VF3TB Systems FAQ

Jul 13, 2022
VF3TB Systems FAQ
  • Virtua Fighter 3 Systems FAQ
    by Matsumo (ma2@highway.or.jp) and SEGA AM2
    trans. Jirawat Uttayaya  (jirawat@phys.ufl.edu)
    compiled by and edited for VF3tb by Rich Williams
    Disclaimer: This information is copyrighted by AM2 and SEGA.  May not be
               used or published without permission.  Translation is
               copyrighted by [Jirawat Uttayaya].
    Table of Contents
    I.    Damage System
    II.   Reverse System
    III.  Stun Formulae
    IV.   No Throwing
    V.    Ground Attack
    VI.   Move Cancel Mechanics
    VII.  Move Priority
    VIII. Character Data
    IX.   Throw Escape Followups
    X.    Dodging Rising Attacks
    Final_Damage = (Counter * Opp_Dam)  +  (Mov_Dam * State * Air_Combo * Air_Rep)
    Upper Bound:   Final_Damage <= 1.5 * Mov_Dam
    Counter:  Your move hits when your opponent is doing a move.
          =  1/2  If your move hits during the opponent's execution
                  or detection time
          =  1/4  If your move hits during the opponent's rigour time
          =  1    A normal hit
    Opp_Dam:  The damage of your opponent's move
    Mov_Dam:  The damage of your move
    State:    The circumstance of the hit
        =    1/2  Your move hits the opponent's fingers or toes
                  while the opponent's move is in execution or
                  detection time.
        =    3/4  a) Air combo with a canned combo, ie. PPP, d+K
                  b) The opponent is falling to the ground and your
                     attack is not a ground attack.
                  c) A pounce which does not hit the thighs, torso,
                     shoulder, or head.
        =    9/8  Your opponent is crouching and not guarding or doing
                  an attack.  Your attack is a mid level or air attack
                  and is not part of a canned combo.
        =    5/4  a) Your opponent is not guarding and your attack is
                     not part of a canned combo and does not hit the
                     legs, arms, or shoulders.
                  b) Your opponent is in the middle of dodging.  Excludes
                     canned combos.   
        =    1    A normal hit.     
    Air_Combo:  Your opponent is in the air and you hit him with a canned
        =  3/4  Four hits or less
        =  1/2  Five or more hits
        =  1    A normal move
    Air_Rep:  Repetition of moves in floating canned combos
        =  3/4  The move is the same as the one before it, ie. PPP
        =  1    Normal move
       Final_Damage = Rev_Dam  +  (1/2 * Opp_Dam)
    Rev_Dam:  The original damage of the reverse.
    Opp_Dam:  The damage of the opponent's move reversed.
    Reverse Damage Bug or Undocumented Feature?
       If Kage, Pai, or Wolf reverse an opponent's attack at the final frame
       of detection time and the opponent is less than 1.4 m away, then the
       damage is increased by,
       Final_Damage = Rev_Dam  +  1/2 * [Rev_Dam  +  (1/2 * Opp_Dam)]
    When your attack connects your opponent, whether he is guarding or not,
    there is a certain amount of frames, called stun, in which the CPU
    will not accept any input from your opponent.
       Opponent Guards:  Guard_Stun = (2/3 * Final_Damage) + 6   Maximum 24 frames
       Opponent is Hit:  Hit_Stun = (4/5 * Final_Damage) + 6
       Opponent is Counter Hit:  Counter_Stun = (4/5 * Final_Damage) + 6
    After you hit an opponent with an attack, there is a period of frames
    where both players can not throw each other.
       Guard:     Guard_Stun    +  8    Maximum 30 frames
       Hit:       Hit_Stun      +  9    Maximum 30
       Counter:   Counter_Stun   - 1    Maximum 30
    After rising up:  6 frames of No Throw
    When a pounce or ground attack hits a fallen opponent, the damage is
             Ground_Damage = Final_Damage - 14   Minimum is 0
    However certain attacks, eg. Lion's u/f+K, will hit an opponent on the
    ground while not being classified as a ground attack.  For these moves
    the damage is
             Ground_Damage = Final Damage - 22   Minimum is 0
    If the coefficient is  3/4, round up the resultant fraction.  For any
    other coefficient, ignore the fraction.
