df+P+G                 df+P+G     side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    b,f+P+G                f+P+G      high throw for Pai, strike attacks from
                                     opponent prevent throw
    f+P+G                  f+P+G      side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    f+P+G (wall version)   f+P+G      side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    f,f+P+G                f+P+G      side throw for opponent, buffer f+E
    P+G                    P+G        side throw for opponent, buffer f+E
    b+P+G (wall version)   b+P+G      side throw for opponent, buffer f+E
    b,f+P+G                f+P+G      side throw for opponent, execute immediately
    P+G                    P+G        back throw for opponent (w/o Taka), buffer
                                     f+E (not necessary for heavyweights)
    df,df+P+G              df+P+G     back throw for opponent (w/o Taka), execute
    f+P+G -> f+P+G         f+P+G      high throw for Wolf, strike attacks from
                                     opponent prevent throw
    f+P+G -> b+P+G         b+P+G      50/50 throw opportunity
    b,db,d,df,f+P+G        b,f+P+G    side throw for Taka only, buffer f+E
    After all the other throw escapes the situation is neutral, maybe with slight
    positional advantages for one opponent or the other.
    b) Ticking
    If you MC a move from your opponent with the following moves, and your opponent
    is not knocked down, and if you're within throw range, you may immediately
    buffer in a throw during the recovery time of your move.
    Jeffry: d+K+G
    Jacky: f+PPd+K / P+KP (only if MC'ing a move 12 points or greater in damage)
    Kage: P+K (only if MC'ing a move 11 points or less in damage)
    Shun: d,df+PP (only if MC'ing a move 11 points or less in damage, and only
    during drink points 6-11)
    Aoi: P+K,P+K,P+K
    Taka: PPP / f+P+KP / f+P+KPP / ff+PP / d+P
    If you MC a move from your opponent with the following moves, and your opponent
    is not knocked down, and if you are within throw range, then you must wait
    until the recovery of your move has ended, and enter your throw during your
    advantage period (you may buffer in the throw movements during the recovery
    period, however, the P+G can only be entered during the advantage time).
    Immediately after the advantage time the situation is 50/50.
    Pai: df+K / uf+K / f+p  (only if opponent is near wall and still within throw
    Kage: df+K / b+P / P+K (if MC'ing a  move that is 12 points or greater in
    Shun: d,df+PP (only if MC'ing a move 11 points or less in damage, and during
    drink points 11-22)
    Aoi: df+P (only if MC'ing a move 11 points or less in damage)
    Taka: df+P (only if MC'ing a move 11 points or less in damage)
    c) Option Select
    Originally posted by Joji Suzuki and Rich Williams on rec.games.video.arcade
    Unlike the option select in VF2, where it took on so many uses, shapes and
    forms, the option select in VF3 is almost completely limited to one main area -
    the loss of initiative and escaping throws.
    Here's a quick list, in abbreviate form, of some of the throw escaping
    techniques that the VF3 engine allows.
    HT: high throw
    LT: low throw
    (L/H)TE: (low/high) throw escape
    DTE: double throw escape
    E: dodge
    A: attack
    R: reversal
    G: guard
    DTE: P+G, x+P+G. This technique will escape both command throws and the basic
    P+G throw, should your opponent muck up his XPD attempt and get a P+G throw
    instead, or whatever.
    Simple, eh? It's not much extra work, and it might save you 50-60+ points - and
    you might even gain more on your opponent (remember your throw escape
    followups!). Getting into the habit of remembering to add the P+G is the
    hardest part.
    A-DTE / A-LTE: This is an interesting and sometimes very effective way of
    avoiding both throws and attacks. It works because if your opponent is in a
    position to have a guaranteed throw, and does throw you, any attacks entered
    during the rigour time won't come out in any case. But! you can still escape
    the opponents throw. So this means if your opponent does instead choose and
    strike attack, you have a chance to interrupt their move with a move of your
    own, provided that your move is fast enough. Of course, you have to choose
    which move to use wisely depending on the situation and character you're
    Probably the safest moves to use are single punches and elbows...if you have a
    fast PG, you have a chance to interrupt quite a few of many characters'
    favorite alternatives to throwing. Faster P's may work against knees and
    heelkicks, and will foil KG-throw attempts. Elbows can work wonders on people
    attempting to CD-throw or do CD-attack on you - often you can stagger them.
    I'll just give an example to explain this, using one of the most common
    examples of lost initiative - a blocked rising attack: Akira just blocked
    Kage's high rising kick. Kage quickly enters f+P, P+G, df+P+G. Akira attempts
    a m-shrm, but because Kage recovers before Akira can fully execute his shrm,
    Akira recieves an elbow in the face and gets staggered. Ha ha screw you Akira.
    In three commands you've eliminated the threat from three of Akira's throws,
    and the elbow would have protected from a CD-throw attempt as well as the
    possibility of other slow attacks Akira might have tried. Of course, Akira
    might have simply chosen to b,f+P+G throw Kage.
    Of course, this technique not going to work if you've just whiffed a kickflip
    or anything similar like that. You should only try it when you still have
    enough initiative to attack the opponent back.
    E-DTE / E-LTE: This works similar to A-DTE, except it's a bit iffier than
    A-DTE, because it really depends quite a bit on what attack the opponent does,
    and in what situation. In some cases you might try this only to find that you
    simply didn't have enough initiative to dodge whatever attack opponent has
    chosen. It works simply because while you can be thrown out of E's, you also
    can escape throws during E's.
    Let's use the blocked rising attack scenario again. You've just had your rising
    attack blocked. Because you don't have enough initiative, you won't be able to
    dodge quick attacks or certain attacks that track you. But against Kage, you'll
    be able to dodge his heelkick (just remember to dodge to the front), and you'll
    be able to dodge most knees from anyone; Wolf's short shoulder; and so on. And
    of course, you still have a chance to reverse a throw,
    provided you guessed right.
    You can also use it after being low kick-MC'd to prevent people from strike
    attacking when they think you'll simply go for a throw reversal. After Akira
    lands a df+P+K on you may be a good time to try it. After some SE or ST type
    throws, it's good to try and see if will work as well; it may stop Lau from
    being a bastard and throwing you after he just ST'ed you, and so on. Just
    remember that if they don't do anything (for whatever reason), you'll simply
    dodge and then get a nice big fat whiffed throw animation.
    R-DTE & R-LTE: Characters who have reversals have new options when they try
    this, but of course it's all a matter of who you're fighting and being able to
    guess right. It works similar to E-DTE, in that you can also be thrown out of
    reversal attempts, but you can also buffer in throw escapes during missed
    reversal animations.
    HP reversals can prevent Akira from trying to SPoD or f|d+P+G you, or Aoi's
    f+P+K,P after a blocked move or after a stagger. Those with mid reversals might
    stop people from kneeing, sidekicking or elbowing you. And high kick reversals
    against Kage's heelkick, Sarah's d+P+K, etc, etc. And you still have a chance
    of escaping your opponents throw.
    Again, this is similar to A-DTE, in that you must have enough initiative to
    reverse the attack. The [general, far from ironclad] rule of thumb is, if you
    can block it, you can reverse it. i.e: you can block a knee attempt after a
    blocked rising attack (knees are slow; commonly 15 frames), so you can reverse
    knees after a blocked rising attack. And so on.
    Of course, they could just use a non-reversable catch throw or attack, or
    simply use a throw that you didn't guess upon.
    LT(or LTE)-DTE: Obviously this only works with those who have low throws. One
    purpose of it is to try and land a low throw on someone who just low kick-MC'ed
    you yet still have a chance of escaping their high throw. Low throws usually
    have priority over the high throw after being low kick MC'ed, provided you're
    in range. So let's say Jeffry has just been low kick MC'ed by Kage. Jeffry
    enters in df+P+K+G, P+G, b+P+G. If Kage is in range, he'll be low thrown by
    Jeffry, but if not, Jeffry has a chance of escaping Kage's throws anyway.
    You can also use this to avoid players who intend to high throw you out of a
    missed low throw animation (missed low throw animations recover high and leave
    the player vulnerable to high throws and all attacks, but you can still enter
    in throw escapes). Say Aoi just had her sweep blocked, and the Wolf player
    expected her to try and escape his d+P+K+G low throw. Aoi hits d+P+K+G, but
    Wolf simply pauses, and immediatedly df,df+P+G throws Aoi. Ah! But Aoi had
    entered in d+P+K+G, P+G, df+P+G. Aoi escapes Wolf's throw and gets a free
    backthrow. Or not, if she guessed wrong.