    Example:  30 *  3/4 = 22.5 --> 23
             30 *  5/4 = 37.5 --> 37
    VI. Move Cancel Mechanics
    By pressing G, you can cancel the execution of some attacks.  The
    numbers of this phenomenon is:
    Cancel(X, Y, Z)
    X:  The threshold when you can not G-cancel a move anymore.  Thus from
       1 to  X-1  frames you can cancel the move.
    Z:  At what frame of animation the move actually cancels.
             Case A:  You pressed G at a frame less than Z.
                      Then the move stops execution at Z+1
             Case B:  You pressed G at a frame greater than or
                      equal to Z.
                      Then the move stops execution at the next
                      frame after you pressed G.
    Y:  Determines your rigour time.
            Rigour = (Frame the move stops execution) - Y + 2
        NB: The +2 at the end of the rigour time formula only shows
            up at Rev. C and above.
    Some G-cancel stats:
    Kage:  PK                   Cancel(10, 1, 6)
          d/b+P, K             Cancel(10, 1, 9)
          K                    Cancel(12, 4, 5)
    Aoi:   f, f+P               Cancel(16, 5, 15)
          f+P+K, P             Cancel(20, 1, 19)
          P, P, f+P            Cancel(18, 8, 17)
    VII. Move Priority
    When two moves hit at the same time, which move wins?
    Move Hit Priority
    1.  Rising Attacks always has first priority
    2.  The attack with the greater damage wins
    3.  If same damage, then air attacks wins
    4.  If the difference between the opponents' life bar is 50 or over,
       then the player with the smaller life bar has priority.
    5.  The move with the quicker detection, then execution time hits.
    6.  If it's still a tie, then both players get knocked down.
    VIII. VF3 Character Data
            Weight    High     Low      Back     Ground     Big     Small   
             (kg)     Throw    Throw   Throw     Attack     Jump    Jump
    Taka     230.0     1.50      1.5     1.4       2.5       44      23
    Dural    200.0     1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       58      32
    Jeffry   111.0     1.50      1.5     1.4       2.5       48      32
    Wolf     101.0     1.50      1.5     1.4       2.5       48      32
    Akira    79.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       52      32
    Jacky    75.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       52      32
    Kage     66.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       5.0       80      32
    Lau      65.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       52      32
    Shun     63.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       52      32
    Lion     61.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       58      32
    Sarah    55.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.5       55      32
    Pai      48.0      1.40      1.5     1.3       3.0       58      32
    All throw and ground attack distances are in meters. Throw distances are
    measured from hip to hip.  These throw distances do not apply to catch throws.
    Obviously if the character does not have a low throw, the data does not apply.
    It's not known what units the jumps are measured in. 
    IX. Throw Followups
    What to do after Escaping a Throw.
    Equal Throw Opportunity:
      After the throw escape, both players are within the 1.4m throw range
      and recover from rigour at the same time.  No advantage to either player.
    Defender Advantage Throw Opportunity:
      After the throw escape, both players are within the 1.4m throw range
      but the player who escaped the throw recovers from rigour quicker.
    Defender Advantage Attack Opportunity:
      After the throw escape, both players are not within the 1.4m throw range.
      The throw escapee recovers from rigour faster and can initiate an
      attack first.
    Aggressor Advantage Attack Opportunity
      After the throw escape, both players are not within the 1.4m throw range.
      The throw initiator recovers from rigour faster and can initiate an
      attack first.
    Aggressor Advantage Throw Opportunity
      After the throw escape, both players are within the 1.4m throw range.
      The throw initiator recovers from rigour first and can initiate a throw.
    Side Throw:
      The throw escapee gets a nearly guaranteed side throw.  Just wail on the
      P+G buttons.
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    db,f+P+G      f+P+G           Agg. Adv Throw Opp. (strike attacks from
                                                     opponent can stop throw)
    df+P+G        df+P+G          Agg. Adv Throw Opp. (strike attacks from
                                                     opponent can stop throw)
    db+P+G        db+P+G          Defender Adv. Attack Opp.
    b,f+P+G       f+P+G           Def. Adv Back Throw
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    b,f+P+G       f+P+G           Agg. Adv Throw Opp. (strike attacks from
                                                     opponent can stop throw)
    f+P+G         f+P+G           Side Throw
    df+P+G        df+P+G          Side Throw
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    b,d+P+G       d+P+G           Side Throw
    f+P+G         f+P+G           Side Throw
    df,df+P+G     df+P+G          Agg. Adv Throw Opp. (Jeff, Wolf and Taka ONLY)
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    P+G           P+G             Def. Adv Back Throw (forward dash must be
                                                     buffered in)
    df,df+P+G     df+P+G          Def. Adv Back Throw
    After the Catch (f+P+G)
    f+P+G         f+P+G           Agg. Adv Throw Opp. (strike attacks from
                                                     opponent can stop throw)
    f+P+G         f+P+G           Equal Throw Opp
    b+P+G         b+P+G           Equal Throw Opp.