    HT-LTE: This can be a good option against people with low throws, especially
    after a low rising attack has been blocked or (especially) whiffed, as they can
    have such borderline throw counterabilty.
    Example: Jeff has just blocked Wolf's low rising attack at very long range. As
    Jeff dashes in to bash Wolf's head in, Wolf enters in HCF+P+G, f+P+K+G. Jeff's
    too far away and too slow to dash in, and gets Twirled out of his dash forward.
    If Jeff had been fast enough, Wolf would have escaped Jeff's triple knee bash.
    I've done this quite a bit, actually. It's so great to GS or TFT someone who
    thought they'd be low throwing you.
    This will also prevent people trying be fancy by trying to (low) side throw you
    by dodging your low punch or high punch.
    Of course, if they just do a mid like a knee or something, it's all in vain.
    E-LTE & A-LTE: Similar to their high throw counterparts.
    G-DTE/GTE: G-DTE can only be entered during [your] recovery time. It cannot be
    done in any other situation: not during staggers, not from standing, not during
    The timing is very tricky, similar but not exactly like Akira's knee command.
    The way to do it is to do a TE or DTE, and then after the final P+G command,
    let go of P, and keep holding G. If done correctly, there will be no missed
    throw animation. Apparently it works because the throw escape command can be
    entered 10 frames prior to the end of the recovery time, and if you enter the
    TE/DTE during this time and are still holding the G button at the end of the
    recovery phase, you don't get the missed throw animation.
    The implication of this is very important. If done correctly it can completely
    eliminate any chance of the opponent mC'ing you. The rising attack situation
    again: you've had your rising attack blocked against Akira. You enter P+G,
    df+P+G, release df+P and hold G. This prevents three of his throw and all of
    his slower attacks. It will not, however, protect against his P, as you lack
    the initiative to be able to block it.
    G-DTE also works with low throw escapes. So Jeffry, for example, can escape
    d|df|f+P+K+G, hold G, and block without the whiffed motion.
    G-DTE is not infallible, though. As noted beforehand, it can only be entered
    during rigour time. It won't work when you are staggered, because the opponent
    can't throw you during a stagger anyway, which means you have simply DTE,
    R/E-DTE, or attack-DTE. K,G and Jacky's d,d (among other movements) can foil
    it, and even simple delays can foil it as well - the spossibility of the
    opponent entering the throw command _after_ your final TE. It is also pointless
    to bother with it after long recovery moves.
    E-GTE is not mechanically possible, as you cannot guard during the execution
    phase of the dodge.
    It's not fully known if there's a limit to how much you can mix and combine
    them (i.e E-LTE-HTE, G-LTE, R-HT-LTE, and so on). Some say as much as you can
    enter in 10 frames, and others say there's a limit of three specific commands.
    Other tidbits:
    K,G: Useful both offensively and defensively. If you are expecting your
    opponent to make a throw escape attempt, or to throw you, you can enter K,G
    during the time you would normally be expected to throw (or be thrown by) the
    opponent. The opponents throw (escape) attempt won't come out, as
    your kick will come first - and moves cannot be thrown. That results in a
    whiffed throw by the opponent, and plenty of time for you to act on it.
    Similarly, Jacky can do his switch stance (d,d) in place of the K,G technique
    for the same results, but the timing is a bit less forgiving..it's riskier.
    K+E,G: Long forgotten technique. For most characters K+E results in a dodge
    followed by a high kick. The interesting part is that the dodge is a crouching
    dodge, and that the kick can be cancelled. Timed right you can duck attacks
    that would normally hit a dodge. However, you are still vulnerable to high
    throws and catch throws during this dodge.
    d) Dodging Rising Attacks
    Originally posted by Jirawat Uttayaya on rec.games.video.arcade newsgroup.
    There are many factors involved in rising kicks.
      User Defined Factors
       1. Stationary Rising Kick
       2. Rolling to the Side Rising Kick
       3. Rolling Forward or Backward Rising Kick
      Computer Factors
       Prone character:
       1. Face up or Face Down
       2. Head towards or Head aways from the opponent
    This discussion will assume the most common situation: face up and heads
    When your character gets knocked down, he maintains his previous stance.
    The forward leg will be the kicking leg while the hind leg is the pivot.
    As your character is rising to kick, the kicking leg swings behind the
    pivot leg before connecting. (Fig 1)
      Fig 1
                     <-- 0  (Kicking Foot)
                 |    0  (Pivot Foot)
    To avoid a rising kick, dodge into the direction of the kicking foot
    at the same time the opponent initiates his rising kick. After dodging,
    do an appropiate high or low throw, sometimes a side throw in certain
    situations.  A quick mid attack like an elbow or knee works also.
    If you use a knee, follow-up with a float combo.
    Admittedly, this skill is not undifficult to acquire.  You must have the
    tenacity to practice the dodge, willing to take a few rising kicks along
    the way.  The degree of difficulty depends on two main factors: stance
    and the direction of the rising roll.
    Case 1:  Stationary Rising Kick
       A. Closed Stance
           The standard situation.  Follow the advice given above.
       B. Open Stance
           Much more difficult than dodging from closed stance.  You
           must immediately dodge as your opponent kicks.  The window
           of opportunity is much more narrow
    Case 2: Rolling to the Side then Kicking
       A. Rolling to the Side of the Kicking Leg
           Dodgingwise, this is the same as a stationary rising kick.
           Follow the appropiate advice depending on stance.
       B. Rolling to the Side of the Pivot Leg
           The generic advice to dodging rising kicks do not apply
           in this case.  Oftentimes dodging rising kick in this
           situation, especially rising sweeps, is practically
           impossible.  The only two situations where dodging may
           work is if in closed stance the opponent dodges short
           and in open stance the opponent dodges long.  This
           will be the toughest case you will have to deal with.   
    * Dodging rising kicks generally works best in closed stance.
    * Dodging rising kicks also works well when the opponent rolls
      to the side of the kicking foot.
    * When trying to dodge, keep close to the prone opponent becasue
      the dodge angle is large.
    * The best effect of dodging rising kicks is that it will force
      the opponent to become more timid getting up.  Thus you can more
      easily press your advantage.
    e) Formulae
    Originally posted by Jirawat Uttayaya on rec.games.video.arcade newsgroup.
    Final_Damage = (Counter * Opp_Dam)  +  (Mov_Dam * State * Air_Combo * Air_Rep)
    Upper Bound:   Final_Damage <= 1.5 * Mov_Dam
    Counter:  Your move hits when your opponent is doing a move.
          =  1/2  If your move hits during the opponent's execution
                  or detection time
          =  1/4  If your move hits during the opponent's rigour time
          =  1    A normal hit
    Opp_Dam:  The damage of your opponent's move
    Mov_Dam:  The damage of your move
    State:    The circumstance of the hit
        =    1/2  Your move hits the opponent's fingers or toes
                  while the opponent's move is in execution or
                  detection time.
        =    3/4  a) Air combo with a canned combo, ie. PPP, d+K
                  b) The opponent is falling to the ground and your
                     attack is not a ground attack.
                  c) A pounce which does not hit the thighs, torso,
                     shoulder, or head.
        =    9/8  Your opponent is crouching and not guarding or doing
                  an attack.  Your attack is a mid level or air attack
                  and is not part of a canned combo.
        =    5/4  a) Your opponent is not guarding and your attack is
                     not part of a canned combo and does not hit the
                     legs, arms, or shoulders.
                  b) Your opponent is in the middle of dodging.  Excludes
                     canned combos.   
        =    1    A normal hit.     
    Air_Combo:  Your opponent is in the air and you hit him with a canned
        =  3/4  Four hits or less
        =  1/2  Five or more hits
        =  1    A normal move
    Air_Rep:  Repetition of moves in floating canned combos
        =  3/4  The move is the same as the one before it, ie. PPP
        =  1    Normal move
       Final_Damage = Rev_Dam  +  (1/2 * Opp_Dam)
    Rev_Dam:  The original damage of the reverse.
    Opp_Dam:  The damage of the opponent's move reversed.
    Reverse Damage Bug or Undocumented Feature?