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    b,f+P+G,f+P+G   f+P+G         Equal Throw Opp.
    b+P+G           b+P+G         Def Adv Attack Adv.
    db,f+P+G        f+P+G         Side Throw
    b,f,f+P+G       f+P+G         Def. Adv Throw Opp. (strike attacks from
                                                     Jeffry can stop throw)
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    P+G           P+G             Def Adv Attack Opp.
    b,d+P+G       d+P+G           Side Throw
    b,f+P+G       f+P+G           Side Throw
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    P+G           P+G             Neutral / Side Throw (forward dash must be
                                                      buffered in)
    b,f+P+G       f+P+G           Side Throw
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    df,df+P+G     df+P+G          Side Throw
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    P+G           P+G             Agg. Adv Attack Opp.
    f,f+P+G       f+P+G           Def Adv. Throw Opp
    uf+P+G        uf+P+G          Side Throw
    b+P+G         b+P+G           Def. Adv Back Throw
    b,f+P+G       f+P+G           Def. Adv Back Throw (not applicable in case
                                                     of wall throw version)
    Throw         Reversed by     Follow-up
    P+G           P+G             Side Throw
    db+P+G        db+P+G          Side Throw
    X. Dodging Rising Attacks
    Okiseme Topic: Dodging Rising Kicks
    by Nobuhito Funakoshi 
    translated by Jirawat Uttayaya 
    There are many factors involved in rising kicks.
      User Defined Factors
       1. Stationary Rising Kick
       2. Rolling to the Side Rising Kick
       3. Rolling Forward or Backward Rising Kick
      Computer Factors
       Prone character:
       1. Face up or Face Down
       2. Head towards or Head aways from the opponent
    This discussion will assume the most common situation: face up and heads
    When your character gets knocked down, he maintains his previous stance.
    The forward leg will be the kicking leg while the hind leg is the pivot.
    As your character is rising to kick, the kicking leg swings behind the
    pivot leg before connecting. (Fig 1)
      Fig 1
                     <-- 0  (Kicking Foot)
                 |    0  (Pivot Foot)
    To avoid a rising kick, dodge into the direction of the kicking foot
    at the same time the opponent initiates his rising kick. After dodging,
    do an appropiate high or low throw, sometimes a side throw in certain
    situations.  A quick mid attack like an elbow or knee works also.
    If you use a knee, follow-up with a float combo.
    Admittedly, this skill is not undifficult to acquire.  You must have the
    tenacity to practice the dodge, willing to take a few rising kicks along
    the way.  The degree of difficulty depends on two main factors: stance
    and the direction of the rising roll.
    Case 1:  Stationary Rising Kick
       A. Closed Stance
           The standard situation.  Follow the advice given above.
       B. Open Stance
           Much more difficult than dodging from closed stance.  You
           must immediately dodge as your opponent kicks.  The window
           of opportunity is much more narrow
    Case 2: Rolling to the Side then Kicking
       A. Rolling to the Side of the Kicking Leg
           Dodgingwise, this is the same as a stationary rising kick.
           Follow the appropiate advice depending on stance.
       B. Rolling to the Side of the Pivot Leg
           The generic advice to dodging rising kicks do not apply
           in this case.  Oftentimes dodging rising kick in this
           situation, especially rising sweeps, is practically
           impossible.  The only two situations where dodging may
           work is if in closed stance the opponent dodges short
           and in open stance the opponent dodges long.  This
           will be the toughest case you will have to deal with.   
    O. Dodging rising kicks generally works best in closed stance.
    O. Dodging rising kicks also works well when the opponent rolls
       to the side of the kicking foot.
    O. When trying to dodge, keep close to the prone opponent becasue
       the dodge angle is large.
    O. The best effect of dodging rising kicks is that it will force
       the opponent to become more timid getting up.  Thus you can more
       easily press your advantage.
                                        Jirawat Uttayaya a.k.a. Peaking Duck
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