       If Kage, Pai, or Wolf reverse an opponent's attack at the final frame
       of detection time and the opponent is less than 1.4 m away, then the
       damage is increased by,
       Final_Damage = Rev_Dam  +  1/2 * [Rev_Dam  +  (1/2 * Opp_Dam)]
    When your attack connects your opponent, whether he is guarding or no,
    there is a certain amount of frames, called stun, in which the CPU
    will not accept any input from your opponent.
       Opponent Guards:  Guard_Stun = (2/3 * Final_Damage) + 6   Maximum 24 frames
       Opponent is Hit:  Hit_Stun = (4/5 * Final_Damage) + 6
       Opponent is Counter Hit:  Counter_Stun = (4/5 * Final_Damage) + 6
    Taka has a special counter stun formula.  If the counter hit is less
    than a three hit combo, the formula is
       Counter_Stun = (4/5 * Final_Damage) + 8
    After you hit an opponent with an attack, there is a period of frames
    where both players can not throw each other.
       Guard:     Guard_Stun    +  8    Maximum 30 frames
       Hit:       Hit_Stun      +  9    Maximum 30
       Counter:   Counter_Stun   - 1    Maximum 30
    After rising up:  6 frames of No Throw
    When a pounce or ground attack hits a fallen opponent, the damage is
             Ground_Damage = Final_Damage - 14   Minimum is 0
    However certain attacks, eg. Lion's u/f+K, will hit an opponent on the
    ground while not being classified as a ground attack.  For these moves
    the damage is
             Ground_Damage = Final Damage - 22   Minimum is 0
    If the coefficient is  3/4, round up the resultant fraction.  For any
    other coefficient, ignore the fraction.
    Example:  30 *  3/4 = 22.5 --> 23
             30 *  5/4 = 37.5 --> 37
    VI. Move Cancel Mechanics
    By pressing G, you can cancel the execution of some attacks.  The
    numbers of this phenomenon is:
    Cancel(X, Y, Z)
    X:  The threshold when you can not G-cancel a move anymore.  Thus from
       1 to  X-1  frames you can cancel the move.
    Z:  At what frame of animation the move actually cancels.
             Case A:  You pressed G at a frame less than Z.
                      Then the move stops execution at Z+1
             Case B:  You pressed G at a frame greater than or
                      equal to Z.
                      Then the move stops execution at the next
                      frame after you pressed G.
    Y:  Determines your rigour time.
            Rigour = (Frame the move stops execution) - Y + 2
        NB: The +2 at hte end of the rigour time formula only shows
            up at Rev. C and above.
    Some G-cancel stats:
    Kage:  PK                   Cancel(10, 1, 6)
          d/b+P, K             Cancel(10, 1, 9)
          K                    Cancel(12, 4, 5)
    Aoi:   f, f+P               Cancel(16, 5, 15)
          f+P+K, P             Cancel(20, 1, 19)
          P, P, f+P            Cancel(18, 8, 17)
    f) Shun's drinking
    Originally posted by piccolo33 on VFDC board.
    The purpose of this faq/stats is to know which moves take off drink points from
    shun when sober and what amount of drink points it takes off. This document can
    be found at gamefaqs.com and virtuafighter.com
    akira <---[character performing move against shun]
    (b,f+p)<---[move performed against shun]
    dpt <-----[drink points]
    from:  To: <---[states From what drink point To which drink point in between,
     the move is going to have an effect on. example: From: 1dPT To: 9dPT =numbers
     of dpts between 1 and 9 (123456789)]
    =1dpt off <-----[the amount of dpts the move took off]
    * <----[means the move has to be performed without any delay, if done with
     delay the move will take off individual drink points]
    AKIRA     (b,f+p)                                                 
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
    PAI       (d/b+p)
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
    LAU       (b,f+p)
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
    WOLF      (u/f+p) (p+k)
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
    JEFFRY   (b,f+p) (f,b+p) (p,p,b+p)
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
    KAGE      (p+k)
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
    SARAH     (d/f+p)
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
    JACKY     (p+k) (d/f+p) (d/f+pp)
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
    SHUN      (f+p), (f+p,k)*, (f+pp)*, (f+ppk)*, (f+ppp)*, (f+pppk)*
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
    LION      (f+p+k), (b+p+k)
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
    AOI      (b,b+p+k)
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
            (p+k), (p+k,p)*, (p+k,pp)*
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
    TAKA      (FC,f+p), (pp,f+p), (p+k)
           From: 1dpt To: 19dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 20dpt To: 29dpt =2dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 39dpt =3dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =4dpt off
             (p+k+g)  note: this move will not take off drink points in the first
                       1 or 2 seconds of a match.
           From: 1dpt  To: 6dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 7dpt  To: 9dpt =2dpt off
           From: 10dpt To: 13dpt =3dpt off
           From: 14dpt To: 16dpt =4dpt off
           From: 17dpt To: 19dpt =5dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 23dpt =6dpt off
           From: 24dpt To: 26dpt =7dpt off
           From: 27dpt To: 29dpt =8dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 33dpt =9dpt off                               
           From: 34dpt To: 36dpt =10dpt off
           From: 37dpt To: 39dpt =11dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =12dpt off
             (d+p+k+g)  note: this move will not take off drink points in the
                         first 1 or 2 seconds of a match.
           From: 1dpt To: 9dpt =1dpt off                               
           From: 10dpt To: 14dpt =2dpt off
           From: 15dpt To: 19dpt =3dpt off
           From: 20dpt To: 24dpt =4dpt off
           From: 25dpt To: 29dpt =5dpt off
           From: 30dpt To: 34dpt =6dpt off
           From: 35dpt To: 39dpt =7dpt off
           From: 40dpt To: 40+dpt =8dpt off
    g) Codes, Tricks & Easter Eggs
    Originally posted by Rich Williams on VFDC board.
    Choose The Mode:
    To access the single character (original battle) format press d+start. Or, if
    the machine is set to original mode, press d+start to open the team battle
    Four Camera Angles:
    Press start during any 1P game to view the different camera angles - default,
    first person, third person overhead, and birds-eye.
    Choose your outfit:
    Press start when you select your character to change their outfit.
    Seven Victory Stances:
    Each character has up to seven victory stances and/or taunts. With the
    exception of the "EXCELLENT!!" victory taunt, you can select any of the other
    six you prefer by pressing and holding either G, P, K, E, G+P, or  G+K.
    [G+P+K+E and G+P+K are the same as G+P. G+K+E is the same as G+K. G+E is the
    same as G]
    End Credit Cancel:
    To cancel the end credits press and hold either start button.
    View The Credits:
    To view the credits during attract mode hold any start button down. Not
    possible if machine is set to free play.
    Alternative Music:
    To hear the alternative attract mode music hold both start buttons down before
    the scene starts. Not possible if machine is set to free play.
    BGM Cancel:
    To turn off the BGM hold either start button during the momentary silence
    before the first match of the round begins. Will not work in 1-player mode,
    only 2 player VS mode.
    Debug mode:
    To access debug mode, hold P+K+G+E before pressing start to enter the game.
    Works in all modes (1P/2P VS - ob/tb).
    Replay Cancel:
    Press the start button to cancel the end of match replays.
    Slow Motion Replay:
    To view the replay in slow-mo press the E button at the end of the round.
    Slo-mo replays can be cancelled.
    Replay Cancel Cancel:
    Hold any button (except E) during the replay to prevent the other player from
    canceling the replay. Can be used during slow motion replays.
    Selecting Backgrounds:
    Arcade TB will always show the "new" TB backgrounds regardless of what mode
    it's in. However, in 2 player mode you can access the original, VF3 rev A-D
    backgrounds by holding down your start button when you pick the stage. This, of
    course, is only possible when stage select is on, and it also gives you a
    chance to...
    ...get Dural's Stage:
    When you are playing someone, hold start when choosing a stage. With a 1/16 (?)
    chance, the Dural version of the stage will appear, along with remixed music.
    Flying Trains:
    When using Jeffry in Dural's desert stage (either against Dural or if you
    managed to get it at the stage select), try a toe kick of doom. If you land it
    a flying train will appear from the background and will fly across the horizon
    until the end of the match. A homage to "Galaxy Express 999", an older, popular
    series in Japan by Leiji Matsumoto.
    Kiss - for Pai only:
    After defeating Akira with an "EXCELLENT!!" victory, hold D+P+G+E and she'll
    blow a kiss and mock one of Akira's normal taunts.
    Snowman - At Wolf's desert stage, with Shun only:
    If Shun wins, a snowman may or may not appear; dependant on location of Shun
    and angle of camera.
    Spark Shower - Jacky's stage, VS mode only:
    Whoever presses and holds P+E first before the round begins gets to see his
    opponent showered in welding sparks from above.
    "Don't make faces, you just might end up stuck like that":
    Akira and Taka players can freeze their opponents faces for at least a short
    while if they do a particular throw and don't follow up on it: f,b+P+G for
    Akira and f+P+G for Taka. If Akira or Taka attack or throw their opponent their
    face will return to normal. Try it against the CPU, in first-person camera
    "I Wiiiinnaaarrrrrghh!!!":
    Most of the time when you win a match you'll be transported to the middle of
    the ring for your character's winning taunt. However, occasionally you'll stay
    at the exact place in the ring where you defeated your opponent. If this
    happens when and if you're close enough to the ring edge, sometimes you'll see
    your character begin his/her taunt, only to fall out of the ring mid-way.
    Usually the sequence will also freeze in mid-animation if this happens.
    Peace signs:
    After winning, hold D+P+G+E at the end of the round with either Jacky or Kage
    to see them give a V-sign.
    Falling basins:
    Win an "EXCELLENT" victory in Akira's stage with 2P (shiny) Kage and hold
    D+P+G+E to see Kage give his V-sign taunt while a shiny metal basin falls on
    his head.
    Colored Earrings:
    Sarah's earrings will change color depending on who is in the ring and what
    outfit he/she is in; ex: blue for 1P outfit Akira, and so on. Here are a few
    examples -
    wrestler Wolf == bright red earings (Wolf's tights)
    workout Jeff == chocolate earings (Jeff's skin tone)
    barefoot Akira == black earings (Akira's gi)
    slippered Akira == light blue earings (Akira's gi)
    eagle Jacky == blue earings with a gold accent (Jacky's jacket)
    blue Kage == dark blue earings (Kage's pajamas)
    tin man Kage == silver and black two tone earings
    hiker Lion == brown and black two tone earings (Lion's vest)
    Tour de France Lion == white earings (Lion's pants)
    naked Taka == peach earings (Taka's skin tone)
    The sign immediately behind the metal bars on the eastern side of Pai's stage
    has a Sonic The Hedgehog logo and reads "Hedgehog Importing Co." The Japanese
    writing on the sign are the joystick/button instructions for how to do the
    Death Floats:
    Immediately after the round is called, and for the short while afterwards
    before the replay/taunt begins, the opponent will become lighter and all of
    your moves will count as MC interrupts. You can land crazy floats this way,
    such as f+P+G,DP,DP on Taka with Kage, and stuff like low punch x 4, PPPK
    with Lau. Lots of room for experimentation, come up with the best you can.
    Subway Suicide:
    Every character who has a Turn Away attack (with the exception of Lau; his TA
    attacks are too slow), can use their quickest TA attack and run straight into
    the train at the beginning of the round. No matter what the lifebar setting it
    will always leave just _one_ hit point left.
    Screw You, Akira:
    While you can no longer throw Akira out of his normal bodycheck, you can still
    throw Akira out of the bodycheck during his DLC combo. You can throw him during
    the execution phase of the animation (not during the collision or recovery
    phase, however), from anywhere in the ring.
    One Person Throw:
    If your opponent is standing at the edge of the ring and you throw him,
    sometimes he will fall out of the ring before the throw completes.  If this
    happens you will finish the throw motion alone.
    "I'm ready for my close-up, Mr. DeMille.":
    If you play the CPU through to the end, and have finished the game in a time
    short enough so that your time is among the quickest 18, you'll get to enter
    your initials. You can knock down the characters to set the initial, or you can
    press start to input the initial. However, if you press start, you will freeze
    the camera into place. With the camera frozen into place you can manuever
    your character up to the camera and view your character up close. You'll be
    able to read Wolf's jean label, Lion's 2P shirt, look at the tracking eyes, and
    even with a little practice you can manuever your characters head inside the
    camera, and see teeth and eyeballs and nostrils. Fun stuff.
    o OB 1on1 mode only:
    Alphabet man:
    To play as the Alphabet man, at the character selection screen, go to Akira,
    press Start, then Lion, press Start, and finally Pai and press Start.
    To play against the Alphabet man, at the character selection screen, execute
    the same process as above but instead of Lion go to Lau.
    Easter Egg - in character select screen on OB vs mode:
    Taka, start, Sarah, start, Lau, start, Kage, start, Akira, start
    A small headshot of one of the VF3 programmers (Manabu Tsukamoto - motion
    design programmer and "planning support") will appear in place of Lau's small
    h) Taunts
    Translations of Japanese taunts from the game, by Shota Tamura.
    Akira Yuki
    * "Juu'nen hayain dayo."
      "You are 10 years too early to challenge me."
    * "Juu'nen hayakatta ka."
      "Maybe I should have waited 10 years more (to challenge)"
    * "Mada mada honki ja nai."
      "It takes much more to make me fight seriously."
    * "Motto ore wo atsuku sasetekure."
      "Help me feel the burning sensation in my heart."
    * "Motto tsuyoku natte koi."
      "Come back again with more training."
    * "Yoshi, ikuze."
      "Good! Let's get going!"
    * "Yosshaa."
    Aoi Umenokouji
    * "Konnna koto dewa kiwamerarehen wa."
      "I have a long way for the mastery (of Aoi's martial art)"
    * "Yowai. Yowasugimasu wa."
      "Weak. Too weak to be a challenge."
    * "De'naoshite okureyasu."
      "Please come back again."
    * "Anta ni sasageru mai ya."
      "This is a dance dedicated for you."
    * "Katajikenai."
      "Thank you (for your gift/challenge)"
    * "Namu..."
      "Amen...." [a chant in Buddism]
    * "Saraba ja."
      "Bye now!"
    * "Shuugyou ga tarin."
      "Your training is not enough."
    * "Waga kokoro sude ni kuu nari."
      "My mind is empty and clear (as a cloudless sky)"
    * "Ware ni teki'nashi."
      "No one is worthy enough to be my challenge."
    Lau Chan
    * "Aii."
    * "Huwahhahhahhaa."
    * "Hee, katate de juubun da."
      "One arm is just enough to take care of you."
    * "Hukaku wo tatta wa."
      "I made an unexpected blunder."
    * "Me ni mono miseyou."
      "You'll see quite a show (of beating)"
    * "Renshuu nimo naran."
      "(You are) Not good enough even for my training."
    * "Shuugyou ga tarin wa."
      "You lack enough training."
    * "Sore de honki ka."
      "Are you really giving me your best?"
    Pai Chan
    * "Yappari kufuu tarinai no ne."
      "Just as expected, your training is not enough."
    * "Anata niwa kufuu ga tarinai wa."
      "You lack enough training."
    * "Anata niwa kufuu ga tarinai wa."
      "You lack enough training."
    * "Juu'nen hayakatta wa ne"
     "(Just as you said) You are 10 years too early (to challenge me)."
    * "Tsugi wa kanarazu katte miseru wa."
      "I'll be sure to win next time."
    * "Hyaa hah haha ha."
    * "Onushi ga ikura agaite mo, washi ni ha katen noda."
      "As hard as you may try, you have no chance of winning."
    * "Ha! sake wo kure."
      "Give me more drinks."
    * "Sate mou hitonomi suru ka nou."
      "Well, let me have a few more drinks."
    * "Kyou ha sake ga umai nou."
      "A drink tastes particularly well today."
    * "Gottuan desu."
      "Thank you. (sumo jargon)"
    * "Kono boke."
      "You idiot."
    * "Denaoshite konkai."
      "You better come back (with more training)."
    * "Nametorun kai."
      "Are you underestimating me?"
    * "Washi ha motto tuyoin jaa."
      "I really am stronger than this!"
    * Stephen Hamilton [Dodee]: move names and ex-co-re stats taken from his OB FAQ
    * Jirawat Uttayaya [Peaking Duck]: r.g.v.a. posts, translations
    * Sal [piccolo33]: Shun's drinking stats
    * Shota Tamura [sta738]: Japanese voice translations
    * Philip Armstrong [uk_kid]: proofreading, typo/grammar corrections
    [end of file, (c) GLC - available at http://www.gamefaqs.com]
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